
1数据结构prcopt_t *opt

typedef struct {        /* processing options type */
    int mode;           /* positioning mode (PMODE_???) */
    int refpos;         /* base position for relative mode是为了判断输入文件是哪一种模式 */ 
                        /* (0:pos in prcopt,  1:average of single pos, */
                        /*  2:read from file, 3:rinex header, 4:rtcm pos) */
    int soltype;        /* solution type (0:forward,1:backward,2:combined) */
    int nf;             /* number of frequencies (1:L1,2:L1+L2,3:L1+L2+L5) */
    int navsys;         /* navigation system */
    double elmin;       /* elevation mask angle (rad) */
    snrmask_t snrmask;  /* SNR mask */

    int sateph;         /* satellite ephemeris/clock (EPHOPT_???) */
    int modear;         /* AR mode (0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix and hold,4:ppp-ar) */
    int glomodear;      /* GLONASS AR mode (0:off,1:on,2:auto cal,3:ext cal) */
    int bdsmodear;      /* BeiDou AR mode (0:off,1:on) */
    int maxout;         /* obs outage count to reset bias */
    int minlock;        /* min lock count to fix ambiguity */
    int minfix;         /* min fix count to hold ambiguity */
    int armaxiter;      /* max iteration to resolve ambiguity */
    int ionoopt;        /* ionosphere option (IONOOPT_???) */
    int tropopt;        /* troposphere option (TROPOPT_???) */
    int dynamics;       /* dynamics model (0:none,1:velociy,2:accel) */
    int tidecorr;       /* earth tide correction (0:off,1:solid,2:solid+otl+pole) */
    int niter;          /* number of filter iteration */
    int codesmooth;     /* code smoothing window size (0:none) */
    int intpref;        /* interpolate reference obs (for post mission) */
    int sbascorr;       /* SBAS correction options */
    int sbassatsel;     /* SBAS satellite selection (0:all) */
    int rovpos;         /* rover position for fixed mode */
    double eratio[NFREQ]; /* code/phase error ratio */
    double err[5];      /* measurement error factor */
                        /* [0]:reserved */
                        /* [1-3]:error factor a/b/c of phase (m) */
                        /* [4]:doppler frequency (hz) */
    double std[3];      /* initial-state std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop */
    double prn[6];      /* process-noise std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop [3]acch [4]accv [5] pos */
    double sclkstab;    /* satellite clock stability (sec/sec) */
    double thresar[8];  /* AR validation threshold */
    double elmaskar;    /* elevation mask of AR for rising satellite (deg) */
    double elmaskhold;  /* elevation mask to hold ambiguity (deg) */
    double thresslip;   /* slip threshold of geometry-free phase (m) */
    double maxtdiff;    /* max difference of time (sec) */
    double maxinno;     /* reject threshold of innovation (m) */
    double maxgdop;     /* reject threshold of gdop */
   double baseline[2]; /* baseline length constraint {const,sigma} (m) */
    double ru[3];       /* rover position for fixed mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
    double rb[3];       /* base position for relative mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
    char anttype[2][MAXANT]; /* antenna types {rover,base} */
    double antdel[2][3]; /* antenna delta {{rov_e,rov_n,rov_u},{ref_e,ref_n,ref_u}} */
    pcv_t pcvr[2];      /* receiver antenna parameters {rov,base} */
    unsigned char exsats[MAXSAT]; /* excluded satellites (1:excluded,2:included) */
    int  maxaveep;      /* max averaging epoches */
    int  initrst;       /* initialize by restart */
    int  outsingle;     /* output single by dgps/float/fix/ppp outage */
    char rnxopt[2][256]; /* rinex options {rover,base} */
    int  posopt[6];     /* positioning options */
    int  syncsol;       /* solution sync mode (0:off,1:on) */
    double odisp[2][6*11]; /* ocean tide loading parameters {rov,base} */
    exterr_t exterr;    /* extended receiver error model */
    int freqopt;        /* disable L2-AR */
    char pppopt[256];   /* ppp option */
} prcopt_t;



