
1.(Refer to figures ATP6-1) What is the runway distance remaining at “A” for a daytime takeoff in runway 9?((参考图ATP6-1)09号跑道昼间起飞,在“A”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 1,000 feet(1000 英尺)
  • B. 1,500 feet(1500 英尺)
  • C. 2,000 feet(2000 英尺)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14019.9299E8

2.(Refer to figure ATP6-2) What is the runway distance remaining at “A” for a nighttime takeoff in runway 9?((参考图ATP6-2)09号跑道夜间起飞,在“A”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 1,000 feet(1000 英尺)
  • B. 1,500 feet(1500 英尺)
  • C. 2,000 feet(2000 英尺)

解析:跑道边灯为白色。仪表跑道的最后 2000 英尺(600 米)或跑道一半长度(取较短者),边灯为黄灯。提醒飞行员剩余跑道的长度。

参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14021.C5A9F1

3.(Refer to figure ATP6-2) What is the runway distance remaining at “B” for a daytime takeoff in runway 09?((参考图ATP6-2)09号跑道昼间起飞,在“B”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 2,000 feet(2000 英尺)
  • B. 2,500 feet(2500 英尺)
  • C. 3,000 feet(3000 英尺)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14023.744E65

4.(Refer to figure ATP6-2) What is the runway distance remaining at “C” for a daytime takeoff on runway 9?((参考图ATP6-2)09号跑道昼间起飞,在“C”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 2,500 feet.(2500 英尺)
  • B. 2,000 feet.(2000 英尺)
  • C. 1,500 feet.(1500 英尺)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14025.CE564E

5.(Refer to figure ATP6-2) What is the runway distance remaining at “D” for a daytime takeoff on runway 9?((参考图ATP6-2)09号跑道昼间起飞,在“D”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 500 feet(500 英尺)
  • B. 1,000 feet(1000 英尺)
  • C. 1,500 feet(1500 英尺)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14027.34BE89

6.(Refer to figure ATP6-3) What is the runway distance remaining at “A” for a nighttime takeoff on runway 09?((参考图ATP6-3)09号跑道夜间起飞,在“A”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 600m(600米)
  • B. 900m(900米)
  • C. 1050m(1050米)

解析:当从着陆跑道入口看时,跑道中线灯为白色,直至跑道最后 3000 英尺(900 米)。在接下来的2000 英尺(600 米)白灯开始和红灯交替,在跑道最后 1000 英尺(300 米),所有跑道中线灯都为红色。

参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14029.298C6C

7.(Refer to figure ATP6-3) What is the runway distance remaining at “B” for a nighttime takeoff on runway 9?((参考图ATP6-3)09号跑道夜间起飞,在“B”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 300m(300米)
  • B. 600m(600米)
  • C. 750m(750米)

解析:跑道边灯为白色。仪表跑道的最后 2000 英尺(600 米)或跑道一半长度(取较短者),边灯为黄灯。提醒飞行员剩余跑道的长度。

参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14031.40E345

8.(Refer to figure ATP6-3) What is the runway distance remaining at “C” for a nighttime takeoff on runway 9?((参考图ATP6-3)09号跑道夜间起飞,在“C”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 300m(300米)
  • B. 450m(450米)
  • C. 550m(550米)

解析:当从着陆跑道入口看时,跑道中线灯为白色,直至跑道最后 3000 英尺(900 米)。在接下来的2000 英尺(600 米)白灯开始和红灯交替,在跑道最后 1000 英尺(300 米),所有跑道中线灯都为红色。

参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14033.25154C

9.(Refer to figure ATP6-3) What is the runway distance remaining at “D” for a daytime takeoff on runway 9?((参考图ATP6-3)09号跑道昼间起飞,在“D”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 750m(750米)
  • B. 450m(450米)
  • C. 900m(900米)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14035.019A12

10.(Refer to figure ATP6-3) What is the runway distance remaining at “E” for a daytime takeoff on runway 9?((参考图ATP6-3)09号跑道昼间起飞,在“E”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 450m(450米)
  • B. 600m(600米)
  • C. 750m(750米)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14037.D6863C

11.(Refer to figure ATP6-3) What is the runway distance remaining at “F” for a daytime takeoff on runway 9?((参考图ATP6-3)09号跑道昼间起飞,在“F”点剩余跑道距离是)

  • A. 300m(300米)
  • B. 600m(600米)
  • C. 450m(450米)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14039.23673B

12.(Refer to figure ATP6-4 and 6-5) To which aircraft position does HSI presentation “A” correspond?((参考图ATP6-4和6-5)“A”代号的HSI对应航空器的哪(几)个位置?)

