路规算法详细解读(一)—— FAST-Planner重要部分代码解读



Fast-Planner代码阅读-1. Robust and Efficient Quadrotor Trajectory Generation for Fast Autonomous Flight_fast planner b样条_养生少年小余的博客-CSDN博客

本文之所以成就之高,原因在于其框架的完整性,代码主要解读包含三大板块:kinodynamic a_star 路径搜索non_uniform_bspline均匀B样条轨迹优化、非均匀B样条轨迹优化三大主要部分。

一、kinodynamic a_star 路径搜索


int KinodynamicAstar::search(Eigen::Vector3d start_pt, Eigen::Vector3d start_v, Eigen::Vector3d start_a,
                             Eigen::Vector3d end_pt, Eigen::Vector3d end_v, bool init, bool dynamic, double time_start)


1. 读取并初始化参数、计算起点代价、优化时间,将起点加入到openlist中:


  start_vel_ = start_v;//取出传入的起始点的速度
  start_acc_ = start_a;//传入起始点的加速度
//path_node_pool_ 可能在初始化时被分配一定数量的节点,这些节点在运行时被重复使用,而不是每次需要节点时都动态地分配内存。这有助于提高性能,避免频繁的内存分配和释放。
  PathNodePtr cur_node = path_node_pool_[0];//取出第一个路径点赋给当前节点
  cur_node->parent = NULL;//父节点
  cur_node->state.head(3) = start_pt;//state矩阵前3列记录位置
  cur_node->state.tail(3) = start_v;//state矩阵后三列记录速度
  cur_node->index = posToIndex(start_pt);//获取全剧坐标系下的位置索引
  cur_node->g_score = 0.0;//记录当前点成本代价值

  Eigen::VectorXd end_state(6);//初始化目标点状态的
  Eigen::Vector3i end_index;//记录终点索引值
  double time_to_goal;//路径规划时间

  end_state.head(3) = end_pt;
  end_state.tail(3) = end_v;
  end_index = posToIndex(end_pt);
  cur_node->f_score = lambda_heu_ * estimateHeuristic(cur_node->state, end_state, time_to_goal);//记录当前节点的代价函数
  cur_node->node_state = IN_OPEN_SET;//标记为待探索列表
  use_node_num_ += 1;//已探索点个数记录


double KinodynamicAstar::estimateHeuristic(Eigen::VectorXd x1, Eigen::VectorXd x2, double& optimal_time)
  const Vector3d dp = x2.head(3) - x1.head(3);//位置变化量
  const Vector3d v0 = x1.segment(3, 3);//起点速度矩阵
  const Vector3d v1 = x2.segment(3, 3);//终点速度矩阵

  double c1 = -36 * dp.dot(dp);//算一下alpha,belta带入后就能够清楚带入参数的含义了
  double c2 = 24 * (v0 + v1).dot(dp);
  double c3 = -4 * (v0.dot(v0) + v0.dot(v1) + v1.dot(v1));
  double c4 = 0;
  double c5 = w_time_;

  std::vector<double> ts = quartic(c5, c4, c3, c2, c1);//对下列c式子求导数,令其为0

  double v_max = max_vel_ * 0.5;
  double t_bar = (x1.head(3) - x2.head(3)).lpNorm<Infinity>() / v_max;//最短时间限制

  double cost = 100000000;
  double t_d = t_bar;

  for (auto t : ts)
    if (t < t_bar)//小于最小时间不合理则跳出
    double c = -c1 / (3 * t * t * t) - c2 / (2 * t * t) - c3 / t + w_time_ * t;//将alpha,belta带入到J*中化简得
    if (c < cost)
      cost = c;
      t_d = t;

  optimal_time = t_d;

  return 1.0 * (1 + tie_breaker_) * cost;//返回启发式函数代价并且将对应的路径时间赋给optimal_time


庞特里亚金极大值原理的基本思想是,如果在某个时间点,存在一个最优轨迹或最优控制策略, 本论文中的启发函数利用庞特里亚金原理解决两点边值问题,得到最优解后用最优解的控制代价作为启发函数。quartic函数是求解4次方程的函数,四次方程函数是由(5)将alpha,belta带入后求导所得到的,quartic函数用于返回最优的控制时间量。关于时间的一元四次方程是通过费拉里方法求解的,需要嵌套一个元三次方程进行求解,也就是代码中应的cubic函数。

vector<double> KinodynamicAstar::quartic(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e)
  vector<double> dts;

  double a3 = b / a;
  double a2 = c / a;
  double a1 = d / a;
  double a0 = e / a;

  vector<double> ys = cubic(1, -a2, a1 * a3 - 4 * a0, 4 * a2 * a0 - a1 * a1 - a3 * a3 * a0);
  double y1 = ys.front();
  double r = a3 * a3 / 4 - a2 + y1;
  if (r < 0)
    return dts;

  double R = sqrt(r);
  double D, E;
  if (R != 0)
    D = sqrt(0.75 * a3 * a3 - R * R - 2 * a2 + 0.25 * (4 * a3 * a2 - 8 * a1 - a3 * a3 * a3) / R);
    E = sqrt(0.75 * a3 * a3 - R * R - 2 * a2 - 0.25 * (4 * a3 * a2 - 8 * a1 - a3 * a3 * a3) / R);
    D = sqrt(0.75 * a3 * a3 - 2 * a2 + 2 * sqrt(y1 * y1 - 4 * a0));
    E = sqrt(0.75 * a3 * a3 - 2 * a2 - 2 * sqrt(y1 * y1 - 4 * a0));

  if (!std::isnan(D))
    dts.push_back(-a3 / 4 + R / 2 + D / 2);
    dts.push_back(-a3 / 4 + R / 2 - D / 2);
  if (!std::isnan(E))
    dts.push_back(-a3 / 4 - R / 2 + E / 2);
    dts.push_back(-a3 / 4 - R / 2 - E / 2);

  return dts;

vector<double> KinodynamicAstar::cubic(double a, double b, double c, double d)
  vector<double> dts;