typedef struct {        /* solution type */
    gtime_t time;       /* time (GPST) */
    double rr[6];       /* position/velocity (m|m/s) */ /* {x,y,z,vx,vy,vz} or {e,n,u,ve,vn,vu} */
    float  qr[6];  /* position variance/covariance (m^2) *//* {c_xx,c_yy,c_zz,c_xy,c_yz,c_zx} or */                        /* {c_ee,c_nn,c_uu,c_en,c_nu,c_ue} */
    float  qv[6];   /* velocity variance/covariance (m^2/s^2) */
    double dtr[6];  /* receiver clock bias to time systems (s) */
    unsigned char type; /* type (0:xyz-ecef,1:enu-baseline) */
    unsigned char stat; /* solution status (SOLQ_???) */
    unsigned char ns;   /* number of valid satellites */
    float age;          /* age of differential (s) */
    float ratio;        /* AR ratio factor for valiation */
    float thres;        /* AR ratio threshold for valiation */
} sol_t;


#define SOLQ_NONE  0/* solution status: no solution */
#define SOLQ_FIX   1    /* solution status: fix*/
#define SOLQ_FLOAT 2    /* solution status: float */
#define SOLQ_SBAS   3  /* solution status: SBAS */#define SOLQ_DGPS  4  /* solution status: DGPS/DGNSS */
#define SOLQ_SINGLE 5 /* solution status: single */
#define SOLQ_PPP 6  /* solution status: PPP */
#define SOLQ_DR  7 /* solution status: dead reconing */
#define SOLQ_WL_FIX 8 /* solution status: wide lane fixed */
#define MAXSOLQ  8 /* max number of solution status */



typedef struct {        /* navigation data type */
    int n,nmax;       /* number of broadcast ephemeris */
    int ng,ngmax;    /* number of glonass ephemeris */
    int ns,nsmax;    /* number of sbas ephemeris */
    int ne,nemax;   /* number of precise ephemeris */
    int nc,ncmax;       /* number of precise clock */
    int na,namax;     /* number of almanac data */
    int nt,ntmax;       /* number of tec grid data */
    int nf,nfmax;       /* number of satellite fcb data */
    eph_t *eph;         /* GPS/QZS/GAL ephemeris */
    geph_t *geph;       /* GLONASS ephemeris */
    seph_t *seph;       /* SBAS ephemeris */
    peph_t *peph;       /* precise ephemeris */
    pclk_t *pclk;       /* precise clock */
    alm_t *alm;         /* almanac data */
    tec_t *tec;         /* tec grid data */
    fcbd_t *fcb;        /* satellite fcb data */
    erp_t  erp;         /* earth rotation parameters */
    double utc_gps[4];  /* GPS delta-UTC parameters {A0,A1,T,W} */
    double utc_glo[4];  /* GLONASS UTC GPS time parameters */
    double utc_gal[4];  /* Galileo UTC GPS time parameters */
    double utc_qzs[4];  /* QZS UTC GPS time parameters */
    double utc_cmp[4];  /* BeiDou UTC parameters */
    double utc_irn[4];  /* IRNSS UTC parameters */
    double utc_sbs[4];  /* SBAS UTC parameters */
    double ion_gps[8];  /* GPS iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
    double ion_gal[4];  /* Galileo iono model parameters {ai0,ai1,ai2,0} */
    double ion_qzs[8];  /* QZSS iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
    double ion_cmp[8];  /* BeiDou iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
    double ion_irn[8];  /* IRNSS iono model parameters {a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3} */
    int leaps;          /* leap seconds (s) */
    double lam[MAXSAT][NFREQ]; /* carrier wave lengths (m) */
    double cbias[MAXSAT][3]; /* satellite dcb (0:p1-p2,1:p1-c1,2:p2-c2) (m) */
    double rbias[MAXRCV][2][3]; /* receiver dcb (0:p1-p2,1:p1-c1,2:p2-c2) (m) */
    double wlbias[MAXSAT];   /* wide-lane bias (cycle) */
    double glo_cpbias[4];    /* glonass code-phase bias {1C,1P,2C,2P} (m) */
    char glo_fcn[MAXPRNGLO+1]; /* glonass frequency channel number + 8 */
    pcv_t pcvs[MAXSAT]; /* satellite antenna pcv */
    sbssat_t sbssat;    /* SBAS satellite corrections */
    sbsion_t sbsion[MAXBAND+1]; /* SBAS ionosphere corrections */
    dgps_t dgps[MAXSAT]; /* DGPS corrections */
    ssr_t ssr[MAXSAT];  /* SSR corrections */
    lexeph_t lexeph[MAXSAT]; /* LEX ephemeris */
    lexion_t lexion;    /* LEX ionosphere correction */
    pppcorr_t pppcorr;  /* ppp corrections */
} nav_t;



