










import copy
import pickle

import numpy as np
from skimage import io

from ...ops.roiaware_pool3d import roiaware_pool3d_utils
from ...utils import box_utils, calibration_kitti, common_utils, object3d_kitti
from ..dataset import DatasetTemplate


class KittiDataset(DatasetTemplate):
    def __init__(self, dataset_cfg, class_names, training=True, root_path=None, logger=None):
        #初始化类,将参数赋值给 类的属性
            dataset_cfg=dataset_cfg, class_names=class_names, training=training, root_path=root_path, logger=logger
        #传递参数是 训练集train 还是验证集val
        self.split = self.dataset_cfg.DATA_SPLIT[self.mode]
        #  root_path的路径是/data/kitti/
        #如果是训练集train,将文件的路径指为训练集training ,否则为测试集testing
        self.root_split_path = self.root_path / ('training' if self.split != 'test' else 'testing')
        #/data/kitti/ImageSets/下面一共三个文件:test.txt , train.txt ,val.txt
        split_dir = self.root_path / 'ImageSets' / (self.split + '.txt')

        self.sample_id_list = [x.strip() for x in open(split_dir).readlines()] if split_dir.exists() else None

        self.kitti_infos = []
        #调用函数,加载kitti数据,mode的值为:train 或者  test

    def include_kitti_data(self, mode):
        if self.logger is not None:
            #如果日志信息存在,则加入'Loading KITTI dataset'的信息
            self.logger.info('Loading KITTI dataset')
        kitti_infos = []

        INFO_PATH: {
        'train': [kitti_infos_train.pkl],
        'test': [kitti_infos_val.pkl],}
        for info_path in self.dataset_cfg.INFO_PATH[mode]:
            # root_path的路径是/data/kitti/
            info_path = self.root_path / info_path
            #则 info_path:/data/kitti/kitti_infos_train.pkl之类的文件
            if not info_path.exists():
            with open(info_path, 'rb') as f:
                #  pickle.load(f) 将该文件中的数据 解析为一个Python对象 infos,
                # 并将该内容添加到kitti_infos 列表中
                infos = pickle.load(f)


        #最后在日志信息中 添加 kitti数据集样本总个数
        if self.logger is not None:
            self.logger.info('Total samples for KITTI dataset: %d' % (len(kitti_infos)))

    def set_split(self, split):
            dataset_cfg=self.dataset_cfg, class_names=self.class_names, training=self.training, root_path=self.root_path, logger=self.logger
        self.split = split
        # 则root_split_path=/data/kitti/ training或者testing
        self.root_split_path = self.root_path / ('training' if self.split != 'test' else 'testing')
        #/data/kitti/ImageSets/下面一共三个文件:test.txt , train.txt ,val.txt
        split_dir = self.root_path / 'ImageSets' / (self.split + '.txt')
        self.sample_id_list = [x.strip() for x in open(split_dir).readlines()] if split_dir.exists() else None

    def get_lidar(self, idx):
        # lidar_file为某个点云的bin文件(序列)
        lidar_file = self.root_split_path / 'velodyne' / ('%s.bin' % idx)
        assert lidar_file.exists()    #如果该文件不存在,直接跳出,并报错
        #读取该 bin文件类型,并将点云数据以 numpy的格式输出!!!
        #并且将数据 转换成 每行四个数据,刚好是一个点云数据的四个参数:X,Y,Z,R(强度或反射值)
        return np.fromfile(str(lidar_file), dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 4)

