Byte Enable in Embedded Memory Blocks
The embedded memory blocks support byte enable controls:
• The byte enable controls mask the input data so that only specific bytes of data are written. The
unwritten bytes retain the values written previously.
• The write enable ( wren ) signal, together with the byte enable ( byteena ) signal, control the write
operations on the RAM blocks. By default, the byteena signal is high (enabled) and only the wren
signal controls the writing.
• The byte enable registers do not have a clear port.
• If you are using parity bits, on the M20K blocks, the byte enable function controls 8 data bits and 2
parity bits; on the MLABs, the byte enable function controls all 10 bits in the widest mode.
• Byte enables operate in a one-hot fashion. The LSB of the byteena signal corresponds to the LSB of the
data bus.
• The byte enable signals are active high.