物联网开发117 - Micropython ESP32 C3连接W5500有线以太网UDP&TCP协议通讯模块


        这一节我们来学习如何使用合宙ESP32 C3,连接W5500有线以太网UDP&TCP协议通讯模块实验进行网络通讯。


        ESP32 C3开发板(MicroPython v1.19.1 on 2022-06-18)+ W5500有线以太网UDP&TCP协议通讯模块 + 几根杜邦线 + Win10商业版

        ESP32 C3和模块接线方法:

 PS:请注意W5500模块通过SPI串口杜邦线连接到开发板,开发板通过USB转串口连接到电脑,电脑连接路由器,W5500 LAN口通过网线连接到路由器,这样就让W5500和电脑处于同一个网段。



# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Bjoern Hartmann
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 WIZnet
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010 Arduino LLC
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Paul Stoffregen
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Brent Rubell for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Patrick Van Oosterwijck
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Adam Cummick
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Vincenzo D'Angelo
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Pure-Python interface for WIZNET 5k ethernet modules.

* Author(s): WIZnet, Arduino LLC, Bjoern Hartmann, Paul Stoffregen, Brent Rubell,
  Patrick Van Oosterwijck, Vincenzo D'Angelo

Implementation Notes

**Software and Dependencies:**

* Micropython on ESP32 (tested on ESP32-WROVER-IE equipped of Wiznet5500)

import time
import wiznet5k_dhcp as dhcp
import wiznet5k_dns as dns

from random import randint
from micropython import const
from machine import SPI

# Wiznet5k Registers
REG_MR = const(0x0000)  # Mode
REG_GAR = const(0x0001)  # Gateway IP Address
REG_SUBR = const(0x0005)  # Subnet Mask Address
REG_VERSIONR_W5500 = const(0x0039)  # W5500 Silicon Version
REG_SHAR = const(0x0009)  # Source Hardware Address
REG_SIPR = const(0x000F)  # Source IP Address
REG_PHYCFGR = const(0x002E)  # W5500 PHY Configuration

# Wiznet5k Socket Registers
REG_SNMR = const(0x0000)  # Socket n Mode
REG_SNCR = const(0x0001)  # Socket n Command
REG_SNIR = const(0x0002)  # Socket n Interrupt
REG_SNSR = const(0x0003)  # Socket n Status
REG_SNPORT = const(0x0004)  # Socket n Source Port
REG_SNDIPR = const(0x000C)  # Destination IP Address
REG_SNDPORT = const(0x0010)  # Destination Port
REG_SNRX_RSR = const(0x0026)  # RX Free Size
REG_SNRX_RD = const(0x0028)  # Read Size Pointer
REG_SNTX_FSR = const(0x0020)  # Socket n TX Free Size
REG_SNTX_WR = const(0x0024)  # TX Write Pointer

# SNSR Commands
SNSR_SOCK_CLOSED = const(0x00)
SNSR_SOCK_INIT = const(0x13)
SNSR_SOCK_LISTEN = const(0x14)
SNSR_SOCK_SYNSENT = const(0x15)
SNSR_SOCK_SYNRECV = const(0x16)
SNSR_SOCK_FIN_WAIT = const(0x18)
SNSR_SOCK_LAST_ACK = const(0x1D)
SNSR_SOCK_UDP = const(0x22)
SNSR_SOCK_IPRAW = const(0x32)
SNSR_SOCK_MACRAW = const(0x42)
SNSR_SOCK_PPPOE = const(0x5F)

# Sock Commands (CMD)
CMD_SOCK_OPEN = const(0x01)
CMD_SOCK_LISTEN = const(0x02)
CMD_SOCK_CONNECT = const(0x04)
CMD_SOCK_DISCON = const(0x08)
CMD_SOCK_CLOSE = const(0x10)
CMD_SOCK_SEND = const(0x20)
CMD_SOCK_SEND_MAC = const(0x21)
CMD_SOCK_SEND_KEEP = const(0x22)
CMD_SOCK_RECV = const(0x40)

# Socket n Interrupt Register
SNIR_SEND_OK = const(0x10)
SNIR_TIMEOUT = const(0x08)
SNIR_RECV = const(0x04)
SNIR_DISCON = const(0x02)
SNIR_CON = const(0x01)

CH_SIZE = const(0x100)
SOCK_SIZE = const(0x800)  # MAX W5k socket size
# Register commands
MR_RST = const(0x80)  # Mode Register RST
# Socket mode register
SNMR_CLOSE = const(0x00)
SNMR_TCP = const(0x21)
SNMR_UDP = const(0x02)
SNMR_IPRAW = const(0x03)
SNMR_MACRAW = const(0x04)
SNMR_PPPOE = const(0x05)

MAX_PACKET = const(4000)
LOCAL_PORT = const(0x400)
# Default hardware MAC address
DEFAULT_MAC = (0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED)

# Maximum number of sockets to support, differs between chip versions.
W5200_W5500_MAX_SOCK_NUM = const(0x08)
SOCKET_INVALID = const(255)

# UDP socket struct.
UDP_SOCK = {"bytes_remaining": 0, "remote_ip": 0, "remote_port": 0}

# Source ports in use
SRC_PORTS = [0] * W5200_W5500_MAX_SOCK_NUM

class WIZNET5K:  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
    """Interface for WIZNET5K module.
    :param ~machine.SPI spi_bus: The SPI bus the Wiznet module is connected to.
    :param ~machine.Pin cs: Chip select pin.
    :param ~machine.Pin rst: Optional reset pin.
    :param bool is_dhcp: Whether to start DHCP automatically or not.
    :param list mac: The Wiznet's MAC Address.
    :param str hostname: The desired hostname, with optional {} to fill in MAC.
    :param int dhcp_timeout: Timeout in seconds for DHCP response.
    :param bool debug: Enable debugging output.

    TCP_MODE = const(0x21)
    UDP_MODE = const(0x02)
    TLS_MODE = const(0x03)  # This is NOT currently implemented

    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    def __init__(self, spi_bus, cs, reset=None, is_dhcp=True, mac=DEFAULT_MAC, hostname=None, dhcp_timeout=30, debug=False):
        self._debug = debug
        self._chip_type = None
        self._device = spi_bus
        self._device.init(baudrate=500000, polarity=0, phase=0) #baudrate=8000000
        self._cs = cs        
        # reset wiznet module prior to initialization
        if reset:
        # Buffer for reading params from module
        self._pbuff = bytearray(8)
        self._rxbuf = bytearray(MAX_PACKET)
        # attempt to initialize the module
        self._ch_base_msb = 0
        assert self._w5100_init() == 1, "Failed to initialize WIZnet module."
        # Set MAC address
        self.mac_address = mac
        self.src_port = 0
        self._dns = 0
        # Set DHCP
        self._dhcp_client = None
        if is_dhcp:
            ret = self.set_dhcp(hostname, dhcp_timeout)
            if ret != 0:
                self._dhcp_client = None
            assert ret == 0, "Failed to configure DHCP Server!"

    def set_dhcp(self, hostname=None, response_timeout=30):
        """Initializes the DHCP client and attempts to retrieve
        and set network configuration from the DHCP server.
        Returns 0 if DHCP configured, -1 otherwise.
        :param str hostname: The desired hostname, with optional {} to fill in MAC.
        :param int response_timeout: Time to wait for server to return packet, in seconds.
        if self._debug:
            print("* Initializing DHCP")
        # First, wait link status is on
        # to avoid the code during DHCP - assert self.link_status, "Ethernet cable disconnected!"
        start_time = time.time()
        while True:
            if self.link_status or ((time.time() - start_time) > 5):
            if self._debug:
                print("My Link is:", self.link_status)
        # Return IP assigned by DHCP
        self._dhcp_client = dhcp.DHCP(self, self.mac_address, hostname, response_timeout, debug=self._debug)
        ret = self._dhcp_client.request_dhcp_lease()
        if ret == 1:
            if self._debug:
                _ifconfig = self.ifconfig
                print("* Found DHCP Server:")
                print("IP: {}\nSubnet Mask: {}\nGW Addr: {}\nDNS Server: {}".format(*_ifconfig))
            return 0
        return -1

    def maintain_dhcp_lease(self):
        """Maintain DHCP lease"""
        if self._dhcp_client is not None:

    def get_host_by_name(self, hostname):
        """Convert a hostname to a packed 4-byte IP Address.
        Returns a 4 bytearray.
        if self._debug:
            print("* Get host by name")
        if isinstance(hostname, str):
            hostname = bytes(hostname, "utf-8")
        # Return IP assigned by DHCP
        _dns_client = dns.DNS(self, self._dns, debug=self._debug)
        ret = _dns_client.gethostbyname(hostname)
        if self._debug:
            print("* Resolved IP: ", ret)
        assert ret != -1, "Failed to resolve hostname!"
        return ret

    def max_sockets(self):
        """Returns max number of sockets supported by chip."""
        if self._chip_type == "w5500":
            return W5200_W5500_MAX_SOCK_NUM
        return -1

    def chip(self):
        """Returns the chip type."""
        return self._chip_type

    def ip_address(self):
        """Returns the configured IP address."""
        return self.read(REG_SIPR, 0x00, 4)

    def pretty_ip(self, ip):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use, invalid-name
        """Converts a bytearray IP address to a
        dotted-quad string for printing
        return "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3])

    def unpretty_ip(self, ip):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use, invalid-name
        """Converts a dotted-quad string to a bytearray IP address"""
        octets = [int(x) for x in ip.split(".")]
        return bytes(octets)

    def mac_address(self):
        """Returns the hardware's MAC address."""
        return self.read(REG_SHAR, 0x00, 6)

    def mac_address(self, address):
        """Sets the hardware MAC address.
        :param tuple address: Hardware MAC address.
        self.write(REG_SHAR, 0x04, address)

    def pretty_mac(self, mac):  # pylint: disable=no-self-use, invalid-name
        """Converts a bytearray MAC address to a
        dotted-quad string for printing
        return "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (

    def remote_ip(self, socket_num):
        """Returns the IP address of the host who sent the current incoming packet.
        :param int socket num: Desired socket.
        if socket_num >= self.max_sockets:
            return self._pbuff
        for octet in range(0, 4):
            self._pbuff[octet] = self._read_socket(socket_num, REG_SNDIPR + octet)[0]
        return self.pretty_ip(self._pbuff)