    # 根据序列号,获取图像的信息
    def get_image_shape(self, idx):
        img_file = self.root_split_path / 'image_2' / ('%s.png' % idx)
        assert img_file.exists()   #如果该图片文件不存在,直接报错
        # 返回图片的数据,最终得到的是这张图片的 长和宽 的,如 (375, 1242)
        # 该函数的返回值是:array([ 375, 1242], dtype=int32)
        return np.array(io.imread(img_file).shape[:2], dtype=np.int32)

    def get_label(self, idx):
        #获取到某个标签的.txt文件 ,该文件表示 图片中物体的参数
        label_file = self.root_split_path / 'label_2' / ('%s.txt' % idx)
        assert label_file.exists()        #如果不存在,直接报错
        # 调用get_objects_from_label函数,首先读取该文件的所有行 赋值为 lines
        # 在对lines中的每一个line(一个object的参数)作为object3d类的参数 进行遍历,
        # 最后返回:objects[]列表 ,里面是当前文件里所有物体的属性值,如:type、x,y,等
        return object3d_kitti.get_objects_from_label(label_file)

    def get_calib(self, idx):
        calib_file = self.root_split_path / 'calib' / ('%s.txt' % idx)
        assert calib_file.exists()   #获取文件,如果不存在,报错
        return calibration_kitti.Calibration(calib_file)

    ## 如果有路面情况,调用该函数,获得路面的相关信息
    def get_road_plane(self, idx):
        plane_file = self.root_split_path / 'planes' / ('%s.txt' % idx)
        if not plane_file.exists():
            return None

        with open(plane_file, 'r') as f:
            lines = f.readlines()
        lines = [float(i) for i in lines[3].split()]
        plane = np.asarray(lines)

        # Ensure normal is always facing up, this is in the rectified camera coordinate
        if plane[1] > 0:
            plane = -plane

        norm = np.linalg.norm(plane[0:3])
        plane = plane / norm
        return plane

    def get_fov_flag(pts_rect, img_shape, calib):
        # :pts_rect (M,3),M是该场景下采集到点云的个数。
        #  info['image']['image_shape']:该图片的长和宽,如[375,1242]
        #调用矫正类中的方法,将点的直角坐标转为 相机坐标,pts_img为(M,2)
        pts_img, pts_rect_depth = calib.rect_to_img(pts_rect)
        #返回的结果是val_flag_1和val_flag_2 :
        # array([ True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True, True])
        val_flag_1 = np.logical_and(pts_img[:, 0] >= 0, pts_img[:, 0] < img_shape[1])
        val_flag_2 = np.logical_and(pts_img[:, 1] >= 0, pts_img[:, 1] < img_shape[0])
        val_flag_merge = np.logical_and(val_flag_1, val_flag_2)
        pts_valid_flag = np.logical_and(val_flag_merge, pts_rect_depth >= 0)
        #得到一系列标识符 true or false,用于判断该点云能否有效 (是否用于训练)
        #所以 pts_valid_flag=array([ True,   True,  True, False,   True, True,.....])之类的,一共有M个
        return pts_valid_flag
    # ######   获取信息##############
    def get_infos(self, num_workers=4, has_label=True, count_inside_pts=True, sample_id_list=None):
        import concurrent.futures as futures

        def process_single_scene(sample_idx):
            #  self.split 的实际值是 train训练集 or val验证集
            print('%s sample_idx: %s' % (self.split, sample_idx))
            #定义 info空字典
            info = {}
            pc_info = {'num_features': 4, 'lidar_idx': sample_idx}
            info['point_cloud'] = pc_info

            image_info = {'image_idx': sample_idx, 'image_shape': self.get_image_shape(sample_idx)}
            info['image'] = image_info

            # calib是一个字典,里面是相机坐标的一些参数,返回P2,P3,R0,V2C等参数
            calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx)
            P2 = np.concatenate([calib.P2, np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]])], axis=0)
            R0_4x4 = np.zeros([4, 4], dtype=calib.R0.dtype)
            R0_4x4[3, 3] = 1.
            R0_4x4[:3, :3] = calib.R0
            #V2C也加了一行 0 0 0 1
            V2C_4x4 = np.concatenate([calib.V2C, np.array([[0., 0., 0., 1.]])], axis=0)
            calib_info = {'P2': P2, 'R0_rect': R0_4x4, 'Tr_velo_to_cam': V2C_4x4}

