


#include "base_nodes/CCNode.h"

#include "CCProtocols.h"

#include "textures/CCTextureAtlas.h"

#include "ccTypes.h"

#include "cocoa/CCDictionary.h"

#include <string>


#include "base_nodes/CCGLBufferedNode.h"

#endif // EMSCRIPTEN


class CCSpriteBatchNode;

class CCSpriteFrame;

class CCAnimation;

class CCRect;

class CCPoint;

class CCSize;

class CCTexture2D;

struct transformValues_;


 * @addtogroup sprite_nodes

 * @{


#define CCSpriteIndexNotInitialized 0xffffffff     /// CCSprite invalid index on the CCSpriteBatchNode


 * CCSprite is a 2d image ( )


 * CCSprite can be created with an image, or with a sub-rectangle of an image.


 * If the parent or any of its ancestors is a CCSpriteBatchNode then the following features/limitations are valid

 *    - Features when the parent is a CCBatchNode:

 *        - MUCH faster rendering, specially if the CCSpriteBatchNode has many children. All the children will be drawn in a single batch.


 *    - Limitations

 *        - Camera is not supported yet (eg: CCOrbitCamera action doesn't work)

 *        - GridBase actions are not supported (eg: CCLens, CCRipple, CCTwirl)

 *        - The Alias/Antialias property belongs to CCSpriteBatchNode, so you can't individually set the aliased property.

 *        - The Blending function property belongs to CCSpriteBatchNode, so you can't individually set the blending function property.

 *        - Parallax scroller is not supported, but can be simulated with a "proxy" sprite.


 *  If the parent is an standard CCNode, then CCSprite behaves like any other CCNode:

 *    - It supports blending functions

 *    - It supports aliasing / antialiasing

 *    - But the rendering will be slower: 1 draw per children.


 * The default anchorPoint in CCSprite is (0.5, 0.5).


class CC_DLL CCSprite : public CCNodeRGBA, public CCTextureProtocol


, public CCGLBufferedNode

#endif // EMSCRIPTEN



    /// @{

    /// @name Creators



     * Creates an empty sprite without texture. You can call setTexture method subsequently.


     * @return An empty sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.


    static CCSprite* create();



     * Creates a sprite with an image filename.


     * After creation, the rect of sprite will be the size of the image,

     * and the offset will be (0,0).


     * @param   pszFileName The string which indicates a path to image file, e.g., "scene1/monster.png".

     * @return  A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.


    static CCSprite* create(const char *pszFileName);



     * Creates a sprite with an image filename and a rect.


     * @param   pszFileName The string wich indicates a path to image file, e.g., "scene1/monster.png"

     * @param   rect        Only the contents inside rect of pszFileName's texture will be applied for this sprite.

     * @return  A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.


    static CCSprite* create(const char *pszFileName, const CCRect& rect);



     * Creates a sprite with an exsiting texture contained in a CCTexture2D object

     * After creation, the rect will be the size of the texture, and the offset will be (0,0).


     * @param   pTexture    A pointer to a CCTexture2D object.

     * @return  A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.


    static CCSprite* createWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pTexture);



     * Creates a sprite with a texture and a rect.


     * After creation, the offset will be (0,0).


     * @param   pTexture    A pointer to an existing CCTexture2D object.

     *                      You can use a CCTexture2D object for many sprites.

     * @param   rect        Only the contents inside the rect of this texture will be applied for this sprite.

     * @return  A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.


    static CCSprite* createWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pTexture, const CCRect& rect);



     * Creates a sprite with an sprite frame.


     * @param   pSpriteFrame    A sprite frame which involves a texture and a rect

     * @return  A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.


    static CCSprite* createWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame *pSpriteFrame);



     * Creates a sprite with an sprite frame name.


     * A CCSpriteFrame will be fetched from the CCSpriteFrameCache by pszSpriteFrameName param.

     * If the CCSpriteFrame doesn't exist it will raise an exception.


     * @param   pszSpriteFrameName A null terminated string which indicates the sprite frame name.

