强化练习200题(三) 总题数:200答题数:200正题:157错题:43未答:0 单选题43道


单选题 (每题1分,共43道题)

2、 [单选] 在一个项目即将完成时,一位相关方被替换,项目团队正在忙着完成剩余几项需求的开发,项目经理与新相关方的第一次会议安排在下周,但该相关方已经发送了几封电子邮件,要求变更已经实施的要求,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
As a project nears completion, a stakeholder is replaced, the project team is busy completing development of the few remaining requirements, the project manager’s first meeting with the new stakeholders is next week, but the stakeholder has already sent several emails, asking for change to requirements that have already been implemented, what should the project manager do next?

  •  A:通知该新相关方,在项目后期变更需求将导致成本和进度超支
    Inform the new stakeholder that changes to requirements this later in the project will result in cost and schedule overruns
  •  B:与团队讨论所请求的变更,并确定将其纳入最终可交付成果的影响
    Discuss the requested changes with the team and determine the impact of incorporating them into the final deliverables
  •  C:要求管理层一起参加与该新相关方的会议,以讨论该问题
    Ask management to attend the meetings with the new stakeholder to discuss the issue
  •  D:通知该新相关方无法实施所请求的变更,因为它们未包含在已批准的范围内
    Inform the new stakeholder that the requested changes cannot be implemented as they are not included in the approved scope

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)4.6 实施整体变更控制。相关方发出邮件“要求变更”,相关方提出变更后,项目经理和团队和分析变更造成的影响。 其他选项:ACD都不是正确的变更流程方式,是典型的错误。

6、 [单选] 项目经理拥有一支由不同背景的不同专业人士组成的团队,在项目执行期间,项目经理注意到一个团队成员难以按时完成任务并满足质量期望。若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该做什么?
A project manager has a team of diverse professionals with different backgrounds.During project execution,the project manager notices that one team member is struggling with completing tasks on time and meeting quality expectations. What should the project manager do to address this issue?

  •  A:安排与团队召开每日会议,以获得所有成员的更新
    Schedule daily meetings with the team to obtain updates from all members.
  •  B:与该团队成员私下会面,讨论其绩效并确定解决方案
    Meet privately with the team member to discuss their performance and identify a solution.
  •  C:将该绩效问题升级上报给管理层
    Escalate the performance issue to management.
  •  D:为该团队成员提供更多时间来适应项目任务
    Give the team member more time to project tasks.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)9.5 管理团队。管理团队的过程中,遇到团队成员的问题,都是先私下处理,如果还是解决不了必要时再提升处理级别。 其他选项:A不能解决个人问题,C没必要上报,D先了解原因,再采取措施

23、 [单选] 项目经理新加入一家公司,之前没有管理过具有国际团队成员的项目。项目经理应该如何培养文化敏感性?
A project manager is new to a company and has not led a project with international team members.What should the project manager do to develop cultural sensitivity?

  •  A:认识到需要学习文化,设法了解当地习俗,并在与团队成员一起工作时保持灵活性
    Recognize that culture is learned,seek to understand local customs5and maintain flexibility,when working with team members
  •  B:与人力资源部门开会,以获得这方面的正式培训
    Meet with the human resource department to obtain formal training in this area
  •  C:拒绝该项目,理由是与文化多样化人员一起工作存在困难
    Decline the project,citing the difficulty of working with culturally diverse people as the reason
  •  D:了解每个团队成员文化的每个细节,以便对他们的需求保持敏感
    Learn every detail of each team member's culture to be sensitive to their needs

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P338- 9.4建设团队引言。项目经理在全球化环境和富有文化多样性的项目中工作。团队讲不同的语言,有时甚至会在工作中使用一种不同于其本土语言或文化的“团队语言”或文化规范。项目管理团队应该利用文化差异,在整个项目生命周期中致力于发展和维护项目团队,并促进在相互信任的氛围中充分协作; 其他选项:B项目团队的培训由项目经理规划并安排,而非人力资源部门。C拒绝错误。D要了解每个成员文化的每个细节不现实,而且也缺少在整个项目周期内要促进文化建设的意识,不能仅仅是了解。

