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翻译 我们推荐奇异值分解(SVD)

We Recommend a Singular Value Decomposition我们推荐奇异值分解奇异值分解可以方便地把一个矩阵(包含我们感兴趣的数据)分解得更加简单和有意义。 本文讲解了奇异值分解的几何解释,顺便也介绍了一些应用。From http://www.ams.org/samplings/feature-column/fcarc-svdDavid Austin,Grand ValleyState University      本文的主题是奇异值分解(singular value

2014-11-13 16:22:41 7120 1

原创 Oracle Trading Community Architecture(Oracle TCA)简介

Oracle Trading Community Architecture(Oracle TCA)简介介绍Oracle Trading Community Architecture (简称TCA) 是一数据模型,用于管理关于商业环境中的复杂的Party或者客户(customer)信息,包括组织(Organization)、地址(Location)、和它们间的关系组成的网络。

2013-05-23 11:26:31 3961 1

原创 CRM的客户数据模型:UDM中的人(people)和组织(organization)(IV)

UDM中的人(people)和组织(organization) 简介Silverston 在他的书[1]中描述了一灵活的数据模型,涵盖了人和组织、Party(中文中没有直接对应的词,不翻译)间的关系、地址、联络方式和Party间的沟通信息。本文描述了一个简化的版本。 注意: 此模型可用作与CRM相关的各种应用的逻辑模型,不要直接当作物理模型,结果会很惨。

2013-05-20 16:42:05 3063

翻译 标准差(Standard Deviation) 和 标准误差(Standard Error)

本文摘自Streiner DL.Maintaining standards: differences between the standard deviation and standarderror, and when to use each. Can J Psychiatry 1996; 41: 498–502. 标准差(Standard Deviation)

2013-05-17 13:03:35 32323 7

原创 Shapiro-Wilk (SW) 检验

Shapiro-Wilk (SW) 检验介绍有多种手段评估数据是否正态分布。分两大类:图形和统计量。图形手段包括q-q plot和p-p plot,统计量手段包括Kolmogorov-Smirnov 检验 and Shapiro-Wilks 检验。 Samuel Shapiro 和 MartinWilk[2]于1965年提出了Shapiro–Wilk 检验。他们观察到Nor

2013-04-27 12:25:10 83983

原创 SAP CRM的市场营销(Marketing)管理简介(VI)

SAP CRM的市场营销(Marketing)管理简介Marketing Project(市场营销项目)在SAPCRM 中, Marketing Project(市场营销项目)泛指在市场营销规划和开展过程中使用到的对象。这些市场营销工作包括:Tradepromotion management(贸易促进管理),Campaign management(营销活动管理),Marke

2013-04-18 13:06:13 6156

原创 Salesforce Marketing功能简介(VI)

前言在市场营销领域, 营销活动(Campaign)是一个对外的市场推广项目,你需要规划、管理和和跟踪。营销活动的类型多种多样。传统的方法包括广告、研讨会(seminar)和商业展览。新的在线技术带来了新的手段,比如在线研讨会(Webinar)、Email、SEM和社交媒体,通过这些手段能直接联系到潜在客户。 下图展示了一个理想化的市场和销售流程. 首先是市场部门创建和开展营

2013-03-27 10:29:04 7898 1

翻译 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)此文摘自Cross-SiteRequest Forgery (CSRF), 01/9/2013,https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)介绍CSRF是一种网络攻击,迫使终端用户在一个Web应用上执行并不期望的动作。攻击前

2013-03-01 14:20:09 1574

翻译 HMAC简介

HMAC简介背景在开放的计算和通信世界(比如Internet)里,我们会使用不可靠的媒介传输和存储信息。如何校验这些信息的完整性(integrity)就变得极其重要。基于密钥作完整性校验的方法常称为MAC(message authentication codes)。通常MAC 用在共享密钥的两方之间,校验来回传递的信息。例如: 某公司对来自网络的欺诈性订单叫苦不迭。为了改变

