wxWidgets 组件 wxCode

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wxCode 是一组可重用的组件,基于跨平台的 wxWidgets GUI工具包。wxCode 提供了不同的工具和组件用来构建、维护和发布基于 wxWidgets 的代码。





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This site and the wxCode project are entirely dedicated to the support of the wxWidgets community; this site is dedicated to (wxWidgets) programmers only. You won't find programs to download here, just source code. If you are not a programmer and you are looking for Open Source software you can try to search in the links page.

wxCode hosts code snippets and libraries related to wxWidgets. The management of the various components is decided by their maintainers or by the wxCode administrators. A maintainer may resign anytime so any component can be marked as maintained or not; unmaintained components can be taken over by other developers.

wxCode tries to offer high-quality libraries and add-on components for wxWidgets, so that anytime a component is added, the author should commit himself in the process of maintenance of his code in respect to new versions of wxWidgets, bugs and problems reported by the users, etc.

To know more about wxCode management rules, look at the rules page; if you'd like to help, then you can look at the help page.

wxCode is a project hosted by SourceForge.net; you can visit the wxCode project page for additional info on this project.

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To wxCode maintainers: please note that your browser must have cookie support enabled for the login system to work.

Don't miss the component list page to view all of the component's descriptions, websites, and download pages..



Release of wxTreeListCtrl 1208
2012-07-31 12:53 - wxCode - wxWidgets components
A new version of wxTreeListCtrl is available for download, direct download link:
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wxPdfDocument 0.9.3 released
2012-05-31 10:29 - wxCode - wxWidgets components
Version 0.9.3 of the wxCode component wxPdfDocument is available for download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxcode. The new version 0.9.3 is compatible with wxWidgets version 2.8.12 and version 2.9.3. It should be usable with all wxWidgets 2.8.x versions.
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wxPdfDocument Utilities 1.0
2012-05-30 05:36 - wxCode - wxWidgets components
Quite often Windows binaries of the wxPdfDocument utilities MakeFont and ShowFont were requested by users and developers. Therefore today a binary package of these utilities for Windows was released in the wxCode file release section wxPdfDocument Add-Ons.
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wxSQLite3 released
2012-02-02 11:00 - wxCode - wxWidgets components
wxSQLite3 version is a bug fix release. It fixes a problem in the method wxSQLite3Statement::Reset which occurred when the related SQLite statement was already finalized. Additionally some missing SQLite error codes were added to wxSQLite3Exception.
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个人研究成果,wxWidgets的外围通讯库基本一直处于空缺状态,经过几天的研究,将我个人的研究成果上传共享。 本库基于官方于2011年最后一次更新的libctb-0.16版本为基础修改而来,工程使用CodeBlocks创建,相较原版的变更如下。 1.去掉了ctb命名空间,之前用起来感觉有点别扭,所以去掉了,不过为了兼容性考虑,以后可能加回来。 2.IOBase、SerialPort(继承自IOBase)、GPIB(继承自IOBase)三个类修改了构造函数,原来FIFO缓冲的尺寸固定为256,我觉得波特率高时候可能不够用,现在改为通过构造函数传参由用户指定,示例程序中使用4096。 3.修正一个严重的BUG,在SerialPort基类中的OpenDedvice方法中,当串口附加参数为NULL时,类内的附加参数结构体成员将在没有被始化就被使用,进而因参数混乱而导致收发异常,这个BUG目前我已将其修复并进行了测试。 4.对Win32环境下的GetAvailablePorts函数进行重写,现在可以获取串口号超过20的串口(原来的最多到Com20),并且可以得到串口的设备名信息。 5.以上修改只在Windows下测试通过,我手头没有Linux环境,对Linux相关的代码基本是靠着意念盲改,如果您发现了有错误疏漏,欢迎指正,能帮我改改就更好了,比如Linux下如何取得串口设备名我就还没弄明白。 压缩包里有可以编译静态库的工程,以及一个基于wxWidgets3.1的演示工程,就是一个简单的串口收发器,供大家参考。 由于串口功能的实现需要依赖Windows系统API,在Windows下,如果使用Mingw编译,请改你连·请关联静态库libsetupapi.a与libwinmm.a
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