     * @return  A valid sprite object that is marked as autoreleased.


    static CCSprite* createWithSpriteFrameName(const char *pszSpriteFrameName);


    /// @}  end of creators group




    /// @{

    /// @name Initializers



     * Default constructor





     * Default destructor


    virtual ~CCSprite(void);



     * Initializes an empty sprite with nothing init.


    virtual bool init(void);



     * Initializes a sprite with a texture.


     * After initialization, the rect used will be the size of the texture, and the offset will be (0,0).


     * @param   pTexture    A pointer to an existing CCTexture2D object.

     *                      You can use a CCTexture2D object for many sprites.

     * @return  true if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise.


    virtual bool initWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pTexture);



     * Initializes a sprite with a texture and a rect.


     * After initialization, the offset will be (0,0).


     * @param   pTexture    A pointer to an exisiting CCTexture2D object.

     *                      You can use a CCTexture2D object for many sprites.

     * @param   rect        Only the contents inside rect of this texture will be applied for this sprite.

     * @return  true if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise.


    virtual bool initWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pTexture, const CCRect& rect);



     * Initializes a sprite with a texture and a rect in points, optionally rotated.


     * After initialization, the offset will be (0,0).

     * @note    This is the designated initializer.


     * @param   pTexture    A CCTexture2D object whose texture will be applied to this sprite.

     * @param   rect        A rectangle assigned the contents of texture.

     * @param   rotated     Whether or not the texture rectangle is rotated.

     * @return  true if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise.


    virtual bool initWithTexture(CCTexture2D *pTexture, const CCRect& rect, bool rotated);



     * Initializes a sprite with an SpriteFrame. The texture and rect in SpriteFrame will be applied on this sprite


     * @param   pSpriteFrame  A CCSpriteFrame object. It should includes a valid texture and a rect

     * @return  true if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise.


    virtual bool initWithSpriteFrame(CCSpriteFrame *pSpriteFrame);



     * Initializes a sprite with an sprite frame name.


     * A CCSpriteFrame will be fetched from the CCSpriteFrameCache by name.

     * If the CCSpriteFrame doesn't exist it will raise an exception.


     * @param   pszSpriteFrameName  A key string that can fected a volid CCSpriteFrame from CCSpriteFrameCache

     * @return  true if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise.


    virtual bool initWithSpriteFrameName(const char *pszSpriteFrameName);



     * Initializes a sprite with an image filename.


     * This method will find pszFilename from local file system, load its content to CCTexture2D,

     * then use CCTexture2D to create a sprite.

     * After initialization, the rect used will be the size of the image. The offset will be (0,0).


     * @param   pszFilename The path to an image file in local file system

     * @return  true if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise.


    virtual bool initWithFile(const char *pszFilename);



     * Initializes a sprite with an image filename, and a rect.


     * This method will find pszFilename from local file system, load its content to CCTexture2D,

     * then use CCTexture2D to create a sprite.

     * After initialization, the offset will be (0,0).


     * @param   pszFilename The path to an image file in local file system.

     * @param   rect        The rectangle assigned the content area from texture.

     * @return  true if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise.


    virtual bool initWithFile(const char *pszFilename, const CCRect& rect);


    /// @} end of initializers


    /// @{

    /// @name Functions inherited from CCTextureProtocol

    virtual void setTexture(CCTexture2D *texture);

    virtual CCTexture2D* getTexture(void);

    inline void setBlendFunc(ccBlendFunc blendFunc) { m_sBlendFunc = blendFunc; }

    inline ccBlendFunc getBlendFunc(void) { return m_sBlendFunc; }

    /// @}

    /// @{

    /// @name Functions inherited from CCNode

    virtual void setScaleX(float fScaleX);

    virtual void setScaleY(float fScaleY);

    virtual void setPosition(const CCPoint& pos);

    virtual void setRotation(float fRotation);

    virtual void setRotationX(float fRotationX);

    virtual void setRotationY(float fRotationY);

    virtual void setSkewX(float sx);

    virtual void setSkewY(float sy);

    virtual void removeChild(CCNode* pChild, bool bCleanup);

    virtual void removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool bCleanup);

    virtual void reorderChild(CCNode *pChild, int zOrder);

    virtual void addChild(CCNode *pChild);

    virtual void addChild(CCNode *pChild, int zOrder);

    virtual void addChild(CCNode *pChild, int zOrder, int tag);

    virtual void sortAllChildren();

    virtual void setScale(float fScale);

    virtual void setVertexZ(float fVertexZ);

    virtual void setAnchorPoint(const CCPoint& anchor);

    virtual void ignoreAnchorPointForPosition(bool value);

    virtual void setVisible(bool bVisible);

    virtual void draw(void);