    def link_status(self):
        """ "Returns if the PHY is connected."""
        if self._chip_type == "w5500":
            data = self.read(REG_PHYCFGR, 0x00)
            return data[0] & 0x01
        return 0

    def link_speed(self):
        """ "Returns link speed."""
        if self._chip_type == "w5500":
            data = self.read(REG_PHYCFGR, 0x00)
            if data[0] & 0x01:  # link up
                if data[0] & 0x02:
                    return 100
                    return 10
        return None

    def link_full_duplex(self):
        """ "Returns if link is full duplex."""
        if self._chip_type == "w5500":
            data = self.read(REG_PHYCFGR, 0x00)
            if data[0] & 0x01:  # link up
                if data[0] & 0x04:
                    return True
                    return False
        return None

    def remote_port(self, socket_num):
        """Returns the port of the host who sent the current incoming packet."""
        if socket_num >= self.max_sockets:
            return self._pbuff
        for octet in range(0, 2):
            self._pbuff[octet] = self._read_socket(socket_num, REG_SNDPORT + octet)[0]
        return int((self._pbuff[0] << 8) | self._pbuff[0])

    def ifconfig(self):
        """Returns the network configuration as a tuple."""
        return (self.ip_address, self.read(REG_SUBR, 0x00, 4), self.read(REG_GAR, 0x00, 4), self._dns)

    def ifconfig(self, params):
        """Sets network configuration to provided tuple in format:
        (ip_address, subnet_mask, gateway_address, dns_server).
        ip_address, subnet_mask, gateway_address, dns_server = params
        self.write(REG_SIPR, 0x04, ip_address)
        self.write(REG_SUBR, 0x04, subnet_mask)
        self.write(REG_GAR, 0x04, gateway_address)
        self._dns = dns_server

    def _w5100_init(self):
        """Initializes and detects a wiznet5k module."""
        # Detect if chip is Wiznet W5500
        if self.detect_w5500() == 1:
            # perform w5500 initialization
            for i in range(0, W5200_W5500_MAX_SOCK_NUM):
                ctrl_byte = 0x0C + (i << 5)
                self.write(0x1E, ctrl_byte, 2)
                self.write(0x1F, ctrl_byte, 2)
            return 0
        return 1

    def detect_w5500(self):
        """Detects W5500 chip."""
        assert self.sw_reset() == 0, "Chip not reset properly!"
        assert self._read_mr()[0] == 0x08, "Expected 0x08."
        assert self._read_mr()[0] == 0x10, "Expected 0x10."
        assert self._read_mr()[0] == 0x00, "Expected 0x00."
        if self.read(REG_VERSIONR_W5500, 0x00)[0] != 0x04:
            return -1
        self._chip_type = "w5500"
        self._ch_base_msb = 0x10
        return 1

    def sw_reset(self):
        """Performs a soft-reset on a Wiznet chip
        by writing to its MR register reset bit.
        mode_reg = self._read_mr()
        mode_reg = self._read_mr()
        if mode_reg[0] != 0x00:
            return -1
        return 0

    def _read_mr(self):
        """Reads from the Mode Register (MR)."""
        res = self.read(REG_MR, 0x00)
        return res

    def _write_mr(self, data):
        """Writes to the mode register (MR).
        :param int data: Data to write to the mode register.
        self.write(REG_MR, 0x04, data)

    def read(self, addr, callback, length=1, buffer=None):
        """Reads data from a register address.
        :param int addr: Register address.
        if self._debug:
            print(f'READ from {addr}')
        self._device.write(bytes([addr >> 8]))  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self._device.write(bytes([addr & 0xFF]))  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self._device.write(bytes([callback]))  # pylint: disable=no-member
        if buffer is None:
            self._rxbuf = bytearray(length)
            self._device.readinto(self._rxbuf)  # pylint: disable=no-member
            return self._rxbuf
        self._device.readinto(buffer, end=length)  # pylint: disable=no-member
        return buffer

    def write(self, addr, callback, data):
        """Write data to a register address.
        :param int addr: Destination address.
        :param int callback: Callback reference.
        :param int data: Data to write, as an integer.
        :param bytearray data: Data to write, as a bytearray.
        if self._debug:
            print(f'WRITE on {addr}')
        self._device.write(bytes([addr >> 8]))  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self._device.write(bytes([addr & 0xFF]))  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self._device.write(bytes([callback]))  # pylint: disable=no-member

        if hasattr(data, "from_bytes"):
            self._device.write(bytes([data]))  # pylint: disable=no-member
            for i, _ in enumerate(data):
                self._device.write(bytes([data[i]]))  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Socket-Register API
    def udp_remaining(self):
        """Returns amount of bytes remaining in a udp socket."""
        if self._debug:
            print("* UDP Bytes Remaining: ", UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"])
        return UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"]

    def socket_available(self, socket_num, sock_type=SNMR_TCP):
        """Returns the amount of bytes to be read from the socket.
        :param int socket_num: Desired socket to return bytes from.
        :param int sock_type: Socket type, defaults to TCP.
        if self._debug:
            print("* socket_available called on socket {}, protocol {}".format(socket_num, sock_type))
        assert socket_num <= self.max_sockets, "Provided socket exceeds max_sockets."
        res = self._get_rx_rcv_size(socket_num)
        if sock_type == SNMR_TCP:
            return res
        if res > 0:
            if UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"]:
                return UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"]
            # parse the udp rx packet
            # read the first 8 header bytes
            ret, self._pbuff = self.socket_read(socket_num, 8)
            if ret > 0:
                UDP_SOCK["remote_ip"] = self._pbuff[:4]
                UDP_SOCK["remote_port"] = (self._pbuff[4] << 8) + self._pbuff[5]
                UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"] = (self._pbuff[6] << 8) + self._pbuff[7]
                ret = UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"]
                return ret
        return 0

    def socket_status(self, socket_num):
        """Returns the socket connection status. Can be: SNSR_SOCK_CLOSED,
        return self._read_snsr(socket_num)

    def socket_connect(self, socket_num, dest, port, conn_mode=SNMR_TCP):
        """Open and verify we've connected a socket to a dest IP address
        or hostname. By default, we use 'conn_mode'= SNMR_TCP but we
        may also use SNMR_UDP.
        assert self.link_status, "Ethernet cable disconnected!"
        if self._debug:
            print("* w5k socket connect, protocol={}, port={}, ip={}".format(conn_mode, port, self.pretty_ip(dest)))
        # initialize a socket and set the mode
        res = self.socket_open(socket_num, conn_mode=conn_mode)
        if res == 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to initalize a connection with the socket.")
        # set socket destination IP and port
        self._write_sndipr(socket_num, dest)
        self._write_sndport(socket_num, port)
        self._send_socket_cmd(socket_num, CMD_SOCK_CONNECT)

        if conn_mode == SNMR_TCP:
            # wait for tcp connection establishment
            while self.socket_status(socket_num)[0] != SNSR_SOCK_ESTABLISHED:
                if self._debug:
                    print("SN_SR:", self.socket_status(socket_num)[0])
                if self.socket_status(socket_num)[0] == SNSR_SOCK_CLOSED:
                    raise RuntimeError("Failed to establish connection.")
        elif conn_mode == SNMR_UDP:
            UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"] = 0
        return 1

    def _send_socket_cmd(self, socket, cmd):
        self._write_sncr(socket, cmd)
        while self._read_sncr(socket) != b"\x00":
            if self._debug:
                print("waiting for sncr to clear...")

    def get_socket(self):
        """Requests, allocates and returns a socket from the W5k
        chip. Returned socket number may not exceed max_sockets.
        if self._debug:
            print("*** Get socket")
        sock = SOCKET_INVALID
        for _sock in range(self.max_sockets):
            status = self.socket_status(_sock)[0]
            if status == SNSR_SOCK_CLOSED:
                sock = _sock
        if self._debug:
            print("Allocated socket #{}".format(sock))
        return sock

    def socket_listen(self, socket_num, port, conn_mode=SNMR_TCP):
        """Start listening on a socket (default TCP mode).
        :parm int socket_num: socket number
        :parm int port: port to listen on
        :parm int conn_mode: connection mode SNMR_TCP (default) or SNMR_UDP
        assert self.link_status, "Ethernet cable disconnected!"
        if self._debug:
            print("* Listening on port={}, ip={}".format(port, self.pretty_ip(self.ip_address)))
        # Initialize a socket and set the mode
        self.src_port = port
        res = self.socket_open(socket_num, conn_mode=conn_mode)
        self.src_port = 0
        if res == 1:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to initalize the socket.")
        # Send listen command
        self._send_socket_cmd(socket_num, CMD_SOCK_LISTEN)
        # Wait until ready
        status = [SNSR_SOCK_CLOSED]
        while status[0] not in (SNSR_SOCK_LISTEN, SNSR_SOCK_ESTABLISHED, SNSR_SOCK_UDP):
            status = self._read_snsr(socket_num)
            if status[0] == SNSR_SOCK_CLOSED:
                raise RuntimeError("Listening socket closed.")

