Ahead of Time Compilation or AOT is a feature of the Mono runtime code generator.

The Mono code generator can operate in two modes: Just-in-Time compilation or JIT, and Ahead-of-Time compilation or AOT.

AOT compilation works in two stages. The first stage consists of precompiling the assemblies. As of Mono 1.2, this is a manual process that individual deployments must do. The second stage is automatic, the Mono runtime will automatically load any precompiled code that you have generated.

Generating AOT code from an assembly is very simple, just invoke the Mono runtime with the --aot flag, like this:

mono --aot program.exe

This will generate a file called "", which contains the native code that was precompiled by Mono for most of the IL methods. The --aot flag by default will limit itself to IL methods which will give you the most benefits, but will not compile absolutely everything you need. See below for more details.

Although the JIT mode is very fast, and the default optimizations in Mono have been tuned to provide a good balance between optimizations and JIT speed, AOT compilation provides a few extra benefits:

  • Reduced startup time.
  • Increased memory sharing.
  • Potential better performance.

Full AOT

In some operating system configurations (mostly embedded systems) the operating system services for generating code dynamically are not available, this prevents Mono's JIT from working. In those systems, you can use --aot=full to ensure that Mono precompiles everything, and then use the option --full-aot to ensure that Mono never uses the JIT engine.

# Do a full AOT:
$ mono --aot=full mscorlib.dll
$ mono --aot=full sample.exe
# Run, but request that Mono never tries to JIT:
$ mono --full-aot sample.exe

Full AOT is a fairly straightforward process except in the case of generic instantiations. In those cases Mono must perform a static analysis of the code and determine all of the possible instantiations of a type and generate the code required. For example if a program uses a List<int> and a List<double> mono will detect this and generate all of the referenced methods for both data types.

Known Limitations

If you depend on the full AOT option because of OS limitations, you should make sure to test your software using the "--full-aot" option to ensure that no dynamic code is used by your application.

This testing is required because some of Mono's class libraries generate code dynamically (for example LINQ's Expression.Compile() method for expression ASTs) or load code at runtime (for example the default operation mode for the XML serializer, see MONO_XML_SERIALIZER_THS on the manual page to configure this).

Limitation: Platform

Full AOT currently only works on AMD64/ARM and only with SVN HEAD, not 2.0/2.2/ 2.4.

Limitation: Generic Interface Instantiation

While generics are supported, there are some rare cases that are not supported.

The following class of interface dispatch is not supported in FullAOT mode:

interface IFoo<T> {
    void SomeMethod ();

Since Mono has no way of determining from the static analysis what method will implement tje interface IFoo<int>.SomeMethod this particular pattern is not supported.

Generic ValueType Sharing

Xamarin's version of AOT compilation extends the AOT compiler to support generic code generation for value types. This can be either an optimization (generate fewer versions of Foo<X> where X is a value type) to filling holes where previously you would get a runtime failure due to a Foo<X> where X is value type from not being implemented.

This feature is currently only available to iOS users of Xamarin.

Supported Platforms

AOT is only available in a few platforms:

Reduced Startup Time

At startup, the Mono runtime will probe if an AOT version of the assembly lives side-by-side, and if so, instead of JITing the methods in the given assembly, it will load the native code from the side-by-side file.

This is particularly useful for large programs that might need to execute a lot of code before they are operational (large class libraries for example).

Increased Memory Sharing

The code generated by AOT compilation is position-independent code (PIC). Mono will load this code using the "mmap" kernel call, and all of the code will actually be shared across multiple Mono instances in the system.

Not only will the JIT not waste time or memory in generating the code, but the code that is executed is the same copy of code in memory that is shared across multiple processes in a system.

Potential Better Performance

When you pre-compile an assembly with the --aot flag to Mono, you also can turn on extra optimizations that are not part of the default optimizations that Mono applies while JITing. JITing has to balance startup-time vs performance of the generated code. This means that the most advanced optimization that require a more thorough code analysis and which run slower are not enabled by default.

With AOT, you can turn on and off specific optimizations that you want to apply to your code, optimizations that you would not use with the JIT engine as they would slow down your program startup too much.

One common use is:

mono --aot -O=all program.exe

The "all" flag to the "-O" command line option will turn on all optimizations, but we suggest that you actually profile and test whether some particular optimizations improve or decrease the performance of your code, as not all optimizations work equally well with all different code patterns.


Code generated by the AOT compilation step is position independent, unlike the JIT code which is tuned for the actual execution of the process. This means that certain programs might run slower as the generated code is more general than the specific code that the JIT can produce.

As of Mono 2.0, AOT compilation is only supported for non-generic methods. support for generics is currently under development.

