This is why you never end up hiring good developers 这就是为什么你永远招不到优秀的开发人员













比起这个更为糟糕的是我们判断应聘者是否掌握相应技能的方法。面试官在面试中会问一些晦涩的编程语言的语法特征问题,或者是一些流行的应用程序编程接口的细节问题。很著名的fizzbuzz测试 【注:让应聘者写一段会输出整数1-100的代码,如果是3的倍数则用“fizz”替换输出,如果是5的倍数则用“buzz”替换输出,如果既是3的倍数又是5的倍数则用“fizzbuzz”替换输出】只会简单的问一句:“你知道取模操作吗?”如果对方的答案是没有,他们很可能就是个糟糕的应聘者。这个问题虽然简单,但它正好可以提供给我们想要的那一点信息。不过为此人们将会在面试中花费20分钟的时间在这上面,这是对有限时间的巨大浪费。




























Joel Spolsky的经典论文《The Guerilla Guide to Interview》和它的姊妹篇《Smart and Gets Things Done》是关于雇佣技术人才的最棒的文章之一。聪明与否是很难判断的,不过我将要谈论的一些技巧应该会对这种判断有帮助。但除此之外,应聘者能把事情做好也同样重要,你可以问问他们测试过真正的软件吗。








最不合格的参与者会试图含糊带过或者大胆猜测。这是一个很糟糕的信号,首先因为这并不能解决问题,其次是因为他们以为这种程度的回答就可以了。在达可效应【注:达克效应(D-K effect),全称为邓宁-克鲁格效应(Dunning-Kruger effect)。  它是一种认知偏差现象,指的是能力欠缺的人在自己认识不足的基础上得出错误结论,但是无法正确认识到自身的不足,察觉到自己的错误行为。这些能力欠缺者们沉浸在自我营造的虚幻的优势之中,常常高估自己的能力水平,却无法客观评价他人的能力。】中,他们就是那种最底层的人,没有能力准确判断他们缺乏了相关的知识。这也意味着他们在其他的场景下也会如此表现。































我所听到过的“团队建设”的定义到最后都听上去像“团队偏好建设” 。像“他们看起来就像是属于这里的”的话听起来很可怕。更可怕的是一些类似于“不喜欢我们平常做的那些社会活动”。成熟点吧,你的办公室不是你的兄弟会屋子,和你的同事出去社交活动并不是什么(为了进入兄弟会而必须的)关键考验。只要你愿意和他们一起工作,没人会要求你在社交当中也喜欢和他们一起。







这里我必须要挥挥手。npm在人才方面是十分幸运的:人们喜欢node和npm,我们只要一发布职位空缺就能得到许许多多符合资格的应聘者。我之前在的创业公司,就没有那么的受欢迎了,但我们也想方设法的想找到优秀的人才。这是需要花费很长的时间的,并且要尝试每一种方式:通过Hacker News的Who’s Hiring上发布招聘信息,通过我们的博客,以及曾经也通过TechCrunch的封面。








1. 许多面试技术中会测试与工作生活最不相关的技巧。


3. 或者某人足够聪明并且有足够的动力尽快熟悉工作










This is why you neverend up hiring good developers


You are bad at givingtechnical interviews. Yes, you. You’re looking for the wrong skills, hiring thewrong people, and actively screwing yourself and your company. Without changinganything about your applicant pool, you can hire different people and yourcompany will do better and you will enjoy your job more.

I realize theseare bold claims. In the ten years since I became senior enough to be asked tointerview people, I have conducted a great number of technical interviews, beenpart of a lot of teams at companies big and small, and watched the effect thatdifferent types of hires have had on those companies. I’m not claiming to beperfect at hiring — at various points, I have done nearly all of the thingswrong that I’m about to tell you not to do. But here’s what I’ve learned sofar.

You are looking for the wrong things

1. Don’thire for what they already know

The primarymistake that people make when interviewing is over-valuing present skills andunder-valuing future growth. Don’t hire people for what they already know; thepool of people who do exactly the thing you need them to do is much, muchsmaller than the pool of people who are smart enough to be good at that job.

But even worse is the way we try to determinewhether people have these skills. People ask questions in interviews aboutobscure syntactical features of programming languages, or details of popularAPIs. The famous fizzbuzz test simplyasks “are you aware of the modulo operator?” If the answer is “no” then theyare probably a pretty weak candidate, but it provides exactly 1 bit of data.Yet people will spend twenty minutes on it in an interview, a huge waste oflimited time.