  double a2 = b / a;
  double a1 = c / a;
  double a0 = d / a;

  double Q = (3 * a1 - a2 * a2) / 9;
  double R = (9 * a1 * a2 - 27 * a0 - 2 * a2 * a2 * a2) / 54;
  double D = Q * Q * Q + R * R;
  if (D > 0)
    double S = std::cbrt(R + sqrt(D));
    double T = std::cbrt(R - sqrt(D));
    dts.push_back(-a2 / 3 + (S + T));
    return dts;
  else if (D == 0)
    double S = std::cbrt(R);
    dts.push_back(-a2 / 3 + S + S);
    dts.push_back(-a2 / 3 - S);
    return dts;
    double theta = acos(R / sqrt(-Q * Q * Q));
    dts.push_back(2 * sqrt(-Q) * cos(theta / 3) - a2 / 3);
    dts.push_back(2 * sqrt(-Q) * cos((theta + 2 * M_PI) / 3) - a2 / 3);
    dts.push_back(2 * sqrt(-Q) * cos((theta + 4 * M_PI) / 3) - a2 / 3);
    return dts;



if (dynamic)//为真时记录时间、将当前节点时间信息记录到expande_node中
    time_origin_ = time_start;
    cur_node->time = time_start;
    cur_node->time_idx = timeToIndex(time_start);
    expanded_nodes_.insert(cur_node->index, cur_node->time_idx, cur_node);
    // cout << "time start: " << time_start << endl;
    expanded_nodes_.insert(cur_node->index, cur_node);//仅将当前节点的空间信息插入到 expanded_nodes_ 中

  PathNodePtr neighbor = NULL;//初始化邻居节点为空
  PathNodePtr terminate_node = NULL;//终点节点为空
  bool init_search = init;//初始化标记位
  const int tolerance = ceil(1 / resolution_);//容差,变换前每1单位表示的距离
  • 如果 dynamictrue

    • 该搜索算法会考虑时间信息,即路径规划是在动态环境中进行的。
    • 每个节点除了空间状态外,还包含了时间信息(如 cur_node->timecur_node->time_idx)。
    • 节点被插入到 expanded_nodes_ 中时,时间信息也会被考虑。
    • 最终搜索的路径是在三维空间和时间维度上的。
  • 如果 dynamicfalse

    • 该搜索算法只考虑空间状态,即路径规划是在静态环境中进行的。
    • 时间信息对于节点的存储和搜索不被考虑。
    • 最终搜索的路径仅包含在三维空间中。



(1). 终止条件:

  while (!open_set_.empty())
    cur_node = open_set_.top();//在open_set中取节点。

    // Terminate?
    超过了预定的 horizon_ 阈值。这个设计可能是为了在搜索空间较大时,避免过度的搜索,以提高算法的效率。
    ,当 reach_horizon 为真时,意味着当前节点已经离起点足够远,可能是因为在搜索空间中没有更好的路径,
    bool reach_horizon = (cur_node->state.head(3) - start_pt).norm() >= horizon_;

    bool near_end = abs(cur_node->index(0) - end_index(0)) <= tolerance &&//判断是否到达终点了。
                    abs(cur_node->index(1) - end_index(1)) <= tolerance &&
                    abs(cur_node->index(2) - end_index(2)) <= tolerance;

    if (reach_horizon || near_end)//离起点足够远或者判定到达起点了,停止条件当超出一定范围或者已经找到终点
      terminate_node = cur_node;//将当前节点设为终点
      if (near_end)//当确实是靠近终点时
        // Check whether shot traj exist
        estimateHeuristic(cur_node->state, end_state, time_to_goal);//计算优化的最小时间
        computeShotTraj(cur_node->state, end_state, time_to_goal);//带入优化的时间判断轨迹是否合理
        if (init_search)//如果初始化成功
          ROS_ERROR("Shot in first search loop!");
    if (reach_horizon)//先判断是否超出范围
      if (is_shot_succ_)//搜索到的路径安全可行的
        std::cout << "reach end" << std::endl;//此处终点是最远点(其实也不算是规划成功,因为超出距离后到达的是最远处路径可行,并非是原来要找的终点)
        return REACH_END;
        std::cout << "reach horizon" << std::endl;//路径动态不可行(规划失败)
        return REACH_HORIZON;

    if (near_end)
      if (is_shot_succ_)
        std::cout << "reach end" << std::endl;
        return REACH_END;
      else if (cur_node->parent != NULL)//规划路径动态不可行,但是上一节点是可行的,此时为规划到接近终点的状态
        std::cout << "near end" << std::endl;
        return NEAR_END;
        std::cout << "no path" << std::endl;
        return NO_PATH;



    cur_node->node_state = IN_CLOSE_SET;//将已经探索的节点加入到close_list中,标记为已探索
    iter_num_ += 1;//搜索完的点+1

    double res = 1 / 2.0, time_res = 1 / 1.0, time_res_init = 1 / 20.0;//初始化时间常数
    Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> cur_state = cur_node->state;//记录当前节点状态
    Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> pro_state;//下一状态
    vector<PathNodePtr> tmp_expand_nodes;//临时扩展节点列表
    Eigen::Vector3d um;//离散的控制量,这里指的是三维上加速度
    double pro_t;//拓展节点的时间戳
    vector<Eigen::Vector3d> inputs;//输入
    vector<double> durations;//单位输入控制量的持续时间
    if (init_search)//具有上次搜索失败的离散状态量
      for (double tau = time_res_init * init_max_tau_; tau <= init_max_tau_ + 1e-3;
           tau += time_res_init * init_max_tau_)
      init_search = false;

      for (double ax = -max_acc_; ax <= max_acc_ + 1e-3; ax += max_acc_ * res)
        for (double ay = -max_acc_; ay <= max_acc_ + 1e-3; ay += max_acc_ * res)
          for (double az = -max_acc_; az <= max_acc_ + 1e-3; az += max_acc_ * res)
            um << ax, ay, az;
      for (double tau = time_res * max_tau_; tau <= max_tau_; tau += time_res * max_tau_)