If you want to disable the use of the AOT generated code for a particular program execution, use the -O=-aot command line flag to the runtime.

See the discussion on OptimizingAOT


Documentation on the Mono AOT implementation is found in the Mono:Runtime:Documentation:AOT page.

AOTing all the system libraries

You can use the following commands to AOT all of the libraries on your system:

mono --aot /usr/lib/mono/1.0/mscorlib.dll
for i in /usr/lib/mono/gac/*/*/*.dll; do mono --aot $i; done

### 回答1: AOT是Ahead Of Time的缩写,意为预编译。WinForm是Windows Forms的简称,是一种用于Windows桌面应用程序开发的基于.NET框架的用户界面库。而AOT WinForm则是指使用预编译技术来加快WinForm应用程序的启动和执行速度。 以常规的编译方式,.NET应用程序通常需要在运行时对字节码进行JIT编译,这将导致启动时间和执行速度较慢。然而,AOT可以在应用程序打包时将所有字节码预先编译成本地机器代码,从而在运行时直接执行,这大大提高了程序的性能和响应速度。 在使用AOT WinForm时,开发者可以选择对整个应用程序或者部分组件(如DLL或EXE文件)进行预编译。虽然AOT编译可能需要更长的时间和更多的计算资源来完成,但通过减少JIT编译的时间和避免因为JIT编译而产生的性能损失,AOT可以为应用程序带来显著的优化效果。 总的来说,AOT WinForm是一种非常有用的优化技术,它可以提升WinForm应用程序的性能和响应速度,尤其是在需要处理较大数据量和复杂逻辑的情况下。 ### 回答2: AO.T是一家致力于培训人工智能人才的公司,其开发的AO.T Winform是一款基于.NET Framework技术的窗体应用程序。WINFORM是WINDOWS FORMS的缩写,指的是Windows桌面应用程序。具有易于编写和使用、可多种控件设计和使用和可快速开发的特点,适用于各细分行业。AO.T Winform实现了窗口设计中各控件的灵活布局和操作,它可以简化Windows应用程序开发过程,同时通过提供免费的软件授权来降低企业的成本。 AO.T Winform支持在Windows上开发GUI应用程序,并且由于采用.NET技术,因此它可以使用C#或VB.NET等编程语言进行开发。它也提供了一系列的用户界面的控件和容器,比如TextBox文本框、Button按钮、Label标签、ComboBox下拉菜单、DataGridView表格控件以及各种面板和容器来帮助用户快速开发完整的应用程序。 AO.T Winform对于初学者来说是一款非常好的学习工具。学生可以用它来学习GUI编程、面向对象编程、事件驱动等技术,还可以通过练习来提高自己的编程能力,以及掌握多种常用的技巧,例如自定义控件和定制窗口等。 总之,AO.T Winform是一款灵活、易于使用、快速开发的GUI工具,可以帮助企业降低开发成本,还能够帮助学生快速掌握GUI编程,提高自己的编程水平。 ### 回答3: AOI(自动光学检查)技术在现代制造业中被广泛使用,可以帮助生产厂家在制造过程中快速准确地检查电路板的质量,提高生产效率和质量。AOI技术依赖于高精度的图像分析算法,需要可靠的软件平台来实现。 AOT WinForm是一款专门为AOI应用开发的图形用户界面(GUI)开发工具。它提供了多种开发组件、图形控件和功能模块,可以快速构建高效的AOI检测软件。使用AOT WinForm,开发者可以轻松地实现各种检测算法,包括PCB元器件安装检测、焊点检测、短路检测、开路检测、电路板外形检测等。与传统的手工检测方式相比,AOT WinForm可以大大提高检测速度和精度,降低生产成本和人力投入。 AOT WinForm具有以下优点: 1. 可视化的设计界面:AOT WinForm提供了友好的可视化设计界面,不需要编写复杂的代码就可以创建出漂亮的GUI界面,可以大大提高开发效率。 2. 高效的算法库:AOT WinForm内置了丰富的图像处理和算法库,包括常用的图像变换、边缘提取、滤波等算法,可以快速实现多种电路板检测功能。 3. 全面的支持:AOT WinForm支持多种数据接口和格式,可以与各种数据源集成,包括网络摄像头、CCD相机、扫描仪等。 4. 易于维护和升级:由于AOT WinForm使用标准的.NET框架和C#语言,因此易于维护和升级,开发者可以根据需要自由扩展和修改代码。 总之,AOT WinForm是一个高效、可靠的AOI开发工具,可以帮助电路板制造商提高生产效率和质量,加快新产品上市时间,降低生产成本。




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