    def socket_accept(self, socket_num):
        """Gets the dest IP and port from an incoming connection.
        Returns the next socket number so listening can continue
        :parm int socket_num: socket number
        dest_ip = self.remote_ip(socket_num)
        dest_port = self.remote_port(socket_num)
        next_socknum = self.get_socket()
        if self._debug:
            print("* Dest is ({}, {}), Next listen socknum is #{}".format(dest_ip, dest_port, next_socknum))
        return next_socknum, (dest_ip, dest_port)

    def socket_open(self, socket_num, conn_mode=SNMR_TCP):
        """Opens a TCP or UDP socket. By default, we use
        'conn_mode'=SNMR_TCP but we may also use SNMR_UDP.
        assert self.link_status, "Ethernet cable disconnected!"
        if self._debug:
            print("*** Opening socket %d" % socket_num)
        status = self._read_snsr(socket_num)[0]
        if status in (
            if self._debug:
                print("* Opening W5k Socket, protocol={}".format(conn_mode))
            self._write_snmr(socket_num, conn_mode)
            self._write_snir(socket_num, 0xFF)
            if self.src_port > 0:
                # write to socket source port
                self._write_sock_port(socket_num, self.src_port)
                s_port = randint(49152, 65535)
                while s_port in SRC_PORTS:
                    s_port = randint(49152, 65535)
                self._write_sock_port(socket_num, s_port)
                SRC_PORTS[socket_num] = s_port
            # open socket
            self._write_sncr(socket_num, CMD_SOCK_OPEN)
            assert (self._read_snsr((socket_num))[0] == 0x13
                or self._read_snsr((socket_num))[0] == 0x22 ), "Could not open socket in TCP or UDP mode."
            return 0
        return 1

    def socket_close(self, socket_num):
        """Closes a socket."""
        if self._debug:
            print("*** Closing socket #%d" % socket_num)
        self._write_sncr(socket_num, CMD_SOCK_CLOSE)

    def socket_disconnect(self, socket_num):
        """Disconnect a TCP connection."""
        if self._debug:
            print("*** Disconnecting socket #%d" % socket_num)
        self._write_sncr(socket_num, CMD_SOCK_DISCON)

    def socket_read(self, socket_num, length):
        """Reads data from a socket into a buffer.
        Returns buffer.
        assert self.link_status, "Ethernet cable disconnected!"
        assert socket_num <= self.max_sockets, "Provided socket exceeds max_sockets."
        # Check if there is data available on the socket
        ret = self._get_rx_rcv_size(socket_num)
        if self._debug:
            print("Bytes avail. on sock: ", ret)
        if ret == 0:
            # no data on socket?
            status = self._read_snmr(socket_num)
                # remote end closed its side of the connection, EOF state
                ret = 0
                resp = 0
                # connection is alive, no data waiting to be read
                ret = -1
                resp = -1
        elif ret > length:
            # set ret to the length of buffer
            ret = length
        if ret > 0:
            if self._debug:
                print("\t * Processing {} bytes of data".format(ret))
            # Read the starting save address of the received data
            ptr = self._read_snrx_rd(socket_num)
            # Read data from the starting address of snrx_rd
            ctrl_byte = 0x18 + (socket_num << 5)
            resp = self.read(ptr, ctrl_byte, ret)
            #  After reading the received data, update Sn_RX_RD to the increased
            # value as many as the reading size.
            ptr += ret
            self._write_snrx_rd(socket_num, ptr)
            # Notify the W5k of the updated Sn_Rx_RD
            self._write_sncr(socket_num, CMD_SOCK_RECV)
        return ret, resp

    def read_udp(self, socket_num, length):
        """Read UDP socket's remaining bytes."""
        if UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"] > 0:
            if UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"] <= length:
                ret, resp = self.socket_read(socket_num, UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"])
                ret, resp = self.socket_read(socket_num, length)
            if ret > 0:
                UDP_SOCK["bytes_remaining"] -= ret
            return ret, resp
        return -1

    def socket_write(self, socket_num, buffer, timeout=0):
        """Writes a bytearray to a provided socket."""
        assert self.link_status, "Ethernet cable disconnected!"
        assert socket_num <= self.max_sockets, "Provided socket exceeds max_sockets."
        status = 0
        ret = 0
        free_size = 0
        if len(buffer) > SOCK_SIZE:
            ret = SOCK_SIZE
            ret = len(buffer)
        stamp = time.time()
        # if buffer is available, start the transfer
        free_size = self._get_tx_free_size(socket_num)
        while free_size < ret:
            free_size = self._get_tx_free_size(socket_num)
            status = self.socket_status(socket_num)[0]
            if status not in (SNSR_SOCK_ESTABLISHED, SNSR_SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT) or (timeout and time.time() - stamp > timeout):
                ret = 0
        # Read the starting address for saving the transmitting data.
        ptr = self._read_sntx_wr(socket_num)
        offset = ptr & 0x07FF
        dst_addr = offset + (socket_num * 2048 + 0x8000)
        # update sn_tx_wr to the value + data size
        ptr = (ptr + len(buffer)) & 0xFFFF
        self._write_sntx_wr(socket_num, ptr)
        cntl_byte = 0x14 + (socket_num << 5)
        self.write(dst_addr, cntl_byte, buffer)
        self._write_sncr(socket_num, CMD_SOCK_SEND)
        # check data was  transferred correctly
        while (self._read_socket(socket_num, REG_SNIR)[0] & SNIR_SEND_OK) != SNIR_SEND_OK:
            if (self.socket_status(socket_num)[0] in (
                or (timeout and time.time() - stamp > timeout)
                # self.socket_close(socket_num)
                return 0
        self._write_snir(socket_num, SNIR_SEND_OK)
        return ret

    # Socket-Register Methods

    def _get_rx_rcv_size(self, sock):
        """Get size of recieved and saved in socket buffer."""
        val = 0
        val_1 = self._read_snrx_rsr(sock)
        while val != val_1:
            val_1 = self._read_snrx_rsr(sock)
            if val_1 != 0:
                val = self._read_snrx_rsr(sock)
        return int.from_bytes(val, "b")

    def _get_tx_free_size(self, sock):
        """Get free size of sock's tx buffer block."""
        val = 0
        val_1 = self._read_sntx_fsr(sock)
        while val != val_1:
            val_1 = self._read_sntx_fsr(sock)
            if val_1 != 0:
                val = self._read_sntx_fsr(sock)
        return int.from_bytes(val, "b")

    def _read_snrx_rd(self, sock):
        self._pbuff[0] = self._read_socket(sock, REG_SNRX_RD)[0]
        self._pbuff[1] = self._read_socket(sock, REG_SNRX_RD + 1)[0]
        return self._pbuff[0] << 8 | self._pbuff[1]

    def _write_snrx_rd(self, sock, data):
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNRX_RD, data >> 8 & 0xFF)
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNRX_RD + 1, data & 0xFF)

    def _write_sntx_wr(self, sock, data):
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNTX_WR, data >> 8 & 0xFF)
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNTX_WR + 1, data & 0xFF)

    def _read_sntx_wr(self, sock):
        self._pbuff[0] = self._read_socket(sock, 0x0024)[0]
        self._pbuff[1] = self._read_socket(sock, 0x0024 + 1)[0]
        return self._pbuff[0] << 8 | self._pbuff[1]

    def _read_sntx_fsr(self, sock):
        data = self._read_socket(sock, REG_SNTX_FSR)
        data += self._read_socket(sock, REG_SNTX_FSR + 1)
        return data

    def _read_snrx_rsr(self, sock):
        data = self._read_socket(sock, REG_SNRX_RSR)
        data += self._read_socket(sock, REG_SNRX_RSR + 1)
        return data

    def _write_sndipr(self, sock, ip_addr):
        """Writes to socket destination IP Address."""
        for octet in range(0, 4):
            self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNDIPR + octet, ip_addr[octet])

    def _write_sndport(self, sock, port):
        """Writes to socket destination port."""
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNDPORT, port >> 8)
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNDPORT + 1, port & 0xFF)

    def _read_snsr(self, sock):
        """Reads Socket n Status Register."""
        return self._read_socket(sock, REG_SNSR)

    def _write_snmr(self, sock, protocol):
        """Write to Socket n Mode Register."""
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNMR, protocol)

    def _write_snir(self, sock, data):
        """Write to Socket n Interrupt Register."""
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNIR, data)

    def _write_sock_port(self, sock, port):
        """Write to the socket port number."""
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNPORT, port >> 8)
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNPORT + 1, port & 0xFF)

    def _write_sncr(self, sock, data):
        self._write_socket(sock, REG_SNCR, data)

    def _read_sncr(self, sock):
        return self._read_socket(sock, REG_SNCR)

    def _read_snmr(self, sock):
        return self._read_socket(sock, REG_SNMR)

    def _write_socket(self, sock, address, data):
        """Write to a W5k socket register."""
        base = self._ch_base_msb << 8
        cntl_byte = (sock << 5) + 0x0C
        return self.write(base + sock * CH_SIZE + address, cntl_byte, data)

    def _read_socket(self, sock, address):
        """Read a W5k socket register."""
        cntl_byte = (sock << 5) + 0x08
        return self.read(address, cntl_byte)



# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009 Jordan Terell (blog.jordanterrell.com)
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Brent Rubell for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Patrick Van Oosterwijck @ Silicognition LLC
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Vincenzo D'Angelo
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Pure-Python implementation of Jordan Terrell's DHCP library v0.3

* Author(s): Jordan Terrell, Brent Rubell, Vincenzo D'Angelo

import gc
import time
import wiznet5k_socket as socket

from random import randint
from micropython import const
from wiznet5k_socket import htonl, htons

# DHCP State Machine
STATE_DHCP_START = const(0x00)
STATE_DHCP_REQUEST = const(0x02)
STATE_DHCP_LEASED = const(0x03)
STATE_DHCP_RELEASE = const(0x05)
STATE_DHCP_WAIT = const(0x06)
STATE_DHCP_DISCONN = const(0x07)

# DHCP wait time between attempts
DHCP_WAIT_TIME = const(60)

# DHCP Message Types
DHCP_DISCOVER = const(1)
DHCP_OFFER = const(2)
DHCP_REQUEST = const(3)
DHCP_DECLINE = const(4)
DHCP_ACK = const(5)
DHCP_NAK = const(6)
DHCP_RELEASE = const(7)
DHCP_INFORM = const(8)

# DHCP Message OP Codes
DHCP_BOOT_REQUEST = const(0x01)
DHCP_BOOT_REPLY = const(0x02)

DHCP_HTYPE10MB = const(0x01)
DHCP_HTYPE100MB = const(0x02)

DHCP_HOPS = const(0x00)

MAGIC_COOKIE = const(0x63825363)
MAX_DHCP_OPT = const(0x10)

# Default DHCP Server port
DHCP_SERVER_PORT = const(67)
# DHCP Lease Time, in seconds
BROADCAST_SERVER_ADDR = (255, 255, 255, 255)

# DHCP Response Options
T1_VAL = 58
T2_VAL = 59
OPT_END = 255

# Packet buffer
_BUFF = bytearray(318)

class DHCP:
    """W5k DHCP Client implementation.
    :param eth: Wiznet 5k object
    :param list mac_address: Hardware MAC.
    :param str hostname: The desired hostname, with optional {} to fill in MAC.
    :param int response_timeout: DHCP Response timeout.
    :param bool debug: Enable debugging output.