    // cout << "cur state:" << cur_state.head(3).transpose() << endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i)
      for (int j = 0; j < durations.size(); ++j)
        um = inputs[i];
        double tau = durations[j];
        stateTransit(cur_state, pro_state, um, tau);//输入时间与加速度离散值,更新pro_state
        pro_t = cur_node->time + tau;//拓展状态时间记录

        Eigen::Vector3d pro_pos = pro_state.head(3);//拓展位置向量

        // Check if in close set
        Eigen::Vector3i pro_id = posToIndex(pro_pos);//拓展位置世界坐标系下的索引
        int pro_t_id = timeToIndex(pro_t);//拓展位置时间id
        PathNodePtr pro_node = dynamic ? expanded_nodes_.find(pro_id, pro_t_id) : expanded_nodes_.find(pro_id);//根据是否带时间戳记录拓展节点
        if (pro_node != NULL && pro_node->node_state == IN_CLOSE_SET)//当存在于closet中,跳过此次拓展
          if (init_search)
            std::cout << "close" << std::endl;

        // Check maximal velocity
        Eigen::Vector3d pro_v = pro_state.tail(3);//检查速度限制超过则跳过该次检查
        if (fabs(pro_v(0)) > max_vel_ || fabs(pro_v(1)) > max_vel_ || fabs(pro_v(2)) > max_vel_)
          if (init_search)
            std::cout << "vel" << std::endl;

        // Check not in the same voxel
        Eigen::Vector3i diff = pro_id - cur_node->index;//检查拓展的栅格是否为当前栅格相同
        int diff_time = pro_t_id - cur_node->time_idx;//检查栅格
        if (diff.norm() == 0 && ((!dynamic) || diff_time == 0))//带时间戳时时间相同,或者时间相同跳出循环
          if (init_search)
            std::cout << "same" << std::endl;

        // Check safety
        Eigen::Vector3d pos;
        Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 1> xt;
        bool is_occ = false;
        for (int k = 1; k <= check_num_; ++k)//分辨率提高检查点,比如a到b我检查5个点,判定每个点是否占用
          double dt = tau * double(k) / double(check_num_);
          stateTransit(cur_state, xt, um, dt);//前向积分得到扩展节点的位置和速度
          pos = xt.head(3);
          if (edt_environment_->sdf_map_->getInflateOccupancy(pos) == 1 )//检查是否占用
            is_occ = true;//占用标志位记为true
        if (is_occ)
          if (init_search)
            std::cout << "safe" << std::endl;//当检测到被占用时,跳过
        double time_to_goal, tmp_g_score, tmp_f_score;//定义变量暂时存储代价函数值
        tmp_g_score = (um.squaredNorm() + w_time_) * tau + cur_node->g_score;
        tmp_f_score = tmp_g_score + lambda_heu_ * estimateHeuristic(pro_state, end_state, time_to_goal);



        // Compare nodes expanded from the same parent

    如果 prune 为 true,表示需要对当前生成的节点进行剪枝。这说明当前节点与之前扩展的节点在相同的体素内(位置索引相同且时间索引相同,如果是动态规划)。
    如果 prune 为 false,表示不需要对当前生成的节点进行剪枝。这说明当前节点与之前扩展的节点在不同的体素内。
    如果当前节点是一个新的节点(pro_node == NULL),将其添加到搜索队列中,并更新相关信息。
        bool prune = false;
        for (int j = 0; j < tmp_expand_nodes.size(); ++j)//遍历所有临时拓展节点列表,用来检查拓展的点中有没有同个节点内的点,有的话标记剪枝操作
          PathNodePtr expand_node = tmp_expand_nodes[j];
          if ((pro_id - expand_node->index).norm() == 0 && ((!dynamic) || pro_t_id == expand_node->time_idx))//当前遍历节点与本次循环拓展节点在相同的体素内
            prune = true;//标记需要剪枝(即比较代价函数)
            if (tmp_f_score < expand_node->f_score)//比较代价函数,选取代价小的节点并保存。
              expand_node->f_score = tmp_f_score;//将原来计算好的代价记录下来
              expand_node->g_score = tmp_g_score;
              expand_node->state = pro_state;//记录状态值
              expand_node->input = um;//往前拓展状态的输入
              expand_node->duration = tau;//往前拓展的积分的时间
              if (dynamic)
                expand_node->time = cur_node->time + tau;//如果是带时间戳的路径规划则记录时间戳信息
        // tem中存有的点是所有离散点?expand中存的是剪枝后每个节点的最优点
        // This node end up in a voxel different from others
        if (!prune)//当前节点为全新节点
          if (pro_node == NULL)//如果 pro_node 为空,说明这是一个新的节点,需要将其添加到搜索队列中。更新节点的信息,包括索引、状态、代价等。
            pro_node = path_node_pool_[use_node_num_];
            pro_node->index = pro_id;
            pro_node->state = pro_state;
            pro_node->f_score = tmp_f_score;
            pro_node->g_score = tmp_g_score;
            pro_node->input = um;
            pro_node->duration = tau;
            pro_node->parent = cur_node;
            pro_node->node_state = IN_OPEN_SET;//将其加入到openset中
            if (dynamic)//带时间戳的规划需要带时间
              pro_node->time = cur_node->time + tau;
              pro_node->time_idx = timeToIndex(pro_node->time);

            if (dynamic)
              expanded_nodes_.insert(pro_id, pro_node->time, pro_node);
              expanded_nodes_.insert(pro_id, pro_node);
            use_node_num_ += 1;
            if (use_node_num_ == allocate_num_)//超过原定义好的ptr存储序列
              cout << "run out of memory." << endl;
              return NO_PATH;
          else if (pro_node->node_state == IN_OPEN_SET)//如果 pro_node 已经在开放集合中,检查新路径的代价是否更小,如果是,则更新节点信息。
            if (tmp_g_score < pro_node->g_score)
              // pro_node->index = pro_id;
              pro_node->state = pro_state;
              pro_node->f_score = tmp_f_score;
              pro_node->g_score = tmp_g_score;
              pro_node->input = um;
              pro_node->duration = tau;
              pro_node->parent = cur_node;
              if (dynamic)
                pro_node->time = cur_node->time + tau;
          else//如果 pro_node 的状态不是在开放集合中,可能存在错误。
            cout << "error type in searching: " << pro_node->node_state << endl;
    // init_search = false;