  • A. 9 and 6(9和6)
  • B. 9 only(仅9)
  • C. 6 only(仅6)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14053.C44C73

13.(Refer to figure ATP6-4 and 6-5) To which aircraft position does HSI presentation “B” correspond?((参考图ATP6-4和6-5)“B”代号的HSI对应航空器的哪(几)个位置?)

  • A. 11(11)
  • B. 5 and 13(5和13)
  • C. 7 and 11(7和11)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14055.1DA191

14.(Refer to figure ATP6-4 and 6-5) To which aircraft position does HSI presentation “C” correspond?((参考图ATP6-4和6-5)“C”代号的HSI对应航空器的哪个位置?)

  • A. 9(9)
  • B. 4(4)
  • C. 12(12)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14057.BB9B58

15.(Refer to figure ATP6-4 and 6-5) To which aircraft position does HSI presentation “D” correspond?((参考图ATP6-4和6-5)“D”代号的HSI对应航空器的哪个位置?)

  • A. 10(10)
  • B. 1(1)
  • C. 2(2)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14059.D3C3D7

16.(Refer to figure ATP6-4 and 6-5) To which aircraft position(s) does HSI presentation “E” correspond?((参考图ATP6-4和6-5)“E”代号的HSI对应航空器的哪(几)个位置?)

  • A. 8 and 3(8和3)
  • B. 8 only(只有8)
  • C. 3 only(只有3)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14061.125F07

17.(Refer to figure ATP6-4 and 6-5) To which aircraft position does HSI presentation “F” correspond?((参考图ATP6-4和6-5)“F”代号的HSI对应航空器的哪个位置?)

  • A. 11(11)
  • B. 5(5)
  • C. 4(4)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14063.F5F3DE

18.(Refer to figure ATP6-4 and 6-5) To which aircraft position(s) does HSI presentation “G” correspond?((参考图ATP6-4和6-5)“G”代号的HSI对应航空器的哪(几)个位置?)

  • A. 7 only(只有7)
  • B. 5 and 13(5和13)
  • C. 7 and 11(7和11)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14065.CDE9A9

19.( Refer to figure ATP6-4 and 6-5) To which aircraft position does HSI presentation “H” correspond?((参考图ATP6-4和6-5)“H”代号的HSI对应航空器的哪个位置?)

  • A. 8(8)
  • B. 1(1)
  • C. 2(2)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14067.083AAC

20.(Refer to figure ATP6-4 and 6-5) To which aircraft position does HSI presentation “I” correspond?((参考图ATP6-4和6-5)“I”代号的HSI对应航空器的哪个位置?)

  • A. 4(4)
  • B. 12(12)
  • C. 11(11)


参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14069.0EFEAC

21.Airport Diagram shall be looked up in the ( ) part in Jeppesen Charts.(机场图在杰普逊航路手册的( )部分查阅。)

  • A. Terminal(终端区图)
  • B. Tables and Codes(表格和代码)
  • C. Airport Directory(机场指南)

解析:标准本的杰普逊航路手册提供的信息资料包括简要公告、使用简介、航图变更通知、航路、无线电设备、气象、数据表格和代码、空中交通管制、入境规定、紧急情况、机场指南、终端区图以及航路手册的修订单和修订记录共13 个部分,其中机场图是在终端区图中查阅。

参考知识点:主考点-6.1.1(杰普逊航路手册 ) #14073.F9B1D4

22.(Refer to figure ATP6-6) When the aircraft is intercepting R-179 PEK with an intercept angle of 45°during go-around, how much is the intercept heading?((参考图ATP6-6)当飞机在复飞时以45°切入角截获PEK R-179时,切入航向是多少?)

  • A. 134°(134°)
  • B. 233°(233°)
  • C. 53°(53°)


参考知识点:主考点-平面图) #14075.E64635

23.(Refer to figure ATP6-6) The ATIS of CAPITAL airport is broadcast on the frequency of((参考图ATP6-6)首都机场的ATIS(自动航站情报服务)在什么频率上广播?)

  • A. 127.6MHz(127.6兆赫)
  • B. 127.6KHz(127.6千赫)
  • C. 114.7MHz(114.7兆赫)

解析:在图的右上角可以读出ATIS(ARR) 127.6,ATIS频率为甚高频频段,单位为兆赫。

参考知识点:主考点-标题栏) #14077.E22113

24.(Refer to figure ATP6-6) What is the frequency of the go-around navaid facility on the ILS Rwy 36R approach at CAPITAL?((参考图ATP6-6)在首都机场36号右跑道做ILS进近,复飞导航设备的频率是多少?)