            info['calib'] = calib_info

            if has_label:
                # 调用get_objects_from_label函数,首先读取该文件的所有行 赋值为 lines
                # 在对lines中的每一个line(一个object的参数)作为object3d类的参数 进行遍历,
                # 最后返回:objects[]列表 ,里面是当前文件里所有物体的属性值,如:type、x,y,等
                obj_list = self.get_label(sample_idx)
                annotations = {}
                annotations['name'] = np.array([obj.cls_type for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['truncated'] = np.array([obj.truncation for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['occluded'] = np.array([obj.occlusion for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['alpha'] = np.array([obj.alpha for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['bbox'] = np.concatenate([obj.box2d.reshape(1, 4) for obj in obj_list], axis=0)
                annotations['dimensions'] = np.array([[obj.l, obj.h, obj.w] for obj in obj_list])  # lhw(camera) format
                annotations['location'] = np.concatenate([obj.loc.reshape(1, 3) for obj in obj_list], axis=0)
                annotations['rotation_y'] = np.array([obj.ry for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['score'] = np.array([obj.score for obj in obj_list])
                annotations['difficulty'] = np.array([obj.level for obj in obj_list], np.int32)

                # 计算有效物体的个数,如10个,object除去“DontCare”4个,还剩num_objects6个
                num_objects = len([obj.cls_type for obj in obj_list if obj.cls_type != 'DontCare'])
                #总物体的个数 10个
                num_gt = len(annotations['name'])
                index = list(range(num_objects)) + [-1] * (num_gt - num_objects)
                #由此可以得到 index=[0,1,2,3,4,5,-1,-1,-1,-1]
                annotations['index'] = np.array(index, dtype=np.int32)

                # 取有效物体的 location(N,3)、dimensions(N,3)、rotation_y(N,1)信息,
                loc = annotations['location'][:num_objects]
                dims = annotations['dimensions'][:num_objects]
                rots = annotations['rotation_y'][:num_objects]
                loc_lidar = calib.rect_to_lidar(loc)
                #分别取 dims中的第一列、第二列、第三列:l,h,w(N,1)
                l, h, w = dims[:, 0:1], dims[:, 1:2], dims[:, 2:3]
                #  h[:, 0] :(1,N),通过下面计算后,得到loc_lidar[:, 2]:(1,N)
                loc_lidar[:, 2] += h[:, 0] / 2
                #下面计算得到的gt_boxes_lidar是(N,7) ,  np.newaxis 的功能是增加新的维度,
                #    x[:, np.newaxis] ,放在后面,会给列上增加维度
                #  (N, 7) [x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, heading], (x, y, z) is the box center
                gt_boxes_lidar = np.concatenate([loc_lidar, l, w, h, -(np.pi / 2 + rots[..., np.newaxis])], axis=1)
                annotations['gt_boxes_lidar'] = gt_boxes_lidar

                info['annos'] = annotations

                if count_inside_pts:
                    # points 是一个数组,假设一个bin文件里点云的个数为M,
                    # 则points:(M,4),四个数代表一个点云
                    points = self.get_lidar(sample_idx)
                    # get_calib返回的相机方面的参数,P2,R0,V2C等参数,
                    # 同时calib也是 calibration类的一个对象
                    calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx)
                    # 所以,在以下函数调用中,取了points的前三列 作为参数  x,y,z:(M,3)
                    pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(points[:, 0:3])

                    # :pts_rect (M,3) info['image']['image_shape']:该图片的长和宽,如[375,1242]
                    #得到一系列标识符 true or false,用于判断该点云能否有效 (是否用于训练)
                    #所以 fov_flag=array([ True,   True,  True, False,   True, True,.....])之类的,一共有M个
                    fov_flag = self.get_fov_flag(pts_rect, info['image']['image_shape'], calib)
                    # 所以pts_fov是(M-m,4),里面的数据还是原始的x,y,z,反射值
                    pts_fov = points[fov_flag]

                    #gt_boxes_lidar是(N,7)  [x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, heading], (x, y, z) is the box center
                    corners_lidar = box_utils.boxes_to_corners_3d(gt_boxes_lidar)
                    # 返回值corners_lidar为(N,8,3),数据类型是numpy.ndarray

