【Technology043】Writing Master Thesis
——A review of the research work during the master’s career.
I begin to work on my master thesis from 4th, November and I plan to get the first version of the final thesis on 1st, December. The thesis is written in Chinese. I work on a thesis model of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in the Latex version.
When I work on my own English paper, I use CTex as the working environment and it works well. But this time, it doesn’t work. It took me about 5 days to try to fix the errors. Finally, on 9th, November, I gave up and uninstall CTex but install Tex Live. It works.
The work is divided into 5 parts. It includes the Background, the preliminaries, the VChain Scheme, the VChain Electricity scheme as well as Future and Expectation.
From July 2017 to June 2018, I worked on the post-quantum signature schemes and tried to apply it in the blockchain. What I want to do and write a paper has been included in a paper published in 2018. Then I give up this direction.
From July 2018 to June 2019, I worked on the consensus in the blockchain scheme and publish an English paper in a CCF-C conference.
I discussed with Prof. Long about my idea to include the post-quantum work in the thesis. But she said that if I included some work which has been done by others, it might bring me troubles many years later. I accepted her idea and decided to just include the consensus scheme.
The thesis preconvention should be held on 1st January and the Chinese New Year is on 24th January. In the following days, I will work on a master thesis and I want to use this chance to review what I have learned from July 2018 to June 2019.