

3 Small Things You Can Do to Drastically Increase Your Personal Security


To the uninitiated and otherwise technologically challenged, the realm of cybersecurity may seem like an unfathomable abyss of information and best practices. Where to begin? And is it worth the extra time and effort? There is no need, however, for the average citizen to plumb the depths of the answers to these questions, because luckily, there are three quick and easy ways to dramatically lower your likelihood of falling prey to a cyber attack.

对于那些没有经验的人和其他技术上的挑战,网络安全领域似乎是信息和最佳实践的深渊。 从哪里开始? 值得付出额外的时间和精力吗? 但是,普通市民没有必要深入研究这些问题的答案,因为幸运的是,有三种快速简便的方法可以大大降低您遭受网络攻击的可能性。

  1. Use a password manager


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It’s time to upgrade from your desktop post-it note or Word document. A password manager will assign strong and unique passwords to every site and app requiring you to log in, while storing and remembering them all for you as well. Chrome, Edge, and Firefox have them built in to their browsers now, which is a good start, but apps like LastPass, 1Password, and Keeper will sync across platforms, devices, and operating systems. There is a small fee associated with some of them, and some offer more than just password management, but it’s really up to you how in-depth you want to go. The important thing is that you use one.

现在该从您的桌面便笺或Word文档进行升级了。 密码管理器将为要求您登录的每个站点和应用程序分配强而独特的密码,同时还为您存储和记住所有密码。 Chrome,Edge和Firefox现在已将它们内置到浏览器中,这是一个不错的开始,但是LastPass1PasswordKeeper之类的应用程序将在平台,设备和操作系统之间进行同步。 其中的一些费用不菲,有些费用不仅仅提供密码管理,但这取决于您想如何深入。 重要的是您使用一个。

2. Use multi-factor authentication


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Basically, there are three types of authentication factors: something you know (i.e. a password), something you have (i.e. a smartphone), and something you are (i.e. a fingerprint). Requiring more than one of these to log in to your accounts makes hacking into them significantly more difficult, but is actually relatively simple to set up. Google and Microsoft both offer free authenticator apps, while LastPass offers this service along with its password manager. Authy is another option that offers the additional convenience of saving your authentication tokens to the cloud rather than requiring the use of QR codes like the rest of these.

基本上,有三种类型的身份验证因素:您知道的某些信息(即密码),您拥有的某些东西(即智能手机)和您所拥有的某种东西(即指纹)。 需要多个帐户中的一个来登录您的帐户,使入侵它们的难度大大增加,但实际上设置起来相对简单。 GoogleMicrosoft均提供免费的身份验证器应用程序,而LastPass提供此服务及其密码管理器。 Authy是另一种选择,它提供了额外的便利,可以将身份验证令牌保存到云中,而不需要像其他其余部分一样使用QR码。

3. Don’t put off updates


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Ok, we’ve all been there; your system notifies you that you need to restart your computer so the new updates it’s initiated can finish installing. Not now, you think, I’m right in the middle of something, and you click “Remind me later.” The problem with this is that often those updates install the patches necessary to protect you from known vulnerabilities. The longer you go without updating, the weaker your system will be. It isn’t difficult to take a second to at least schedule a reboot for a time when you know you’ll be away from your computer, and it could make all the difference.

好吧,我们都去过那里; 系统会通知您需要重新启动计算机,以便启动的新更新可以完成安装。 您认为,现在不对,我正中间,然后单击“稍后提醒我”。 问题在于,这些更新通常会安装必要的补丁程序,以保护您免受已知漏洞的侵害。 您无需更新的时间越长,系统将越弱。 当您知道自己将离开计算机时,花一点时间至少安排一次重新启动并不难,这可能会有所作为。

Ultimately, nothing we do online is 100% secure. However, these tactics can make it significantly more so by increasing the amount of time and effort a hacker would need to get to your personal information. Don’t let your accounts be the low-hanging fruits that require very little effort to pick off!

最终,我们在网上所做的任何事情都不是100%安全的。 但是,这些策略可以大大提高其效率,因此,通过增加黑客需要花费的时间和精力来获取您的个人信息。 不要让您的帐户成为低挂的果实,只需很少的努力就可以收拾!

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/3-small-things-you-can-do-to-drastically-increase-your-personal-security-913690abbc13






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