                    # 则num_points_in_gt=array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], dtype=int32)
                    num_points_in_gt = -np.ones(num_gt, dtype=np.int32)

                   '''def in_hull(p, hull):
                   Test if points in `p` are in `hull`,
                   `p` should be a `NxK` coordinates of `N` points in `K` dimensions
                   `hull` is either a scipy.spatial.Delaunay object or the `MxK` array of the 
                   coordinates of `M` points in `K`dimensions for which Delaunay triangulation will be computed
                    for k in range(num_objects):
                        flag = box_utils.in_hull(pts_fov[:, 0:3], corners_lidar[k])
                        #该函数的参数是:pts_fov[:, 0:3],(M-m,3):表示当前帧可用点云的三维位置信息
                        # corners_lidar[k]:当前帧第k个物体框的信息
                        # 则返回值是flag:array([False, False, True, False, True, False,...]),(一共M-m个)
                        # 里面的数字表示该框里包含点云的个数
                        num_points_in_gt[k] = flag.sum()
                    annotations['num_points_in_gt'] = num_points_in_gt

            return info

        sample_id_list = sample_id_list if sample_id_list is not None else self.sample_id_list
        with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(num_workers) as executor:
            infos = executor.map(process_single_scene, sample_id_list)
        return list(infos)

    # 再抽象点可以把它理解为真值、真实的有效值或者是标准的答案
    # 用trainfile产生groundtruth_database,
    # 意思就是只保存训练数据中的gt_box及其包围的点的信息,用于数据增强
    def create_groundtruth_database(self, info_path=None, used_classes=None, split='train'):
        import torch

        #创建保存文件的路径  root_path的路径是/data/kitti/
        #如果是“train”,创建的路径是  /data/kitti/gt_database
        database_save_path = Path(self.root_path) / ('gt_database' if split == 'train' else ('gt_database_%s' % split))
        #在/data/kitti/下创建保存 info的文件
        db_info_save_path = Path(self.root_path) / ('kitti_dbinfos_%s.pkl' % split)

        database_save_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        all_db_infos = {}

        #传入的参数 info_path 是一个.pkl文件,ROOT_DIR / 'data' / 'kitti'/('kitti_infos_%s.pkl' % train_split)
        with open(info_path, 'rb') as f:
            infos = pickle.load(f)

        for k in range(len(infos)):
            #输出的是 第几个样本 如7/780
            print('gt_database sample: %d/%d' % (k + 1, len(infos)))
            #取当前帧的信息 info
            info = infos[k]
            #取 里面的样本序列,其实就是data/kitti/ImageSets/train.txt里面的数字序列,
            # 如000000,000003,000007....
            sample_idx = info['point_cloud']['lidar_idx']
            #读取该 bin文件类型,并将点云数据以 numpy的格式输出!!!
            #将数据 转换成 每行四个数据,刚好是一个点云数据的四个参数:X,Y,Z,R(强度或反射值)
            #故 points是一个数组(M,4)
            points = self.get_lidar(sample_idx)
            annos = info['annos']
            names = annos['name']
            difficulty = annos['difficulty']
            # bbox是一个数组,表示物体2D边框的个数,
            # 假设有效物体为N,dontcare个数为n,则bbox:(N+n,4)
            bbox = annos['bbox']
            #同样是一个数组:(N,7),:  x,y,z,dx,dy,dz,heading,为有效物体的信息
            gt_boxes = annos['gt_boxes_lidar']
            num_obj = gt_boxes.shape[0] 

            # 维度是(N,M),  N是有效物体的个数,M是点云的个数,在转化为numpy
            point_indices = roiaware_pool3d_utils.points_in_boxes_cpu(
            torch.from_numpy(points[:, 0:3]), torch.from_numpy(gt_boxes)
            ).numpy()  # (nboxes, npoints)

            for i in range(num_obj):
                filename = '%s_%s_%d.bin' % (sample_idx, names[i], i)
                filepath = database_save_path / filename
                #point_indices[i] > 0得到的是一个[T,F,T,T,F...]之类的真假索引,共有M个
                gt_points = points[point_indices[i] > 0]