    /// @}


    /// @{

    /// @name Functions inherited from CCNodeRGBA

    virtual void setColor(const ccColor3B& color3);

    virtual void updateDisplayedColor(const ccColor3B& parentColor);

    virtual void setOpacity(GLubyte opacity);

    virtual void setOpacityModifyRGB(bool modify);

    virtual bool isOpacityModifyRGB(void);

    virtual void updateDisplayedOpacity(GLubyte parentOpacity);

    /// @}


    /// @{

    /// @name BatchNode methods



     * Updates the quad according the rotation, position, scale values. 


    virtual void updateTransform(void);



     * Returns the batch node object if this sprite is rendered by CCSpriteBatchNode


     * @return The CCSpriteBatchNode object if this sprite is rendered by CCSpriteBatchNode,

     *         NULL if the sprite isn't used batch node.


    virtual CCSpriteBatchNode* getBatchNode(void);


     * Sets the batch node to sprite

     * @warning This method is not recommended for game developers. Sample code for using batch node

     * @code

     * CCSpriteBatchNode *batch = CCSpriteBatchNode::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", 15);

     * CCSprite *sprite = CCSprite::createWithTexture(batch->getTexture(), CCRectMake(0, 0, 57, 57));

     * batch->addChild(sprite);

     * layer->addChild(batch);

     * @endcode


    virtual void setBatchNode(CCSpriteBatchNode *pobSpriteBatchNode);


    /// @} end of BatchNode methods




    /// @{

    /// @name Texture methods



     * Updates the texture rect of the CCSprite in points.

     * It will call setTextureRect:rotated:untrimmedSize with rotated = NO, and utrimmedSize = rect.size.


    virtual void setTextureRect(const CCRect& rect);



     * Sets the texture rect, rectRotated and untrimmed size of the CCSprite in points.

     * It will update the texture coordinates and the vertex rectangle.


    virtual void setTextureRect(const CCRect& rect, bool rotated, const CCSize& untrimmedSize);



     * Sets the vertex rect.

     * It will be called internally by setTextureRect.

     * Useful if you want to create 2x images from SD images in Retina Display.

     * Do not call it manually. Use setTextureRect instead.


    virtual void setVertexRect(const CCRect& rect);


    /// @} end of texture methods



    /// @{

    /// @name Frames methods



     * Sets a new display frame to the CCSprite.


    virtual void setDisplayFrame(CCSpriteFrame *pNewFrame);



     * Returns whether or not a CCSpriteFrame is being displayed


    virtual bool isFrameDisplayed(CCSpriteFrame *pFrame);



     * Returns the current displayed frame.


    virtual CCSpriteFrame* displayFrame(void);


    /// @} End of frames methods


    /// @{

    /// @name Animation methods


     * Changes the display frame with animation name and index.

     * The animation name will be get from the CCAnimationCache


    virtual void setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName(const char *animationName, int frameIndex);

    /// @}



    /// @{

    /// @name Sprite Properties' setter/getters



     * Whether or not the Sprite needs to be updated in the Atlas.


     * @return true if the sprite needs to be updated in the Atlas, false otherwise.


    inline virtual bool isDirty(void) { return m_bDirty; }



     * Makes the Sprite to be updated in the Atlas.


    inline virtual void setDirty(bool bDirty) { m_bDirty = bDirty; }



     * Returns the quad (tex coords, vertex coords and color) information. 


    inline ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad getQuad(void) { return m_sQuad; }


     * Returns whether or not the texture rectangle is rotated.


    inline bool isTextureRectRotated(void) { return m_bRectRotated; }



     * Returns the index used on the TextureAtlas. 


    inline unsigned int getAtlasIndex(void) { return m_uAtlasIndex; }



     * Sets the index used on the TextureAtlas.