2013-02-06 16:22:50 8161

翻译 Diffie–Hellman 密钥交换协议简介

概述Diffie–Hellman (以下简称DH)密钥交换是一个特殊的交换密钥的方法。它是密码学领域内最早付诸实践的密钥交换方法之一。 DH可以让双方在完全缺乏对方(私有)信息的前提条件下通过不安全的信道达成一个共享的密钥。此密钥用于对后续信息交换进行对称加密。离散对数问题(Discrete Logarithm Problem,DLP)DH 算法的安全性依赖于计算离散对

2013-02-05 12:23:32 29484 4

翻译 主数据管理(Master Data Management)基础

主数据管理(Master Data Management)基础 什么是Master Data(主数据)?无论是银行、零售商或者政府机构,一个机构内部总有一组核心的数据,各种应用均会使用。 此类数据我们便称为“Master Data(主数据)”。Master Data 代表着核心商业对象,商业事务会围绕着这些对象开展。常见的例子有:customer(客户)、e

2013-01-28 17:03:50 16066

原创 CRM的客户数据模型:Siebel Party Data Model (VI)

关于Siebel CRMThomas Siebel和 Patricia House 在1993成立了Siebel公司。起先由销售自动化产品起家,然后在扩展到更大的CRM市场。在20世纪90年代末,Siebel系统成了CRM产品的主导力量,高峰期占了45%的市场份额(在2002年)。.在2005年九月,Oracle公司收购了Siebel,此后又收购了具有更好用户界面的UpShot CRM。201

2012-12-24 11:36:41 9092

原创 CRM的客户数据模型:SAP CRM 7.0 (V)

SAP CRM 7.0分析SAPCRM 7.0 数据模型的信息主要来自:1.      SAP Library(CRM7.0)http://help.sap.com/crm702http://help.sap.com/saphelp_crm70/helpdata/en/19/68a028d02b460fa899066d948ed3ab/frameset.htm

2012-12-03 17:18:10 5429

原创 CRM的客户数据模型:Oracle CRM On Demand (IV)

Oracle CRM On Demand分析数据模型的主要信息源有:1.      Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help, Release21,Published 9/14/2012http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E35875_01/books/OnDemOLH/index.htm?toc.htm?getstartmainhe

2012-12-03 17:15:08 3508

原创 CRM的客户数据模型:Salesforce.com(III)

Salesforce.com图2的数据模型来自以下资料 1.      User Guide: Winter '13,How to beSuccessful with Salesforce(Last updated: November 14 2012)http://na1.salesforce.com/help/doc/en/sf.pdf2.      SOAP APIDe

2012-12-03 17:12:40 7547 1

原创 CRM的客户数据模型:Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2011 (II)

Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2011图1展示了Microsoft Dynamic CRM 2011的概念客户数据模型,来自以下信息源:1.      Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 EntityRelationship Diagramshttp://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.as

2012-12-03 17:07:54 4238

原创 CRM的客户数据模型:Microsoft, Salesforce.com, Oracle and SAP (I)

介绍CRM的核心是客户信息,它们必须被正确收集和管理。一个灵活和强健的客户数据模型是客户信息管理的坚实基础。 本文从概念模型层面分析了四个领先CRM产品的客户数据模型。本文概要展示了主要实体和它们之间的关系,只牵涉少数必要的实现层面的细节。本文的目的是介绍成熟CRM产品常用的模式和实践经验。读者面包括构架师,开发人员和咨询师。 注意:1.        因为构建数据模型依赖的信息很

2012-12-03 17:04:45 3683 1

翻译 客户关系管理的迭代特质:一个简单的CRM循环

介绍在研究如何实施CRM(客户关系管理)前,我们必须了解CRM是如何工作的。从战略(也可以讲策略,我偏好前者)层面看, CRM不是一个单一个的项目,而是一个公司持续持续成长的历程。这个成长历程是螺旋式提升和自我改进的过程,新的循环是前一次的增强。Nykamp和McEachern在1999年提出了下面一个循环流程,展示CRM的迭代特质。 虽然与Garnter的8个building b