                # 又都减去gt_boxes中当前物体的前三列的位置信息
                gt_points[:, :3] -= gt_boxes[i, :3]
                with open(filepath, 'w') as f:

                if (used_classes is None) or names[i] in used_classes:
                    db_path = str(filepath.relative_to(self.root_path))  # gt_database/xxxxx.bin
                    db_info = {'name': names[i], 'path': db_path, 'image_idx': sample_idx, 'gt_idx': i,
                               'box3d_lidar': gt_boxes[i], 'num_points_in_gt': gt_points.shape[0],
                               'difficulty': difficulty[i], 'bbox': bbox[i], 'score': annos['score'][i]}
                    #把db_info信息添加到 all_db_infos字典里面
                    if names[i] in all_db_infos:
                        all_db_infos[names[i]] = [db_info]
        for k, v in all_db_infos.items():
            print('Database %s: %d' % (k, len(v)))

        with open(db_info_save_path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(all_db_infos, f)

    def generate_prediction_dicts(batch_dict, pred_dicts, class_names, output_path=None):
                frame_id: 帧号
            pred_dicts: list of pred_dicts  预测后得到的列表
                pred_boxes: (N, 7), Tensor   预测的框,包含七个信息
                pred_scores: (N), Tensor      预测得分
                pred_labels: (N), Tensor        预测的标签


        #获取预测后的模板字典 ret_dict,全部定义为全零的向量
        #参数num_samples 是这一帧里面的物体个数
        def get_template_prediction(num_samples):
            ret_dict = {
                'name': np.zeros(num_samples), 'truncated': np.zeros(num_samples),
                'occluded': np.zeros(num_samples), 'alpha': np.zeros(num_samples),
                'bbox': np.zeros([num_samples, 4]), 'dimensions': np.zeros([num_samples, 3]),
                'location': np.zeros([num_samples, 3]), 'rotation_y': np.zeros(num_samples),
                'score': np.zeros(num_samples), 'boxes_lidar': np.zeros([num_samples, 7])
            return ret_dict

        #参数:box_dict是预测的结果,pred_dicts: list of pred_dicts  预测后得到的列表
        # 在 self.generate_prediction_dicts()中接收模型预测的在统一坐标系下表示的3D检测框,
        # 并转回自己所需格式即可。
        def generate_single_sample_dict(batch_index, box_dict):
            #pred_scores: (N), Tensor      预测得分,N是这一帧预测物体的个数
            #pred_boxes: (N, 7), Tensor   预测的框,包含七个信息
            #pred_labels: (N), Tensor        预测的标签
            pred_scores = box_dict['pred_scores'].cpu().numpy()
            pred_boxes = box_dict['pred_boxes'].cpu().numpy()
            pred_labels = box_dict['pred_labels'].cpu().numpy()
            pred_dict = get_template_prediction(pred_scores.shape[0])
            if pred_scores.shape[0] == 0:
                return pred_dict

            #batch_dict:    frame_id: 帧号(但不是一个纯数字,应该是一个字典之类的)
            calib = batch_dict['calib'][batch_index]
            image_shape = batch_dict['image_shape'][batch_index]
            pred_boxes_camera = box_utils.boxes3d_lidar_to_kitti_camera(pred_boxes, calib)
            pred_boxes_img = box_utils.boxes3d_kitti_camera_to_imageboxes(
                pred_boxes_camera, calib, image_shape=image_shape

            pred_dict['name'] = np.array(class_names)[pred_labels - 1]
            pred_dict['alpha'] = -np.arctan2(-pred_boxes[:, 1], pred_boxes[:, 0]) + pred_boxes_camera[:, 6]
            pred_dict['bbox'] = pred_boxes_img
            pred_dict['dimensions'] = pred_boxes_camera[:, 3:6]
            pred_dict['location'] = pred_boxes_camera[:, 0:3]
            pred_dict['rotation_y'] = pred_boxes_camera[:, 6]
            pred_dict['score'] = pred_scores
            pred_dict['boxes_lidar'] = pred_boxes

            return pred_dict

        '''    pred_dicts: list of pred_dicts  预测后得到的列表
                pred_boxes: (N, 7), Tensor   预测的框,包含七个信息
                pred_scores: (N), Tensor      预测得分
                pred_labels: (N), Tensor        预测的标签
        annos = []
        #  index的值为1,2,。。。,N  ????不确定
        for index, box_dict in enumerate(pred_dicts):
            frame_id = batch_dict['frame_id'][index]