     * @warning Don't modify this value unless you know what you are doing


    inline void setAtlasIndex(unsigned int uAtlasIndex) { m_uAtlasIndex = uAtlasIndex; }


     * Returns the rect of the CCSprite in points 


    inline const CCRect& getTextureRect(void) { return m_obRect; }


     * Gets the weak reference of the CCTextureAtlas when the sprite is rendered using via CCSpriteBatchNode


    inline CCTextureAtlas* getTextureAtlas(void) { return m_pobTextureAtlas; }



     * Sets the weak reference of the CCTextureAtlas when the sprite is rendered using via CCSpriteBatchNode


    inline void setTextureAtlas(CCTextureAtlas *pobTextureAtlas) { m_pobTextureAtlas = pobTextureAtlas; }


     * Gets the offset position of the sprite. Calculated automatically by editors like Zwoptex.


    inline const CCPoint& getOffsetPosition(void) { return m_obOffsetPosition; }


     * Returns the flag which indicates whether the sprite is flipped horizontally or not.


     * It only flips the texture of the sprite, and not the texture of the sprite's children.

     * Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint.

     * If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use:

     * sprite->setScaleX(sprite->getScaleX() * -1);


     * @return true if the sprite is flipped horizaontally, false otherwise.


    bool isFlipX(void);


     * Sets whether the sprite should be flipped horizontally or not.


     * @param bFlipX true if the sprite should be flipped horizaontally, false otherwise.


    void setFlipX(bool bFlipX);



     * Return the flag which indicates whether the sprite is flipped vertically or not.


     * It only flips the texture of the sprite, and not the texture of the sprite's children.

     * Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint.

     * If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use:

     * sprite->setScaleY(sprite->getScaleY() * -1);


     * @return true if the sprite is flipped vertically, flase otherwise.


    bool isFlipY(void);


     * Sets whether the sprite should be flipped vertically or not.


     * @param bFlipY true if the sprite should be flipped vertically, flase otherwise.


    void setFlipY(bool bFlipY);


    /// @} End of Sprite properties getter/setters



    void updateColor(void);

    virtual void setTextureCoords(CCRect rect);

    virtual void updateBlendFunc(void);

    virtual void setReorderChildDirtyRecursively(void);

    virtual void setDirtyRecursively(bool bValue);


    // Data used when the sprite is rendered using a CCSpriteSheet


    CCTextureAtlas*     m_pobTextureAtlas;      /// CCSpriteBatchNode texture atlas (weak reference)

    unsigned int        m_uAtlasIndex;          /// Absolute (real) Index on the SpriteSheet

    CCSpriteBatchNode*  m_pobBatchNode;         /// Used batch node (weak reference)


    bool                m_bDirty;               /// Whether the sprite needs to be updated

    bool                m_bRecursiveDirty;      /// Whether all of the sprite's children needs to be updated

    bool                m_bHasChildren;         /// Whether the sprite contains children

    bool                m_bShouldBeHidden;      /// should not be drawn because one of the ancestors is not visible

    CCAffineTransform   m_transformToBatch;



    // Data used when the sprite is self-rendered


    ccBlendFunc        m_sBlendFunc;            /// It's required for CCTextureProtocol inheritance

    CCTexture2D*       m_pobTexture;            /// CCTexture2D object that is used to render the sprite


    // Shared data


    // texture

    CCRect m_obRect;                            /// Retangle of CCTexture2D

    bool   m_bRectRotated;                      /// Whether the texture is rotated

    // Offset Position (used by Zwoptex)

    CCPoint m_obOffsetPosition;

    CCPoint m_obUnflippedOffsetPositionFromCenter;

    // vertex coords, texture coords and color info

    ccV3F_C4B_T2F_Quad m_sQuad;

    // opacity and RGB protocol

    bool m_bOpacityModifyRGB;

    // image is flipped

    bool m_bFlipX;                              /// Whether the sprite is flipped horizaontally or not.

    bool m_bFlipY;                              /// Whether the sprite is flipped vertically or not.


// end of sprite_nodes group

/// @}







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