  • A. 308KHz(308千赫)
  • B. 114.7MHz(114.7兆赫)
  • C. 240KHz(240千赫)

解析:根据首都机场进近图的复飞程序,复飞飞至导航台为管庄台(PEK),频率:114.7MHz 。

参考知识点:主考点-标题栏) #14079.DBD58E

25.(Refer to figure ATP6-6) The FAF is indicated with a cross in the profile view of the chart. To what height does the aircraft descend when it intercepts the final approach segment?((参考图ATP6-6)剖面图上标记了最后进近定位点。飞机切入最后进近航段的高为?)

  • A. 1,500 feet(1500英尺)
  • B. 4,921 feet(4921英尺)
  • C. 4,823 feet(4823英尺)

解析:因为是高,所以选4823 feet,如果是高度,则选4921 feet。

参考知识点:主考点-剖面图) #14081.932B86

26.(Refer to figure ATP6-6) What are the landing minimums for B737 with ALS out?((参考图ATP6-6)无进近灯光时,B737的最低着陆标准是)

  • A. MDA 265 m and VIS 1,600m(最低决断高度265米,能见度1600米)
  • B. MDA 265 m and VIS 3,600m(最低决断高度265米,能见度3600米)
  • C. MDA 265 m and VIS 3,200m(最低决断高度265米,能见度3200米)


参考知识点:主考点-着陆最低标准) #14083.382868

27.(Refer to figure ATP6-6) If the pilot has identified PEK on the ILS Rwy 36R straight-in land at CAPITAL, what height above the touchdown zone does a Category C aircraft descend to in IMC?((参考图ATP6-6)在首都机场进行ILS36右跑道直接着陆时,如果飞行员已识别PEK,那么一架C类飞机在IMC(仪表气象条件)下,最低下降高是多少?)

  • A. 197 feet(197英尺)
  • B. 295 feet(295英尺)
  • C. 427 feet(427英尺)




90 (60)



而且是高,则看括号内数据,应为197 feet,90单位是米,295单位是英尺。

参考知识点:主考点-着陆最低标准) #14085.15ACB1

28.(Refer to figure ATP6-6) During the ILS Rwy 36R approach while maintaining an on glide slope indication with a ground speed of 150 km/h, what was the appropriate rate of descent?((参考图ATP6-6)36右跑道ILS进近,保持下滑道坡度,地速150公里/时,合适的下降率是)

  • A. 3.6m/s(3.6米/秒)
  • B. 2.9m/s(2.9米/秒)
  • C. 2.2m/s(2.2米/秒)


参考知识点:主考点-着陆最低标准) #14087.CB0764

29.(Refer to figure ATP6-6) How can the FAF on the ILS Rwy 36R of CAPITAL be identified?((参考图ATP6-6)如何识别首都机场36右跑道ILS进近的FAF(最后进近定位点)?)

  • A. 27.7KM from PEK(距PEK台27.7KM)
  • B. 27.7NM from PEK(距PEK台27.7NM)
  • C. 27.7SM from PEK(距PEK台27.7SM)

解析:参考首都机场36R跑道ILS仪表进近图,从平面图或者剖面图中查找到FAF 距离PEK DME距离15.1海里,约为27.7千米。

参考知识点:主考点-平面图) #14089.328CC1

30.(Refer to figure ATP6-6) While being turning from D20.4 PEK to D15.1 PEK for the ILS Rwy 36R, Beijing Approach control tells pilot to contact the Tower, what frequency should be tuned?((参考图ATP6-6)在36右跑道做ILS进近,从PEK D20.4点转到PEK D15.1点时,北京进近管制告知飞行员联络塔台,应调谐哪个频率?)

  • A. 124.3KHz(124.3千赫)
  • B. 118.05KHz(118.05千赫)
  • C. 118.5MHz(118.5兆赫)

解析:参考首都机场36R跑道ILS仪表进近图,36右跑道对应的分管塔台为TWR02 频率118.5,备用频率118.3。

参考知识点:主考点-标题栏) #14091.457E51

31.(Refer to figure ATP6-6) The highest terrain shown in the plan view section of the ILS Rwy 36R approach chart is 449 meter MSL, what is the height above the airport of this obstruction?((参考图ATP6-6)36右跑道ILS进近图平面图部分所示最高地形高度为449米MSL,则这个障碍物距机场平面多高?)

  • A. 419.1m(419.1米)
  • B. 333m(333米)
  • C. 413.7m(413.7米)

解析:障碍物高度-机场标高=障碍物距机场平面高度,所以应为413.7 米。

参考知识点:主考点-平面图) #14093.916168

32.What facilities may be substituted for an inoperative middle marker during a Category Ⅰ ILS approach?(Ⅰ类ILS进近期间,中指点标不工作,可用什么替换?)

