💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
🎉3 参考文献
👨💻4 Matlab代码
💥1 概述
扰动观测器(Disturbance Observer)是一种用于估计系统扰动的技术。它可以通过观测系统输出和状态估计误差来估计扰动。
LQMPC是线性二次模型预测控制(Linear Quadratic Model Predictive Control)的一种形式。它使用系统的线性动态模型进行预测,并通过最小化一个性能指标来计算控制器的优化输入。
📚2 运行结果
% % ACC - 2nd-order dynamics - with disturbance observer % % Coded using the Reference Tracking formulation 2 of % % Module 5 - Introduction to MPC - Kolmanovsky % % Note 1: Qe and L are the most important tuning parameters % % Note 2: It might be impossible to apply Terminal weight and constraints % % Note 3: Since the problem is modelled as a TRACKING problem, it might % % be impossible to apply Tube-MPC % % Note 4: It showcases the use of a Disturbance observer in MPC clear all close all clc %% Discrete-time model Ts = 0.1; % sampling period Ad = [1, Ts;0, 1]; Bd = [0.5*Ts^2; Ts]; Bu = -Bd; Cd = [1, 0;0, 1]; Dd = 0; nx = size(Ad,2); % number of states nu = size(Bd,2); % number of inputs ny = size(Cd,1); % number of outputs nr = 2; % number of references nd = 1; % number of disturbances %% Extend state to include disturbance estimate \hat{w} % % state z = [x(k); \hat{w}(k)]; Az = [Ad, Bd; zeros(nd,size(Ad,2)), eye(nd)]; Bz = [Bu; zeros(nd,size(Bu,2))]; Cz = [Cd, zeros(size(Cd,1),nd)]; nz = size(Az,2); %% Extend state to include control increments du and reference r % % state z = [z(k); u(k-1); r(k)]; Az_ext = [Az, Bz, zeros(size(Az,1),nr); zeros(nu,size(Az,2)), eye(nu), zeros(nu,nr); zeros(nr,size(Az,2)), zeros(nr,nu), eye(nr) ]; Bz_ext = [Bz; eye(nu); zeros(nr,nu)]; E = [Cz, zeros(size(Cz,1),1), -eye(nr)]; %% Time data Tsim = 40; % simulation time Nsim = floor(Tsim/Ts); % simulation steps %% State constraints % % % velocity constraints min_v = 0; % not negative in highways max_v = 36.11; % [m/s] == 130 km/h; imposed by law min_delta_v = -max_v; % % safe distance constraint max_sensing_range = 115; tau_h = 1.4; % constant time headway % 0.5 d0 = 10; % stopping distance max_delta_d = max_sensing_range;%-d0; % x1_min = d0; x1_max = max_delta_d; x2_min = min_delta_v; x2_max = max_v; % x_set = Polyhedron('lb',[x1_min;x2_min],'ub',[x1_max;x2_max]); % % Polyhedron matrices of x: Fx * x <= fx Fx = [1, 0;-1, 0;0 1;0 -1]; fx = [x1_max;-x1_min;x2_max;-x2_min]; % % Extend to Polyhedron matrices of z: Fz * z <= fz Fz = Fx*[eye(nx), zeros(nx,nd)]; fz = fx; % % Extend to Polyhedron matrices of z_ext: Fz_ext * z_ext <= fz_ext Fz_ext = Fz*[eye(nz), zeros(nz,nu), zeros(nz,nr)]; fz_ext = fx; %% Control constraint % % % Input constraints gacc = 9.81; u_min = -0.5*gacc; u_max = 0.25*gacc; % u_set = Polyhedron('lb',u_min,'ub',u_max); % % Polyhedron matrices of u: Gu * u <= gu Gu = [1;-1]; gu = [u_max;-u_min]; % % u(k) = u(k-1) + du(k) % % Gu * u(k) <= gu --> Gu * ( u(k-1) + du(k) ) <= gu % % --> Gu*[zeros(nu,nz), eye(nu), zeros(nu,nr)] * z_ext + Gu * du(k) <= gu % % --> Gz_ext* z_ext + Gu * du(k) <= gu Gz_ext = Gu*[zeros(nu,nz), eye(nu), zeros(nu,nr)]; %% MPC data Np = 10; R = 1; Qe = diag([1, 1]); %diag([0.1, 5]); Q = E'*Qe*E; %% Stacked constraints Uad = AdmissibleInputs(Az_ext,Bz_ext,Np,Fz_ext,fz_ext,Gu,gu,Gz_ext); %% Quadratic Programming Q_bar = blkdiag(kron(eye(Np-1),Q),Q); R_bar = kron(eye(Np),R); [A_bar,B_bar] = genConMat(Az_ext,Bz_ext,Np); H = B_bar'*Q_bar*B_bar + R_bar; options = mpcActiveSetOptions; iA0 = false(size(Uad.b));
🎉3 参考文献
[1]严珺雄. 基于扰动观测器的移动机人轨迹跟踪控制研究[D].天津工业大学,2019.