            #得到单个  !!!(帧)!!!的预测的结果,
            single_pred_dict = generate_single_sample_dict(index, box_dict)
            single_pred_dict['frame_id'] = frame_id

            if output_path is not None:
                cur_det_file = output_path / ('%s.txt' % frame_id)
                with open(cur_det_file, 'w') as f:
                    bbox = single_pred_dict['bbox']
                    loc = single_pred_dict['location']
                    dims = single_pred_dict['dimensions']  # lhw -> hwl

                    for idx in range(len(bbox)):
                        #打印输出 物体的名字当前帧中,每个物体的预测结果
                        print('%s -1 -1 %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f %.4f'
                              % (single_pred_dict['name'][idx], single_pred_dict['alpha'][idx],
                                 bbox[idx][0], bbox[idx][1], bbox[idx][2], bbox[idx][3],
                                 dims[idx][1], dims[idx][2], dims[idx][0], loc[idx][0],
                                 loc[idx][1], loc[idx][2], single_pred_dict['rotation_y'][idx],
                                 single_pred_dict['score'][idx]), file=f)

        return annos

    def evaluation(self, det_annos, class_names, **kwargs):
        if 'annos' not in self.kitti_infos[0].keys():
            return None, {}

        from .kitti_object_eval_python import eval as kitti_eval

        eval_det_annos = copy.deepcopy(det_annos)
        # 一个info 表示一帧数据的信息,则下面是把所有数据的annos属性取出来,进行copy
        eval_gt_annos = [copy.deepcopy(info['annos']) for info in self.kitti_infos]
        ap_result_str, ap_dict = kitti_eval.get_official_eval_result(eval_gt_annos, eval_det_annos, class_names)

        return ap_result_str, ap_dict

    def __len__(self):
        if self._merge_all_iters_to_one_epoch:
            return len(self.kitti_infos) * self.total_epochs

        return len(self.kitti_infos)

    #在 self._getitem_() 中加载自己的数据,
    # 送入数据基类提供的 self.prepare_data();
    #参数index 是需要送进来处理的 帧序号的索引值,如1,2,3,4.。。。
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        # index = 4
        if self._merge_all_iters_to_one_epoch:
            index = index % len(self.kitti_infos)

        #将第index帧的信息 全部赋值为info
        info = copy.deepcopy(self.kitti_infos[index])

        #将采样的序列号 赋值出来 sample_idx,这个序列号可能不是连续的
        sample_idx = info['point_cloud']['lidar_idx']

        #得到该序列号相应的 点云数据 (M,4)
        points = self.get_lidar(sample_idx)
        calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx)

        img_shape = info['image']['image_shape']

        if self.dataset_cfg.FOV_POINTS_ONLY:
            pts_rect = calib.lidar_to_rect(points[:, 0:3])
            ##fov_flag得到一系列标识符 true or false,用于判断该点云能否有效 (是否用于训练)
            #所以 pts_valid_flag=array([ True,   True,  True, False,   True, True,.....])之类的,一共有M个
            fov_flag = self.get_fov_flag(pts_rect, img_shape, calib)
            points = points[fov_flag]

        #定义输入数据的字典:points 处理过后的点云数据,
        # frame_id 帧号(采样的序列号如000003,000015...,是train.txt文件里的数据)
        # calib:得到该序列号相应的相机参数,如P2,R0,V2C 。calib = self.get_calib(sample_idx)
        input_dict = {
            'points': points,
            'frame_id': sample_idx,
            'calib': calib,

        if 'annos' in info:
            #将该帧信息中的annos 赋值出来
            annos = info['annos']
            #下面函数的作用是 在info中剔除包含'DontCare'的数据信息
            annos = common_utils.drop_info_with_name(annos, name='DontCare')

            loc, dims, rots = annos['location'], annos['dimensions'], annos['rotation_y']
            gt_names = annos['name']