3.流程分析 :





路径规划算法曲线篇(二)—— B样条曲线轨迹表示详解-CSDN博客



void NonUniformBspline::setUniformBspline(const Eigen::MatrixXd& points, const int& order,
                                          const double& interval) {
  control_points_ = points;
  p_              = order;
  interval_       = interval;
  n_ = points.rows() - 1;
  m_ = n_ + p_ + 1;
  u_ = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(m_ + 1);
  中间的p_ + 1 到 m_ - p_ 之间节点为中间节点,由累加而成。确保连续
  后m_ - p_ 个节点称为尾节点(trailing nodes)或结束节点,它们决定了 B 样条曲线的结束点,初始化时,这些节点的值与前一个节点相等,确保在这一段区间内的节点是连续的。这个区间的长度是 (m_ - p_) 
  for (int i = 0; i <= m_; ++i) {

    if (i <= p_) {
      u_(i) = double(-p_ + i) * interval_;
    } else if (i > p_ && i <= m_ - p_) {
      u_(i) = u_(i - 1) + interval_;
    } else if (i > m_ - p_) {
      u_(i) = u_(i - 1) + interval_;


由B样条的性质可知,B样条上某一点的值可以由De Boor递归公式推导得到,代码中的做法是将需要求的点值映射到距离其最近的时间节点,然后将其带入计算得到传入时间节点u处的值。

/*De Boor递归算法,计算传入参数u处的B样条曲线值,返回B-样条曲线在参数 u 处的B样条曲线函数*/
Eigen::VectorXd NonUniformBspline::evaluateDeBoor(const double& u) {
//限制参数 u 的范围: 将参数 u 限制在 B-样条曲线有效范围内,即 [u_(p_), u_(m_ - p_)]。
  double ub = min(max(u_(p_), u), u_(m_ - p_));

  // determine which [ui,ui+1] lay in
  int k = p_;
  while (true) {
    if (u_(k + 1) >= ub) break;

  /* deBoor's alg */
  vector<Eigen::VectorXd> d;
  for (int i = 0; i <= p_; ++i) {
    d.push_back(control_points_.row(k - p_ + i));
    // cout << d[i].transpose() << endl;

//De Boor递归计算控制点,计算过程中使用了混合参数 alpha,该参数用于混合现有控制点以生成新的控制点。
  for (int r = 1; r <= p_; ++r) {//外循环次数
    for (int i = p_; i >= r; --i) {//内循环控制节点,次数高一次,控制节点少一个(自己写以下就能理解)
      double alpha = (ub - u_[i + k - p_]) / (u_[i + 1 + k - r] - u_[i + k - p_]);
      // cout << "alpha: " << alpha << endl;
      d[i] = (1 - alpha) * d[i - 1] + alpha * d[i];
  //返回计算得到的 B-样条曲线在参数 u 处的点
  return d[p_];



其中,M矩阵表示了控制点与时间节点值之间的关系,来自于文献K. Qin, “General matrix representations for b-splines,” The Visual Computer, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 177–186, 2000.



函数功能:将给定点集和起始/终止导数转换为 B-样条曲线的控制点矩阵,通过对原始轨迹的拟合得到B样条轨迹的控制点
void NonUniformBspline::parameterizeToBspline(const double& ts, const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& point_set,
                                              const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& start_end_derivative,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXd&               ctrl_pts) {
  if (ts <= 0) {
    cout << "[B-spline]:time step error." << endl;
  if (point_set.size() < 2) {
    cout << "[B-spline]:point set have only " << point_set.size() << " points." << endl;
//起点与终点的导数限制(即一阶和二阶导数,有此信息才可以确保得到一个具有足够信息的线性方程组,从而可以求解出 B-样条曲线的控制点。)
  if (start_end_derivative.size() != 4) {
    cout << "[B-spline]:derivatives error." << endl;
  int K = point_set.size();

  // write A
  //该矩阵用来构建线性方程组, B-样条曲线参数化过程中求解控制点
  //一阶 B-样条基函数的系数向量、一阶 B-样条基函数的导数系数向量、二阶 B-样条基函数的系数向量
  //取该数值的原因是B样条曲线矩阵表示论文中提出的,以满足 B-样条曲线的一些良好性质。
  Eigen::Vector3d prow(3), vrow(3), arow(3);
  prow << 1, 4, 1;
  vrow << -1, 0, 1;
  arow << 1, -2, 1;

  Eigen::MatrixXd A = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(K + 4, K + 2);

  for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) A.block(i, i, 1, 3) = (1 / 6.0) * prow.transpose();

  A.block(K, 0, 1, 3)         = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * vrow.transpose();
  A.block(K + 1, K - 1, 1, 3) = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * vrow.transpose();

  A.block(K + 2, 0, 1, 3)     = (1 / ts / ts) * arow.transpose();
  A.block(K + 3, K - 1, 1, 3) = (1 / ts / ts) * arow.transpose();
  // cout << "A:\n" << A << endl;

  // A.block(0, 0, K, K + 2) = (1 / 6.0) * A.block(0, 0, K, K + 2);
  // A.block(K, 0, 2, K + 2) = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * A.block(K, 0, 2, K + 2);
  // A.row(K + 4) = (1 / ts / ts) * A.row(K + 4);
  // A.row(K + 5) = (1 / ts / ts) * A.row(K + 5);