34、 [单选] 项目经理向指导委员会展示项目章程,指导委员会非常担心预先分配的资源,因为相关方不了解他们在项目中的参与情况。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A project manager presents the project charter to the steering committee.The steering committee is concerned about preassigned resource allocation because the stakeholders are unaware of their participation in the project. What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  •  A:获得相关方的期望
    Obtained stakeholders’ expectations
  •  B:管理相关方参与程度
    Managed stakeholder engagement
  •  C:完成相关方登记册
    Completed the stakeholder register
  •  D:定义每个相关方的角色与职责
    Defined roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P514- 相关方登记册。相关方在项目中的角色,记录在相关方登记册中。"相关方不了解他们在项目中的参与情况" 因此在出现这种情况之前,项目经理应该先完成相关方登记册,明确相关方在项目中扮演的角色。 其他选项:A如果要确定相关方在项目扮演的角色,仅仅是期望是不够的,还要考虑权重等其他因素;B管理相关方参与是执行阶段做的事,现在还没有到执行阶段;D相关方的职责说法不对。

36、 [单选] 一家组织中标获得一个大型施工项目项目经理得知该组织之前成功完成了一个类似的项目,希望利用该项目的经验教训。项目经理应该使用哪一种数据分析技术?
An organization is awarded a large construction project. The project manager learns that it successfully completed a similar project and wants to use the lessons learned from that. What data analysis technique should the project manager use?

  •  A:文件分析
    Document analysis.
  •  B:偏差分析
    Variance analysis.
  •  C:回归分析
    Regression analysis.
  •  D:趋势分析
    Trent analysis

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P126- 文件分析。 评估现有文件有助于总结经验教训和分享知识,以改进未来项目和组织资产。 其他选项:BCD也都是收尾的工具,用于总结经验教训。但是新的项目经理针对之前的项目采用文件分析就好了,因此BCD的分析结果也都会体现在之前项目经理的收尾文件中。

52、 [单选] 一个涉及国家教育新标准的项目正在执行中,在确认准备好的教科书期间,团队成员发现某些书籍不符合事先定义的项目标准。项目经理应该参考下列哪一项来确认这个问题?
A project involving new national standards for education was under way, and during confirmation of the prepared textbooks, team members found that some of the books did not conform to predefined project standards. Which of the following should the project manager refer to to identify the problem?

  •  A:范围基准和质量核对单
    Scope baseline and quality checklist
  •  B:进度基准和质量核对单
    Schedule baseline and quality checklist
  •  C:项目基准和质量核对单
    Project baseline and quality checklist
  •  D:范围基准和质量测量指标
    Scope baseline and quality metrics

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)5.5.1 确认范围的输入&8.3.1 控制质量的输入 “发现不符合事先定义的项目标准”,可以确认可交付成果的验收标准,验收标准在范围基准里。产品是否满足验收标准,也可以在质量测量指标的参考中体现。 其他选项:验收标准在范围基准里,首先排除BC,质量测量指标不仅包括待测量的指标,也包括测量方法;而质量核对单则是用来核实所要求的一系列步骤是否已经执行的清单。因此整体来看,D更合适。

53、 [单选] 一个大型项目的工作分解结构(WBS)显示,2级项目计划几乎没有提供有关活动,依赖关系以及所需资源的信息。若要评估项目持续时间,项目经理应该做什么?
The work breakdown structure(WBS)for a large project shows that level 2plans provide little information on activities,dependencies,and required resources.What should the project manager do to assess the project's duration?

  •  A:制定WBS词典
    Develop a WBS dictionary.
  •  B:执行自下而上估算
    Perform bottom-up estimating.
  •  C:分析资源分解结构(RBS)
    Analyze the resource breakdown structure(RBS).
  •  D:制定资源日历
    Develop the resource calendar.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P162- WBS词典。题干中提到的活动的逻辑关系、所需要的资源都在WBS词典里。

56、 [单选] 在收到软件开发项目的可交付成果时,客户发现没有遵守他们的编码标准,最终产品不符合质量要求。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
Upon receipt of a software development project deliverable,the customer identifies that their coding standards, were not followed and that the final product fails to meet quality requirements. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:查看质量管理计划
    Review the quality management plan
  •  B:开展质量审计
    Conduct a quality audit
  •  C:审查项目基准
    Review the project baseline
  •  D:与客户协商接受可交付成果
    Negotiate with the customer to accept the deliverable

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P286-质量管理计划。题目是两个问题:1、不遵守流程,2、最终产品不符合质量。第一个问题可以用质量审计,属于管理质量过程;第二个问题要修复缺陷,属于控制质量过程只有A同时指导管理质量过程和控制质量过程。 其他选项:B被包含在A中,C项目基准不含质量,D明确不合格,协商没有用。

63、 [单选] 项目经理正在准备一份定期状态报告,这时营销高管告知他们竞争对手推出了令人兴奋的新功能。该高管表示,营销部门在项目可交付成果的初始版本中需要这一新功能。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager is preparing a regular status report when a marketing executives informs them about a competitor’s exciting new feature. The ex

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