  • A. ASR and PAR(机场监视雷达(ASR)和精密进近雷达(PAR))
  • B. The middle marker has no effect on straight-in minimums(中指点标对最低直接进场高度无影响)
  • C. Compass locator, PAR, and ASR(罗盘定位器,精密进近雷达(PAR)和机场监视雷达(ASR))

解析:根据CCAR97部咨询通告,中指点标设备故障或 降级对I类ILS进近着陆最低标准无影响。

参考知识点:主考点-6.5(延伸知识点) #14135.AEB99C

33.(Refer to figure ATP6-7) What is the identifier of TANGHEKOU NDB?((参考图ATP6-7)TANGHEKOU NDB识别符号是什么?)

  • A. YV(YV)
  • B. WF(WF)
  • C. DK(DK)

解析:由图中可以看到汤河口NDB台 识别标志为YV,频率为514 khz.

参考知识点:主考点-平面图) #14165.55AACB

34.(Refer to figure ATP6-7) Determine the VHF NAV frequency for the YV-52D after takeoff from Rwy 36R at CAPITAL on((参考图ATP6-7)从首都机场36右跑道起飞后经YV-52D离场,飞行员必须在甚高频导航控制盒调谐频率为)

  • A. 113.6 KHz.(113.6千赫)
  • B. 113.6 MHz.(113.6兆赫)
  • C. 114.7 MHz.(114.7兆赫)


参考知识点:主考点-平面图) #14167.1CDBAE

35.(Refer to figure ATP6-8) If the en route altitude of an aircraft is 3600m, what is the altitude when the aircraft operates to GITUM?((参考图ATP6-8)如果飞机的航路高度是3600米,那么飞机飞向GITUM时,高度是)

  • A. maintaining at 3600m(维持在3600米)
  • B. descending to 3600m below(下降到3600米以下)
  • C. climbing to 4200m above(爬升到4200米以上)


参考知识点:主考点-平面图) #14169.A295DE

36.(Refer to figure ATP6-8) The initial point of KM7B is at((参考图ATP6-8) KM7B的起始点位于)

  • A. D29.9 PEK(北京D29.9)
  • B. Huailai(怀来)
  • C. the point cleared by ATC(ATC许可的点)


参考知识点:主考点-平面图) #14171.3D7370

37.Without Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) capability, the accuracy of the GPS derived(缺乏RAIM能力,GPS的精度使得)

  • A. altitude information should not be relied upon to determine aircraft altitude.(不用依靠高度信息来确定飞机的高度)
  • B. position is not affected.(位置不受影响)
  • C. velocity information should be relied upon to determine aircraft groundspeed.(要依靠速度信息来确定飞机的地速)


参考知识点:主考点-6.3.6(GNSS 增强系统) #14225.769ECB

38.(Refer to figure ATP6-9) Which frequency should be selected to check the airport and weather conditions prior to departure from Beijing airport?((参考图ATP6-9) 从北京机场离场前,应选择什么频率来检查机场和天气情况?)

  • A. 127.1(127.1)
  • B. 120.6(120.6)
  • C. 127.6(127.6)


参考知识点:主考点-标题栏) #14257.7A281A

39.(Refer to figure ATP6-9) The elevation of Beijing airport is((参考图ATP6-9) 北京机场的标高是)

  • A. 108 feet(108英尺)
  • B. 115 feet(115英尺)
  • C. 118 feet(118英尺)

解析:参考图中信息Apt Elev115’即机场标高说明,北京机场标高115英尺。

参考知识点:主考点-标题栏) #14259.7735A4

40.(Refer to figure ATP6-9) The corrected altitude of Beijing airport is((参考图ATP6-9) 北京机场的修正高度是)

  • A. 4 hPa(4百帕)
  • B. 5 hPa(5百帕)
  • C. not sure(不确定)


参考知识点:主考点-标题栏) #14261.59BFAF

41.(Refer to figure ATP6-9) The transition flight altitude level and the transition altitude of Beijing airport respectively are((参考图ATP6-9) 北京机场的过渡高度层和过渡高分别是)

  • A. FL 118, 9850 feet(11800英尺,9850英尺)
  • B. FL 115, 2579 feet(11500英尺,2579英尺)
  • C. FL 118, 4930 feet(11800英尺,4930英尺)


参考知识点:主考点-标题栏) #14263.5D2EA8

42.(Refer to figure ATP6-9) The entrance elevation of the Rwy 18L in Beijing airport is((参考图ATP6-9) 北京机场跑道18L的入口标高是)

  • A. 179 feet(179英尺)
  • B. 108 feet(108英尺)
  • C. 119 feet(119英尺)


参考知识点:主考点-剖面图) #14265.FCFC4B

43.(Refer to figure AT

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