  // write b
  Eigen::VectorXd bx(K + 4), by(K + 4), bz(K + 4);
  for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
    bx(i) = point_set[i](0);
    by(i) = point_set[i](1);
    bz(i) = point_set[i](2);

  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    bx(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](0);
    by(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](1);
    bz(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](2);

  // solve Ax = b
  Eigen::VectorXd px = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(bx);
  Eigen::VectorXd py = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(by);
  Eigen::VectorXd pz = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(bz);

  // convert to control pts
  ctrl_pts.resize(K + 2, 3);
  ctrl_pts.col(0) = px;
  ctrl_pts.col(1) = py;
  ctrl_pts.col(2) = pz;

  // cout << "[B-spline]: parameterization ok." << endl;



Eigen::MatrixXd NonUniformBspline::getDerivativeControlPoints() {
  // The derivative of a b-spline is also a b-spline, its order become p_-1
  // control point Qi = p_*(Pi+1-Pi)/(ui+p_+1-ui+1)
  Eigen::MatrixXd ctp = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(control_points_.rows() - 1, control_points_.cols());
  for (int i = 0; i < ctp.rows(); ++i) {
    ctp.row(i) =
        p_ * (control_points_.row(i + 1) - control_points_.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1));
  return ctp;

NonUniformBspline NonUniformBspline::getDerivative() {
  Eigen::MatrixXd   ctp = getDerivativeControlPoints();
  NonUniformBspline derivative(ctp, p_ - 1, interval_);

  /* cut the first and last knot */
  Eigen::VectorXd knot(u_.rows() - 2);
  knot = u_.segment(1, u_.rows() - 2);

  return derivative;

5. 速度、加速度检查函数: 


bool NonUniformBspline::checkFeasibility(bool show) {
  bool fea = true;//可行性标记位
  // SETY << "[Bspline]: total points size: " << control_points_.rows() << endl;

  Eigen::MatrixXd P         = control_points_;//取出控制点
  int             dimension = control_points_.cols();//求控制点列数即维度,x,y,z

  /* check vel feasibility and insert points */
  double max_vel = -1.0;//初始化最大速度为负
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 1; ++i) {//遍历每一个控制点
    Eigen::VectorXd vel = p_ * (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1));//根据控制点计算速度

    if (fabs(vel(0)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4 || fabs(vel(1)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4 ||//判断是否有任一维度上的速度超过阈值
        fabs(vel(2)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4) {

      if (show) cout << "[Check]: Infeasible vel " << i << " :" << vel.transpose() << endl;
      fea = false;//标记为不可行

      for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
        max_vel = max(max_vel, fabs(vel(j)));//采用计算出来的速度更新最大速度

  /* acc feasibility */
  double max_acc = -1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 2; ++i) {//遍历n-2个点

    Eigen::VectorXd acc = p_ * (p_ - 1) *
        ((P.row(i + 2) - P.row(i + 1)) / (u_(i + p_ + 2) - u_(i + 2)) -
         (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1))) /
        (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2));//计算加速度

    if (fabs(acc(0)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4 || fabs(acc(1)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4 ||
        fabs(acc(2)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4) {//判断是否有任一维度上的加速度超过阈值

      if (show) cout << "[Check]: Infeasible acc " << i << " :" << acc.transpose() << endl;
      fea = false;

      for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {//记录更新最大加速度
        max_acc = max(max_acc, fabs(acc(j)));

  double ratio = max(max_vel / limit_vel_, sqrt(fabs(max_acc) / limit_acc_));//计算最大速度或加速度超过约束的

  return fea;

double NonUniformBspline::checkRatio() {
  Eigen::MatrixXd P         = control_points_;
  int             dimension = control_points_.cols();

  // find max vel
  double max_vel = -1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 1; ++i) {
    Eigen::VectorXd vel = p_ * (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1));
    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
      max_vel = max(max_vel, fabs(vel(j)));
  // find max acc
  double max_acc = -1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 2; ++i) {
    Eigen::VectorXd acc = p_ * (p_ - 1) *
        ((P.row(i + 2) - P.row(i + 1)) / (u_(i + p_ + 2) - u_(i + 2)) -
         (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1))) /
        (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2));
    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
      max_acc = max(max_acc, fabs(acc(j)));
  double ratio = max(max_vel / limit_vel_, sqrt(fabs(max_acc) / limit_acc_));
  ROS_ERROR_COND(ratio > 2.0, "max vel: %lf, max acc: %lf.", max_vel, max_acc);

  return ratio;

double NonUniformBspline::checkRatio() {
  Eigen::MatrixXd P         = control_points_;
  int             dimension = control_points_.cols();

  // find max vel
  double max_vel = -1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 1; ++i) {
    Eigen::VectorXd vel = p_ * (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1));
    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
      max_vel = max(max_vel, fabs(vel(j)));
  // find max acc
  double max_acc = -1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 2; ++i) {
    Eigen::VectorXd acc = p_ * (p_ - 1) *
        ((P.row(i + 2) - P.row(i + 1)) / (u_(i + p_ + 2) - u_(i + 2)) -
         (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1))) /
        (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2));
    for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
      max_acc = max(max_acc, fabs(acc(j)));
  double ratio = max(max_vel / limit_vel_, sqrt(fabs(max_acc) / limit_acc_));
  ROS_ERROR_COND(ratio > 2.0, "max vel: %lf, max acc: %lf.", max_vel, max_acc);

  return ratio;

bool NonUniformBspline::reallocateTime(bool show) {
  // SETY << "[Bspline]: total points size: " << control_points_.rows() << endl;
  // cout << "origin knots:\n" << u_.transpose() << endl;
  bool fea = true;

  Eigen::MatrixXd P         = control_points_;
  int             dimension = control_points_.cols();

  double max_vel, max_acc;

