💥1 概述
📚2 运行结果
function [A,C,v_thetarCost,m_thetar]=optimizeACtheta(vA,vC,m_complyBmaxF,dr0,N,ntF,deltaF,tF,m_thetar0F,v_vtF,v_wtF,betaMax)
%function [A,C,v_thetarCost,m_thetar] =
% v_wtF,betaMax)
%This function returns the values of (A,C) that minimize the variation of
%thetar (Angles of each robot in the formation shape with respect to target)
%with respect to the prescribed values thetar0 such that constraints are held.
% (vA,vC): Optimization parameters that define the evolution of the
% robots' angles in the formation shape.
% Two options depending on their size:
% size [1,N]: We give the known optimal values A and C for each
% robot (e.g. precomputed) and directly compute the result.
% size [3,N]: optimization parameters [Astep;Amin;Amax] and
% [Cstep;Cmin;Cmax] for each robot (N). Where
% (Astep, Cstep): Optimization step to evaluate cost function. It
% is iteratively (Niterations) decreased (deltastep).
% (Amin, Cmin) and (Amax, Cmax): Initial evaluation interval of
% the cost fuction
% m_complyBmaxF: Binary value (0,1) for each robot (N) showing if FOV
% constraints are held (1) for all time (nt) or not (0). Expressed
% (replicated) in matrix form [nt,N]
% dr0: Constant scale (distance robots-target) of the formation [1,1]
% N: Number of robots [1,1]
% ntF: Number ot time steps [1,1]
% deltaF: Time step [1,1]
% tF: vector of time [nt,1]
% m_thetar0F: Angles of the formation shape (constant) in matrix form [nt,N]
% v_vtF, v_wtF: Target velocities [nt,1]
% betaMax: Half of the field of view (FOV) angle of the camera [1,1]
% (A,C): Parameters of the cost function for each robot that defines the
% evolution of the robots' angles in the formation shape [1,N]
% v_thetarCost: Final cost function for each robot using (A,C) [1,N]
% m_thetar: Evolution of robots' angles in the formation using (A,C) [nt,N]
%Optimization parameters (compromise between time computation and precision):
Niterations = 4;
deltastep = 5;
%Find which robots do not comply FOV constraint: irToCorrect
%Initialize final result
if (size(vA,1)==3) && (size(vA,2)==N), %3xN
%Perform optimization with configuration parameters in (vA, vC)
for ir=irToCorrect, %For each robot that do not comply FOV constraint
disp(['optimizeACtheta: Optimizing theta for robot ', num2str(ir), ' of [', num2str(irToCorrect),']']);
🎉3 参考文献
Gonzalo Lopez-Nicolas, Miguel Aranda, Youcef Mezouar,2020