人脸检测1 MTCNN人脸检测

1 MTCNN人脸检测

MTCNN人脸检测流程(Multi-task convolutional neural network)
图像金字塔 -> Pnet -> Rnet -> Onet

1.1 图像金字塔


def calculateScales(img):
    copy_img = img.copy()
    pr_scale = 1.0
    h,w,_ = copy_img.shape
    if min(w,h)>500:
        pr_scale = 500.0/min(h,w)
        w = int(w*pr_scale)
        h = int(h*pr_scale)
    elif max(w,h)<500:
        pr_scale = 500.0/max(h,w)
        w = int(w*pr_scale)
        h = int(h*pr_scale)

    scales = []
    factor = 0.709
    factor_count = 0
    minl = min(h,w)
    while minl >= 12:
        scales.append(pr_scale*pow(factor, factor_count))
        minl *= factor
        factor_count += 1
    return scales

for scale in scales:
            hs = int(origin_h * scale)
            ws = int(origin_w * scale)
            scale_img = cv2.resize(copy_img, (ws, hs))
            inputs = scale_img.reshape(1, *scale_img.shape)

1.2 Pnet

1.2.1 建立Pnet

def create_Pnet(weight_path):
    input = Input(shape=[None, None, 3])

    x = Conv2D(10, (3, 3), strides=1, padding='valid', name='conv1')(input)
    x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1,2],name='PReLU1')(x)
    x = MaxPool2D(pool_size=2)(x)

    x = Conv2D(16, (3, 3), strides=1, padding='valid', name='conv2')(x)
    x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1,2],name='PReLU2')(x)

    x = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), strides=1, padding='valid', name='conv3')(x)
    x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1,2],name='PReLU3')(x)

    classifier = Conv2D(2, (1, 1), activation='softmax', name='conv4-1')(x)
    # 无激活函数,线性。
    bbox_regress = Conv2D(4, (1, 1), name='conv4-2')(x)

    model = Model([input], [classifier, bbox_regress])
    model.load_weights(weight_path, by_name=True)
    return model

1.2.2 对预测结果筛选

def detect_face_12net(cls_prob,roi,out_side,scale,width,height,threshold):
    cls_prob = np.swapaxes(cls_prob, 0, 1)
    roi = np.swapaxes(roi, 0, 2)

    stride = 0
    # stride略等于2
    if out_side != 1:
        stride = float(2*out_side-1)/(out_side-1)
    (x,y) = np.where(cls_prob>=threshold)

    boundingbox = np.array([x,y]).T
    # 找到对应原图的位置
    bb1 = np.fix((stride * (boundingbox) + 0 ) * scale)
    bb2 = np.fix((stride * (boundingbox) + 11) * scale)
    # plt.scatter(bb1[:,0],bb1[:,1],linewidths=1)
    # plt.scatter(bb2[:,0],bb2[:,1],linewidths=1,c='r')
    # plt.show()
    boundingbox = np.concatenate((bb1,bb2),axis = 1)
    dx1 = roi[0][x,y]
    dx2 = roi[1][x,y]
    dx3 = roi[2][x,y]
    dx4 = roi[3][x,y]
    score = np.array([cls_prob[x,y]]).T
    offset = np.array([dx1,dx2,dx3,dx4]).T

    boundingbox = boundingbox + offset*12.0*scale
    rectangles = np.concatenate((boundingbox,score),axis=1)
    rectangles = rect2square(rectangles)
    pick = []
    for i in range(len(rectangles)):
        x1 = int(max(0     ,rectangles[i][0]))
        y1 = int(max(0     ,rectangles[i][1]))
        x2 = int(min(width ,rectangles[i][2]))
        y2 = int(min(height,rectangles[i][3]))
        sc = rectangles[i][4]
        if x2>x1 and y2>y1:
    return NMS(pick,0.3)

1.3 Rnet

1.3.1 建立Rnet

def create_Rnet(weight_path):
    input = Input(shape=[24, 24, 3])
    # 24,24,3 -> 11,11,28
    x = Conv2D(28, (3, 3), strides=1, padding='valid', name='conv1')(input)
    x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2], name='prelu1')(x)
    x = MaxPool2D(pool_size=3,strides=2, padding='same')(x)

    # 11,11,28 -> 4,4,48
    x = Conv2D(48, (3, 3), strides=1, padding='valid', name='conv2')(x)
    x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2], name='prelu2')(x)
    x = MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2)(x)

    # 4,4,48 -> 3,3,64
    x = Conv2D(64, (2, 2), strides=1, padding='valid', name='conv3')(x)
    x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1, 2], name='prelu3')(x)
    # 3,3,64 -> 64,3,3
    x = Permute((3, 2, 1))(x)
    x = Flatten()(x)
    # 576 -> 128
    x = Dense(128, name='conv4')(x)
    x = PReLU( name='prelu4')(x)
    # 128 -> 2 128 -> 4
    classifier = Dense(2, activation='softmax', name='conv5-1')(x)
    bbox_regress = Dense(4, name='conv5-2')(x)
    model = Model([input], [classifier, bbox_regress])
    model.load_weights(weight_path, by_name=True)
    return model

