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原创 Neo4j启动失败ERROR Failed to start Neo4j on localhost:7474.java.lang.RuntimeException: Error starting N


2024-03-24 14:32:27 1349 2

原创 docker build打包时下载python包run pip总是超时的解决办法


2023-12-31 15:40:50 986

原创 论文阅读笔记:Hearing Lips Improving Lip Reading by Distilling Speech Recognizers

这篇文章针对由于唇语识别动作具有模糊性,提取判别特征比较困难,所以唇语识别的性能不如语音识别的问题提出了LIBS方法,通过学习语音识别器来加强唇语识别,给定一个预先训练好的语音识别器,然后从语音识别器中提取特征,作为补充线索来帮助唇读器的训练,分为序列级别、上下文级别和帧级别来进行知识蒸馏。唇读器输入视频帧序列xv,y是目标字符序列。序列级知识蒸馏,序列向量 s包含输入序列的语义信息,对于一个视频帧序列xv和它对应的音频帧序列xa,它们的序列向量sa和sv应该是相同的,因为它们是同一事物的不同表达。

2023-04-27 11:17:50 773 2

原创 linux下解压数据集.zip.001 .zip.002 .zip.003分包大文件 大压缩包包含被分割的多个小压缩包

今天在下载数据集zip压缩包的时候,发现直接用unzip命令解压出来是还是分割的大压缩文件,并且后缀名是zip.001 zip.002 zip.003这种的。应该是因为我的数据集里面原先的大压缩包里面包含了几个小压缩包,并且是小压缩包被分割了。以下是查到的解决方法,就是把被分割的压缩文件zip.001 zip.002等。step3:自动按照命名方式指定的文件结构,解压成功。,先合并成一个大zip文件,再进行unzip。step2:解压合并后的小压缩包。【同理,解压其他类型分卷压缩包】

2023-04-27 10:57:49 4079

原创 记录我在github协作开发时的常用git命令和bug解决方案(新手一边试错一边更新中......)

记录我在github协作开发时的常用git命令和bug解决方案,github新手一边试错一边更新中... ...

2023-03-25 17:04:52 397

原创 git pull出错后撤销命令,回退到之前的某个版本

git pull出错后撤销命令,回退到之前的某个版本 step2 :查看历史版本,其中main@{0}是当前版本,例如我要取消此次pull操作,所以回退到main@{1}版本。step3:选择要回退到的版本。step4:ok啦~

2023-02-21 16:06:54 1234

原创 latex编译时报错Loading ‘expl3.sty‘ aborted!和control consequence /ifctexpdf already defined的解决方法

参考:https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/576918/mismatched-latex-support-files-detected。同时我还有“control consequence /ifctexpdf already defined”的报错,修改后一并解决了。

2022-12-14 17:31:16 2555

原创 【LateX本地配置】TeXLive和TeXstudio软件安装(Latex下载/安装/测试/升级)以及vscode环境配置详细教程

我是参考以下两个教程完成的1、TeXLive和TeXstudio软件安装:(3条消息) 【软件安装】TeXLive 2022安装(Latex下载,安装,测试,升级)教程_一川风絮千片雪的博客-CSDN博客_texlive安装2、 vscode环境搭建:(3条消息) VScode配置Latex环境(VScode+texlive)_今天没有吃可爱多的博客-CSDN博客_vscode配置texlive

2022-12-08 09:40:55 707

原创 Windows10系统下以管理员身份修改系统文件,以修改hosts文件为例


2022-12-05 11:01:22 1097

原创 A1151 LCA in a Binary Tree(30分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【LCA+树】

The lowest common ancestor (LCA) of two nodes U and V in a tree is the deepest node that has both U and V as descendants.Given any two nodes in a binary tree, you are supposed to find their LCA.Input Specification:Each input file contains one test cas

2022-08-29 17:08:53 309

原创 A1150 Travelling Salesman Problem(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【旅行商问题+set】