    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-instance-attributes, invalid-name
    def __init__(
        self, eth, mac_address, hostname=None, response_timeout=30, debug=False
        self._debug = debug
        self._response_timeout = response_timeout
        self._mac_address = mac_address

        # Set socket interface
        self._eth = eth
        self._sock = None

        # DHCP state machine
        self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_START
        self._initial_xid = 0
        self._transaction_id = 0
        self._start_time = 0

        # DHCP server configuration
        self.dhcp_server_ip = BROADCAST_SERVER_ADDR
        self.local_ip = 0
        self.gateway_ip = 0
        self.subnet_mask = 0
        self.dns_server_ip = 0

        # Lease configuration
        self._lease_time = 0
        self._last_lease_time = 0
        self._renew_in_sec = 0
        self._rebind_in_sec = 0
        self._t1 = 0
        self._t2 = 0

        # Select an initial transaction id
        self._transaction_id = randint(1, 0x7FFFFFFF)

        # Host name
        mac_string = "".join("{:02X}".format(o) for o in mac_address)
        self._hostname = bytes(
            (hostname or "WIZnet{}").split(".")[0].format(mac_string)[:42], "utf-8"

    # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
    def send_dhcp_message(self, state, time_elapsed, renew=False):
        """Assemble and send a DHCP message packet to a socket.
        :param int state: DHCP Message state.
        :param float time_elapsed: Number of seconds elapsed since DHCP process started
        :param bool renew: Set True for renew and rebind
        _BUFF[:] = b"\x00" * len(_BUFF)
        # OP
        # HTYPE
        _BUFF[1] = DHCP_HTYPE10MB
        # HLEN
        # HOPS
        _BUFF[3] = DHCP_HOPS

        # Transaction ID (xid)
        self._initial_xid = htonl(self._transaction_id)
        self._initial_xid = self._initial_xid.to_bytes(4, "l")
        _BUFF[4:7] = self._initial_xid

        # seconds elapsed
        _BUFF[8] = (int(time_elapsed) & 0xFF00) >> 8
        _BUFF[9] = int(time_elapsed) & 0x00FF

        # flags
        flags = htons(0x8000)
        flags = flags.to_bytes(2, "b")
        _BUFF[10] = flags[1]
        _BUFF[11] = flags[0]

        # NOTE: Skipping ciaddr/yiaddr/siaddr/giaddr
        # as they're already set to
        # Except when renewing, then fill in ciaddr
        if renew:
            _BUFF[12:15] = bytes(self.local_ip)

        # chaddr
        _BUFF[28:34] = self._mac_address

        # NOTE:  192 octets of 0's, BOOTP legacy

        # Magic Cookie
        _BUFF[236] = (MAGIC_COOKIE >> 24) & 0xFF
        _BUFF[237] = (MAGIC_COOKIE >> 16) & 0xFF
        _BUFF[238] = (MAGIC_COOKIE >> 8) & 0xFF
        _BUFF[239] = MAGIC_COOKIE & 0xFF

        # Option - DHCP Message Type
        _BUFF[240] = 53
        _BUFF[241] = 0x01
        _BUFF[242] = state

        # Option - Client Identifier
        _BUFF[243] = 61
        # Length
        _BUFF[244] = 0x07
        # HW Type - ETH
        _BUFF[245] = 0x01
        # Client MAC Address
        for mac in range(0, len(self._mac_address)):
            _BUFF[246 + mac] = self._mac_address[mac]

        # Option - Host Name
        _BUFF[252] = 12
        hostname_len = len(self._hostname)
        after_hostname = 254 + hostname_len
        _BUFF[253] = hostname_len
        _BUFF[254:after_hostname] = self._hostname

        if state == DHCP_REQUEST and not renew:
            # Set the parsed local IP addr
            _BUFF[after_hostname] = 50
            _BUFF[after_hostname + 1] = 0x04
            _BUFF[after_hostname + 2 : after_hostname + 6] = bytes(self.local_ip)
            # Set the parsed dhcp server ip addr
            _BUFF[after_hostname + 6] = 54
            _BUFF[after_hostname + 7] = 0x04
            _BUFF[after_hostname + 8 : after_hostname + 12] = bytes(self.dhcp_server_ip)

        _BUFF[after_hostname + 12] = 55
        _BUFF[after_hostname + 13] = 0x06
        # subnet mask
        _BUFF[after_hostname + 14] = 1
        # routers on subnet
        _BUFF[after_hostname + 15] = 3
        # DNS
        _BUFF[after_hostname + 16] = 6
        # domain name
        _BUFF[after_hostname + 17] = 15
        # renewal (T1) value
        _BUFF[after_hostname + 18] = 58
        # rebinding (T2) value
        _BUFF[after_hostname + 19] = 59
        _BUFF[after_hostname + 20] = 255

        # Send DHCP packet

    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
    def parse_dhcp_response(self):
        """Parse DHCP response from DHCP server.
        Returns DHCP packet type.
        # store packet in buffer
        _BUFF = self._sock.recv()
        if self._debug:
            print("DHCP Response: ", _BUFF)

        # -- Parse Packet, FIXED -- #
        # Validate OP
        assert (
            _BUFF[0] == DHCP_BOOT_REPLY
        ), "Malformed Packet - \
            DHCP message OP is not expected BOOT Reply."

        xid = _BUFF[4:8]
        if bytes(xid) < self._initial_xid:
            return 0, 0

        self.local_ip = tuple(_BUFF[16:20])
        if _BUFF[28:34] == 0:
            return 0, 0

        if int.from_bytes(_BUFF[235:240], "l") != MAGIC_COOKIE:
            return 0, 0

        # -- Parse Packet, VARIABLE -- #
        ptr = 240
        while _BUFF[ptr] != OPT_END:
            if _BUFF[ptr] == MSG_TYPE:
                ptr += 1
                opt_len = _BUFF[ptr]
                ptr += opt_len
                msg_type = _BUFF[ptr]
                ptr += 1
            elif _BUFF[ptr] == SUBNET_MASK:
                ptr += 1
                opt_len = _BUFF[ptr]
                ptr += 1
                self.subnet_mask = tuple(_BUFF[ptr : ptr + opt_len])
                ptr += opt_len
            elif _BUFF[ptr] == DHCP_SERVER_ID:
                ptr += 1
                opt_len = _BUFF[ptr]
                ptr += 1
                self.dhcp_server_ip = tuple(_BUFF[ptr : ptr + opt_len])
                ptr += opt_len
            elif _BUFF[ptr] == LEASE_TIME:
                ptr += 1
                opt_len = _BUFF[ptr]
                ptr += 1
                self._lease_time = int.from_bytes(_BUFF[ptr : ptr + opt_len], "l")
                ptr += opt_len
            elif _BUFF[ptr] == ROUTERS_ON_SUBNET:
                ptr += 1
                opt_len = _BUFF[ptr]
                ptr += 1
                self.gateway_ip = tuple(_BUFF[ptr : ptr + opt_len])
                ptr += opt_len
            elif _BUFF[ptr] == DNS_SERVERS:
                ptr += 1
                opt_len = _BUFF[ptr]
                ptr += 1
                self.dns_server_ip = tuple(_BUFF[ptr : ptr + 4])
                ptr += opt_len  # still increment even though we only read 1 addr.
            elif _BUFF[ptr] == T1_VAL:
                ptr += 1
                opt_len = _BUFF[ptr]
                ptr += 1
                self._t1 = int.from_bytes(_BUFF[ptr : ptr + opt_len], "l")
                ptr += opt_len
            elif _BUFF[ptr] == T2_VAL:
                ptr += 1
                opt_len = _BUFF[ptr]
                ptr += 1
                self._t2 = int.from_bytes(_BUFF[ptr : ptr + opt_len], "l")
                ptr += opt_len
            elif _BUFF[ptr] == 0:
                # We're not interested in this option
                ptr += 1
                opt_len = _BUFF[ptr]
                ptr += 1
                # no-op
                ptr += opt_len

        if self._debug:
                "Msg Type: {}\nSubnet Mask: {}\nDHCP Server IP: {}\nDNS Server IP: {}\
                  \nGateway IP: {}\nLocal IP: {}\nT1: {}\nT2: {}\nLease Time: {}".format(

        return msg_type, xid

    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements
    def _dhcp_state_machine(self):
        """DHCP state machine without wait loops to enable cooperative multi tasking
        This state machine is used both by the initial blocking lease request and
        the non-blocking DHCP maintenance function"""
        if self._eth.link_status:
            if self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_DISCONN:
                self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_START
            if self._dhcp_state != STATE_DHCP_DISCONN:
                self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_DISCONN
                self.dhcp_server_ip = BROADCAST_SERVER_ADDR
                self._last_lease_time = 0
                reset_ip = (0, 0, 0, 0)
                self._eth.ifconfig = (reset_ip, reset_ip, reset_ip, reset_ip)
                if self._sock is not None:
                    self._sock = None

        if self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_START:
            self._start_time = time.time()
            self._transaction_id = (self._transaction_id + 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF
                self._sock = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
            except RuntimeError:
                if self._debug:
                    print("* DHCP: Failed to allocate socket")
                self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_WAIT
                self._sock.bind((None, 68))
                self._sock.connect((self.dhcp_server_ip, DHCP_SERVER_PORT))
                if self._last_lease_time == 0 or time.time() > (
                    self._last_lease_time + self._lease_time
                    if self._debug:
                        print("* DHCP: Send discover to {}".format(self.dhcp_server_ip))
                        STATE_DHCP_DISCOVER, (time.time() - self._start_time)
                    self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_DISCOVER
                    if self._debug:
                        print("* DHCP: Send request to {}".format(self.dhcp_server_ip))
                        DHCP_REQUEST, (time.time() - self._start_time), True
                    self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_REQUEST

        elif self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_DISCOVER:
            if self._sock.available():
                if self._debug:
                    print("* DHCP: Parsing OFFER")
                msg_type, xid = self.parse_dhcp_response()
                if msg_type == DHCP_OFFER:
                    # Check if transaction ID matches, otherwise it may be an offer
                    # for another device
                    if htonl(self._transaction_id) == int.from_bytes(xid, "l"):
                        if self._debug:
                                "* DHCP: Send request to {}".format(self.dhcp_server_ip)
                        self._transaction_id = (self._transaction_id + 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF
                            DHCP_REQUEST, (time.time() - self._start_time)
                        self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_REQUEST
                        if self._debug:
                            print("* DHCP: Received OFFER with non-matching xid")
                    if self._debug:
                        print("* DHCP: Received DHCP Message is not OFFER")