2. Don’thire for what they can remember in an interview room

I used to askpeople to write code in interviews. This is terrible. Writing code on awhiteboard is an experience so far removed from the real practice of writingcode as to be no predictor. Even writing code on a computer, as part of a pairfor instance, tests for the wrong ability — you are asking them to write codeunder time pressure, with somebody watching. Some of the best engineers I knowwould melt under those conditions. And if your belief is that writing codeunder intense time pressure is part of your job, then you should examinewhether that’s a problem your company has.

Whiteboard and coding interviews alsoroutinely ask people to re-implement some common solution or low-level datastructure. This is the opposite of good engineering. A good engineer will tryto maximize productivity by using libraries to solve all but the most novelproblems. It’s also a poor test: how do you know if somebody is solving theproblem or merely remembering somebody else’s solution? There is no value tomemorizing the details of algorithms you can google in 15 seconds.

3. Don’thire for a fancy degree

Some people are impressed by academiccredentials. Having gone to a good college, or having gone to college at all,are not in my experience good predictors of ability as an engineer. Having aPhD in a relevant field is interesting but also an unreliable predictor:engineers write code and ship software; academics prove theories and writeproofs of concept. Somebody smart might be able to do both but it’s by no meansa given, or even very strongly correlated.

4. Don’thire for their previous employers

People also over-value brand names onresumes. Don’t hire somebody because they worked at a hot company, or a famousone, especially not if that company is big. Variation across teams in bigcompanies is enormous. Just because a company was successful doesn’t mean yourcandidate had anything to do with that. If you are familiar enough with anothercompany’s hiring process that you can vouch for it as a good selector ofqualified people, you might use that to bump them to the front of an applicantqueue, but beyond that, go with what’s in front of you.

5. Don’thire friends and family

And finally, never hire your family and ifyou can avoid it, don’t hire your friends either. Existing relationships createbias and implicit power structures, webs of obligation and loyalty that are atodds with what is best for your company. You will either compromise yourfriendship or your company, and rather than being forced to pick one or the other,just avoid the conflict entirely.

What you should be looking for instead

Your first stage of interviewing should beattempting to answer two questions:

1.    Can they do this job? This is not the same as“can they do this job right now?” but you need to be confident they can learnhow to do the job.

2.   Are they going to getbetter at this job? The answerhas to be yes.

1.Relevant experience is a plus but not a requirement

Syntax and API questions are aimed at findingrelevant experience but they are bad ways of doing so. Instead, talk about thetechnology they’re going to be working with. Find out how much they know aboutit. You’re not looking to hire or pass on the basis of any individual fact. Ifthey are weak on the skills they need for the job, then find a topic they knowa lot about instead, and get them to talk about it, if necessary explaining itto you. You are looking for grasp of complex topics and the ability to clearlycommunicate about them, which are the two jobs of the working engineer.

2.Somebody who is constantly improving is a requirement

Much more important than what they know ishow they learn it, and how quickly. You are looking for somebody with a trackrecord of learning new skills and applying them successfully. Talk about theircareer path, and look for evidence of increasing responsibility (which isrelated to, but not the same as, seniority). Remember that anybody you hirewill expect raises every year: somebody who isn’t getting better all the timeis going to become worse and worse value unless their skills increase in value,too.

3. Smartand Gets Things Done™

Joel Spolsky’s classic essay The Guerilla Guide toInterviewing (and thebook that followed it, Smart and Gets Things Done) are someof the smartest things that have ever been written about technical hiring.Smartness is hard to judge, and some of the techniques I’m talking about hereshould help. But “gets things done” is equally important. Have they shippedreal software?

Joel and I don’t agree on everything, though.I don’t think live coding exercises are particularly valuable. Joel is (or was)also pretty big on understanding pointer math, which is an interesting “cangrasp a complex topic” question but likewise outside the experience of manyexcellent engineers, so while it can be a useful thing to try talking about, itshouldn’t be an acid test.

4.Somebody who can intelligently discuss technology

As I mentioned, the two jobs of an engineerare to understand complex concepts, and then communicate them clearly. Somebodywho can do just one or the other may have a brilliant career in some otherfield, but is going to be an inferior engineer. The best programmer in theworld can develop incredibly efficient algorithms in record time, but the jobof an engineer is to work with a team to achieve something larger, and if youare unwilling or unable to spend time communicating with your colleagues you’reonly doing half of your job.

