写论文时introduction and realted works部分如何写别人的工作,论文写作常用词

1, 平时看论文时分类做笔记,在论文上做笔记。


在web of science中找谁引用了这篇论文。



Investigated, Introduced, Pointed out,Demonstrated,Developed,Showed,Proposed,explored, suggested, , found, applied, indicate,presented, designed evaluated, discussed ,put forward

In stark contrast to  形成鲜明对比

A large body of evidence points to the face that


social psychology remains a compelling and dynamic area of study.

focus on features give students an in-depth exploration of a topic presented in the text

However, it can be challenging or even impossible for

Yet, there are still many open questions about typical usability aspects like efficiency, effectiveness, and user experience for the vast options of practical approaches and paradigms applicable in CSCW

a handful of 少量的
This is likely caused by inadequate consequential communication between remote participants, which in turn disrupts group collaborative and communication dynamics.

In most of these previous MR collaborative systems, the users were either all remote from one another, or in the same face-toface environment. However there is interesting research on how to design systems with both co-present and tele-present collaborators, so-called Mixed Presence systems [6]. Most work in this area has been largely focused on static table top or Spatial Augmented Reality (AR) systems [1, 7] and there has only been a few examples of Head Mounted Display (HMD) based collaborative systems.

Previous research has shown that AR HMDs can be used to provide enhanced face-to-face collaboration [4]) or remote collaboration [2]. Despite this, there has been little research done on the use of AR HMDs in Mixed Presence, and especially collaboration between two local AR HMDs users and a remote helper. Our research aims to overcome this limitation and provide valuable insight into how to create effective Mixed Presence collaborative MR systems.

we summarize related studies on these two modes of input and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each.

From a practical point of view, this might not be suitable for product design sketching
From a technical viewpoint regarding how to do sth, a ......

Here, we demonstrate a scalable approach for designing living systems in silico using an evolutionary algorithm, and we show
how the evolved designs can be rapidly manufactured using a cell-based construction toolkit.

Our approach makes dense predictions for keypoint localization. It can be regarded as a hybrid of keypoint-based and dense methods, which combines advantages of both methods.


While we chose VR as an immersive environment  for  integrating  our  controllers,  they  would  be equally suitable for haptic output in other scenarios, such as video  games,  3D  modeling  applications,  teleoperation,  or Augmented Reality.

我写相关研究工作时,喜欢在不同学者的研究工作介绍时中间加过渡副词,如in addition, Recently, Additonally, ----但外国的专家修改时都就删除了,这个值得思考是不是有必要加????

5 intrduction and related works 区别

for intrduction, no detail, 简单的提及别人的工作,重要阐述background ------> motivation and contribution,

related works, more details



完整的看完10分钟就是related works.

所以在研究中的demo video就应该做成introduction的作用一样。

6 discussion and conclusion

discussion 是对实验结果和一样分析,为什么会有这样的结果,对你研究不足的侧面解释,以及这些不足可以铺垫未来的工作。conclusion就是简洁的总结研究。

Try to describe not only what points are similar or different between your work with respect and previous research, but focus on the lessons that others report and that authors have learned from. In this way, authors can better explain how your work contributes advancing the state of the art.

7 短语

With the ripad development of 

With the increase in communication and creative needs,

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Publishing your research in an international journal is key to your success in academia. This guide is based on a study of referees' reports and letters from journal editors on reasons why papers written by non-native researchers are rejected due to problems with English usage. It draws on English-related errors from around 5000 papers written by non-native authors, 500 abstracts by PhD students, and over 1000 hours of teaching researchers how to write and present research papers. With easy-to-follow rules and tips, and with examples taken from published and unpublished papers, you will learn how to: prepare and structure a manuscript increase readability and reduce the number of mistakes you make in English by writing concisely, with no redundancy and no ambiguityplan and organize your paper, and structure each paragraph and each sentence so that the reader can easily follow the logical build-up towards various conclusionswrite a title and an abstract that will attract attention and be readdecide what to include in the various parts of the paper (Introduction, Methodology, Discussion etc) select from over 700 useful phrases highlight your claims and contributionavoid plagiarism and make it 100% clear whether you are referring to your own work or someone else’schoose the correct tenses and style (active or passive) Other books in the series: English for Presentations at International Conferences English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing English for Research: Usage, Style, and Grammar English for Academic Research: Grammar / Vocabulary / Writing Exercises Adrian Wallwork is the author of more than 20 ELT and EAP textbooks. He has trained several thousand PhD students and academics from 35 countries to prepare and give presentations. Since 1984 he has been revising research papers, and in 2009 he set up englishforacademics.com – a proofreading and editing service specifically for researchers.


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