        elif self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_REQUEST:
            if self._sock.available():
                if self._debug:
                    print("* DHCP: Parsing ACK")
                msg_type, xid = self.parse_dhcp_response()
                # Check if transaction ID matches, otherwise it may be
                # for another device
                if htonl(self._transaction_id) == int.from_bytes(xid, "l"):
                    if msg_type == DHCP_ACK:
                        if self._debug:
                            print("* DHCP: Successful lease")
                        self._sock = None
                        self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_LEASED
                        self._last_lease_time = self._start_time
                        if self._lease_time == 0:
                            self._lease_time = DEFAULT_LEASE_TIME
                        if self._t1 == 0:
                            # T1 is 50% of _lease_time
                            self._t1 = self._lease_time >> 1
                        if self._t2 == 0:
                            # T2 is 87.5% of _lease_time
                            self._t2 = self._lease_time - (self._lease_time >> 3)
                        self._renew_in_sec = self._t1
                        self._rebind_in_sec = self._t2
                        self._eth.ifconfig = (
                        if self._debug:
                            print("* DHCP: Received DHCP Message is not ACK")
                    if self._debug:
                        print("* DHCP: Received non-matching xid")

        elif self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_WAIT:
            if time.time() > (self._start_time + DHCP_WAIT_TIME):
                if self._debug:
                    print("* DHCP: Begin retry")
                self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_START
                if time.time() > (self._last_lease_time + self._rebind_in_sec):
                    self.dhcp_server_ip = BROADCAST_SERVER_ADDR
                if time.time() > (self._last_lease_time + self._lease_time):
                    reset_ip = (0, 0, 0, 0)
                    self._eth.ifconfig = (reset_ip, reset_ip, reset_ip, reset_ip)

        elif self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_LEASED:
            if time.time() > (self._last_lease_time + self._renew_in_sec):
                self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_START
                if self._debug:
                    print("* DHCP: Time to renew lease")

        if (
            self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_DISCOVER
            or self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_REQUEST
        ) and time.time() > (self._start_time + self._response_timeout):
            self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_WAIT
            if self._sock is not None:
                self._sock = None

    def request_dhcp_lease(self):
        """Request to renew or acquire a DHCP lease."""
        if self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_LEASED or self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_WAIT:
            self._dhcp_state = STATE_DHCP_START

        while (
            self._dhcp_state != STATE_DHCP_LEASED
            and self._dhcp_state != STATE_DHCP_WAIT

        return self._dhcp_state == STATE_DHCP_LEASED

    def maintain_dhcp_lease(self):
        """Maintain DHCP lease"""



# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2009-2010 MCQN Ltd
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Brent Rubell for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Vincenzo D'Angelo
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


Pure-Python implementation of the Micropython on ESP32 DNS client for WIZnet 5k-based
ethernet modules.

* Author(s): MCQN Ltd, Brent Rubell, Vincenzo D'Angelo

import time
import wiznet5k_socket as socket

from wiznet5k_socket import htons
from random import getrandbits
from micropython import const

QUERY_FLAG = const(0x00)

TYPE_A = const(0x0001)
CLASS_IN = const(0x0001)
DATA_LEN = const(0x0004)

# Return codes for gethostbyname
SUCCESS = const(1)
TIMED_OUT = const(-1)
INVALID_SERVER = const(-2)
TRUNCATED = const(-3)

DNS_PORT = const(0x35)  # port used for DNS request

class DNS:
    """W5K DNS implementation.
    :param iface: Network interface

    def __init__(self, iface, dns_address, debug=False):
        self._debug = debug
        self._iface = iface
        self._sock = socket.socket(type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

        self._dns_server = dns_address
        self._host = 0
        self._request_id = 0  # request identifier
        self._pkt_buf = bytearray()

    def gethostbyname(self, hostname):
        """Translate a host name to IPv4 address format.
        :param str hostname: Desired host name to connect to.

        Returns the IPv4 address as a bytearray if successful, -1 otherwise.
        if self._dns_server is None:
            return INVALID_SERVER
        self._host = hostname
        # build DNS request packet

        # Send DNS request packet
        self._sock.bind((None, DNS_PORT))
        self._sock.connect((self._dns_server, DNS_PORT))
        if self._debug:
            print("* DNS: Sending request packet...")

        # wait and retry 3 times for a response
        retries = 0
        addr = -1
        while (retries < 5) and (addr == -1):
            addr = self._parse_dns_response()
            if addr == -1 and self._debug:
                print("* DNS ERROR: Failed to resolve DNS response, retrying...")
            retries += 1

        return addr

    # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements, too-many-branches, too-many-statements, too-many-locals
    def _parse_dns_response(self):
        """Receives and parses DNS query response.
        Returns desired hostname address if obtained, -1 otherwise.
        # wait for a response
        start_time = time.time()
        packet_sz = self._sock.available()
        while packet_sz <= 0:
            packet_sz = self._sock.available()
            if (time.time() - start_time) > 1.0:
                if self._debug:
                    print("* DNS ERROR: Did not receive DNS response!")
                return -1
        # recv packet into buf
        self._pkt_buf = self._sock.recv()

        if self._debug:
            print("DNS Packet Received: ", self._pkt_buf)

        # Validate request identifier
        xid = int.from_bytes(self._pkt_buf[0:2], "l")
        if not xid == self._request_id:
            if self._debug:
                print("* DNS ERROR: Received request identifer {} does not match expected {}".format(xid, self._request_id))
            return -1
        # Validate flags
        flags = int.from_bytes(self._pkt_buf[2:4], "l")
        if not flags in (0x8180, 0x8580):
            if self._debug:
                print("* DNS ERROR: Invalid flags, ", flags)
            return -1
        # Number of questions
        qr_count = int.from_bytes(self._pkt_buf[4:6], "l")
        if not qr_count >= 1:
            if self._debug:
                print("* DNS ERROR: Question count >=1, ", qr_count)
            return -1
        # Number of answers
        an_count = int.from_bytes(self._pkt_buf[6:8], "l")
        if self._debug:
            print("* DNS Answer Count: ", an_count)
        if not an_count >= 1:
            return -1

        # Parse query
        ptr = 12
        name_len = 1
        while name_len > 0:
            # read the length of the name
            name_len = self._pkt_buf[ptr]
            if name_len == 0x00:
                # we reached the end of this name
                ptr += 1  # inc. pointer by 0x00
            # advance pointer
            ptr += name_len + 1

        # Validate Query is Type A
        q_type = int.from_bytes(self._pkt_buf[ptr : ptr + 2], "l")
        if not q_type == TYPE_A:
            if self._debug:
                print("* DNS ERROR: Incorrect Query Type: ", q_type)
            return -1
        ptr += 2

        # Validate Query is Type A
        q_class = int.from_bytes(self._pkt_buf[ptr : ptr + 2], "l")
        if not q_class == TYPE_A:
            if self._debug:
                print("* DNS ERROR: Incorrect Query Class: ", q_class)
            return -1
        ptr += 2

        # Let's take the first type-a answer
        if self._pkt_buf[ptr] != 0xC0:
            return -1
        ptr += 1

        if self._pkt_buf[ptr] != 0xC:
            return -1
        ptr += 1

        # Validate Answer Type A
        ans_type = int.from_bytes(self._pkt_buf[ptr : ptr + 2], "l")
        if not ans_type == TYPE_A:
            if self._debug:
                print("* DNS ERROR: Incorrect Answer Type: ", ans_type)
            return -1
        ptr += 2

        # Validate Answer Class IN
        ans_class = int.from_bytes(self._pkt_buf[ptr : ptr + 2], "l")
        if not ans_class == TYPE_A:
            if self._debug:
                print("* DNS ERROR: Incorrect Answer Class: ", ans_class)
            return -1
        ptr += 2

        # skip over TTL
        ptr += 4

        # Validate addr is IPv4
        data_len = int.from_bytes(self._pkt_buf[ptr : ptr + 2], "l")
        if not data_len == DATA_LEN:
            if self._debug:
                print("* DNS ERROR: Unexpected Data Length: ", data_len)
            return -1
        ptr += 2
        # Return address
        return self._pkt_buf[ptr : ptr + 4]

    def _build_dns_header(self):
        """Builds DNS header."""
        # generate a random, 16-bit, request identifier
        self._request_id = getrandbits(16)

        # ID, 16-bit identifier
        self._pkt_buf.append(self._request_id >> 8)
        self._pkt_buf.append(self._request_id & 0xFF)

        # Flags (0x0100)

        # QDCOUNT
        # ANCOUNT
        # NSCOUNT
        # ARCOUNT

    def _build_dns_question(self):
        """Build DNS question"""
        host = self._host.decode("utf-8")
        host = host.split(".")
        # write out each section of host
        for i, _ in enumerate(host):
            # append the sz of the section
            # append the section data
            self._pkt_buf += host[i]
        # end of the name
        # Type A record
        self._pkt_buf.append(htons(TYPE_A) & 0xFF)
        self._pkt_buf.append(htons(TYPE_A) >> 8)
        # Class IN
        self._pkt_buf.append(htons(CLASS_IN) & 0xFF)
        self._pkt_buf.append(htons(CLASS_IN) >> 8)



# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 ladyada for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Brent Rubell for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Vincenzo D'Angelo
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT


A socket compatible interface with the Wiznet5k module.

