MEM/MBA 复试准备(05-06)英语面试常见问题46-55

@46 Please introduce one of your favorite entrepreneurs?(请介绍您最喜欢的企业家之一? )

I’d like to talk about Ma Yun. As we all know, he is the founder of Alibaba Group. It's a successful Internet-based business. I believed that everyone has used Taobao for shopping, and it is quite convenient.

He is the first mainland Chinese entrepreneur to appear on the cover of Forbes. He changed our lifestyle a lot, we can't live without Alibaba’s products now.

Also, he devoted himself to charity as well.That’s why Ma Yun is one of my favorite entrepreneurs.


我想谈谈马云。众所周知,他是阿里巴巴集团的创始人。这是一个成功的互联网业务。 相信大家都用过淘宝购物,而且很方便。

他是第一位登上《福布斯》封面的中国大陆企业家。他改变了我们的生活方式,我们现 在离不开阿里巴巴的产品。

并且他还投身于慈善事业。 所以马云是我最喜欢的企业家之一。

@47 What do you think people are influenced by Hollywood film?(您认为人们受到好莱坞电影的影响是什么? )

When it comes to movies, most people think of Hollywood in the first place.

It’s no wonder that, according to authoritative data, American movies accounted for 9 of the top 10 global box offices in 2017. If a person claims to be a fan but has never seen a Hollywood movie, it is like coming to Beijing without climbing the Great Wall. And also like going to Xi’an, without eating lamb bun. It feels incredible


一说到电影,大多数人第一时间会想到美国好莱坞。这也难怪,据权威数据显示,2017 年 全球票房 TOP10 里,美国电影就占了 9 席.如果一个人声称自己是影迷,却没看过好莱坞 电影,那就好比来北京没登长城,去西安没吃羊肉泡馍一样,让人觉得不可思议。

@48 Share some stories or news about watching TV last night(分享一些有关昨晚看电视的故事 )

Last night, I was scanning some news on my mobile phone. One news caught my eye.

The news I saw is about fraud of finance. Many investors invested a lot of money, but the company didn't give any profits to investors.

I learned from this news that we should keep cautious when we invest.



我看到的新闻是关于金融欺诈的。许多投资者投入了大量资金,但公司没有给投资者任 何利润。


@49 You have been in Shanghai for a few years, how do you think about Shanghai?(你已经在上海待了几年了,你如何看待上海?)

Shanghai is a modern and internationalized city. The life here is various.

There are many shopping places,delicious food from all over the world,also many opportunities for business to make money.

Even though sometimes, I feel a sense of pressure, because of the fast pace of life, I have to admit that I really like this city.


上海是一座现代化的国际化城市。这里的生活多种多样。 这里有很多购物场所,来自世界各地的美味佳肴,也有很多商家赚钱的机会。 尽管有时,我会感到有一种压力,因为生活节奏太快,但是我不得不承认我真的很喜欢这个城市。

@50 How do you deal with people who is difficult to deal with?(您如何与难以相处的人打交道? )

People always different with each other, there are no two totally same one.

When facing the people who is difficult to deal with, I will try my best to avoid their bother. I would like to cut them off from life and work if I can.

If I have to work with them, I will control my emotion,and I will try to be peace and cool off before responding them.



当面对难以相处的人时,我会尽量避免他们的打扰。如果可以的话,我想切断他们的生 活和工作。

如果我必须和他们一起工作,我会控制自己的情绪,在回应他们之前,我会尽量保持平 静和冷静。

@51 What provide you the sense of accomplishment?(什么能给您成就感?

Making contribution to my company or our society will provide me the sense of accomplishment.

For example, my company was troubled with high operating cost and low delivery efficiency. In order to make the situation better, I worked with my colleagues on the XX for about half a year, and also brought forward our plans of how to better our warehouses and deliveries.

The job was well done, and we successfully cut operating cost by 20%. It was because of this that I was promoted to the Vice president of this company.

Our better company gives me a sense of accomplishment.



例如,我的公司经营成本高,交货效率低。为了让情况好转,我和同事们在 XX 上工作 了半年左右,也提出了如何改善仓库和送货的计划。

工作做得很好,我们成功地把运营成本降低了 20%。正是因为这样,我才被提升为这 家公司的副总裁。


@52 What are the problems you have encountered in your work?(您在工作中遇到过什么问题? )

I’m an oral English teacher in China. Many students are not brave or hesitate to open their mouth to speak English. And some of them even don’t speak. So I have to encourage them or use some ways to inspire them to speak.

But I know this is value worthy job, because every time when my students make progress, I can feel a sense of happiness and a sense of achievement.


我是中国的一名英语口语老师。许多学生不敢或犹豫地开口说英语。有些人甚至不说话。 所以我必须鼓励他们或者用一些方法来激励他们说话。

但我知道这是一份有价值的工作,因为每当我的学生取得进步时,我都能感受到一种幸 福感和成就感。

@53 What do the two industries you work in have in common?(您从事的两个行业有什么共同点? )

I have work in two industries since I begun my career, including education and business.

And I think, both of the two industries need Internet thinking.

Also, the “Customer first” is important in this two industries. It’s necessary to find what customer’s pain points and needs. Then, we should try our best to meet customer’s needs.


自从我开始职业生涯以来,我在两个行业工作,包括教育和商业。 我认为,这两个行业都需要互联网思维。 此外,“客户至上”在这两个行业也很重要。有必要找出客户的痛点和需求。然后,我们应该尽力满足顾客的需要。

@54 Tell me something about your achievements in your work unit?(告诉我有关您在单位工作中取得的成就吗? )

When talking about my achievements in my work, one thing reminds me.

I led the team to meet the annual strategic goals, built the Taiwan team and operating system from very beginning. Under the hardworking of all my team members, our team rewarded battle heroes prize, outstanding teams, and outstanding employees, etc.



我带领团队完成年度战略目标,从一开始就建立了台湾团队和运营体系。在全体队员的 努力下,我们队先后获得了战斗英雄奖、优秀团队奖、优秀员工奖等。

@55 Talk about your study plan(谈谈你的学习计划

I guess my MBA study will fall into 3 steps.

For the first couple of months, I will basically focus on textbooks. I mean I will try my best to learn elementary MBA courses, like management science, the art of decision making, finance, marketing and alike. Through the first step, I expect to lay a solid theoretical foundation for my further learning.

During the second step, I will find chances to put my knowledge into full play. There are actually a lot of ways to do it, like case study, management practice, forum, simulation, intern and etc. By doing these, I expect to have some hands-on experience of how these theories can be best used in the real world.

As to the last step, I will try to position myself in the working world by what I have learnt. Say, I find out I’m especially good at finance, so why not join famous companies like Morgan Stanley?


我认为我的 MBA 学习计划将会分为三步。

在最初的几个月,我将主要把精力集中在课本上。具体来说,我将会尽我最大的努力学 习 MBA 基础课程,像管理科学,决策艺术,金融,市场营销等等。通过第一步,我希望为 进一步的学习奠定坚实的理论基础。

在第二步,我会找到机会,充分发挥我所学到的知识。可用的方法有很多,比如案例研究、管理实践、论坛、模拟和实习生等。通过这么做,我希望可以获得一些实际经验,让我知道所学的理论知识是如何在现实世界中应用的。 至于最后一步,我将会根据所学的知识,努力在工作中找到自己的定位。比如,我发现


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