2022-08-28 16:37:24 1365

原创 A1149 Dangerous Goods Packaging(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【map】

When shipping goods with containers, we have to be careful not to pack some incompatible goods into the same container, or we might get ourselves in serious trouble. For example, oxidizing agent (氧化剂) must not be packed with flammable liquid (易燃液体), or it

2022-08-23 17:14:26 370

原创 A1148 Werewolf - Simple Version(20分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【狼人杀+模拟】

题目大意:已知 N 名玩家中有 2 人扮演狼人角色,有 2 人说的不是实话,有狼人撒谎但并不是所有狼人都在撒谎。要求你找出扮演狼人角色的是哪几号玩家,如果有解,在一行中按递增顺序输出 2 个狼人的编号;如果解不唯一,则输出最小序列解;若无解则输出 No Solution~分析:每个人说的数字保存在v数组中,i从1~n、j从i+1~n遍历,分别假设i和j是狼人,a数组表示该人是狼人还是好人,等于1表示是好人,等于-1表示是狼人。k从1~n分别判断k所说的话是真是假,k说的话和真实情况不同(即v[k] *

2022-08-12 22:12:40 414

原创 在Visual Studio 2019中使用freopen_s来进行算法的输入

在Visual Studio 2019中使用freopen_s来进行算法的输入

2022-08-12 22:06:42 499 1

原创 A1147 Heaps(30分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【最大最小堆】

In computer science, aheapis a specialized tree-based data structure that satisfies the heap property: if P is a parent node of C, then the key (the value) of P is either greater than or equal to (in a max heap) or less than or equal to (in a min heap) t..

2022-08-11 17:04:27 253

原创 A1145 Hashing - Average Search Time(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【数字处理】

The task of this problem is simple: insert a sequence of distinct positive integers into a hash table first. Then try to find another sequence of integer keys from the table and output the average search time (the number of comparisons made to find whether

2022-08-09 15:50:11 281 1

原创 A1144 The Missing Number(20分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【数字处理】

Given N integers, you are supposed to find the smallest positive integer that is NOT in the given list.Input Specification:Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives a positive integer N (≤105). Then N integers are given

2022-08-09 15:45:44 161

原创 A1143 Lowest Common Ancestor(30分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【常规思路+前序中序建树+LCA】


2022-08-09 11:53:03 319

原创 A1142 Maximal Clique(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【图+极大团】


2022-08-08 16:00:34 102

原创 A1141 PAT Ranking of Institutions(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【map+多条件排序】

After each PAT, the PAT Center will announce the ranking of institutions based on their students' performances. Now you are asked to generate the ranklist.Input Specification:Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives a

2022-08-07 16:30:35 489

原创 A1140 Look-and-say Sequence(20分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【字符串处理】

whereDis in [0, 9] except 1. The (n+1)st number is a kind of description of the nth number. For example, the 2nd number means that there is oneDin the 1st number, and hence it isD1; the 2nd number consists of oneD(corresponding toD1) and one 1 (cor...

2022-08-05 17:06:31 190

原创 A1023 Have Fun with Numbers(20分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【大整数相加】

Notice that the number 123456789 is a 9-digit number consisting exactly the numbers from 1 to 9, with no duplication. Double it we will obtain 246913578, which happens to be another 9-digit number consisting exactly the numbers from 1 to 9, only in a diffe

2022-08-05 11:39:00 162

原创 A1034 Head of a Gang(30分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【DFS+图的遍历】

One way that the police finds the head of a gang is to check people's phone calls. If there is a phone call betweenAandB, we say thatAandBis related. The weight of a relation is defined to be the total time length of all the phone calls made between...

2022-08-04 17:06:44 132

原创 A1040 Longest Symmetric String(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【对称字符串+动态规划】

Given a string, you are supposed to output the length of the longest symmetric sub-string. For example, givenIs PAT&TAP symmetric?, the longest symmetric sub-string iss PAT&TAP s, hence you must output11.Input Specification:Each input file contains o...