* Author(s): ladyada, Brent Rubell, Patrick Van Oosterwijck, Adam Cummick, Vincenzo D'Angelo


import gc
import time
import wiznet5k as wiznet5k

from micropython import const

_the_interface = None  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

def set_interface(iface):
    """Helper to set the global internet interface."""
    global _the_interface  # pylint: disable=global-statement, invalid-name
    _the_interface = iface

def htonl(x):
    """Convert 32-bit positive integers from host to network byte order."""
    return (
        ((x) << 24 & 0xFF000000)
        | ((x) << 8 & 0x00FF0000)
        | ((x) >> 8 & 0x0000FF00)
        | ((x) >> 24 & 0x000000FF)

def htons(x):
    """Convert 16-bit positive integers from host to network byte order."""
    return (((x) << 8) & 0xFF00) | (((x) >> 8) & 0xFF)

SOCK_STREAM = const(0x21)  # TCP
SOCK_DGRAM = const(0x02)  # UDP
AF_INET = const(3)
SOCKET_INVALID = const(255)

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, unused-argument
def getaddrinfo(host, port, family=0, socktype=0, proto=0, flags=0):
    """Translate the host/port argument into a sequence of 5-tuples that
    contain all the necessary arguments for creating a socket connected to that service.

    if not isinstance(port, int):
        raise RuntimeError("Port must be an integer")
    if is_ipv4(host):
        return [(AF_INET, socktype, proto, "", (host, port))]
    return [(AF_INET, socktype, proto, "", (gethostbyname(host), port))]

def gethostbyname(hostname):
    """Translate a host name to IPv4 address format. The IPv4 address
    is returned as a string.
    :param str hostname: Desired hostname.
    addr = _the_interface.get_host_by_name(hostname)
    addr = "{}.{}.{}.{}".format(addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3])
    return addr

def is_ipv4(host):
    """Checks if a host string is an IPv4 address.
    :param str host: host's name or ip
    octets = host.split(".", 3)
    if len(octets) != 4 or not "".join(octets).isdigit():
        return False
    for octet in octets:
        if int(octet) > 255:
            return False
    return True

# pylint: disable=invalid-name, too-many-public-methods
class socket:
    """A simplified implementation of the Python 'socket' class
    for connecting to a Wiznet5k module.
    :param int family: Socket address (and protocol) family.
    :param int type: Socket type.


    # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,unused-argument
    def __init__(self, family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, fileno=None, socknum=None):
        if family != AF_INET:
            raise RuntimeError("Only AF_INET family supported by W5K modules.")
        self._sock_type = type
        self._buffer = b""
        self._timeout = 0
        self._listen_port = None

        self._socknum = _the_interface.get_socket()
        if self._socknum == SOCKET_INVALID:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to allocate socket.")

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        if self._sock_type == SOCK_STREAM:
            stamp = time.time()
            while self.status == wiznet5k.SNSR_SOCK_FIN_WAIT:
                if time.time() - stamp > 1000:
                    raise RuntimeError("Failed to disconnect socket")
        stamp = time.time()
        while self.status != wiznet5k.SNSR_SOCK_CLOSED:
            if time.time() - stamp > 1000:
                raise RuntimeError("Failed to close socket")

    def socknum(self):
        """Returns the socket object's socket number."""
        return self._socknum

    def status(self):
        """Returns the status of the socket"""
        return _the_interface.socket_status(self.socknum)[0]

    def connected(self):
        """Returns whether or not we are connected to the socket."""
        if self.socknum >= _the_interface.max_sockets:
            return False
        status = _the_interface.socket_status(self.socknum)[0]
        if (
            status == wiznet5k.SNSR_SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT
            and self.available() == 0
            result = False
            result = status not in (
        if not result and status != wiznet5k.SNSR_SOCK_LISTEN:
        return result

    def getpeername(self):
        """Return the remote address to which the socket is connected."""
        return _the_interface.remote_ip(self.socknum)

    def inet_aton(self, ip_string):
        """Convert an IPv4 address from dotted-quad string format.
        :param str ip_string: IP Address, as a dotted-quad string.

        self._buffer = b""
        self._buffer = [int(item) for item in ip_string.split(".")]
        self._buffer = bytearray(self._buffer)
        return self._buffer

    def bind(self, address):
        """Bind the socket to the listen port, if host is specified the interface
        will be reconfigured to that IP.
        :param tuple address: local socket as a (host, port) tuple.
        if address[0] is not None:
            ip_address = _the_interface.unpretty_ip(address[0])
            current_ip, subnet_mask, gw_addr, dns = _the_interface.ifconfig
            if ip_address != current_ip:
                _the_interface.ifconfig = (ip_address, subnet_mask, gw_addr, dns)
        self._listen_port = address[1]
        # For UDP servers we need to open the socket here because we won't call
        # listen
        if self._sock_type == SOCK_DGRAM:
                self.socknum, self._listen_port, wiznet5k.SNMR_UDP
            self._buffer = b""

    def listen(self, backlog=None):
        """Listen on the port specified by bind.
        :param backlog: For compatibility but ignored.
        assert self._listen_port is not None, "Use bind to set the port before listen!"
        _the_interface.socket_listen(self.socknum, self._listen_port)
        self._buffer = b""

    def accept(self):
        """Accept a connection. The socket must be bound to an address and listening for
        connections. The return value is a pair (conn, address) where conn is a new
        socket object usable to send and receive data on the connection, and address is
        the address bound to the socket on the other end of the connection.
        stamp = time.time()
        while self.status not in (
            if self._timeout > 0 and time.time() - stamp > self._timeout:
                return None
            if self.status == wiznet5k.SNSR_SOCK_CLOSED:

        new_listen_socknum, addr = _the_interface.socket_accept(self.socknum)
        current_socknum = self.socknum
        # Create a new socket object and swap socket nums so we can continue listening
        client_sock = socket()
        client_sock._socknum = current_socknum  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        self._socknum = new_listen_socknum  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        self.bind((None, self._listen_port))
        while self.status != wiznet5k.SNSR_SOCK_LISTEN:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to open new listening socket")
        return client_sock, addr

    def connect(self, address, conntype=None):
        """Connect to a remote socket at address.
        :param tuple address: Remote socket as a (host, port) tuple.
        assert (
            conntype != 0x03
        ), "Error: SSL/TLS is not currently supported by CircuitPython."
        host, port = address

        if hasattr(host, "split"):
                host = tuple(map(int, host.split(".")))
            except ValueError:
                host = _the_interface.get_host_by_name(host)
        if self._listen_port is not None:
            _the_interface.src_port = self._listen_port
        result = _the_interface.socket_connect(
            self.socknum, host, port, conn_mode=self._sock_type
        _the_interface.src_port = 0
        if not result:
            raise RuntimeError("Failed to connect to host", host)
        self._buffer = b""

    def send(self, data):
        """Send data to the socket. The socket must be connected to
        a remote socket.
        :param bytearray data: Desired data to send to the socket.
        _the_interface.socket_write(self.socknum, data, self._timeout)

    def sendto(self, data, address):
        """Send data to the socket. The socket must be connected to
        a remote socket.
        :param bytearray data: Desired data to send to the socket.
        :param tuple address: Remote socket as a (host, port) tuple.
        return self.send(data)

    def recv(self, bufsize=0, flags=0):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        """Reads some bytes from the connected remote address.
        :param int bufsize: Maximum number of bytes to receive.
        :param int flags: ignored, present for compatibility.
        if self.status == wiznet5k.SNSR_SOCK_CLOSED:
            return b""

        if bufsize == 0:
            # read everything on the socket
            while True:
                avail = self.available()
                if avail:
                    if self._sock_type == SOCK_STREAM:
                        self._buffer += _the_interface.socket_read(self.socknum, avail)[
                    elif self._sock_type == SOCK_DGRAM:
                        self._buffer += _the_interface.read_udp(self.socknum, avail)[1]
            ret = self._buffer
            self._buffer = b""
            return ret
        stamp = time.time()

        to_read = bufsize - len(self._buffer)
        received = []
        while to_read > 0:
            avail = self.available()
            if avail:
                stamp = time.time()
                if self._sock_type == SOCK_STREAM:
                    recv = _the_interface.socket_read(
                        self.socknum, min(to_read, avail)
                elif self._sock_type == SOCK_DGRAM:
                    recv = _the_interface.read_udp(self.socknum, min(to_read, avail))[1]
                recv = bytes(recv)
                to_read -= len(recv)
            if self._timeout > 0 and time.time() - stamp > self._timeout:
        self._buffer += b"".join(received)

        ret = None
        if len(self._buffer) == bufsize:
            ret = self._buffer
            self._buffer = b""
            ret = self._buffer[:bufsize]
            self._buffer = self._buffer[bufsize:]
        return ret

    def recvfrom(self, bufsize=0, flags=0):
        """Reads some bytes from the connected remote address.
        :param int bufsize: Maximum number of bytes to receive.
        :param int flags: ignored, present for compatibility.
        :returns: a tuple (bytes, address) where address is a tuple (ip, port)
        return (

    def recv_into(self, buf, nbytes=0, flags=0):
        """Reads some bytes from the connected remote address info the provided buffer.
        :param bytearray buf: Data buffer
        :param nbytes: Maximum number of bytes to receive
        :param int flags: ignored, present for compatibility.
        :returns: the number of bytes received
        if nbytes == 0:
            nbytes = len(buf)
        ret = self.recv(nbytes)
        nbytes = len(ret)
        buf[:nbytes] = ret
        return nbytes

    def recvfrom_into(self, buf, nbytes=0, flags=0):
        """Reads some bytes from the connected remote address info the provided buffer.
        :param bytearray buf: Data buffer
        :param nbytes: Maximum number of bytes to receive
        :param int flags: ignored, present for compatibility.
        :returns a tuple (nbytes, address) where address is a tuple (ip, port)
        return (
            self.recv_into(buf, nbytes),

    def readline(self):
        """Attempt to return as many bytes as we can up to \
        but not including '\r\n'.

        stamp = time.time()
        while b"\r\n" not in self._buffer:
            avail = self.available()
            if avail:
                if self._sock_type == SOCK_STREAM:
                    self._buffer += _the_interface.socket_read(self.socknum, avail)[1]
                elif self._sock_type == SOCK_DGRAM:
                    self._buffer += _the_interface.read_udp(self.socknum, avail)[1]
            if (
                not avail
                and self._timeout > 0
                and time.time() - stamp > self._timeout
                raise RuntimeError("Didn't receive response, failing out...")
        firstline, self._buffer = self._buffer.split(b"\r\n", 1)
        return firstline

    def disconnect(self):
        """Disconnects a TCP socket."""
        assert self._sock_type == SOCK_STREAM, "Socket must be a TCP socket."

    def close(self):
        """Closes the socket."""

    def available(self):
        """Returns how many bytes of data are available to be read from the socket."""
        return _the_interface.socket_available(self.socknum, self._sock_type)

    def settimeout(self, value):
        """Sets socket read timeout.
        :param int value: Socket read timeout, in seconds.

        if value < 0:
            raise Exception("Timeout period should be non-negative.")
        self._timeout = value

    def gettimeout(self):
        """Return the timeout in seconds (float) associated
        with socket operations, or None if no timeout is set.

        return self._timeout




A requests-like library for web interfacing

* Author(s): Seyed Mohammad Ayyoubzadeh

Implementation Notes

Adapted from https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_Requests

author='Seyed Mohammad Ayyoubzadeh'

__version__ = "1.0.0"
__repo__ = "https://github.com/Ayyoubzadeh/Micropython-ESP32-W5500--Wiznet-"

import errno
import sys

import json as json_module

               '0123456789' '_.-')
def encode(s):
    res = []
    replacements = {}
    for c in s:
        if c in always_safe:
        res.append('%%%x' % ord(c))
    return ''.join(res)

def cast(_t, value):
    return value

class _RawResponse:
    def __init__(self, response: "Response") -> None:
        self._response = response

    def read(self, size: int = -1) -> bytes:
        """Read as much as available or up to size and return it in a byte string.