1.3.2 Rnet解码

def filter_face_24net(cls_prob,roi,rectangles,width,height,threshold):
    prob = cls_prob[:,1]
    pick = np.where(prob>=threshold)
    rectangles = np.array(rectangles)

    x1  = rectangles[pick,0]
    y1  = rectangles[pick,1]
    x2  = rectangles[pick,2]
    y2  = rectangles[pick,3]
    sc  = np.array([prob[pick]]).T

    dx1 = roi[pick,0]
    dx2 = roi[pick,1]
    dx3 = roi[pick,2]
    dx4 = roi[pick,3]

    w   = x2-x1
    h   = y2-y1

    x1  = np.array([(x1+dx1*w)[0]]).T
    y1  = np.array([(y1+dx2*h)[0]]).T
    x2  = np.array([(x2+dx3*w)[0]]).T
    y2  = np.array([(y2+dx4*h)[0]]).T

    rectangles = np.concatenate((x1,y1,x2,y2,sc),axis=1)
    rectangles = rect2square(rectangles)
    pick = []
    for i in range(len(rectangles)):
        x1 = int(max(0     ,rectangles[i][0]))
        y1 = int(max(0     ,rectangles[i][1]))
        x2 = int(min(width ,rectangles[i][2]))
        y2 = int(min(height,rectangles[i][3]))
        sc = rectangles[i][4]
        if x2>x1 and y2>y1:
    return NMS(pick,0.3)

1.4 Onet

1.4.1 建立Onet

def create_Onet(weight_path):
    input = Input(shape = [48,48,3])
    # 48,48,3 -> 23,23,32
    x = Conv2D(32, (3, 3), strides=1, padding='valid', name='conv1')(input)
    x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1,2],name='prelu1')(x)
    x = MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2, padding='same')(x)
    # 23,23,32 -> 10,10,64
    x = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), strides=1, padding='valid', name='conv2')(x)
    x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1,2],name='prelu2')(x)
    x = MaxPool2D(pool_size=3, strides=2)(x)
    # 8,8,64 -> 4,4,64
    x = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), strides=1, padding='valid', name='conv3')(x)
    x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1,2],name='prelu3')(x)
    x = MaxPool2D(pool_size=2)(x)
    # 4,4,64 -> 3,3,128
    x = Conv2D(128, (2, 2), strides=1, padding='valid', name='conv4')(x)
    x = PReLU(shared_axes=[1,2],name='prelu4')(x)
    # 3,3,128 -> 128,12,12
    x = Permute((3,2,1))(x)

    # 1152 -> 256
    x = Flatten()(x)
    x = Dense(256, name='conv5') (x)
    x = PReLU(name='prelu5')(x)

    # 鉴别
    # 256 -> 2 256 -> 4 256 -> 10 
    classifier = Dense(2, activation='softmax',name='conv6-1')(x)
    bbox_regress = Dense(4,name='conv6-2')(x)
    landmark_regress = Dense(10,name='conv6-3')(x)

    model = Model([input], [classifier, bbox_regress, landmark_regress])
    model.load_weights(weight_path, by_name=True)

    return model

1.4.2 Onet解码

def filter_face_48net(cls_prob,roi,pts,rectangles,width,height,threshold):
    prob = cls_prob[:,1]
    pick = np.where(prob>=threshold)
    rectangles = np.array(rectangles)

    x1  = rectangles[pick,0]
    y1  = rectangles[pick,1]
    x2  = rectangles[pick,2]
    y2  = rectangles[pick,3]

    sc  = np.array([prob[pick]]).T

    dx1 = roi[pick,0]
    dx2 = roi[pick,1]
    dx3 = roi[pick,2]
    dx4 = roi[pick,3]

    w   = x2-x1
    h   = y2-y1

    pts0= np.array([(w*pts[pick,0]+x1)[0]]).T
    pts1= np.array([(h*pts[pick,5]+y1)[0]]).T
    pts2= np.array([(w*pts[pick,1]+x1)[0]]).T
    pts3= np.array([(h*pts[pick,6]+y1)[0]]).T
    pts4= np.array([(w*pts[pick,2]+x1)[0]]).T
    pts5= np.array([(h*pts[pick,7]+y1)[0]]).T
    pts6= np.array([(w*pts[pick,3]+x1)[0]]).T
    pts7= np.array([(h*pts[pick,8]+y1)[0]]).T
    pts8= np.array([(w*pts[pick,4]+x1)[0]]).T
    pts9= np.array([(h*pts[pick,9]+y1)[0]]).T

    x1  = np.array([(x1+dx1*w)[0]]).T
    y1  = np.array([(y1+dx2*h)[0]]).T
    x2  = np.array([(x2+dx3*w)[0]]).T
    y2  = np.array([(y2+dx4*h)[0]]).T


    pick = []
    for i in range(len(rectangles)):
        x1 = int(max(0     ,rectangles[i][0]))
        y1 = int(max(0     ,rectangles[i][1]))
        x2 = int(min(width ,rectangles[i][2]))
        y2 = int(min(height,rectangles[i][3]))
        if x2>x1 and y2>y1:
    return NMS(pick,0.3)





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