5.Somebody who knows what they don’t know

When interviewing I always attempt to findsome area of expertise where I definitely know more than my subject. This isnot to prove I’m smarter — see below — but because it’s important to see howsomebody reacts when they find themselves out of their technical depth.

The weakest candidates will try to waffle ormake wild guesses. This is a terrible sign, firstly because it never works, andsecondly because they thought that it would. In Dunning Kruger terms theyare in the bottom quartile, unable to accurately judge their own lack ofknowledge. It also means they will try to do this in other situations.

Strong candidates say “I don’t know” as soonas they hit their limit, and may start asking questions. The very strongestcandidates say “but if I had to guess” and then attempt to extrapolate. Thoseare great because it shows intellectual honesty and a strong desire to figurethings out.

6. This isa conversation, not an interrogation

As I said before, it’s a good idea to find anarea where you know more than your interview subject. But this is not to proveto them that you’re smarter or better: it’s to explore the extents of theirexpertise, to get a sense of the breadth and depth of their knowledge. You willbump into the edges or touch bottom, and that’s the point. When you do so itdoesn’t mean they’ve failed.

It’s important that they’re aware of thiscontract, too. You want your interviewee to be relaxed and comfortable, becausethat is the state they’ll be in when they’re doing their job (if not, yourcompany is awful, please quit). Answers you get from candidates who arestressed or panicky are basically useless. This is true even ifthey’re good answers, because they’re not representative answers.Stress and panic are not sustainable states, so you risk hiring someone whoonly performs when pressured to do so.

There’s always an exception

If your candidate has no relevant priorexperience, your only option is a more traditional technical interview. This istrue of both very junior candidates, and also more experienced people switchingfrom other careers.

Somebody who has just completed a trainingcourse, no matter how intensive or well-regarded, does not know how to be anengineer. They may know how to code, but that’s only half the job. Somebodyfresh out of college may not even really know how to code beyond academicpuzzle-solutions. In my experience, if someone has been coding professionallyfor less than a year, there’s not really been enough time to know if they’regood at it.

Fresh-out-of-college and other junior typesare also not going to know anything about how to interact professionally. Notonly does this make interviewing them trickier, it’s also a terrifyingresponsibility: if you hire them, the culture and working practices of yourcompany will be what they think of as “normal” forever.

The other exception to my rules is if youwork at a company large enough that engineers can become deeply specialized.When that happens, you may in fact need the genius programmer who isn’t verygood at explaining what they’re doing. If you’re big enough, you can hire amanager whose full-time job is to communicate with that person and thentranslate back and forth between them and the rest of the company. This worksreally well but is expensive, so it’s not something startups can really affordto do. Past your first 50 engineers, you might consider it.

Ask yourself: do I want to work with thisperson?

When you’re sureyour candidate is good enough to do the job, you have another question toanswer: do I want to work with this person? There are no specific questions toask to get this answer; it’s more about how they answer the other questions.This makes it a personality test, and that makes it very, very dangerousterritory. Personality is subjective, and that means you are inviting bias intothe equation. Personal bias, implicit bias, unconscious bias.

The terrifyingpossibility of turning away a great candidate because you are biased towardsthem in some way you don’t even know about is why people think giving pure,right-or-wrong technical questions are better. They’re not, they’re justeasier. And they do nothing to protect against bias: when there are 50 syntaxquestions you ask, it is easy to give hints and passes to the candidates youimplicitly prefer and pretend that they were just better. I’ve caught myselfdoing this. There is no simple way around this: you have to be aware of yourbiases, constantly conscious of them, and correct for them, or you will screwyour company by hiring inferior people.

1. Lookfor somebody to work with

The most common way I see startups get the“do I want to work with them?” question is by confusing that question with “doI want to be friends with this person?”

Get that assumption out of your head. Thosetwo are not the same. You can have brilliant, productive professionalinteractions with someone with whom you have absolutely nothing in common withon a personal level, and that’s fine. Your company does not need to “feel likea family”. It’s sure as hell not your frat house. You are not picking adrinking buddy (and as an aside, if your company regards drinking as a big partof its culture you probably have deeper problems).

2. Nojerks

From day one at npm Inc weimplemented our No Assholes policy, and I was pleased to read recently thatPolyvore (who seem to do brilliantly at maintaining a diverse engineering team)have pretty much the same policy. Avoidthe “genius assholes”, avoid the bitter and cynical, the bullies, the snobs.Don’t work with somebody who is going to be mean, unpleasant, or demeaning totheir co-workers. There is no level of brilliance and productivity that cancompensate for poisoning the morale of your team, and once a team culture isbroken it is very hard to fix. Hiring these people, even to get you through acrunch, is not worth what it costs. And if you hire one by mistake, fire themfast, and without hesitation.

