covid 19只有一个优先事项

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An excellent article in The New York Times, “A Warning for the United States From the Author of ‘The Great Influenza’” by John M. Barry, professor of public health at Tulane University and author of several books on historic pandemics, sets out the priorities for the future, and above all highlights the false dichotomy between bringing the pandemic under control and protecting the economy. His argument is simple: we must do everything that needs to be done to stop the spread of Covid, using every measure at our disposal; the economy will recover later.

杜兰大学公共卫生学教授,几本关于大流行病的著作的作者约翰·M·巴里 ( John M. Barry)在《纽约时报》上的一篇精彩文章《大流感的作者向美国发出警告 》中阐述了这一观点。未来的优先重点,尤其是凸显了控制大流行与保护经济之间的错误二分法。 他的论点很简单:我们必须尽一切可能采取一切措施来阻止Covid的传播; 经济将在稍后恢复。

Biology is biology, and it’s not interested in what we think. What’s more, the economy is a human entelechy that can be redefined in countless ways. Now, more than half a year after the first cases were detected in Wuhan and several months after the declaration of a pandemic by the World Health Organization, we know more about the transmission of COVID-19 than we did then, and what we do know is very worrying: social distancing within enclosed spaces is not preventing the spread of infection. Indoor transmission of the virus can take place between people who are several meters away, meaning that returning to work in offices or reopening schools is nothing short of reckless, and will only ensure that the numbers of infections and victims will continue to rise.

生物学是生物学,对我们的想法不感兴趣。 此外,经济是一种人类思维,可以用无数种方式重新定义。 现在,在武汉发现第一例病例后半年多,以及世界卫生组织宣布大流行后的几个月,我们对COVID-19的传播比那时更加了解,我们所知道的非常令人担忧: 封闭空间内的社会疏远并不能阻止感染的传播 。 病毒的室内传播可以在几米之外的人们之间进行,这意味着重返办公室工作或重开学校绝不是鲁re的事情,只会确保感染人数和受害者人数继续增加。

The interdependencies of the economy are obvious: if we don’t open schools, many parents can’t go to work, and the economy slows down. But this is all based on a falsehood: that with certain safety measures, it makes sense to reopen schools. This is not true. Reopening schools is irresponsible, because we know from several countries that have done so, that the transmission rate has soared and because we also know that children’s capacity to transmit the disease is higher than previously thought. Opening schools is a way of spreading the infection, and secondly, a guarantee that we will have to close them within weeks.

经济的相互依存性是显而易见的:如果我们不开学校,许多父母就不能上班,经济就会放缓。 但这全是基于虚假的:通过某些安全措施,重新开放学校是有意义的。 这不是真的。 重新开放学校是不负责任的,因为我们从几个这样做的国家中知道,传播率已经飙升,并且因为我们还知道儿童传播疾病的能力比以前想象的要高。 开办学校是传播感染的一种方式,其次,我们可以保证在数周之内将其关闭。

Returning to closed office spaces under previous conditions will have the same outcomes: the only responsible corporate decision right now is to protect the health and lives of employees, and to continue working remotely for as long as necessary, until progress in research means we can safely prevent the spread of the disease and treat it more effectively. That’s what companies with a sense of responsibility are doing. What we need to do in the meantime is reinforce digital transformation, develop distributed work methodologies, and reduce risk to the minimum by being as conservative and prudent as we can.

在以前的条件下返回封闭的办公室将产生相同的结果: 目前唯一负责任的公司决策是保护员工的健康和生命 ,并在必要的情况下继续进行远程工作,直到研究进展意味着我们可以安全地进行工作为止。防止疾病传播并更有效地治疗。 负责任的公司就是这样做的 。 同时,我们需要做的是通过尽可能谨慎和谨慎地加强数字化转型,开发分布式工作方法,并将风险降至最低。

We are facing a pandemic about which, if we know anything, it is that its effects are much worse than we initially thought. The problem is no longer that the figures are shocking, but that we also know that the infection causes many people to suffer problems blood clotting, thrombosis or permanent damage to their lungs after they have ‘recovered’, assuming that they have been lucky enough to survive. We also know that transmission increases significantly with cold weather and contact within enclosed spaces. We face a problem that is going to change many aspects of our daily lives: the rush to return to normal is reflects our refusal to accept reality. There will be no return to normality. If and when we have managed to control the pandemic, everything will be very different, and will stay that way for a very long time.

如果我们一无所知,我们正面临着一种流行病,那就是其影响要比我们最初想象的要差得多。 问题不再是数字令人震惊 ,而是我们也知道感染使许多人在“康复”后遭受血液凝结,血栓形成或肺部永久性损害的问题,前提是他们足够幸运。生存。 我们还知道,随着寒冷天气和封闭空间内的接触,传播会大大增加。 我们面临的问题将改变我们日常生活的许多方面:急于恢复正常生活反映了我们拒绝接受现实。 将不会恢复正常。 如果并且当我们设法控制了这一大流行病时,一切都会大相径庭,并且会持续很长时间。

There are too many people, many of them in positions of great responsibility, who are utterly mistaken about the scale of what we are experiencing. As a result of these mistakes, we lifted the lockdown too early, and we now know that this was a serious mistake. Let us not repeat the same mistakes. We need to apply lockdowns where necessary and impose every precautionary measure: masks must be obligatory everywhere; we’re going to have to forget for a long time about restaurants, nightlife, family gatherings, parties and any other occasion that presents an opportunity for the virus to be transmitted. We need to develop and implement apps that allow us to monitor any new infection; we need to fight against disinformation; we need to apply emergency measures, not sticking plasters. And we need to do this through global coordination, learning from each other, joining forces, and by remembering above all that the virus doesn’t respect frontiers.

有太多人,其中许多人担负着重大责任,他们完全误解了我们正在经历的规模。 由于这些错误,我们过早解除了锁定,现在我们知道这是一个严重的错误 。 让我们不要重复同样的错误 。 我们需要在必要时采取锁定措施,并采取一切预防措施:在任何地方都必须戴口罩; 我们将不得不长时间忘记餐馆,夜生活,家庭聚会,聚会以及任何其他可能带来病毒传播机会的场合。 我们需要开发和实现允许我们监视任何新感染的应用程序 ; 我们需要打击虚假信息 ; 我们需要采取紧急措施,而不是贴膏药。 我们需要通过全球协调,相互学习,共同努力,并且首先要记住该病毒不尊重边界,来做到这一点。

But above all, let’s forget about false dichotomies: the economy is much less important than allowing a dangerous pandemic to become endemic and to escalate to exponentially. The virus must be eliminated by any means necessary, the only way we know how to do it, and we must accept the short-term consequences to the economy. Please: we need to get our priorities in order.

但最重要的是,让我们忘掉错误的二分法:经济远没有让危险的大流行成为地方性流行并呈指数级上升那样重要。 必须以任何必要的方式消除病毒,这是我们知道如何消除病毒的唯一方法,而且我们必须接受对经济的短期后果。 请:我们需要按顺序安排优先事项。

THis article was previously published on Forbes.


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