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原创 optimal after epipolar

quadratic form minimum

2023-06-20 22:59:12 344

原创 编译notepad++


2023-05-08 15:15:22 99

原创 adb pull 补齐in windows,cmder

补齐in windows

2023-04-20 11:31:19 91

原创 MinGW in cmder, mingw

using MinGw in cmder

2023-04-19 15:01:02 98

原创 windows无法连接到这个网络


2023-01-04 11:05:29 1002

原创 hvx intrinsic reading

 .b for signed byte .ub for unsigned byte, .h for signed halfword .uh for unsigned halfword .w for signed word .uw for unsigned wordmultiply add is weighted sum

2022-02-18 15:09:02 190

原创 四元数求导的技巧

always doing sth. e.g.∂p×R∂p==−∂R×p∂p\frac{\partial p\times R}{\partial p}=\\=-\frac{\partial R\times p}{\partial p}∂p∂p×R​==−∂p∂R×p​

2022-02-10 17:02:28 764

原创 MSCKF的理解(3.3状态扩增)

根据3.3的说法,也即是公式(14),相机的pose是IMU的pose而来。相机和IMU之间的外参是固定的,所以这两者知道一个就知道另一个了。所谓的状态扩增就是增加一个相机的位姿,新增加的相机位姿啥都不知道?要根据IMU的位姿来计算(因为IMU是实时更新的?)。q=q⊗qq=q\otimes qq=q⊗qp=qp+pp = qp+pp=qp+p所谓的协方差按照狄拉克记号就是 P=∣X><X∣P=|X><X|P=∣X><X∣,当|X>变成|X,x>的时

2022-01-25 17:27:26 2523

原创 MSCKF的理解之附录再议(即特征点三角化)


2022-01-25 15:34:30 1284

原创 MSCKF的理解(3.4之(17)-(24))以及附录

从世界坐标系看到的点的坐标(X,Y,Z)和相机看到的点(u,v)之间的关系(假设内参cx,cyc_x,c_ycx​,cy​都是0)[uv1]=1Z[fx,0,cx0,fy,cy0,0,1][XYZ]=1ZKP\begin{bmatrix}u\\v\\1\end{bmatrix}=\frac{1}{Z}\begin{bmatrix}f_x,0,c_x\\0,f_y,c_y\\0,0,1\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}X \\Y\\Z\end{bmatrix}=\frac{1}{Z}

2022-01-24 17:23:21 121

原创 Kalman滤波的理解

神来之笔x⊕=x⊖+K(z−Hx)x^{\oplus}=x^{\ominus}+K(z-Hx)x⊕=x⊖+K(z−Hx)有了这个之后,其余的都是基于这个来发展的。首先, K是基于观测矩阵 HHH和先验协方差 P⊖P^{\ominus}P⊖ 的K=K(H,P⊖)K=K(H,P^{\ominus})K=K(H,P⊖)可以考察后验协方差 [公式]来确定 [公式] 的数值[公式]对后验做K的求导便得到了K系数...

2022-01-18 14:48:09 529

原创 从Schrödinger方程和Heisenberg方程的等价性看Kalman滤波器和Gauss-Newton的等价性

Schrodinger equation:Heisenberg equation:Kalman Filter:

2022-01-17 19:31:22 515

原创 SVD分解

首先SVD针对的是性质没有那么好的矩阵,既不是方阵,又是奇异的,普通的分解,比如LU分解会失效。对于非方阵本身也没有什么特别好的性质和说法,但是SVD还是做到了应该做的。Am×nA_{m{\times}n}Am×n​ (m>n)最终分解到了一个Λ\LambdaΛ矩阵:Am×n=UΛn×nVA_{m{\times}n}=U{\Lambda}_{n\times n}VAm×n​=UΛn×n​V, 其中 Um×nU_{m{\times}n}Um×n​, Vn×nV_{n{\times}n}Vn×n​,

2022-01-11 15:42:02 225

原创 VINS的理解(VI-)


2022-01-10 11:25:30 151

原创 VINS的理解(I-V)

公式(10)还能大概推测一下,z˙=Fz+Gn\dot{z}=Fz+Gnz˙=Fz+Gn则δz=(Fz+Gn)δt\delta{z}=(Fz+Gn)\delta{t}δz=(Fz+Gn)δt则<(z+δz)(z+δz)′>=<zz′>+<zδz′>+<δzz′>+<δzδz′><(z+\delta{z})(z+\delta{z})'> =<zz'>+<z\delta{z}'>+<\delta{z}

2022-01-06 11:58:44 72

原创 adb logcat fail

adb logcat -G 4Mthen OK

2021-12-28 15:30:10 327

原创 mfpu meaning?

float process unit = fpu .ABI(Application BinaryInterface), EABI(Embeded application Binary Interface),即编译器将C代码编译成汇编代码时使用的一种规则。一般包括C类型的表示(int, short,long, union…)调用约定,包括如何传递参数和返回值;使用寄存器和堆栈。-march=armv7arm架构...