The easiest way to spot that you are hiring ajerk is the phrase “hire, but not for this team”. That means “this person hasskills, but I don’t want to work with them directly”. If you don’t, nobody elsewill, so don’t inflict crappy people on other teams.

But in general jerks are easy to spot. Ifsomebody has a personality flaw so strong and baked-in they can’t keep it incheck for a couple of hours while being interviewed, it is going to be a hugeproblem in the regular work environment. Arrogance, rudeness, inattention todetail — these things turn up quickly, and if you spot them, trust your instinctto avoid them.

3. Don’thire for “team fit”

I have never heard a definition of “team fit”that didn’t end up sounding like “let our bias run free“. Phraseslike “looks like they belong here” are terrifying. More insidious arecomplaints like “doesn’t like the same social activities we do”. Grow up. Youroffice is not your frat house, and socializing with your co-workers outside ofwork is not some crucial test. There is no requirement that you like someonesocially as long as you want to work with them.

And while I’m at it, as an introvert andlifelong non-drinker, may I make a personal plea that you stop incorporatingsocial events into your hiring process? Professional interactions and socialones are not the same. Some people suck at small talk, and are not comfortableat bars. Remember the part about making sure your subject is relaxed andcomfortable? It’s about them being comfortable, not you.

How do youreconcile the “don’t hire for team fit” rule with the “no jerks” policy and the“somebody you want to work with” requirement? The distinction is subtle, butimportant: somebody who is good for your team is not necessarily somebody youwant to be friends with. It’s tempting to look for both, but it’s the wrongmetric for the success of your company and is ultimately unsustainable.

4.Homogeneity is disastrous

I’m not going to make an argument that“diversity is intrinsically good” for some social purpose. That’s a stupid wayof looking at it. Lack of diversity is obviously, mathematically, bad for yourcompany. Instead of hiring for “best for the job” you have accidentally hiredfor “looks like me”. There is no chance that all the best programmers in theworld look the same, so a lack of diversity means only bad things. It means“this team sucks at hiring”, it means “management and HR are not strong orcompetent enough to spot and correct this”, and worst of all it means “thisteam is not the best people available”.

But what if I can’t find anybody like this?

Here I musthand-wave. npm is incredibly lucky on the talent front: people love node andnpm, and we get dozens of qualified candidates just by posting a vacancy. Myprevious startup,, was not nearly so popular, but we managed to findgood people anyway. It’s a matter of taking a long time, and trying everychannel: we got great candidates via posts to the Who’s Hiring post on HackerNews, via our blog, and once from some coverage on TechCrunch.

The importantthing to remember is that hiring a bad person is more expensive and wastes moretime than waiting for a good person. It’s tempting to say “at this point,anybody would do” but that’s never, ever true. The wrong person will not merelyfail to do their job, they will make everybody slower at theirs, and unhappy toboot. Don’t hire if you’re not sure about somebody, and if you hire somebodywho’s no good, give them as much support and direction as you can afford to getthem to turn around, but if you don’t see any improvement be ruthless inletting them go.

This is all very hard

This is whyyou’ve been giving bad technical interviews all this time: bad interviews areeasier to give. They require less thought and creativity and effort on yourpart. These techniques are tricky to define and tough to follow. But that’swhat hiring is like. It’s really hard, and it always takes much longer than youhope it will. The rules are fuzzy, and there are no acid tests that can beapplied. But the payoff to trying harder is a stronger company, better people,a better product, and a happier working life for everyone on the team. Makingthose things happen is, as a hiring manager, your only job.


1.    Many interview techniquestest skills that are at best irrelevant to real working life;

2.   you want somebody whoknows enough to do the job right now;

3.   or somebody smart andmotivated enough that they can learn the job quickly;

4.   you want somebody whokeeps getting better at what they do;

5.   your interview should bea collaborative conversations, not a combative interrogation;

6.   you also want somebodywho you will enjoy working with;

7.    it’s important toseparate “enjoy working with” from “enjoy hanging out with;”

8.   don’t hire assholes, nomatter how good they are;

9.   if your team isn’tdiverse, your team is worse than it needed to be;

10.       accept that hiring takesa really long time and is really, really hard.


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