  /* check vel feasibility and insert points */
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 1; ++i) {
    Eigen::VectorXd vel = p_ * (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1));

    if (fabs(vel(0)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4 || fabs(vel(1)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4 ||
        fabs(vel(2)) > limit_vel_ + 1e-4) {

      fea = false;
      if (show) cout << "[Realloc]: Infeasible vel " << i << " :" << vel.transpose() << endl;

      max_vel = -1.0;
      for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
        max_vel = max(max_vel, fabs(vel(j)));

      double ratio = max_vel / limit_vel_ + 1e-4;
      if (ratio > limit_ratio_) ratio = limit_ratio_;

    在这段代码中,j = i + 2 处开始调整,是因为速度的计算涉及到两个相邻的控制点,即 P.row(i + 1) 和 P.row(i + 2)。
    为了调整速度,需要改变这两个控制点之间的时间间隔,即 u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1)。因此,j 从 i + 2 开始,
    以便调整第 i + 1 和 i + 2 之间的时间节点。
      double time_ori = u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1);
      double time_new = ratio * time_ori;
      double delta_t  = time_new - time_ori;
      double t_inc    = delta_t / double(p_);

      for (int j = i + 2; j <= i + p_ + 1; ++j) {
        u_(j) += double(j - i - 1) * t_inc;
        if (j <= 5 && j >= 1) {
          // cout << "vel j: " << j << endl;

      for (int j = i + p_ + 2; j < u_.rows(); ++j) {
        u_(j) += delta_t;

  /* acc feasibility */
  for (int i = 0; i < P.rows() - 2; ++i) {

    Eigen::VectorXd acc = p_ * (p_ - 1) *
        ((P.row(i + 2) - P.row(i + 1)) / (u_(i + p_ + 2) - u_(i + 2)) -
         (P.row(i + 1) - P.row(i)) / (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 1))) /
        (u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2));

    if (fabs(acc(0)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4 || fabs(acc(1)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4 ||
        fabs(acc(2)) > limit_acc_ + 1e-4) {

      fea = false;
      if (show) cout << "[Realloc]: Infeasible acc " << i << " :" << acc.transpose() << endl;

      max_acc = -1.0;
      for (int j = 0; j < dimension; ++j) {
        max_acc = max(max_acc, fabs(acc(j)));

      double ratio = sqrt(max_acc / limit_acc_) + 1e-4;
      if (ratio > limit_ratio_) ratio = limit_ratio_;
      // cout << "ratio: " << ratio << endl;

      double time_ori = u_(i + p_ + 1) - u_(i + 2);
      double time_new = ratio * time_ori;
      double delta_t  = time_new - time_ori;
      double t_inc    = delta_t / double(p_ - 1);

      if (i == 1 || i == 2) {
        // cout << "acc i: " << i << endl;
        for (int j = 2; j <= 5; ++j) {
          u_(j) += double(j - 1) * t_inc;

        for (int j = 6; j < u_.rows(); ++j) {
          u_(j) += 4.0 * t_inc;

      } else {

        for (int j = i + 3; j <= i + p_ + 1; ++j) {
          u_(j) += double(j - i - 2) * t_inc;
          if (j <= 5 && j >= 1) {
            // cout << "acc j: " << j << endl;

        for (int j = i + p_ + 2; j < u_.rows(); ++j) {
          u_(j) += delta_t;

  return fea;



函数功能:将给定点集和起始/终止导数转换为 B-样条曲线的控制点矩阵,通过对原始轨迹的拟合得到B样条轨迹的控制点
void NonUniformBspline::parameterizeToBspline(const double& ts, const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& point_set,
                                              const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& start_end_derivative,
                                              Eigen::MatrixXd&               ctrl_pts) {
  if (ts <= 0) {
    cout << "[B-spline]:time step error." << endl;
  if (point_set.size() < 2) {
    cout << "[B-spline]:point set have only " << point_set.size() << " points." << endl;
//起点与终点的导数限制(即一阶和二阶导数,有此信息才可以确保得到一个具有足够信息的线性方程组,从而可以求解出 B-样条曲线的控制点。)
  if (start_end_derivative.size() != 4) {
    cout << "[B-spline]:derivatives error." << endl;
  int K = point_set.size();

  // write A
  //该矩阵用来构建线性方程组, B-样条曲线参数化过程中求解控制点
  //一阶 B-样条基函数的系数向量、一阶 B-样条基函数的导数系数向量、二阶 B-样条基函数的系数向量
  //取该数值的原因是B样条曲线矩阵表示论文中提出的,以满足 B-样条曲线的一些良好性质。
  Eigen::Vector3d prow(3), vrow(3), arow(3);
  prow << 1, 4, 1;
  vrow << -1, 0, 1;
  arow << 1, -2, 1;

  Eigen::MatrixXd A = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(K + 4, K + 2);

  for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) A.block(i, i, 1, 3) = (1 / 6.0) * prow.transpose();

  A.block(K, 0, 1, 3)         = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * vrow.transpose();
  A.block(K + 1, K - 1, 1, 3) = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * vrow.transpose();

  A.block(K + 2, 0, 1, 3)     = (1 / ts / ts) * arow.transpose();
  A.block(K + 3, K - 1, 1, 3) = (1 / ts / ts) * arow.transpose();
  // cout << "A:\n" << A << endl;

  // A.block(0, 0, K, K + 2) = (1 / 6.0) * A.block(0, 0, K, K + 2);
  // A.block(K, 0, 2, K + 2) = (1 / 2.0 / ts) * A.block(K, 0, 2, K + 2);
  // A.row(K + 4) = (1 / ts / ts) * A.row(K + 4);
  // A.row(K + 5) = (1 / ts / ts) * A.row(K + 5);

  // write b
  Eigen::VectorXd bx(K + 4), by(K + 4), bz(K + 4);
  for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
    bx(i) = point_set[i](0);
    by(i) = point_set[i](1);
    bz(i) = point_set[i](2);

  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    bx(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](0);
    by(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](1);
    bz(K + i) = start_end_derivative[i](2);

  // solve Ax = b
  Eigen::VectorXd px = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(bx);
  Eigen::VectorXd py = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(by);
  Eigen::VectorXd pz = A.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(bz);