2022-08-04 10:47:53 101

原创 A1081 Rational Sum(20分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【分数运算]

分数运算,设置结构体包含分数的分母和分子,然后按固定套路写就好了,注意分子分母的数据类型都是long int,但是最后结果输出的时候要输出int类型。

2022-08-03 15:58:15 80

原创 A1052 Linked List Sorting(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【链表地址+排序]

先将原始输入数据存入srclist中,然后根据节点的address和next来遍历找出相连接的节点存入linked_list链表,然后对linked_list根据key值从小到大的顺序排序,并记录有效节点的个数,最后再进行输出。注意输出时要更新节点的next地址值,为linked_list链表中下一个节点的address地址值。但是仅作上述操作后测试点3会fail,后来看了其他人的题解后,发现要注意当输入的起始地址start为-1时,此时应该要输出“0 -1”,加上这个判断后就AC了。...

2022-08-02 10:49:22 129

原创 A1032 Sharing(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【字符串+结构体+map]


2022-07-29 17:53:01 807

原创 A1030 Travel Plan(30分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【Dijkstra+DFS]


2022-07-29 16:41:16 485

原创 A1024 Palindromic Number(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【回文串+大整数运算】


2022-07-27 22:16:54 189

原创 A1104 Sum of Number Segments(20分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【子序列数学问题+测试点2注意double带来的误差】


2022-07-27 18:03:33 254

原创 A1078 Hashing(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【哈希表】


2022-07-27 16:37:13 608

原创 A1077 Kuchiguse(20分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【字符串】


2022-07-26 16:33:11 523

原创 A1076 Forwards on Weibo(30分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【BFS】


2022-07-26 14:47:01 242

原创 A1126 Eulerian Path(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【欧拉图】

In graph theory, an Eulerian path is a path in a graph which visits every edge exactly once. Similarly, an Eulerian circuit is an Eulerian path which starts and ends on the same vertex. They were first discussed by Leonhard Euler while solving the famous S

2022-07-25 21:03:57 108

原创 A1124 Raffle for Weibo Followers(20分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【map】


2022-07-24 15:48:41 189

原创 A1125 Chain the Ropes(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【排序】


2022-07-24 15:42:48 136

原创 A1138 Postorder Traversal(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【前中后序树的遍历】

Suppose that all the keys in a binary tree are distinct positive integers. Given the preorder and inorder traversal sequences, you are supposed to output the first number of the postorder traversal sequence of the corresponding binary tree.Each input file

2022-06-04 22:19:17 71

原创 A1146 Topological Order(25分)PAT 甲级(Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【拓扑排序】

This is a problem given in the Graduate Entrance Exam in 2018: Which of the following is NOT a topological order obtained from the given directed graph? Now you are supposed to write a program to test each of the options.Each input file contains one test c

2022-06-04 21:25:01 143

原创 A1153 Decode Registration Card of PAT(25分)PAT甲级 (Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【unordered_map+排序】

A registration card number of PAT consists of 4 parts:Now given a set of registration card numbers and the scores of the card owners, you are supposed to output the various statistics according to the given queries.Each input file contains one test case. F

2022-06-03 22:38:06 128

原创 A1152 Google Recruitment(20分)PAT甲级 (Advanced Level) Practice(C++)满分题解【素数+字符串】

In July 2004, Google posted on a giant billboard along Highway 101 in Silicon Valley (shown in the picture below) for recruitment. The content is super-simple, a URL consisting of the first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of the natural constant

2022-06-03 17:38:06 1922





AES对称加密算法的Python代码实现,含基础UI界面,课程设计 AES加密算法涉及4种操作,分别是字节替代、行移位、列混淆和轮密钥加,解密算法的每一步分别对应加密算法的逆操作,且所有操作的顺序相反。加解密中每轮的密钥分别由初始密钥经过密钥扩展算法得到。算法中16字节的明文、密文和轮子密钥都以一个4x4的矩阵表示。


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