typedef struct {        /* observation data record */
    gtime_t time;       /* receiver sampling time (GPST) */
    unsigned char sat,rcv; /* satellite/receiver number */
    unsigned char SNR [NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* signal strength (0.25 dBHz) */
    unsigned char LLI [NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* loss of lock indicator */
    unsigned char code[NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* code indicator (CODE_???) */
    double L[NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* observation data carrier-phase (cycle) */
    double P[NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* observation data pseudorange (m) */
    float  D[NFREQ+NEXOBS]; /* observation data doppler frequency (Hz) */
} obsd_t;


typedef struct {        /* RTK control/result type */
    sol_t  sol;         /* RTK solution */
    double rb[6];       /* base position/velocity (ecef) (m|m/s) */
    int nx;      /* number of float states */
    int na;     /* number of fixed states */
    double tt;     /* time difference between current and previous (s) */
    /* 浮点解状态向量
     * 1-3: 位置坐标(ecef);
     * 4-6: 速度矢量(ecef);
     * 7-9: 加速度矢量(ecef);
     * : 每一颗卫星的电离层延迟量;
     * : rover和ref的对流层延迟模型参数;
     * : GLONASS卫星的receiver h/w bias;
     * : 每一颗卫星的每一个频点的相位偏差值(相位偏差的站间差,包含固定状态的相位偏差,且固定状态的相位偏差排在前面)
    double *x;
    double *P; /* 浮点解状态向量的协方差 */
    double *xa;   /* 模糊度固定后的状态向量 */
    double *Pa;    /* 固定解状态的状态向量的协方差 */
    int nfix;    /* number of continuous fixes of ambiguity */
    ambc_t ambc[MAXSAT]; /* ambibuity control */
    ssat_t ssat[MAXSAT]; /* satellite status */
    int neb;            /* bytes in error message buffer */
    char errbuf[MAXERRMSG]; /* error message buffer */
    prcopt_t opt;       /* processing options */
} rtk_t;
RTKLib是一种基于GNSS(全球导航卫星系统)的实时运动定位库。它提供了一系列的工具和算法,用于处理GNSS观测数据,进行精确的实时或者后处理定位。下面是一个关于RTKLib学习笔记的概述: 1. RTKLib简介: - RTKLib是由Tomoji Takasu开发的开源软件库,用于实时运动定位和后处理。 - 它支持多种GNSS系统,包括GPS、GLONASS、Galileo、BeiDou等。 - RTKLib提供了一系列的功能模块,包括数据处理、定位算法和可视化工具等。 2. RTKLib的安装: - RTKLib可以从官方网站(http://www.rtklib.com)下载最新的源代码。 - 根据操作系统选择合适的编译工具(如GCC、MinGW等)进行编译。 - 编译完成后,可以得到可执行文件和相关的库文件。 3. RTKLib的数据处理: - RTKLib支持多种数据格式,包括RINEX、SP3、Nav等。 - 使用RTKConv工具可以将原始观测数据转换为RTKLib可识别的格式。 - 使用RTKPLOT工具可以对观测数据进行可视化分析。 4. RTKLib的定位算法: - RTKLib提供了多种定位算法,包括单点定位、差分定位和RTK(实时动态定位)等。 - 单点定位方法适用于无差分数据,可以得到相对较低的定位精度。 - 差分定位方法通过使用基站观测数据进行差分运算,提高了定位精度。 - RTK定位方法使用基站和移动站的观测数据,实现了高精度的实时定位。 5. RTKLib的应用: - RTKLib广泛应用于航空、测绘、农业、机器人等领域,用于精确的定位和导航。 - 它可以用于无人机、自动驾驶、精准农业等应用场景。 - RTKLib还支持多种操作系统,包括Windows、Linux和Android等。 以上是关于RTKLib学习笔记的基本概述。希望对你的学习有所帮助!如果你有更具体的问题,可以继续提问。




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