【期刊】【Control Engineering Practice】【控制工程实践】


Aims and scope 目标和范围

A Journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control

Control Engineering Practice strives to meet the needs of industrial practitioners and industrially related academics and researchers. It publishes papers which illustrate the direct application of control theory and its supporting tools in all possible areas of automation. As a result, the journal only contains papers which can be considered to have made significant contributions to the application of advanced control techniques. It is normally expected that practical results should be included, but where simulation only studies are available, it is necessary to demonstrate that the simulation model is representative of a genuine application. Strictly theoretical papers will find a more appropriate home in Control Engineering Practice’s sister publication, Automatica. It is also expected that papers are innovative with respect to the state of the art and are sufficiently detailed for a reader to be able to duplicate the main results of the paper (supplementary material, including datasets, tables, code and any relevant interactive material can be made available and downloaded from the website). The benefits of the presented methods must be made very clear and the new techniques must be compared and contrasted with results obtained using existing methods. Moreover, a thorough analysis of failures that may happen in the design process and implementation can also be part of the paper.

The scope of Control Engineering Practice matches the activities of IFAC.

Papers demonstrating the contribution of automation and control in improving the performance, quality, productivity, sustainability, resource and energy efficiency, and the manageability of systems and processes for the benefit of mankind and are relevant to industrial practitioners are most welcome.

Fields of applications in control and automation:
•Automotive Systems •Aerospace Applications •Marine Systems •Intelligent Transportation Systems and Traffic Control •Autonomous Vehicles •Robotics •Human Machine Systems •Mechatronic Systems •Scientific Instrumentation •Micro- and Nanosystems •Fluid Power Systems •Gas Turbines and Fluid Machinery •Machine Tools •Manufacturing Technology and Production Engineering •Logistics •Power Electronics •Electrical Drives •Internet of Things •Communication Systems •Power and Energy Systems •Biomedical Engineering and Medical Applications •Biosystems and Bioprocesses •Biotechnology •Chemical Engineering •Pulp and Paper Processing •Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing •Water/Gas/Oil Reticulation Systems •Environmental Engineering •Agricultural Systems •Food Engineering •Other Emerging Control Applications
•汽车系统 •航空航天应用 •船舶系统 •智能交通系统与交通控制 •自动驾驶汽车 •机器人技术 •人机系统 •机电一体化系统 •科学仪器 •微纳米系统 •流体动力系统 •燃气轮机和流体机械 •机床 •制造技术与生产工程 •物流 •电力电子 •电气驱动 •物联网 •通信系统 •电力和能源系统 •生物医学工程和医疗应用 •生物系统和生物过程 •生物技术 •化学工程 •纸浆和造纸加工 •采矿、矿物和金属加工 •水/气/油网系统 •环境工程 •农业系统 •食品工程 •其他新兴控制应用

Applicable methods, theories and technologies:
•Modeling, Simulation and Experimental Model Validation •System Identification and Parameter Estimation •Observer Design and State Estimation •Soft Sensing •Sensor Fusion •Optimization •Adaptive and Robust Control •Learning Control •Nonlinear Control •Control of Distributed-Parameter Systems •Model-based Control Techniques •Optimal Control and Model Predictive Control •Controller Tuning •PID Control •Feedforward Control and Trajectory Planning •Networked Control •Stochastic Systems •Fault Detection and Isolation •Diagnosis and Supervision •Actuator and Sensor Design •Measurement Technology in Control •Software Engineering Techniques •Real-time and Distributed Computing •Intelligent Components and Instruments •Architectures and Algorithms for Control •Real-time Algorithms •Computer-aided Systems Analysis and Design •Implementation of Automation Systems •Machine Learning •Artificial Intelligence Techniques •Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems •Production Planning and Scheduling •Automation •Data Mining •Data Analytic •Performance Monitoring •Experimental Design •Other Emerging Control Theories and Related Technologies
•建模、仿真和实验模型验证 •系统识别和参数估计 •观测器设计和状态估计 •软传感 •传感器融合 •优化 •自适应和鲁棒控制 •学习控制 •非线性控制 •分布式参数系统的控制 •基于模型的控制技术 •最优控制和模型预测控制 •控制器调谐 •PID控制 •前馈控制和轨迹规划 •网络化控制 •随机系统 •故障检测和隔离 •诊断和监督 •执行器和传感器设计 •控制测量技术 •软件工程技术 •实时和分布式计算 •智能组件和仪器 •控制架构和算法 •实时算法 •计算机辅助系统分析与设计 •自动化系统的实施 •机器学习 •人工智能技术 •离散事件和混合系统 •生产计划与调度•自动化 •数据挖掘 •数据分析 •性能监控 •实验设计 •其他新兴控制理论及相关技术

Guide for authors 作者指南

Your Paper Your Way

We now differentiate between the requirements for new and revised submissions. You may choose to submit your manuscript as a single Word or PDF file to be used in the refereeing process. Only when your paper is at the revision stage, will you be requested to put your paper in to a ‘correct format’ for acceptance and provide the items required for the publication of your article.
我们现在区分了新提交和修订提交的要求。您可以选择将您的稿件作为单个 Word 或 PDF 文件提交,以便在审稿过程中使用。只有当你的论文处于修改阶段时,你才会被要求把你的论文放在一个“正确的格式”上,以便被接受,并提供你的文章发表所需的项目。
To find out more, please visit the Preparation section below.
Guidelines for submitting proposals for journal Special Issues
For full information on how to submit a proposal for a special issue to the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, please read the guidelines at https://www.elsevier.com/physical-sciences-and-engineering/computer-science/journals/how-to-prepare-a-special-issue-proposal. Note that proposals submitted via other routes will not be considered.
有关如何向期刊主编提交特刊提案的完整信息,请阅读 https://www.elsevier.com/physical-sciences-and-engineering/computer-science/journals/how-to-prepare-a-special-issue-proposal 指南。请注意,通过其他途径提交的提案将不予考虑。
Introduction 介绍

