Google Earth Engine ——MCD43A2 V6双向反射分布函数和反照率(BRDF/Albedo)质量500m数据集是一个500米的每日16天产品。包含质量信息!

The MCD43A2 V6 Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function and Albedo (BRDF/Albedo) Quality dataset is a 500 meter daily 16-day product. It contains all the quality information for the corresponding 16-day MCD43A3 Albedo and the MCD43A4 Nadir-BRDF (NBAR) products.

The MCD43A2 contains individual band quality and observation information for the MODIS land bands 1-7, along with the overall BRDF/Albedo quality information.

See dataset user guide for more information.


MCD43A2 V6双向反射分布函数和反照率(BRDF/Albedo)质量数据集是一个500米的每日16天产品。它包含了相应的16天MCD43A3反照率和MCD43A4 Nadir-BRDF(NBAR)产品的所有质量信息。







Dataset Availability

2000-02-18T00:00:00 - 2021-09-12T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



500 meters

Bands Table

Snow_BRDF_AlbedoSnow-free or snow BRDF/albedo retrieved0
Snow_BRDF_Albedo Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Mandatory QA
    • 0: Snow-free albedo retrieved
    • 1: Snow albedo retrieved
BRDF_Albedo_PlatformBRDF albedo platform information0
BRDF_Albedo_Platform Bitmask
  • Bits 0-1: Platform
    • 0: Terra
    • 1: Terra/Aqua
    • 2: Aqua
BRDF_Albedo_LandWaterTypeLand/water type0
BRDF_Albedo_LandWaterType Bitmask
  • Bits 0-2: Land/water type
    • 0: Shallow ocean
    • 1: Land (nothing else but land)
    • 2: Ocean coastlines and lake shorelines
    • 3: Shallow inland water
    • 4: Ephemeral water
    • 5: Deep inland water
    • 6: Moderate or continental ocean
    • 7: Deep ocean
BRDF_Albedo_LocalSolarNoonSolar zenith angle of local solar noon0254Degrees0
BRDF_Albedo_ValidObs_Band1Valid observation for band 10
BRDF_Albedo_ValidObs_Band1 Bitmask
  • Bit 0: Day 1 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 1: Day 2 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 2: Day 3 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 3: Day 4 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 4: Day 5 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 5: Day 6 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 6: Day 7 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 7: Day 8 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 8: Day 9 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 9: Day 10 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 10: Day 11 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 11: Day 12 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 12: Day 13 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 13: Day 14 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 14: Day 15 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
  • Bit 15: Day 16 reflectance quality
    • 0: Observation not used
    • 1: Valid clear observation
BRDF_Albedo_ValidObs_Band2Valid observation for band 2 (same bit meaning as in band 1)0
BRDF_Albedo_ValidObs_Band3Valid observation for band 3 (same bit meaning as in band 1)0
BRDF_Albedo_ValidObs_Band4Valid observation for band 4 (same bit meaning as in band 1)0
BRDF_Albedo_ValidObs_Band5Valid observation for band 5 (same bit meaning as in band 1)0
BRDF_Albedo_ValidObs_Band6Valid observation for band 6 (same bit meaning as in band 1)0
BRDF_Albedo_ValidObs_Band7Valid observation for band 7 (same bit meaning as in band 1)0
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band1BRDF inversion information for band 10
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band1 Bitmask
  • Bits 0-2: BRDF inversion information for band 1
    • 0: Best quality, full inversion (WoDs and RMSE are good)
    • 1: Good quality, full inversion (also including the cases with no clear sky observations over the day of interest and those with a Solar Zenith Angle that is > 70 degrees even though WoDs and RMSE majority are good)
    • 2: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 7)
    • 3: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 2 & < 7)
    • 4: Fill value
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band2BRDF inversion information for band 20
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band2 Bitmask
  • Bits 0-2: BRDF inversion information for band 2
    • 0: Best quality, full inversion (WoDs and RMSE are good)
    • 1: Good quality, full inversion (also including the cases with no clear sky observations over the day of interest and those with a Solar Zenith Angle that is > 70 degrees even though WoDs and RMSE majority are good)
    • 2: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 7)
    • 3: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 2 & < 7)
    • 4: Fill value
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band3BRDF inversion information for band 30
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band3 Bitmask
  • Bits 0-2: BRDF inversion information for band 3
    • 0: Best quality, full inversion (WoDs and RMSE are good)
    • 1: Good quality, full inversion (also including the cases with no clear sky observations over the day of interest and those with a Solar Zenith Angle that is > 70 degrees even though WoDs and RMSE majority are good)
    • 2: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 7)
    • 3: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 2 & < 7)
    • 4: Fill value
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band4BRDF inversion information for band 40
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band4 Bitmask
  • Bits 0-2: BRDF inversion information for band 4
    • 0: Best quality, full inversion (WoDs and RMSE are good)
    • 1: Good quality, full inversion (also including the cases with no clear sky observations over the day of interest and those with a Solar Zenith Angle that is > 70 degrees even though WoDs and RMSE majority are good)
    • 2: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 7)
    • 3: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 2 & < 7)
    • 4: Fill value
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band5BRDF inversion information for band 50
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band5 Bitmask
  • Bits 0-2: BRDF inversion information for band 5
    • 0: Best quality, full inversion (WoDs and RMSE are good)
    • 1: Good quality, full inversion (also including the cases with no clear sky observations over the day of interest and those with a Solar Zenith Angle that is > 70 degrees even though WoDs and RMSE majority are good)
    • 2: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 7)
    • 3: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 2 & < 7)
    • 4: Fill value
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band6BRDF inversion information for band 60
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band6 Bitmask
  • Bits 0-2: BRDF inversion information for band 6
    • 0: Best quality, full inversion (WoDs and RMSE are good)
    • 1: Good quality, full inversion (also including the cases with no clear sky observations over the day of interest and those with a Solar Zenith Angle that is > 70 degrees even though WoDs and RMSE majority are good)
    • 2: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 7)
    • 3: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 2 & < 7)
    • 4: Fill value
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band7BRDF inversion information for band 70
BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band7 Bitmask
  • Bits 0-2: BRDF inversion information for band 7
    • 0: Best quality, full inversion (WoDs and RMSE are good)
    • 1: Good quality, full inversion (also including the cases with no clear sky observations over the day of interest and those with a Solar Zenith Angle that is > 70 degrees even though WoDs and RMSE majority are good)
    • 2: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 7)
    • 3: Magnitude inversion (numobs ≥ 2 and < 7)
    • 4: Fill value
BRDF_Albedo_UncertaintyBRDF inversion information0327660.001


MODIS data and products acquired through the LP DAAC have no restrictions on subsequent use, sale, or redistribution.

通过LP DAAC获得的MODIS数据和产品对后续使用、销售或再分配没有限制。


LP DAAC - MCD12Q1LP DAAC - Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center - Sioux Falls, SD


var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MCD43A2')
                  .filter('2018-01-01', '2018-05-01'));
var defaultVisualization ='Snow_BRDF_Albedo');
var defaultVisualizationVis = {
  min: 0.0,
  max: 1.0,
Map.setCenter(6.746, 46.529, 6);
    defaultVisualization, defaultVisualizationVis, 'Default visualization');

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