

本文尝试根据自己多年的产品经理经验,给出产品经理的主要职责。 虽然在不同的公司,产品经理的角色和职责互有差异,但是有一些关键职责是任何一个产品经理都应承担的。可以将其归纳为如下六个方面:


市场调研是指研究市场以了解客户需求、竞争状况及市场力量(market forces),其最终目标是发现创新或改进产品的潜在机会。


  • 与用户和潜在用户交流
  • 与直接面对客户的一线同事如销售、客服、技术支持等交流
  • 研究市场分析报告及文章
  • 试用竞争产品
  • 仔细观察用户行为等



a) 产品定义是指确定产品需要做哪些事情。通常采用产品需求文档(PRD)来进行描述,PRD可能包含如下信息:

  • 产品的愿景
  • 目标市场
  • 竞争分析
  • 产品功能的详细描述
  • 产品功能的优先级
  • 产品用例(UseCase)
  • 系统需求
  • 性能需求
  • 销售及支持需求等

b) 产品设计是指确定产品的外观,包括用户界面设计(UI,User Interface)和用户交互设计(User Interaction),包含所有的用户体验部分。在大型公司里,PM通常和UI设计师或互动设计师一起完成产品设计,不过在小公司或者创业公司里,产品经理也许需要全包这些工作。

这是产品经理工作中最有价值的部分, 如果产品经理工作中不包含这部分内容,那几乎可以肯定滴说,那不是产品经理的工作。



  • 确保资源投入
  • 制定项目计划
  • 根据计划跟踪项目进展
  • 辨别关键路径
  • 必要时争取追加投入
  • 向主管领导报告项目进展状况等













  • 产品定位
  • 产品定价及促销
  • 产品线管理
  • 竞争策略
  • 建立或收购合作伙伴
  • 识别并建立合作关系等


What Do Product Managers Do?
While the role of a PM varies widely depending on the company, there are several key responsibilities that product managers usually undertake at a vast majority of successful high-tech companies - based on my own experiences as well as conversations with friends in the industry. I've grouped them into the following six categories:

  1. Market Research:

    This refers to the activities of studying a market to understand the customer needs, competitive landscape, and market forces - with the ultimate goal of uncovering opportunities for creating product enhancements as well as new products.

    This is done via conversations with customers or potential customers, talking to customer-facing teams such as sales and support, studying reports and articles on the marketplace, test driving competitive products, keeping tabs on customer behavior, and other such activities.

    This culminates with the PM preparing a business case, product strategy and/or business requirements document (BRD) detailing how to capitalize on the uncovered opportunities.

  2. Product Definition and Design:

    a) Product Definition refers to the activities of specifying what a product needs to do. This is usually done via what is referred to as Market Requirements Document (MRD) or Product Requirements Document (PRD). This document may include information such as product vision, target market, competitive summary, detailed description of product features, prioritization of features, use cases, system requirements, performance requirements, sales and support requirements, etc.

    b) Product Design refers to the activities of specifying the look and feel of the product including the user interface (UI) and the user interaction with the product - covering the whole spectrum of user experience. In larger companies the PM works with UI designers or interaction designers to create this, while in startups the PM may do all of these.

    I consider this to be the most valuable among a PM's activities - so much so that I actually think product manager jobs which don't include this responsibility are really not product manager jobs at all!

  3. Project Management:

    This refers to the activities of leading cross-functional teams including engineering, QA, UI design, marketing, sales and support to develop and launch the product on-time and on-budget. This may include securing resources, creating project timelines, tracking progress against timeline, identifying critical paths, getting additional resources when needed, and communicating status to the executive team.

    In larger companies, Project Managers actually perform most of these activities with the support of PM's. In very small startups, the PM may be asked to do these by herself. In some companies, the Engineering Lead may do most of these activities as well.


  4. Evangelizing the Product:

    This includes the activities of communicating the product benefits, features and target markets, and in general championing the product to internal teams such as sales, marketing, support and executives. This also includes evangelizing the product to external audience such as press, analysts and customers.

    In larger companies, the PM is supported by the Product Marketing, Marketing Communications (MarCom) and/or Press Relations (PR) teams in evangelizing to external audience.

    I consider this to be the second most valuable among a PM's activities - especially evangelizing to the sales & marketing teams, and the executives to create excitement around the product.

  5. Product Marketing:

    This refers to the activities of outbound messaging - telling the world about the product. This includes creating collateral such as datasheets, brochures, website, flash presentations, press packages, trade shows and more.

    In larger companies, the product marketing activities are almost always separated from the PM. They're instead performed by the Product Marketing Manager. The biggest shortcoming of this arrangement is the resultant inefficiencies in communication and the weakening of outbound messaging.

    In some companies the terms 'Product Management' and 'Product Marketing' are used synonymously and one person is responsible for all activities. In companies where there are separate 'Product Management' and 'Product Marketing' groups, the latter group performs all the activities mentioned in this category. They may also perform some of the activities in categories 1, 4 and 6.

  6. Product Life Cycle Management:

    This refers to the activities of managing a product as it goes through its life cycle from ideation to launch to growth to maturity, and eventually to decline.

    This includes tasks such as product positioning, pricing and promotion, product portfolio management, competitive strategy, making build/buy/partner decisions, and identifying and developing partnerships. The PM works with Product Marketing, Business Development and MarCom teams on many of these activities.






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