  // convert to control pts
  ctrl_pts.resize(K + 2, 3);
  ctrl_pts.col(0) = px;
  ctrl_pts.col(1) = py;
  ctrl_pts.col(2) = pz;

  // cout << "[B-spline]: parameterization ok." << endl;







void BsplineOptimizer::calcSmoothnessCost(const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& q, double& cost,
                                          vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& gradient) {
  cost = 0.0;
  Eigen::Vector3d zero(0, 0, 0);
  std::fill(gradient.begin(), gradient.end(), zero);
  Eigen::Vector3d jerk, temp_j;
  for (int i = 0; i < q.size() - order_; i++) {
    /* evaluate jerk */
    jerk = q[i + 3] - 3 * q[i + 2] + 3 * q[i + 1] - q[i];
    cost += jerk.squaredNorm();
    temp_j = 2.0 * jerk;
    /* jerk gradient */
    gradient[i + 0] += -temp_j;
    gradient[i + 1] += 3.0 * temp_j;
    gradient[i + 2] += -3.0 * temp_j;
    gradient[i + 3] += temp_j;



void BsplineOptimizer::calcDistanceCost(const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& q, double& cost,
                                        vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& gradient) {
  cost = 0.0;
  Eigen::Vector3d zero(0, 0, 0);
  std::fill(gradient.begin(), gradient.end(), zero);
  double          dist;
  Eigen::Vector3d dist_grad, g_zero(0, 0, 0);
 //如果包含 ENDPOINT,则处理整个路径点向量;如果不包含,就排除掉最后 order_ 个点,可能是为了避免在计算中出现索引越界的问题。
  int end_idx = (cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) ? q.size() : q.size() - order_;

  for (int i = order_; i < end_idx; i++) {
    edt_environment_->evaluateEDTWithGrad(q[i], -1.0, dist, dist_grad);
    if (dist_grad.norm() > 1e-4) dist_grad.normalize();
    if (dist < dist0_) {
      cost += pow(dist - dist0_, 2);
      gradient[i] += 2.0 * (dist - dist0_) * dist_grad;



void BsplineOptimizer::calcFeasibilityCost(const vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& q, double& cost,
                                           vector<Eigen::Vector3d>& gradient) {
  cost = 0.0;
  Eigen::Vector3d zero(0, 0, 0);
  std::fill(gradient.begin(), gradient.end(), zero);

  /* abbreviation */
  double ts, vm2, am2, ts_inv2, ts_inv4;
  vm2 = max_vel_ * max_vel_;
  am2 = max_acc_ * max_acc_;

  ts      = bspline_interval_;
  ts_inv2 = 1 / ts / ts;
  ts_inv4 = ts_inv2 * ts_inv2;

  /* velocity feasibility */
  for (int i = 0; i < q.size() - 1; i++) {
    Eigen::Vector3d vi = q[i + 1] - q[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      double vd = vi(j) * vi(j) * ts_inv2 - vm2;
      if (vd > 0.0) {
        cost += pow(vd, 2);
        double temp_v = 4.0 * vd * ts_inv2;
        gradient[i + 0](j) += -temp_v * vi(j);
        gradient[i + 1](j) += temp_v * vi(j);

  /* acceleration feasibility */
  for (int i = 0; i < q.size() - 2; i++) {
    Eigen::Vector3d ai = q[i + 2] - 2 * q[i + 1] + q[i];

    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
      double ad = ai(j) * ai(j) * ts_inv4 - am2;
      if (ad > 0.0) {
        cost += pow(ad, 2);
        double temp_a = 4.0 * ad * ts_inv4;
        gradient[i + 0](j) += temp_a * ai(j);
        gradient[i + 1](j) += -2 * temp_a * ai(j);
        gradient[i + 2](j) += temp_a * ai(j);



void BsplineOptimizer::combineCost(const std::vector<double>& x, std::vector<double>& grad,
                                   double& f_combine) {
  /* convert the NLopt format vector to control points. */
  /*NLopt 格式的向量转换到控制点表示,以支持1D至3D的B样条优化*/
  // This solver can support 1D-3D B-spline optimization, but we use Vector3d to store each control point
  // For 1D case, the second and third elements are zero, and similar for the 2D case.
  for (int i = 0; i < order_; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < dim_; ++j) {
      g_q_[i][j] = control_points_(i, j);
    //如果 dim_ 小于3,则剩余的维度设置为0。这是为了处理1D和2D情况。
    for (int j = dim_; j < 3; ++j) {
      g_q_[i][j] = 0.0;
 //处理由NLopt传入的变量 x,将其转换为控制点并存储在 g_q_ 中。同样,如果 dim_ 小于3,则剩余的维度设置为0,得到矩阵g_q_
  for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < dim_; ++j) {
      g_q_[i + order_][j] = x[dim_ * i + j];
    for (int j = dim_; j < 3; ++j) {
      g_q_[i + order_][j] = 0.0;

  //考虑终点,如果 cost_function_ 不包含 ENDPOINT 标志,则将 control_points_ 中的最后 order_ 个控制点复制到 g_q_ 的相应位置
  if (!(cost_function_ & ENDPOINT)) {
    for (int i = 0; i < order_; i++) {

