Texture Conversion Tool Extended (Texconvex.exe)

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A command line tool that converts textures between the following formats: BMP, DDS, GIF, JPEG, PNG, or TIFF.

Compatibility Chart

Direct3D 9 Direct3D 10 Direct3D 11 64-bit Native Mode Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7
No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes



The executable file is in the following platform-dependent locations:

Item Description


DirectX SDK root\Utilities\Bin\x86


DirectX SDK root\Utilities\Bin\x64



Texconvex.exe uses the following command syntax:

texconvex [-10] [-11] [-w number] [-h number] [-d number] [-m number] [-f format] [-if filter] [-mf filter] [-c color] [-srgbi] [-srgbo] [-px string] [-sx string] [-o directory] [-ft file-type] [-nologofile-name

The file-name parameter indicates the file to convert.

The optional command-line switches are described in the following table.

Optional Switches Description
-10 Forces the tool to use Direct3D 10 and D3DX10.
-11 Forces the tool to use Direct3D 11 and D3DX11.
-d  number Depth of the output texture. This setting applies only to volume textures.
-f  format Output format. Can use most of the formats in D3DFORMAT without the DXGI_FORMAT_ prefix (except: D3DFMT_MULTI2_ARGB8).
-ft   file-type A file type for the output texture. Use one of the following: bmp, dds, jpg, png, or tiff. The default value is dds.
-h  number Height of the output texture in pixels.
-w  number Width of the output texture in pixels.
-if   filter Image filter. Use one of the following: NONE, POINT, LINEAR, TRIANGLE, BOX, NONE_DITHER, POINT_DITHER, LINEAR_DITHER, TRIANGLE_DITHER, or BOX_DITHER. Filters with DITHER in their name indicate that a 4x4 ordered dither algorithm is also applied. See D3DX_FILTER for descriptions of the filters.
-m  number Number of mipmap levels to generate in the output texture. This setting only applies to DDS output.
-mf   filter Mipmap filter (see -if for filter options).
-nologo Suppress copyright message.
-o  directory Output directory.
-px  string Text string to attach to the front of the resulting texture's name.
-srgb, -srgbi, or-srgbo Use sRGB if both the input and output data are in the sRGB color format (ie. gamma = 2.2). Use sRGBi if only the input is in sRGB; use sRGBo if only the output is in sRGB.
-sx  string Text string to attach to the end of the resulting texture's name.
-sx  string Text string to attach to the end of the resulting texture's name.


Note   By default Texconvex.exe will try to use Direct3D 11. If Direct3D 11 is not available, it will fall back to Direct3D 10.



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Build date: 3/11/2010

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private async parseMaterial(osgStateSet: any) { let material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ // side: THREE.DoubleSide, }); //THREE.FrontSide 背面 // THREE.BackSide 前面 // THREE.DoubleSide 双面 let osgImage = osgStateSet.TextureAttributeList[0].value.StateAttribute.Image; // let texture = this.parseImage(osgImage); let fileName = osgImage.Name; const isJPEG = fileName.search(/.jpe?g($|?)/i) > 0; const isPNG = fileName.search(/.png($|?)/i) > 0; if (!isPNG && !isJPEG) { return; } let mimeType = isPNG ? 'image/png' : 'image/jpeg'; let imageUri: any = new Blob([osgImage.Data], { type: mimeType }); let base64 = await this.blobToBase64(imageUri); // debugger let imageUrl: any = URL.createObjectURL(imageUri); try { let texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load(base64, () => { texture.needsUpdate = true; // texture.format = THREE.RGBAFormat; texture.type = THREE.UnsignedShort5551Type; texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipmapNearestFilter; texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearMipmapNearestFilter; texture.generateMipmaps = false; // texture.format = THREE.RGBAIntegerFormat; // texture.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; // texture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter; // texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearMipMapLinearFilter; // texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; // texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping; // texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; // texture.anisotropy = 1; // texture.generateMipmaps = false; // texture.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding; }); imageUri = null; osgImage = null; imageUrl = null; if (texture) { material.map = texture; } } catch (e) { console.log('纹理加载出错', e); } osgStateSet = null; return material; } private blobToBase64(blob: any) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const fileReader = new FileReader(); // readAsDataURL fileReader.readAsDataURL(blob); fileReader.onload = (e: any) => { resolve(e.target.result); }; }); }没有显示base64图片的纹理,也没有报错,请找出问题,并给出详细代码




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