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原创 16-2 going swimming

laps 圈n.=lengthnot much of a算不上好的…pointers指导n.stroke泳姿front crawl, back stroke, breast stroke(?)and butterfly爬泳仰泳蝶泳自由泳狗刨doggy paddlehit去complex小区lanes道n.sounds like a plan好主意bathing suits泳衣goggles泳镜swimming cap泳帽Swimming vocabulary泳姿词汇Here

2020-06-30 17:48:51 253 1

原创 16-1运动健身going to the gym

hitting the gym 去健身房working out 健身personal trainer私人教练pay off取得回报or so大约 about…or solift weights举重protein shakes蛋白奶昔no wonder怪不得Booming fitness industry in the U.S.美国蓬勃发展的健身产业Currently about 20% of American adults have a fitness club membership,

2020-06-27 20:00:21 454

原创 15-3pickpockets

pickpocket 扒手n.one step ahead ofboarded 上车bumped into碰巧遇见crafty狡猾的keep your guard up 保持警惕snatched 抢夺traumatic令人崩溃的The cities you’re most likely to be pickpocketed最容易遭遇扒手的城市When travelling in big cities abroad, one of the most important things to

2020-06-25 20:52:45 211

原创 15-2lost luggage

baggage claim行李领取处counter柜台checked托运的carry-on随身行李fly in坐飞机来Common travel problems and how to deal with them常见旅游问题及解决方法Your wallet is stolen.钱包被盗Contact the local police immediately and make sure you get a copy of the crime report with the state

2020-06-22 19:32:06 251

原创 antd表格字段过长解决方法

在对应columns中加入:onCell: () => {return {style: {maxWidth: 150,overflow: ‘hidden’,whiteSpace: ‘nowrap’,textOverflow:‘ellipsis’,cursor:‘pointer’}}},render: (text) => {text}

2020-06-22 12:29:52 4644

原创 15-1应急处理-makingan urgent phone call

bruise擦伤,瘀伤nice pack冰袋swelling肿胀n.When to make an emergency call什么时候要打急救电话?In a stressful situation, it is difficult to think clearly or know exactly what to do. Your initial reaction may be to call 911 for emergency assistance, but this may not be t

2020-06-20 19:16:32 388

原创 14-5 food poisoning

backpacking n.背包旅行clinic n.诊所spoiled 变质的nauseous 恶心的bacteria 细菌vomit 呕吐barfbig time 非常advdiarrhea 腹泻nstomach cramps 胃痉挛barely 几乎不能appetite 胃口CDC’s top 3 foodborne bugs in U.S.疾病防治中心公布:美国三大食源性致病细菌The top three germs that cause illnesses from f

2020-06-19 20:30:16 233

原创 14-4 Allergies

itchy痒的driving me up the wall快逼疯我了rash皮疹allergic过敏的allergics过敏shellfish贝类food allergy食物过敏swell up肿胀wheezing气喘vterrific极好的terrifying可怕的pollen花粉hay fever花粉症watery湿的hive荨麻疹runs in your family世代相传grow out of因时间长了而改变fingers crossed祈祷phrCommon

2020-06-17 18:56:04 205

原创 14-3 Buying medicine-kids

carry具有,包含symptoms症状runny nose.流鼻涕nsneezing打喷嚏chills风寒cold and cough syrup治疗咳嗽的糖浆stick with延用gummies软糖A guide to children’s cold medicines儿童感冒药服用指南The first thing to remember about cough and cold medicines is that they will not make your child g

2020-06-16 19:22:52 135

原创 14-2buying medicine:adult

prescription drugs处方药over-the-counter medicine非处方药going around传播stuffed up堵住,鼻塞nasal spray喷鼻剂pounding连续重击ibuprofen布洛芬nausea恶心nremedies药品,救治方法Guide to safe use of OTC medicine如何正确服用非处方药The more than 300,000 OTC (over-the-counter) medicines that

2020-06-15 20:01:20 134

原创 14-1医疗健康doctors appointment

symptoms症状get you in 给您安排How to schedule a doctor’s appointment in the US在美国如何预约医生Know what plan you have.清楚你的保险计划The very first step is to know what plan you have. Gather your insurance policy documents and insurance ID card as these will state t

2020-06-12 20:10:37 973

原创 13-4Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

meant for作用是gathering聚会Comparing Mid Autumn Festival and American Thanksgiving中秋节和感恩节对比There are many similarities between the Mid Autumn Festival and the American Thanksgiving because they are meant for families spending time together and eating. How

2020-06-11 22:37:20 885

原创 13-3 Black Friday and Cyber Monday

spotting发现识别deal折扣catch on盛行起来slogan口号snag把握住,抢购killer deals终极折扣Black Friday Shopping is Moving Online黑色星期五购物向线上移动Black Friday has always been the largest shopping event of the year in the United States. However, the number of people shopping in s

2020-06-10 20:01:03 373

原创 13-2

American Thanksgivingfeast大餐trimmings配料Pilgrims朝圣者Thanksgiving history感恩节历史起源Thanksgiving Day origin dates back in the 16th century. A sailing vessel called Mayflower crossed the Atlantic carrying about 102 pilgrims. The journey was arduous because

2020-06-09 20:38:25 123

原创 搜索关键词高亮

highlight(keyword) {var bodyHtml = $(".enterprise-name").html();var reg = new RegExp("(" + keyword + “)”, “g”);var newstr = bodyHtml.replace(reg, “$1”);$(".enterprise-name").html(newstr);}

2020-06-09 16:19:44 102

原创 13-1节日习俗Halloween party

costume contest服装比赛dress up装扮spooky令人毛骨悚然的A list of Halloween games万圣节游戏清单Murder Mystery Game神秘杀手游戏A murder mystery game is perfect for this time of the year. Your guests will become characters in a story and it’s up to them to find out which chara

2020-06-08 20:38:39 201

原创 12-4 Relationship advice

romantic relationship恋爱?I’m all ears洗耳恭听cheating on劈腿hanging out出去玩clingy黏人的red flags危险信号break his trust失去信任date around到处约会cool with接受How to give your friends relationship advice如何给朋友恋爱方面的建议Meredith Goldstein is an advice columnist and entertai

2020-06-05 19:38:27 251

原创 12-3 Dating and relationships

where it’s at现在很流行commitment承诺if you put it that way既然你都这么说了Dating culture in the U.S.美国的约会文化Americans are an outgoing and smiley bunch, so not every conversation should be assumed as an invitation to romance. Here are some truths about American dati

2020-06-04 20:47:56 333

原创 12-2ask someone out 2

starters开胃菜You’ve met a great guy or girl, and you want to ask them on a date. But where do you take them? The first date is super important, so you need to pick the right activity and location. It should be casual, but not too casual! You don’t want you

2020-06-03 08:00:58 197

原创 12-情感生活ask someone out

When you are asking someone to go on a date with you, you need to be careful about which words to use. In today’s dialogue, our male speaker asks Liz “are you doing anything this weekend?”. He could have also said something like “are you free this weekend.

2020-06-02 12:11:45 193

原创 11-4四川food

authentic正宗的numbing麻麻的peppercorns花椒Sichuanese四川的ingredient原料Sichuan food in America美国的川菜For many years, the only Chinese food you could find in America was either from Guangdong province or Sichuan province. However, Sichuan is not the way you will

2020-06-01 21:36:08 413


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