PMI-PMP®远程模考三 错题:32



  1. 总题数:200
  2. 答题数:200
  3. 正题:168
  4. 错题:32
  5. 未答:0

单选题 (每题1分,共29道题)

6、 [单选] 在某建设工程项目的地基开挖过程中,对于因气候原因造成的进度拖后风险,项目经理采取了风险接受的策略。由于在施工期间下特大雨,工程不得不停工3天。项目经理应该怎么做?
During the foundation excavation of a construction project, the project manager adopts risk acceptance strategy for the delay risk caused by climate reasons. Due to the extremely heavy rain during the construction period, the project has to be suspended for 3 days.

  •  A:使用应急储备
    To use emergency reserves
  •  B:把项目工期延长3天
    To extend the project duration by 3 days
  •  C:要求保险公司赔偿
    To make a claim to the insurer
  •  D:与团队成员开会讨论处理方案
    To meet and discuss with team members for handling solutions

正确答案:A 你的答案:B



11、 [单选] 在开发一个新产品时,耐久性测试是关键路径上的一项重要活动。然而,测试设施被一个优先级较高的项目占用,且占用时间比原计划长。项目经理接下来应该怎么做?
In the development of a new project the endurance testing is an important activity on the critical path. However, the last facility is occupied by a higher project. Which is taking longer than initially planned. What should the project manager do text?

  •  A:为延迟的项目开展根本原因分析
    Perform a root cause analysis for the delayed project
  •  B:审查风险登记册中的适当响应
    Review the risk register for the appropriate response
  •  C:将延期情况通知项目相关方
    Inform the project stakeholders about the delay
  •  D:将问题上报给高级管理层
    Escalate the issue to senior management

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:项目经理应该事先考虑此项重要风险。风险登记册中的应有相应的应对计划,因此在风险发生时要做审查风险登记册的应对计划。 选项A:延迟原因已明确,多此一举。选项C和D:项目经理应该努力解决问题,而不是直接通知项目相关方。


13、 [单选] 廉价的进口商品已经严重影响公司的业务。公司组建一支项目团队,开发新产品方案,希望在目前的$1亿营业收入基础上有所提高。项目团队起草了两套产品方案:产品A有40%的可能性将收入提高到$1.5亿,但有 30%可能性因保证索赔使收入会降低至$6000万.还有30%可能性对收入无影响。 产品B有50%的可能性将收入提高到$1.3亿,但有 20%可能性因保证索赔和诉讼使收入会降低至$8000万.还有30%的可能性收入将保持不变。
A company’s business has been seriously impacted due to cheaper imports. The company creates a project team to explore new product options to increase the revenue from the current value of $100 million. The project team drafts two product options:Produce A has a 40%chance of increasing revenue to $150 million and a 30% chance of reducing revenue to $60 million due to warranty claims. It also has a 30% chance that there will be no impact on revenue. Product B has a 50%chance of increasing revenue to $130 million and 20% chance of reducing revenue to $80 million due to warranty claims and litigation. There is a 30% chance that revenue will remain the same. Which produce provides the best EMV?

  •  A:方案A, EMV为$1.08亿
    Option A with EMV of $108 million
  •  B:方案B, EMV为$1.11亿
    Option B with EMV of $111 million
  •  C:方案A, EMV为$1.11亿
    Option A with EMV of $111 million
  •  D:方案B, EMV为$1.08亿
    Option B with EMV of $108 million

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:参见 PMBOK第6版 中决策树分析方案 A:EMV=40%*1.5+30%*0.6+30%*1=$1.08亿,方案 B:EMV=50%*1.3+20%*0.8+30%*1=$1.11亿


26、 [单选] 某项目需要制造和安装一种设备。该设备已经在国外的工厂完成制造工作。按照原定计划,设备将于两周内运抵现场,用于安装。根据最近出现的一些情况,项目经理认为设备可能不能按期运抵现场。此时应该怎么做?
One project needs to manufacture and install an equipment. This equipment has been manufactured in a foreign factory. According to the established plan, the equipment is expected to arrive at the project site within two weeks and will be installed there. According to what happened lately, the project manager considers that the equipment may not arrive at the site on schedule. What should he do right now?

  •  A:立即将这个问题和推迟情况通知客户
    To inform the client of this issue and delay immediately
  •  B:确定这一事件对项目成本和进度的影响
    To ascertain the impact of this event on project cost and progress
  •  C:使用风险储备从当地购买设备,以便按时开始安装
    To use risk reserves to purchase the equipment from local manufacturer, in order to start installation on schedule
  •  D:召开团队会议,制订变通方案
    To hold a team meeting and to work out a workaround plan

正确答案:B 你的答案:B



31、 [单选] 在高科技产品开发中,为了保证产品成功,在产品最终定型之前,通常要进行大量的测试工作。这种做法被认为是高科技产品开发项目风险管理的有效方法,尽管增加测试会增加项目成本。这属于哪种风险应对策略?
In the development of hi-tech products, to ensure that the product is commercially successful, a number of tests is usually carried out before the final type approval. This practice is believed to be an effective instrument for the risk management of hi-tech

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