Unity NodeCanvas 可视化行为编辑框架(一)NodeCanvas Controls & Shortcuts NodeCanvas快捷键

本文介绍了Unity的NodeCanvas框架,包括Controls & Shortcuts,如使用右键添加节点,按住Shift拖动节点平移分支,以及利用快捷键进行复制、删除和聚焦等操作。此外,还讲解了如何创建连接、双击打开脚本以及在不同图形间复制粘贴任务等高级功能。

Controls & Shortcuts




  • Right Click on the canvas to add a new node.
  • Click & Drag to pan the node.
  • Middle Click & Drag to pan the canvas.
  • ALT + Click & Drag to pan the canvas. This is useful in laptops without a middle mouse click!
  • Shift + Click & Drag a node to pan it and all of its children together; panning a branch.
  • Click & Drag fr
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The complete Visual Behaviour Authoring framework for Unity, empowering you to create advanced AI Behaviours and Logic, including three separate, fully featured, yet seamlessly interchangeable modules for you to choose and easily add in your game: • Behaviour Trees • Hierarchical State Machines • Dialogue Trees NodeCanvas is a production ready framework used by many awesome games including Kim, Pamela, Hurtworld, Shroud of the Avatar, Kingdom and Ghost of a Tale. [Games Showcase] Feature Highlights ------------------------------------- • Choose the right tool for the task at hand. • Design reactive Behaviour Trees and Hierarchical State Machines within an intuitive, designer friendly visual node editor: (Full Undo/Redo, Zoom In/Out, Multi-selection, Duplication, Copy/Pasting, JSON Import/Export, Groups, Comments and more) • Use local & global variables of any type, visually or in code, for creating reusable and actor-oriented, parametric behaviours, optionally saving and loading those variables between gaming sessions. • Data Bind variables with any component property of any type directly. • Sync variables automatically over the network using UNET, for creating multiplayer games. • Visually Debug behaviours with realtime, colorful and informative runtime debugging. • Live Edit everything while in play mode to perfectly understand your design goals and how to achieve them. • Utilize any existing code directly with advanced and extremely fast Reflection Tasks, automatically integrating Unity's and 3rd Party asset APIs. • Work with Lists/Arrays, Enums, Interfaces and pretty much ANY Variable Type you need out-of-the-box. • React to world changes and transfer data using the built-in Event System. • Reuse and Bind made behaviours among any number of different agents. • Organize your designs using Behaviour Sub-Trees and Sub-State Machines. • Extend NodeCanvas Framework to create your own Actions, Conditions, Nodes or even completely new modules with the e
The complete Visual Behaviour Authoring framework for Unity, empowering you to create advanced AI Behaviours and Logic, including three separate, fully featured, yet seamlessly interchangeable modules for you to choose and easily add in your game: • Behaviour Trees • Hierarchical State Machines • Dialogue Trees NodeCanvas is a production ready framework used by many awesome games including Pamela, Hurtworld, Kim, Shroud of the Avatar, Kingdom, The Long Dark and Ghost of a Tale. [Games Showcase] Feature Highlights ------------------------------------- • Use the right tool for the task at hand, choosing among three different systems. • Design reactive Behaviour Trees and Hierarchical State Machines within an intuitive, designer friendly visual node editor: (Full Undo/Redo, Zoom In/Out, Minimap, Multi-selection, Duplication, Copy/Pasting, JSON Import/Export, Groups, Comments and more) • Use local & global variables of any type, visually or in code, for creating reusable and actor-oriented, parametric behaviours, optionally saving and loading those variables between gaming sessions. • Data Bind variables with any component property or field of any type directly. • Sync variables automatically over the network using UNET, for creating multiplayer games. • Visually Debug behaviours with realtime, colorful and informative runtime debugging. • Utilize the Graph Console to automatically locate faulty nodes with ease. • Live Edit everything while in play mode to perfectly understand your design goals and how to achieve them. • Utilize any existing code directly with advanced and extremely fast Reflection Tasks, automatically integrating Unity's and 3rd Party asset APIs. • Work with Lists/Arrays, Enums, Interfaces and pretty much ANY Variable Type you need out-of-the-box. • React to world changes and transfer data using the built-in Event System. • Reuse and Bind made behaviours among any number of different agents. • Organize your designs using Behaviour Sub-T




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