            #由下面得到的是 (N,7),因为物体都是由相机测量得到的,
            # 所以这是相对于相机坐标系的坐标,但点云的数据是基于雷达坐标系的,
            # 所有要转换为激光雷达坐标系
            gt_boxes_camera = np.concatenate([loc, dims, rots[..., np.newaxis]], axis=1).astype(np.float32)
            """该函数的参数是    boxes3d_camera: (N, 7) [x, y, z, l, h, w, r] in rect camera coords
            Returns:    boxes3d_lidar: [x, y, z, dx, dy, dz, heading], (x, y, z) is the box center"""
            gt_boxes_lidar = box_utils.boxes3d_kitti_camera_to_lidar(gt_boxes_camera, calib)

            #将新的键值对 添加到输入的字典中去,此时输入中有五个键值对了
                'gt_names': gt_names,
                'gt_boxes': gt_boxes_lidar
            road_plane = self.get_road_plane(sample_idx)
            if road_plane is not None:
                input_dict['road_plane'] = road_plane

        #  进一步的处理,这一步经过了很多的处理。。。。。。
        data_dict = self.prepare_data(data_dict=input_dict)

        data_dict['image_shape'] = img_shape
        return data_dict

def create_kitti_infos(dataset_cfg, class_names, data_path, save_path, workers=4):
    dataset = KittiDataset(dataset_cfg=dataset_cfg, class_names=class_names, root_path=data_path, training=False)
    train_split, val_split = 'train', 'val'

    train_filename = save_path / ('kitti_infos_%s.pkl' % train_split)
    val_filename = save_path / ('kitti_infos_%s.pkl' % val_split)
    trainval_filename = save_path / 'kitti_infos_trainval.pkl'
    test_filename = save_path / 'kitti_infos_test.pkl'

    print('---------------Start to generate data infos---------------')

    ##  下面是得到train.txt 中序列相关的所有点云数据的信息,并且进行保存
    kitti_infos_train = dataset.get_infos(num_workers=workers, has_label=True, count_inside_pts=True)
    with open(train_filename, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(kitti_infos_train, f)
    print('Kitti info train file is saved to %s' % train_filename)

    kitti_infos_val = dataset.get_infos(num_workers=workers, has_label=True, count_inside_pts=True)
    with open(val_filename, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(kitti_infos_val, f)
    print('Kitti info val file is saved to %s' % val_filename)

    #把训练集和验证集的信息 合并写到一个文件里
    with open(trainval_filename, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(kitti_infos_train + kitti_infos_val, f)
    print('Kitti info trainval file is saved to %s' % trainval_filename)

    kitti_infos_test = dataset.get_infos(num_workers=workers, has_label=False, count_inside_pts=False)
    with open(test_filename, 'wb') as f:
        pickle.dump(kitti_infos_test, f)
    print('Kitti info test file is saved to %s' % test_filename)

    print('---------------Start create groundtruth database for data augmentation---------------')
    #生成数据增强相关的文件    # 用trainfile产生groundtruth_database,
    # 意思就是只保存训练数据中的gt_box及其包围的点的信息,用于数据增强
    dataset.create_groundtruth_database(train_filename, split=train_split)

    print('---------------Data preparation Done---------------')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    if sys.argv.__len__() > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'create_kitti_infos':
        import yaml
        from pathlib import Path
        from easydict import EasyDict
        dataset_cfg = EasyDict(yaml.load(open(sys.argv[2])))
        ROOT_DIR = (Path(__file__).resolve().parent / '../../../').resolve()
            class_names=['Car', 'Pedestrian', 'Cyclist'],
            data_path=ROOT_DIR / 'data' / 'kitti',
            save_path=ROOT_DIR / 'data' / 'kitti'


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