机器学习 广告欺诈检测_基于机器学习的数字欺诈检测

机器学习 广告欺诈检测

Payment fraud has a long history and is the most common form of online fraud in the United States and the world. Recently, however, digital fraud has increased so much that it is difficult for many to distinguish the myth from reality.

付款欺诈行为源远流长,是美国和全世界最常见的在线欺诈行为。 然而,近来,数字欺诈已大大增加,以至于许多人很难将神话与现实区分开。

Faced with the relentless threat of criminals, it has become indispensable to use state-of-the-art systems with learning capabilities, as companies strive to stay ahead. This reflects how organised crime and state-sponsored fraudsters are stepping up their fraud efforts.

面对犯罪分子的无情威胁,随着公司努力保持领先地位,使用具有学习能力的最新系统已变得不可或缺。 这反映了有组织犯罪和国家资助的欺诈者如何加强其欺诈工作。

The most common approaches to fighting online fraud include rules and prediction models that are no longer up to the complexity of today’s increasingly advanced online threats. The vast majority of new and emerging attacks in the field of digital fraud rely on machine learning and other automation techniques to commit fraud — an old approach to fraud prevention that cannot catch up.

打击在线欺诈的最常见方法包括规则和预测模型,这些规则和预测模型已不再适应当今日益先进的在线威胁的复杂性。 数字欺诈领域中的绝大多数新出现的攻击都依靠机器学习和其他自动化技术来进行欺诈,这是一种无法赶上的防止欺诈的旧方法。

Integrating AI-based platforms to detect online fraud into a high-risk game is a key part of the AI that today enables us to expand online fraud prevention. Digital businesses with a particular business model and their fraud analysts can take results from fraud analyses based on monitored and unattended machine learning to provide their business models with the information they need to detect and stop threats at an early stage. The results of unsupervised machine learning and supervised machine learning are characterised by the detection of anomalies in emerging data, and their integration into risk assessments is an important step towards enabling artificial intelligence to detect online crimes and enhance online prevention.

将基于AI的平台集成到高风险游戏中以检测在线欺诈是AI的关键部分,如今,它使我们能够扩展在线欺诈预防。 具有特定业务模型的数字业务及其欺诈分析人员可以基于监视和无人值守的机器学习从欺诈分析中获取结果,从而为业务模型提供在早期阶段检测和阻止威胁所需的信息。 无监督机器学习和有监督机器学习的结果的特征在于检测新兴数据中的异常,将它们集成到风险评估中是迈向人工智能检测在线犯罪并增强在线预防的重要一步。

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Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash
Scott GrahamUnsplash拍摄的照片

Financial institutions and other online traders are looking for innovative solutions that are well aligned with the system requirements. Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Learning (AI) solutions promise to significantly reduce digital fraud. When consumers receive a call, SMS, email, or app message from their card issuer asking them to confirm a transaction or inform them of fraud on their cards, they can assume that a brilliant set of algorithms is just as excellent as customer service.

金融机构和其他在线交易者正在寻找与系统要求完全一致的创新解决方案。 机器学习(ML)和人工学习(AI)解决方案有望显着减少数字欺诈。 当消费者从发卡行收到呼叫,短信,电子邮件或应用消息,要求他们确认交易或通知他们卡上的欺诈行为时,他们可以认为一套出色的算法与客户服务一样出色。

Just after the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have been invented and applied to payment fraud for the first time, the growing number of credit and debit card scams began to reduce. Combined with supervised and unsupervised methods, these models are able to learn and recognize new patterns that other approaches to fraud management may miss.

就在人们首次发明了使用人工智能(AI)和机器学习并将其应用于支付欺诈之后,越来越多的信用卡和借记卡骗局开始减少。 结合监督和非监督方法,这些模型能够学习和识别其他欺诈管理方法可能会错过的新模式。

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Photo by Pascal Bernardon on Unsplash
Pascal BernardonUnsplash上的 照片

Other than AI technologies, Blockchain technologies also provide a higher level of security when reviewing financial transactions, and there is no doubt that today’s rule-based manual processes are largely incapable, making it harder than ever to evade fraud detections. As financial institutions use the latest fraud detection and prevention technologies, the combination of the two is becoming a viable alternative.