        Do NOT use this unless you really need to. Reusing memory with `readinto` is much better.
        if size == -1:
            return self._response.content
        return self._response.socket.recv(size)

    def readinto(self, buf: bytearray) -> int:
        """Read as much as available into buf or until it is full. Returns the number of bytes read
        into buf."""
        return self._response._readinto(buf)  # pylint: disable=protected-access

class OutOfRetries(Exception):
    """Raised when requests has retried to make a request unsuccessfully."""

class Response:
    """The response from a request, contains all the headers/content"""

    # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes

    encoding = None

    def __init__(self, sock: SocketType, session: Optional["Session"] = None) -> None:
        self.socket = sock
        self.encoding = "utf-8"
        self._cached = None
        self._headers = {}

        # _start_index and _receive_buffer are used when parsing headers.
        # _receive_buffer will grow by 32 bytes everytime it is too small.
        self._received_length = 0
        self._receive_buffer = bytearray(32)
        self._remaining = None
        self._chunked = False

        self._backwards_compatible = not hasattr(sock, "recv_into")

        http = self._readto(b" ")
        if not http:
            if session:
            raise RuntimeError("Unable to read HTTP response.")
        self.status_code = int(bytes(self._readto(b" ")))
        self.reason = self._readto(b"\r\n")
        self._raw = None
        self._session = session

    def __enter__(self) -> "Response":
        return self

    def __exit__(
        exc_type: Optional[Type[type]],
        exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
        traceback: Optional[TracebackType],
    ) -> None:

    def _recv_into(self, buf: bytearray, size: int = 0) -> int:
        if self._backwards_compatible:
            size = len(buf) if size == 0 else size
            b = self.socket.recv(size)
            read_size = len(b)
            buf[:read_size] = b
            return read_size
        return cast("SupportsRecvInto", self.socket).recv_into(buf, size)

    def _readto(self, stop: bytes) -> bytearray:
        buf = self._receive_buffer
        end = self._received_length
        while True:
            i = bytes(buf).find(stop, 0, end)
            if i >= 0:
                # Stop was found. Return everything up to but not including stop.
                result = buf[:i]
                new_start = i + len(stop)
                # Remove everything up to and including stop from the buffer.
                new_end = end - new_start
                buf[:new_end] = buf[new_start:end]
                self._received_length = new_end
                return result

            # Not found so load more bytes.
            # If our buffer is full, then make it bigger to load more.
            if end == len(buf):
                new_buf = bytearray(len(buf) + 32)
                new_buf[: len(buf)] = buf
                buf = new_buf
                self._receive_buffer = buf

            read = self._recv_into(memoryview(buf)[end:])
            if read == 0:
                self._received_length = 0
                return buf[:end]
            end += read

    def _read_from_buffer(
        self, buf: Optional[bytearray] = None, nbytes: Optional[int] = None
    ) -> int:
        if self._received_length == 0:
            return 0
        read = self._received_length
        if nbytes < read:
            read = nbytes
        membuf = memoryview(self._receive_buffer)
        if buf:
            buf[:read] = membuf[:read]
        if read < self._received_length:
            new_end = self._received_length - read
            self._receive_buffer[:new_end] = membuf[read : self._received_length]
            self._received_length = new_end
            self._received_length = 0
        return read

    def _readinto(self, buf: bytearray) -> int:
        if not self.socket:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Newer Response closed this one. Use Responses immediately."

        if not self._remaining:
            # Consume the chunk header if need be.
            if self._chunked:
                # Consume trailing \r\n for chunks 2+
                if self._remaining == 0:
                chunk_header = bytes(self._readto(b"\r\n")).split(b";", 1)[0]
                http_chunk_size = int(bytes(chunk_header), 16)
                if http_chunk_size == 0:
                    self._chunked = False
                    return 0
                self._remaining = http_chunk_size
                return 0

        nbytes = len(buf)
        if nbytes > self._remaining:
            nbytes = self._remaining

        read = self._read_from_buffer(buf, nbytes)
        if read == 0:
            read = self._recv_into(buf, nbytes)
        self._remaining -= read

        return read

    def _throw_away(self, nbytes: int) -> None:
        nbytes -= self._read_from_buffer(nbytes=nbytes)

        buf = self._receive_buffer
        len_buf = len(buf)
        for _ in range(nbytes // len_buf):
            to_read = len_buf
            while to_read > 0:
                to_read -= self._recv_into(buf, to_read)
        to_read = nbytes % len_buf
        while to_read > 0:
            to_read -= self._recv_into(buf, to_read)

    def close(self) -> None:
        """Drain the remaining ESP socket buffers. We assume we already got what we wanted."""
        if not self.socket:
        # Make sure we've read all of our response.
        if self._cached is None:
            if self._remaining and self._remaining > 0:
            elif self._chunked:
                while True:
                    chunk_header = bytes(self._readto(b"\r\n")).split(b";", 1)[0]
                    chunk_size = int(bytes(chunk_header), 16)
                    if chunk_size == 0:
                    self._throw_away(chunk_size + 2)
        if self._session:
            self._session._free_socket(self.socket)  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        self.socket = None

    def _parse_headers(self) -> None:
        Parses the header portion of an HTTP request/response from the socket.
        Expects first line of HTTP request/response to have been read already.
        while True:
            header = self._readto(b"\r\n")
            if not header:
            title, content = bytes(header).split(b": ", 1)
            if title and content:
                # enforce that all headers are lowercase
                title = str(title, "utf-8").lower()
                content = str(content, "utf-8")
                if title == "content-length":
                    self._remaining = int(content)
                if title == "transfer-encoding":
                    self._chunked = content.strip().lower() == "chunked"
                if title == "set-cookie" and title in self._headers:
                    self._headers[title] += ", " + content
                    self._headers[title] = content

    def _validate_not_gzip(self) -> None:
        """gzip encoding is not supported. Raise an exception if found."""
        if (
            "content-encoding" in self.headers
            and self.headers["content-encoding"] == "gzip"
            raise ValueError(
                "Content-encoding is gzip, data cannot be accessed as json or text. "
                "Use content property to access raw bytes."

    def headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        The response headers. Does not include headers from the trailer until
        the content has been read.
        return self._headers

    def content(self) -> bytes:
        """The HTTP content direct from the socket, as bytes"""
        if self._cached is not None:
            if isinstance(self._cached, bytes):
                return self._cached
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot access content after getting text or json")

        self._cached = b"".join(self.iter_content(chunk_size=32))
        return self._cached

    def text(self) -> str:
        """The HTTP content, encoded into a string according to the HTTP
        header encoding"""
        if self._cached is not None:
            if isinstance(self._cached, str):
                return self._cached
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot access text after getting content or json")


        self._cached = str(self.content, self.encoding)
        return self._cached

    def json(self) -> Any:
        """The HTTP content, parsed into a json dictionary"""
        # The cached JSON will be a list or dictionary.
        if self._cached:
            if isinstance(self._cached, (list, dict)):
                return self._cached
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot access json after getting text or content")
        if not self._raw:
            self._raw = _RawResponse(self)


        obj = json_module.load(self._raw)
        if not self._cached:
            self._cached = obj
        return obj

    def iter_content(self, chunk_size: int = 1, decode_unicode: bool = False) -> bytes:
        """An iterator that will stream data by only reading 'chunk_size'
        bytes and yielding them, when we can't buffer the whole datastream"""
        if decode_unicode:
            raise NotImplementedError("Unicode not supported")

        b = bytearray(chunk_size)
        while True:
            size = self._readinto(b)
            if size == 0:
            if size < chunk_size:
                chunk = bytes(memoryview(b)[:size])
                chunk = bytes(b)
            yield chunk

class Session:
    """HTTP session that shares sockets and ssl context."""

    def __init__(
        socket_pool: SocketpoolModuleType,
        ssl_context: Optional[SSLContextType] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._socket_pool = socket_pool
        self._ssl_context = ssl_context
        # Hang onto open sockets so that we can reuse them.
        self._open_sockets = {}
        self._socket_free = {}
        self._last_response = None

    def _free_socket(self, socket: SocketType) -> None:
        if socket not in self._open_sockets.values():
            raise RuntimeError("Socket not from session")
        self._socket_free[socket] = True

    def _close_socket(self, sock: SocketType) -> None:
        del self._socket_free[sock]
        key = None
        for k in self._open_sockets:  # pylint: disable=consider-using-dict-items
            if self._open_sockets[k] == sock:
                key = k
        if key:
            del self._open_sockets[key]

    def _free_sockets(self) -> None:
        free_sockets = []
        for sock, val in self._socket_free.items():
            if val:
        for sock in free_sockets:

    def _get_socket(
        self, host: str, port: int, proto: str, *, timeout: float = 1
    ) -> CircuitPythonSocketType:
        # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
        key = (host, port, proto)
        if key in self._open_sockets:
            sock = self._open_sockets[key]
            if self._socket_free[sock]:
                self._socket_free[sock] = False
                return sock
        if proto == "https:" and not self._ssl_context:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "ssl_context must be set before using adafruit_requests for https"
        addr_info = self._socket_pool.getaddrinfo(
            host, port, 0, self._socket_pool.SOCK_STREAM
        retry_count = 0
        sock = None
        while retry_count < 5 and sock is None:
            if retry_count > 0:
                if any(self._socket_free.items()):
                    raise RuntimeError("Sending request failed")
            retry_count += 1

                sock = self._socket_pool.socket(addr_info[0], addr_info[1])
            except OSError:
            except RuntimeError:

            connect_host = addr_info[-1][0]
            if proto == "https:":
                sock = self._ssl_context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=host)
                connect_host = host
            sock.settimeout(timeout)  # socket read timeout

