

As a designer, artist, inventor, we love our design. After all, we have given our hearts and soul to the design. We have done everything we could to make it the best, and we want everyone to say they love it.

作为设计师,艺术家,发明家,我们喜欢我们的设计。 毕竟,我们已经为设计付出了心血。 我们已竭尽所能,力求做到最好,我们希望每个人都说他们喜欢它。

Now, let me tell you my story when I was in my undergrad Architecture program. I was in my third year of the program, and I was working on my final design project of designing for a residence. Like all other students, I was working day and night in getting all the designs done, do all the rendering of the design sheets, and creating a cardboard model with all the details in it. The model itself took about two nights to build.

现在,让我告诉你我在大学建筑系课程时的故事。 我当时是该项目的三年级学生,当时正在从事为住宅设计的最终设计项目。 像所有其他学生一样,我日以继夜地工作,完成所有设计,完成设计图纸的所有渲染并创建包含所有细节的纸板模型。 该模型本身耗时约两个晚上。

When the big day came, the jury started examining one by one, and finally, my turn came. I was excited and also nervous, still had high hope. The chief juror started reviewing my design, the model, and carefully evaluated all the details. My heart started beating faster; I looked at his face to find out what his reaction was. Then he looked at me and said, I know you have put lots of effort into the model, drawing, and all the artifacts, but your designs could have been better. My face turned pale; I felt like my beautiful glasshouse just shattered. All the past week flew by my mind, and it felt like I wasted all the time.

大日子到了,陪审团开始一个接一个地审查,最后,轮到我了。 我既兴奋又紧张,仍然寄予厚望。 首席陪审员开始审查我的设计,模型,并仔细评估了所有细节。 我的心脏开始跳动更快; 我看着他的脸,以了解他的React。 然后他看着我说,我知道您已经在模型,工程图和所有工件上付出了很多努力,但是您的设计本来可以做得更好。 我的脸变得苍白; 我觉得我美丽的温室刚刚破裂。 在过去的一周里,我全神贯注地飞翔,感觉就像我一直在浪费时间。

He said, “I know what is going on in your mind, and I know how you are feeling. But remember, when you look at your design after a week, or after a month, you will find out what is missing.

他说:“我知道您在想什么,我知道您的感觉。 但是请记住,一周或一个月后查看设计时,您会发现缺少的内容。

什么是出色的设计? (What is great design?)

Now, the question is, what is a great design and why some designs are so good that they become timeless and others not? Many designs are timeless. They didn’t follow the standard convention of those days — for example, Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1935. The concept, the details, and even the technology used to make it happen are timeless.

现在的问题是,什么是出色的设计?为什么有些设计如此出色以至于它们变得永恒而另一些却没有? 许多设计都是永恒的。 他们没有遵循当时的标准惯例,例如1935年Frank Lloyd Wright撰写的《 Fallingwater》。概念,细节甚至是实现这一目标的技术都是永恒的。

Fallingwater by Architect  Frank Lloyd Wright
Source: https://www.britannica.com/place/Fallingwater
资料来源: https : //www.britannica.com/place/Fallingwater

Another example is the keyboard of a typewriter designed in the mid-1800s, and we are still using this today in a modern computer.


A typewriter
Source: https://oztypewriter.blogspot.com/2014/03/on-this-day-in-typewriter-history.html
资料来源: https : //oztypewriter.blogspot.com/2014/03/on-this-day-in-typewriter-history.html

Now, how can we make our design timeless? I am sure there are many aspects to it, but I believe honesty, purpose, and craftsmanship are the three main elements in making a great design.

现在,我们如何才能使设计永不过时? 我相信它有很多方面,但是我相信诚实,目标和Craft.io是做出出色设计的三个主要要素。

目的 (Purpose)

Every great design starting from Typewriters, to iPad and iPhone, they all serve a purpose. The iPod’s purpose was to have thousands of songs in one’s pocket instead of holding hundreds of cassettes in those days. The purpose of a typewriter was to write something very fast that everyone can read and finally send it for printing in newspapers. In Fallingwater design, the purpose was to design a Zen garden that is beautiful and blends with nature to become part of life and yet stands out elegantly. You can even think of some modern apps such as Uber, Instagram, and Duolingo; they serve a purpose for people who use them.

从打字机到iPad和iPhone,每一个出色的设计都可以达到目的。 iPod的目的是在口袋里放数千首歌曲,而不是在那个时候放几百盒磁带。 打字机的目的是非常快地写一些东西,每个人都可以阅读,最后将其发送给报纸印刷。 在Fallingwater设计中,其目的是设计一个美丽的禅宗花园,它与自然融为一体,成为生活的一部分,但仍显得优雅。 您甚至可以想到一些现代应用程序,例如Uber,Instagram和Duolingo。 它们为使用它们的人服务。

诚实 (Honesty)

When we design something, we are not creating it for us; it is for people. So, keep people at the front and center of your design. This does not mean that you need to design what they say. Frank Lloyd Wright would not have designed falling water if he would have just designed what his client asked him to do.

当我们设计某些东西时,我们并不是在为我们创建它。 这是给人的。 因此,让人们始终处于设计的前沿和中心。 这并不意味着您需要设计他们所说的话。 如果弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)只是设计了客户要求他做的事情,就不会设计出落水式设计。

People won’t know what they want. They can only say what is working and what is not working for them.

人们不会知道他们想要什么。 他们只能说什么对他们有用,什么不对他们有用。

To be honest with your design, you must take feedback from users, stakeholders, and even technology experts without getting defensive about it. You must analyze every aspect of your designs but still stay focused on the “purpose.”

坦白地说,您必须从用户,利益相关者甚至技术专家那里获得反馈,而不能对此表示防御。 您必须分析设计的各个方面,但仍要专注于“目的”。

Craft.io (Craftsmanship)

Finally, the craftmanship where you pay attention to every detail to make your design beautiful and usable. In the UX world, the grid, typography, interaction patterns, and all the micro-interactions and copy that goes with the design are part of craftsmanship.

最后,您会在Craft.io上注重每个细节,以使设计美观和可用。 在UX世界中,网格,版式,交互模式以及设计所伴随的所有微交互和复制都是Craft.io的一部分。

Every pixel counts, so make the best use of every pixel.


Iconic designs in last 100 years.
Few great designs in the last 100 years

After so many years, when I look back and think about my residence design in my undergraduate program, I know I missed so many things in my design. I spent lots of time creating the drawings, models, and all other artifacts but didn’t spend much time on the concept. The core of my design was completely missing.

这么多年后,当我回头思考本科课程中的住所设计时,我知道我错过了很多设计方面的知识。 我花了很多时间来创建工程图,模型和所有其他工件,但并没有花太多时间在概念上。 我设计的核心完全消失了。

When I say don’t fall in love with your design, don’t fall in love with what you produce as a designer but fall in love with the concept, the problem you are solving, and the people who will be using it. If Jony Eve had fallen in love with his very first iPod design, it would not have evolved to the next iterations and finally what we see now as iPhone.

当我说不要爱上您的设计时,不要爱上您作为设计师生产的产品,而是爱上概念,您要解决的问题以及使用它的人员。 如果乔尼·夏娃(Jony Eve)爱上了他的第一个iPod设计,那它就不会发展到下一个迭代版本,最后演变为现在的iPhone。

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Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/dont-fall-in-love-with-your-design-50edfd3574f9


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