Control Engineering Practice
控制工程实践 strives to meet the needs of industrial practitioners and industrially related academics and researchers. It publishes papers which illustrate the direct application of control theory and its supporting tools in all possible areas of automation. As a result, the journal only contains papers which can be considered to have made significant contributions to the application of control techniques. It is normally expected that practical results should be included, but where simulation only studies are available, it is necessary to demonstrate that the simulation model is representative of a genuine industrial application. Strictly theoretical papers will find a more appropriate home in Control Engineering Practice’s sister publication, Automatica. Control Engineering Practice papers will tend to be shorter, and relevant to industrial readers.
In addition to purely technical applications papers the journal carries papers on topics linked to the application of automation, including social effects, cultural aspects, project planning and system design, and economic and management issues.

The scope of Control Engineering Practice matches the activities of IFAC:

• Aerospace • Marine systems • Communication systems • Biomedical engineering • Pulp and paper processing • Environmental engineering • Scientific instrumentation • Transportation and vehicles • Power generation and other utilities • Mining, mineral and metal processing • Chemical and biotechnical process control • Manufacturing technology and production engineering
• 航空航天 • 海洋系统 • 通信系统 • 生物医学工程 • 纸浆和造纸加工 • 环境工程 • 科学仪器 • 运输和车辆 • 发电和其他公用事业 • 采矿、矿物和金属加工 • 化学和生物技术过程控制 • 制造技术和生产工程

The journal covers all applicable technologies:

• Robotics •机器人
• Identification •鉴定
• Signal processing • 信号处理
• Project management •项目管理
• Autonomous vehicles • 自动驾驶汽车
• Powertrains • 动力总成
• Computer networking • 计算机网络
•Modelling and simulation
• Human-computer systems
• 人机系统
•Components and instruments
• Adaptive and robust control
• 自适应和稳健的控制
• Electromechanical components
• 机电元件
• Model-based control techniques • Fault detection and diagnostics
• 基于模型的控制技术 • 故障检测和诊断
•Software engineering techniques
•Hydraulic and pneumatic components
• Real-time and distributed computing
• 实时和分布式计算
• Intelligent components and instruments
• 智能组件和仪器
•Architectures and algorithms for control
• Computer-aided systems analysis and design
• 计算机辅助系统分析与设计
• Software design, verification, safety, etc.
• 软件设计、验证、安全等
• Artificial intelligence techniques, including fuzzy control neural networks and genetic algorithms.
• 人工智能技术,包括模糊控制神经网络和遗传算法。

Types of Paper 纸张类型

Original research papers that illustrate the direct application of control theory and its supporting tools in all possible areas of automation. As a result, the journal only contains papers that can be considered to have made significant contributions to the application of control techniques. It is normally expected that practical results should be included, but where simulation only studies are available, it is necessary to demonstrate that the simulation model is representative of a genuine industrial application. Strictly theoretical papers will find a more appropriate home in Control Engineering Practice’s sister publication Automatica. Control Engineering Practice papers will tend to be shorter, and relevant to industrial readers. In addition to purely technical applications papers the journal carries papers on topics linked to the application of automation, including social effects, cultural aspects, project planning and system design, and economic and management issues.
Papers from Conference 会议论文

Papers submitted to IFAC journals with prior publication in any copyrighted conference proceedings must be substantially different from the conference publication. Authors should indicate in the cover letter in detail how the journal paper differs from the relevant conference paper or papers. In particular, the additional original contribution in the journal paper has to be pointed out explicitly. In the journal paper, the conference paper has to be cited and discussed as any other paper in the list of references.

Submission checklist 提交清单

You can use this list to carry out a final check of your submission before you send it to the journal for review. Please check the relevant section in this Guide for Authors for more details.
Ensure that the following items are present:

One author has been designated as the corresponding author with contact details:
• E-mail address • 电子邮件地址
• Full postal address
• 完整的邮寄地址

All necessary files have been uploaded:
Manuscript: 手稿:
• Include keywords • 包括关键字
• All figures (include relevant captions)
• 所有图表(包括相关标题)
• All tables (including titles, description, footnotes)
• 所有表格(包括标题、描述、脚注)
• Ensure all figure and table citations in the text match the files provided
• 确保文本中的所有图形和表格引用都与提供的文件匹配
• Indicate clearly if color should be used for any figures in print
• 清楚地指出是否应将颜色用于打印中的任何图形
Graphical Abstracts / Highlights files (where applicable)
Supplemental files (where applicable)

Further considerations 其他注意事项
• Manuscript has been ‘spell checked’ and ‘grammar checked’
• 稿件已“拼写检查”和“语法检查”
• All references mentioned in the Reference List are cited in the text, and vice versa
• 参考文献列表中提到的所有参考文献均在正文中引用,反之亦然
• Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Internet)
• 已获得使用来自其他来源(包括互联网)的受版权保护材料的许可
• A competing interests statement is provided, even if the authors have no competing interests to declare
• 即使作者没有要声明的竞争利益,也要提供竞争利益声明
• Journal policies detailed in this guide have been reviewed
• 本指南中详述的期刊政策已经过审查
• Referee suggestions and contact details provided, based on journal requirements
• 根据期刊要求提供推荐建议和联系方式

For further information, visit our Support Center.

Before you begin 准备工作
Ethics in publishing 出版伦理

Please see our information on Ethics in publishing.
Declaration of competing interest

All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. Authors should complete the declaration of competing interest statem

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