      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; ++j) {
        g_q_[order_ + variable_num_ / dim_ + i][j] =
            control_points_(control_points_.rows() - order_ + i, j);
      for (int j = dim_; j < 3; ++j) {
        g_q_[order_ + variable_num_ / dim_ + i][j] = 0.0;

  f_combine = 0.0;
  fill(grad.begin(), grad.end(), 0.0);
  if (cost_function_ & SMOOTHNESS) {
  /*  evaluate costs and their gradient  */
  double f_smoothness, f_distance, f_feasibility, f_endpoint, f_guide, f_waypoints;
  f_smoothness = f_distance = f_feasibility = f_endpoint = f_guide = f_waypoints = 0.0;

  if (cost_function_ & SMOOTHNESS) {
    calcSmoothnessCost(g_q_, f_smoothness, g_smoothness_);
    f_combine += lambda1_ * f_smoothness;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda1_ * g_smoothness_[i + order_](j);
  if (cost_function_ & DISTANCE) {
    calcDistanceCost(g_q_, f_distance, g_distance_);
    f_combine += lambda2_ * f_distance;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda2_ * g_distance_[i + order_](j);
  if (cost_function_ & FEASIBILITY) {
    calcFeasibilityCost(g_q_, f_feasibility, g_feasibility_);
    f_combine += lambda3_ * f_feasibility;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda3_ * g_feasibility_[i + order_](j);
  if (cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) {
    calcEndpointCost(g_q_, f_endpoint, g_endpoint_);
    f_combine += lambda4_ * f_endpoint;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda4_ * g_endpoint_[i + order_](j);
  if (cost_function_ & GUIDE) {
    calcGuideCost(g_q_, f_guide, g_guide_);
    f_combine += lambda5_ * f_guide;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda5_ * g_guide_[i + order_](j);
  if (cost_function_ & WAYPOINTS) {
    calcWaypointsCost(g_q_, f_waypoints, g_waypoints_);
    f_combine += lambda7_ * f_waypoints;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_ / dim_; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) grad[dim_ * i + j] += lambda7_ * g_waypoints_[i + order_](j);
  /*  print cost  */
  // if ((cost_function_ & WAYPOINTS) && iter_num_ % 10 == 0) {
  //   cout << iter_num_ << ", total: " << f_combine << ", acc: " << lambda8_ * f_view
  //        << ", waypt: " << lambda7_ * f_waypoints << endl;
  // }

  // if (optimization_phase_ == SECOND_PHASE) {
  //  << ", smooth: " << lambda1_ * f_smoothness
  //  << " , dist:" << lambda2_ * f_distance
  //  << ", fea: " << lambda3_ * f_feasibility << endl;
  // << ", end: " << lambda4_ * f_endpoint
  // << ", guide: " << lambda5_ * f_guide
  // }


Eigen::MatrixXd BsplineOptimizer::BsplineOptimizeTraj(const Eigen::MatrixXd& points, const double& ts,
                                                      const int& cost_function, int max_num_id,
                                                      int max_time_id) {
  setTerminateCond(max_num_id, max_time_id);
  return this->control_points_;

void BsplineOptimizer::optimize() {
  /* initialize solver */
  iter_num_        = 0;
  min_cost_        = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  const int pt_num = control_points_.rows();


  if (cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) {
    variable_num_ = dim_ * (pt_num - order_);
    // end position used for hard constraint
    end_pt_ = (1 / 6.0) *
        (control_points_.row(pt_num - 3) + 4 * control_points_.row(pt_num - 2) +
         control_points_.row(pt_num - 1));
  } else {
    variable_num_ = max(0, dim_ * (pt_num - 2 * order_)) ;

  /* do optimization using NLopt slover */
   //创建 NLopt 优化器,选择合适的算法。
  nlopt::opt opt(nlopt::algorithm(isQuadratic() ? algorithm1_ : algorithm2_), variable_num_);
  opt.set_min_objective(BsplineOptimizer::costFunction, this);

  vector<double> q(variable_num_);
  for (int i = order_; i < pt_num; ++i) {
    if (!(cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) && i >= pt_num - order_) continue;
    for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) {
      q[dim_ * (i - order_) + j] = control_points_(i, j);

  if (dim_ != 1) {
    vector<double> lb(variable_num_), ub(variable_num_);
    const double   bound = 10.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < variable_num_; ++i) {
      lb[i] = q[i] - bound;
      ub[i] = q[i] + bound;

  try {
    // cout << fixed << setprecision(7);
    // vec_time_.clear();
    // vec_cost_.clear();
    // time_start_ = ros::Time::now();

    double        final_cost;
    nlopt::result result = opt.optimize(q, final_cost);

    /* retrieve the optimization result */
    // cout << "Min cost:" << min_cost_ << endl;
  } catch (std::exception& e) {
    ROS_WARN("[Optimization]: nlopt exception");
    cout << e.what() << endl;

  for (int i = order_; i < control_points_.rows(); ++i) {
    if (!(cost_function_ & ENDPOINT) && i >= pt_num - order_) continue;
    for (int j = 0; j < dim_; j++) {
      control_points_(i, j) = best_variable_[dim_ * (i - order_) + j];

  if (!(cost_function_ & GUIDE)) ROS_INFO_STREAM("iter num: " << iter_num_);


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  • 6
Fast Planner是一种快速规划工具,旨在帮助人们高效地制定计划,并实现既定目标。它包含了许多实用的功能,能够简化计划的过程,提高计划的准确性和实施效率。 首先,Fast Planner提供了一个直观、用户友好的界面,使得使用者可以快速上手并创建自己的计划。用户可以根据需要添加任务及其相关细节,如截止日期、重要性和紧急程度。此外,用户还可以设定任务之间的优先级,以确保按重要性和紧急程度进行适当的安排。 其次,Fast Planner具有强大的时间管理功能。它可以帮助用户合理分配时间,设定合理的计划期限,并提醒用户任务的截止日期。用户可以很容易地追踪任务的进度,及时调整计划以适应变化的情况。 另外,Fast Planner还支持多人协作。用户可以与团队成员共享计划,分配任务并跟踪每个人的进度。团队成员可以通过Fast Planner的即时通讯功能进行即时交流,共享信息和协调行动,有助于有效地完成团队任务。 最后,Fast Planner还提供了数据分析功能,帮助用户评估计划的执行情况和效果。用户可以查看任务完成情况的统计数据,了解任务完成时间、延迟情况和效率等信息。这些数据可以帮助用户识别问题,并根据需要调整计划以提高效率。 总之,Fast Planner是一个功能强大、易于使用的快速规划工具。它能够帮助用户高效地制定计划,实现目标,并提高个人和团队的工作效率。无论是个人还是团队,使用Fast Planner都将成为提高工作效率和管理时间的重要利器。
评论 6




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