                sock.connect((connect_host, port))
            except MemoryError:
                sock = None
            except OSError:
                sock = None

        if sock is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Repeated socket failures")

        self._open_sockets[key] = sock
        self._socket_free[sock] = False
        return sock

    def _send(socket: SocketType, data: bytes):
        total_sent = 0
        while total_sent < len(data):
            # ESP32SPI sockets raise a RuntimeError when unable to send.
                sent = socket.send(data[total_sent:])
            except OSError as exc:
                if exc.errno == errno.EAGAIN:
                    #print("\r\ncant send")
                    # Can't send right now (e.g., no buffer space), try again.
                # Some worse error.
            except RuntimeError as exc:
                #print("\r\ncant send2")
                raise OSError(errno.EIO) from exc
            if sent is None:
                sent = len(data)
            if sent == 0:
                # Not EAGAIN; that was already handled.
                #print("\r\ncant send3")
                raise OSError(errno.EIO)
           #print("sent at the end",sent)
            total_sent += sent
            #print("total_sent at the end",total_sent)

    def _send_request(
        socket: SocketType,
        host: str,
        method: str,
        path: str,
        headers: List[Dict[str, str]],
        data: Any,
        json: Any,
        # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        h+=bytes(method, "utf-8")
        h+=b" /"
        h+=bytes(path, "utf-8")
        h+=b" HTTP/1.1\r\n"
        if "Host" not in headers:
            h+=b"Host: "
            h+=bytes(host, "utf-8")
        if "User-Agent" not in headers:
            h+=b"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n"
        # Iterate over keys to avoid tuple alloc
        for k in headers:
            h+=b": "
        if json is not None:
            assert data is None
            data = json_module.dumps(json)
            h+=b"Content-Type: application/json\r\n"
        if data:
            if isinstance(data, dict):
                h+=b"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
                _post_data = ""
                for k in data:
                    _post_data +=(str(k)+"="+encode(str(data[k]))+"&")
                data = _post_data[:-1]
            if isinstance(data, str):
                data = bytes(data, "utf-8")
            h+=(b"Content-Length: %d\r\n" % len(data))
        if data:
        #print("\r\nencoded data",h)
        self._send(socket, h)

    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-statements, unused-argument, too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
    def request(
        method: str,
        url: str,
        data: Optional[Any] = None,
        json: Optional[Any] = None,
        headers: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None,
        stream: bool = False,
        timeout: float = 60,
    ) -> Response:
        """Perform an HTTP request to the given url which we will parse to determine
        whether to use SSL ('https://') or not. We can also send some provided 'data'
        or a json dictionary which we will stringify. 'headers' is optional HTTP headers
        sent along. 'stream' will determine if we buffer everything, or whether to only
        read only when requested
        if not headers:
            headers = {}

            proto, dummy, host, path = url.split("/", 3)
            # replace spaces in path
            path = path.replace(" ", "%20")
        except ValueError:
            proto, dummy, host = url.split("/", 2)
            path = ""
        if proto == "http:":
            port = 80
        elif proto == "https:":
            port = 443
            raise ValueError("Unsupported protocol: " + proto)

        if ":" in host:
            host, port = host.split(":", 1)
            port = int(port)

        if self._last_response:
            self._last_response = None

        # We may fail to send the request if the socket we got is closed already. So, try a second
        # time in that case.
        retry_count = 0
        while retry_count < 2:
            retry_count += 1
            socket = self._get_socket(host, port, proto, timeout=timeout)
            ok = True
                self._send_request(socket, host, method, path, headers, data, json)
            except OSError:
                ok = False
            if ok:
                # Read the H of "HTTP/1.1" to make sure the socket is alive. send can appear to work
                # even when the socket is closed.
                if hasattr(socket, "recv"):
                    result = socket.recv(1)
                    result = bytearray(1)
                    except OSError:
                if result == b"H":
                    # Things seem to be ok so break with socket set.
            socket = None

        if not socket:
            raise OutOfRetries("Repeated socket failures")

        resp = Response(socket, self)  # our response
        if "location" in resp.headers and 300 <= resp.status_code <= 399:
            return resp
            # a naive handler for redirects
            redirect = resp.headers["location"]

            if redirect.startswith("http"):
                # absolute URL
                url = redirect
            elif redirect[0] == "/":
                # relative URL, absolute path
                url = "/".join([proto, dummy, host, redirect[1:]])
                # relative URL, relative path
                path = path.rsplit("/", 1)[0]

                while redirect.startswith("../"):
                    path = path.rsplit("/", 1)[0]
                    redirect = redirect.split("../", 1)[1]

                url = "/".join([proto, dummy, host, path, redirect])

            self._last_response = resp
            resp = self.request(method, url, data, json, headers, stream, timeout)

        self._last_response = resp
        return resp

    def head(self, url: str, **kw) -> Response:
        """Send HTTP HEAD request"""
        return self.request("HEAD", url, **kw)

    def get(self, url: str, **kw) -> Response:
        """Send HTTP GET request"""
        return self.request("GET", url, **kw)

    def post(self, url: str, **kw) -> Response:
        """Send HTTP POST request"""
        return self.request("POST", url, **kw)

    def put(self, url: str, **kw) -> Response:
        """Send HTTP PUT request"""
        return self.request("PUT", url, **kw)

    def patch(self, url: str, **kw) -> Response:
        """Send HTTP PATCH request"""
        return self.request("PATCH", url, **kw)

    def delete(self, url: str, **kw) -> Response:
        """Send HTTP DELETE request"""
        return self.request("DELETE", url, **kw)

# Backwards compatible API:

_default_session = None  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

class _FakeSSLSocket:
    def __init__(self, socket: CircuitPythonSocketType, tls_mode: int) -> None:
        self._socket = socket
        self._mode = tls_mode
        self.settimeout = socket.settimeout
        self.send = socket.send
        self.recv = socket.recv
        self.close = socket.close

    def connect(self, address: Tuple[str, int]) -> None:
        """connect wrapper to add non-standard mode parameter"""
            return self._socket.connect(address, self._mode)
        except RuntimeError as error:
            raise OSError(errno.ENOMEM) from error

class _FakeSSLContext:
    def __init__(self, iface: InterfaceType) -> None:
        self._iface = iface

    def wrap_socket(
        self, socket: CircuitPythonSocketType, server_hostname: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> _FakeSSLSocket:
        """Return the same socket"""
        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return _FakeSSLSocket(socket, self._iface.TLS_MODE)

def set_socket(
    sock: SocketpoolModuleType, iface: Optional[InterfaceType] = None
) -> None:
    """Legacy API for setting the socket and network interface. Use a `Session` instead."""
    global _default_session  # pylint: disable=global-statement,invalid-name
    if not iface:
        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        _default_session = Session(sock, _FakeSSLContext(sock._the_interface))
        _default_session = Session(sock, _FakeSSLContext(iface))

def request(
    method: str,
    url: str,
    data: Optional[Any] = None,
    json: Optional[Any] = None,
    headers: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None,
    stream: bool = False,
    timeout: float = 1,
) -> None:
    """Send HTTP request"""
    # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

def head(url: str, **kw):
    """Send HTTP HEAD request"""
    return _default_session.request("HEAD", url, **kw)

def get(url: str, **kw):
    """Send HTTP GET request"""
    return _default_session.request("GET", url, **kw)

def post(url: str, **kw):
    """Send HTTP POST request"""
    return _default_session.request("POST", url, **kw)

def put(url: str, **kw):
    """Send HTTP PUT request"""
    return _default_session.request("PUT", url, **kw)

def patch(url: str, **kw):
    """Send HTTP PATCH request"""
    return _default_session.request("PATCH", url, **kw)

def delete(url: str, **kw):
    """Send HTTP DELETE request"""
    return _default_session.request("DELETE", url, **kw)



from machine import Pin,SPI
from wiznet5k import WIZNET5K
import wiznet5k_socket as socket
import time
#import socket

spi = SPI(1,baudrate = 8_000_000,sck = Pin(2),mosi = Pin(3),miso = Pin(10,Pin.IN))
net = WIZNET5K(spi,cs = Pin(7,Pin.OUT),reset = Pin(6))
led = Pin(12,Pin.OUT)

addr = ("",8080)

Text = "Shanghai欢迎你的光临".encode("UTF-8")

# UDP套接字
udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# 绑定地址和端口

# TCP套接字
tcp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# 绑定地址和端口
# 连接服务器

def W5500_Init():
    Chip = net.chip
    Mac  = net.pretty_mac(net.mac_address)
    ip   = net.pretty_ip(net.ip_address)
    print("Chip: %s"%(Chip))
    print("Mac: %s"%(Mac))
    print("Ip: %s"%(ip))
    # 网卡显示
    # 显示MAC
    # IP地址

def W5500_UDP():
        for i in range(10):
            udp_socket.sendto(Text + str(i),addr)
def W5500_TCP(mode):
    # 实现发送数据和接收数据
        if mode:
            for i in range(10):
            data,address = tcp_socket.recvfrom(1)
            print("data:%s address:%s"%(data.decode("UTF-8"),address))
            Data = bytearray(data).decode("UTF-8")

            if Data == 'k':
def main():   
    while True:

if __name__ == "__main__":


NetAssist网络调试助手 V5.0.7-软件工具-野人家园

物联网开发笔记(52)- 使用Micropython开发ESP32开发板之W5500以太网网络模块有线网络通信_esp32有线网络_魔都飘雪的博客-CSDN博客使用Micropython开发ESP32开发板之W5500以太网网络模块有线网络通信https://blog.csdn.net/zhusongziye/article/details/128027511?ops_request_misc=&request_id=77ca849dc17f40b4905c552f9c85d1a8&biz_id=&utm_medium=distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-blog-2~blog~koosearch~default-1-128027511-null-null.268^v1^control&utm_term=w5500&spm=1018.2226.3001.4450&ydreferer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zby5jc2RuLm5ldC9zby9zZWFyY2g%2FcT13NTUwMCZ0PWJsb2cmdT16aHVzb25neml5ZQ%3D%3D然后打开网络调试助手:






        W5500以太网网络模块 SPI/Ethernet/硬件TCP/IP协议

https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z09.资料链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1n4Kd9idbPy72S9in2gFrUw      提取码:tlgl


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