除了人工智能技术外,区块链技术还可以在审查金融交易时提供更高级别的安全性,毫无疑问,当今基于规则的手动流程几乎无能为力,这使得逃避欺诈检测比以往更加困难。 随着金融机构使用最新的欺诈检测和预防技术,将两者结合起来已成为可行的选择。

For instance, an AI-based technology provider company that specialises in selling fraud solutions to banks has helped Danske Bank reduce its false alarms by 60% and increase real fraud detection by 50%. This can be achieved not only by tracking down stolen identities but also by using artificial intelligence and blockchain technology.

例如,一家基于AI的技术提供商公司专门向银行销售欺诈解决方案,已帮助Danske Bank减少了60%的虚假警报,并将实际欺诈检测提高了50%。 这不仅可以通过追踪被盗身份来实现,还可以通过使用人工智能和区块链技术来实现。

Other providers, such as healthcare providers and health insurers, are investigating AI to detect fraud. A recent survey by Optum found that 43% of healthcare industry leaders “strongly agree” that artificial intelligence will become an important tool to detect telemedicine fraud, waste, and abuse in reimbursement. Especially during the pandemic process, it is now even more critical.

其他提供商,例如医疗保健提供商和健康保险公司,正在调查AI以检测欺诈行为。 Optum最近的一项调查发现,43%的医疗保健行业领导者“强烈同意”人工智能将成为检测远程医疗欺诈,浪费和报销滥用的重要工具。 尤其是在大流行过程中,这一点现在变得更加关键。

The fight against online payment fraud in 2020 also highlights the security concerns associated with the rise of mobile apps and online platforms that make it easier to transfer money from one bank account to another, such as PayPal and MasterCard. Losses from digital money fraud are expected to increase by 130% by 2024, with emerging markets particularly vulnerable, according to Juniper. It is estimated that this will increase spending to $10 billion in 2024 — a 15% increase from 2020. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are a key component in the fight against online payment fraud, according to a recent International Monetary Fund (IMF) report.

2020年与在线支付欺诈的斗争还凸显了与移动应用程序和在线平台的兴起相关的安全问题,移动应用程序和在线平台的兴起使得将钱从一个银行帐户转移到另一个帐户(如PayPal和MasterCard)变得更加容易。 据瞻博网络称,到2024年,数字货币欺诈造成的损失预计将增加130%,新兴市场尤其脆弱。 据估计,到2024年,这将使支出增加到100亿美元,比2020年增加15%。根据国际货币基金组织(IMF)的最新报告,人工智能和机器学习是打击在线支付欺诈的关键组成部分。

While technological advances and criminal machinations become more sophisticated, banks and financial institutions can harness the power of artificial intelligence to protect their businesses and improve the customer experience. The use of machine learning in fraud detection enables financial companies to identify real transactions and fraudulent transactions with greater accuracy in real-time. The potential for detecting and preventing fraud has had a significant impact on the growth of the financial services industry in recent years.

当技术进步和犯罪手段变得更加复杂时,银行和金融机构可以利用人工智能的力量来保护其业务并改善客户体验。 在欺诈检测中使用机器学习使金融公司能够实时地,更准确地识别真实交易和欺诈交易。 近年来,发现和预防欺诈的潜力已对金融服务行业的增长产生了重大影响。

As fraud detection software based on artificial intelligence becomes more advanced and user-friendly, we will see this type of technology increasingly used in the area of digital fraud prevention and detection.


Cited Sources


翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/machine-learning-based-digital-fraud-detection-bad492232eb6

机器学习 广告欺诈检测

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