2021-12-09 16:52:24 114

原创 old O: chmod +xr /opt

old O: chmod +xr /opt

2021-12-09 16:00:57 117

原创 jdk bashrc setting

@ ~/.bashrc#set oracle jdk environmentexport JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-18 ## 这里要注意目录要换成自己解压的jdk 目录export JRE_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}/jre export CLASSPATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/lib export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH ...

2021-12-02 17:44:19 64

原创 big trap in “cv::imread()“

big trap in “cv::Mat src=cv::imread(“xxx”, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)”if the last stuff not here, then big error for gray image reading, src will have “rgb rgb” buffer, then it is completely not what you want!

2021-11-26 16:52:48 1632

原创 -mtune=native -march=native

-mtune=native -march=native

2021-11-16 20:33:57 296

原创 build applying opencv both on ubuntu and windows

pkg-config opencv --modversion is not OKpkg-config opencv4 --modversion is OK

2021-11-16 20:13:13 1889

原创 gcc version caused problem--->>>The CXX compiler identification is unknown

-- CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME: **-- The CXX compiler identification is unknown**-- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:39 (project): No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found. Tell CMake where to find the compiler by setti

2021-11-16 10:53:35 1002

原创 Ubuntu下切换GCC版本, main slave problem

ls /usr/bin/gcc* -llrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 6月 2 09:38 /usr/bin/gcc -> /etc/alternatives/gcclrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 5月 29 15:49 /usr/bin/gcc-10 -> x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-10lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 4月 2 2020 /usr/bin/gcc-8 -> x86_64-linu

2021-11-16 10:38:58 1239

原创 CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE “system/bin/run_canny“: cannot locate symbol “cornerApp_Pyramid_OpticalFlow“

CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "system/bin/run_canny": cannot locate symbol "cornerApp_Pyramid_OpticalFlow" referenced by "/system/lib64/libsctrl.so"make sure which lib do func “cornerApp_Pyramid_OpticalFlow” exits?make sure that lib is in device as well!her

2021-11-11 10:02:09 356

原创 Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 164)

Relocations in generic ELF (EM: 164)

2021-11-03 10:13:15 135

原创 stable data

stable data:

2021-11-02 15:16:41 53

原创 打印三轴的位置滤波器前和滤波器后变化

kalman:0.2 pi/3

2021-11-02 10:16:10 71

原创 make trace smooth


2021-10-28 17:14:38 60

原创 orb?????

orb, guassianpyramid level…fastcvp

2021-07-08 19:32:22 38

原创 dspCV_deinitQ6() error analysis

libconv3x3a16_v60_skel.so: 1 file pushed. 2.8 MB/s (16816 bytes in 0.006s)libconv3x3a16_v60_skel.so: 1 file pushed. 3.2 MB/s (16816 bytes in 0.005s)return value from dspCV_initQ6() : 0 gamma - allocated 307200src - allocated 307200dst - allocated 3072

2021-07-07 18:02:57 145

原创 optimal

1, gradient: Δ\DeltaΔx = -λ\lambdaλJ2,Gaussian-Newton: Δ\DeltaΔx =(JTJ)−1JTZ(J^{T}J)^{-1}J^{T}Z(JTJ)−1JTZ3,Newton: Δ\DeltaΔx=-H−1H^{-1}H−1J4,L-M…

2021-07-05 16:28:16 53

原创 fricking out strange bug:

AEEResultgiven_rotation_quadratic(remote_handle64 h, int row, int col, int row_stop, int col_stop, int count, boolean* bflag, int flagLen, const float *pSrc, int srcLen, float *pSrcq, int resLen, int align)this interface outside

2021-06-17 15:11:47 60

原创 matlab setup in ubuntu


2021-06-03 15:02:45 55

原创 since FARF, so 100us more|

1,since FARF, so 100us more2, install gcc-10,g+±10, then g2o make successhttps://stackoverflow.com/questions/64493692/cc1plus-error-bad-value-tigerlake-for-march-switch-compilation-errorYou can update gcc&g++ to a higher version(10):sudo apt insta

2021-06-02 09:57:53 71

原创 ION buf

file:///home/chenmq/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/docs/APIs_FastRPC.html#Using%20the%20ION%20allocatorThe DSP hardware is not well suited for handling dis-contiguous memory, which is commonly the kind of memory users get from a simple “malloc” call. Android

2021-05-26 09:50:51 89

转载 ubuntu CN input


2021-05-19 15:38:14 40

原创 foxit reader for ubuntu, notepad++,


2021-05-18 15:51:23 60

原创 install hexagion SDK

Configuring the installer for this system's environment...No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATHenvironment variable. You must install a VM prior torunning this program.chenmq@chenmq-GP65-Leopard-10SDK:~/develope/hexagon_sdk_lnx_3_5_in

2021-05-17 10:32:53 351 1

原创 取别称

#set android-studio aliasalias studio=’/home/chenmq1990/develope/android/android-studio-ide-201.7199119-linux/android-studio/bin/./studio.sh’alias clion=’/home/chenmq1990/develope/clion/CLion-2021.1/clion-2021.1/bin/./clion.sh’

2021-05-14 14:10:20 79




Six DoF Decentralised SLAM.pdf

Six DoF Decentralised SLAM.pdf


A Square Root Inverse Filter for .pdf

matrix compute






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