


arbitration phaseISO 11898-1phase where the nominal bit time is used
bit stuffingISO 11898-1frame coding method providing bus state changes required for periodic resynchronization when use an NRZ bit representation
busISO 11898-1topology of a communication network, where all nodes are reached by passive links which allow transmission in both directions
bus comparatorISO 11898-1electronic circuit converting physical signals used for transfer across the medium back into logical information or data signals
bus driverISO 11898-1electronic circuit converting information or data signals into physical signals so that these signals can be transferred across the communication medium
bus stateISO 11898-1one of two complementary logical states: dominant or recessive
BroadcastISO 11898-1Broadcast is a special case of multicast, whereby a single frame is addressed to all nodes simultanously
Classic Base Frame FormatISO 11898-1format for Data Frames or Remote Frames using an 11-bit identifier, which are transmitted with one single bit rate and up to and including 8 data bytes
Classical Extended Frame FormatISO 11898-1format for Data Frames or Remote Frames using a 29-bit identifier, which are transmitted with one single bit rate and up to and including 8 data bytes
Classic FrameISO 11898-1Data Frame or Remote Frame using the Classical Base Frame Format or the Classical Extended Frame Format
content-based arbitrationISO 11898-1CSMA arbitration procedure resolving bus-connection when multiple nodes simultaneously access the bus
data bit rateISO 11898-1number of bits per time during data phase, independent of bit encoding/decoding
data bit timeISO 11898-1duration of one bit in data phase
Data FrameISO 11898-1frame containing user data(e.g. one or more signals or one or more suspect parameters of one or more process data
data phaseISO 11898-1phase where the data bit time is used
edgeISO 11898-1difference in bus-states between two consecutive time quanta
Error FrameISO 11898-1frame indicating the detection of an error condition
FD enabledISO 11898-1able to receive and to transmit FD Frames, as well as Classical Frames
FD Base Frame FormatISO 11898-1format for Data Frames using an 11-bit identifier, which are transmitted with a flexible bit rate and up to and including 64 data bytes
FD Extended Frame FormatISO 11898-1format for Data Frames using a 29-bit identifier, which are transmitted with a flexible bit rate and up to and including 64 data bytes
FD FrameISO 11898-1Data Frame using the FD Base Frame Format or FD Extended Frame Format
FD intolerantISO 11898-1only able to receive or to transmit Classical Frames, disturbing FD Frames
FD tolerantISO 11898-1not able to receive or to transmit FD Frames but not disturbing them
frameISO 11898-1Protocol Data Unit of the data link layer specifying the arrangement and meaning of bits or bit fields in the sequence of transfer across the transmission medium
handleISO 11898-1hardware object lable of one or multiple LLC frames(LPDU)
higher-layer protocolISO 11898-1protocol above the Data Link Layer protocol according to the Open System Interconnection model
identifierISO 11898-1does not indicate the destination of the frame but reflects the priority of a particular frame and denotes the meaning of the data
idleISO 11898-1state of the network, when there is recessive state after the completion of a frame
idle conditionISO 11898-1detection of a sequence of eleven consecutive sampled recessive bits
integratingISO 11898-1status of a node waiting on an idle condition after it has started the protocol operation during bus-off recovery or after a protocol exception event
miminum time quantumISO 11898-1smallest time quantum that can be configured for the specific implementation
multicastISO 11898-1

addressing where a single frame is addressed to a group of nodes simutaneously

multi masterISO 11898-1network with several nodes where every node is able to temporarily control the action of other nodes
nodeISO 11898-1

assemly, linked to a communication network, capble of communicating across the network according to a communication protocol specification

Note: A CAN node is a node communicating across a CAN network

node clockISO 11898-1time base to coordinate the bit-time-related machines in CAN implementations
nominal bit rateISO 11898-1number of bits per time during arbitration phase,independent of the bit encoding/decoding
nominal bit timeISO 11898-1duration of one bit in arbitration phase
Non-Return-to-ZeroISO 11898-1method of representing binary signals, i.e. within one and the same bit time, the signal level does not change, where a stream of bits having the same logical value provides no edges
Overload FrameISO 11898-1frame indicating an overload condition
priorityISO 11898-1attribute to a frame controlling its ranking during the arbitration,A high priority increases the probability that a frame wins the arbitration process.
protocolISO 11898-1formal set of conventions or rules for the exchange of information between nodes, inclduing frame administration,frame transfer and PL
protocol exception eventISO 11898-1exception from the formal set of conventions or rules to be able to tolerate the future new frame formats
receiverISO 11898-1Any node that is not transmitter or integrating when the bus is not idle
Remote FrameISO 11898-1frame that requests the tranmission of a dedicated Data Frame
stuff bit countISO 11898-1number of stuff bits in a frame before the CRC field, not including fixed stuff bits
time-triggered communicationISO 11898-1option where a frame can be transmitted in a defined time slot, which also provides a network-wide synchronization of clocks, as well as disabling of the automatic retransmission of frames, so that dedicated data and remote frames avoid collisions with data and remote frames transmitted by other nodes
transceiverISO 11898-1electronic circuit that connects a CAN node to a CAN network, consisting of a bus comparator and a bus driver
transmitterISO 11898-1node originating a data frame or remote frame, and stays transmitter until the bus is idle again or until the node loses arbitration

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