2012-11-20 15:51:24 2960

翻译 CRM八面体:客户关系管理成功案例2 Yorkshire Water

以下资料来自http://www.gartner.com/2_events/crmawards/2006/docs/YW.pdf公司背景http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorkshire_Water此公司的前身是英国Yorkshire水务局(Water Authority),是由1973水法(Water Act 1973)规定建立的地区性水务局之一

2012-11-15 14:26:43 2632

翻译 CRM八面体:客户关系管理成功案例1 荷兰皇家航空 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

此案例来自以下来源:1.http://www.gartner.com/2_events/crmawards/2004/docs/KLM.pdf2. Viaene, Stijn and Cumps, Bjorn (2005)"CRM Excellence at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines," Communications of theAssociation for In

2012-11-15 14:23:34 10668

原创 CRM八面体:了解客户关系管理的结构

前言客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management, 后续均简称CRM)实践需要一个经过验证的指导性框架,确保CRM方案在技术性和策略层面是均衡和完整的。这样的框架有利于最大化CRM收益。针对这个问题,Ed Thompson(Gartner consultant) 提出了构建成功CRM项目的关键八大构件(Buildingblocks).图1 Ga

2012-11-15 14:13:43 3462

原创 客户关系管理(CRM)基础篇

客户关系管理(CRM)基础篇CRM的起源客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,以下简称CRM)是营销(Marketing)思想、数据、技术和组织形式持续进化和融合的产物[Boulding +05]。本节概要讲解关系营销思想(Relationship Marketing)和实践的发展如何催生了CRM这个新事物。关系导向(Relations

2012-10-16 11:36:52 7330 1

2023 企业数据资源相关会计处理暂行规定




Customer Relationship Management is a topic that has attracted the attention of both marketing practitioners and researchers over the last decade. Despite, or maybe due to, the attention drawn to the subject, a clear agreement on what CRM is and how CRM strategy should be developed remains lacking (Payne and Frow, 2005). Although the principal components of CRM are well described and researched, their interrelations and their contribution to CRM success has yet to be researched (Boulding et al., 2005). The goal of our research is to provide this insight. We will strive to do so by using qualitative research into successful CRM practitioners to create research propositions. These propositions will in turn be tested in a quantitative analysis of 250 Dutch companies. Through building a Structural Equation Model (Sem-model), we determine the role and influence of the key components of CRM on each other and on CRM success.


Eight Building Blocks of CRM: A Framework for Success

CRM initiatives need a framework to ensure that programs are approached on a strategic, balanced and integrated basis. Such a framework will maximize benefits to the enterprise and its customers


MetaCost A General Method for Making Classifiers Cost-Sensitive

Research in machine learning, statistics and related fields has produced a wide variety of algorithms for classification. However, most of these algorithms assume that all errors have the same cost, which is seldom the case in KDD prob- lems. Individually making each classification learner costsensitive is laborious, and often non-trivial. In this paper we propose a principled method for making an arbitrary classifier cost-sensitive by wrapping a cost-minimizing procedure around it. This procedure, called MetaCost, treats the underlying classifier as a black box, requiring no knowledge of its functioning or change to it. Unlike stratification, MetaCost is applicable to any number of classes and to arbitrary cost matrices. Empirical trials on a large suite of benchmark databases show that MetaCost almost always produces large cost reductions compared to the cost-blind classifier used (C4.5RULES) and to two forms of stratification. Further tests identify the key components of MetaCost and those that can be varied without substantial loss. Experiments on a larger database indicate that MetaCost scales well.


Beginning Pivot Tables in Excel 2007

Excel’s pivot tables are a powerful tool for analyzing data. With only a few minutes of work and no previous experience, you can create an attractively formatted report that summarizes thousands of rows of data. This book guides you through the process of planning and creating a pivot table; enhancing it with formatting, calculations, and special settings; and creating a polished final report. Even if you’ve used pivot tables in previous versions of Excel, much has changed in Excel 2007. The user interface is dramatically different, and pivot tables have many new features. Instead of struggling to find things on your own, you can use this book to accelerate the process of learning how things work in the new version.



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