def surface_splatting(means3D, scales, quats, colors, opacities, intrins, viewmat, projmat):
# Rasterization setup
projmat = torch.zeros(4,4).cuda()
projmat[:3,:3] = intrins
projmat[-1,-2] = 1.0
projmat = projmat.T
# T 是论文中的 M
T, colors, opacities, center, depth, radii = setup(means3D, scales, quats, opacities, colors, viewmat, projmat)
# Rasterization
# 1. Generate pixels
W, H = (intrins[0,-1] * 2).long(), (intrins[1,-1] * 2).long()
W, H = W.item(), H.item()
pix = torch.stack(torch.meshgrid(torch.arange(W),
torch.arange(H), indexing='xy'), dim=-1).to('cuda')
# 2. Compute ray splat intersection # Eq.9 and Eq.10
x = pix.reshape(-1,1,2)[..., :1]
y = pix.reshape(-1,1,2)[..., 1:]
k = -T[None][..., 0] + x * T[None][..., 3] # 这个是 h_u, 因为公式8 h_u = ⊤ · h_x = ⊤ · (−1, 0, 0, 𝑥) = -T_0 + x · T_3
l = -T[None][..., 1] + y * T[None][..., 3] # 这个是 h_v
# 因为论文中 h_u 和 (𝑢, 𝑣, 1, 1) 点成为0, h_v 和 (𝑢, 𝑣, 1, 1) 点成为0
# 所以 h_u 和 h_v 与 (𝑢, 𝑣, 1, 1) 垂直
# h_u 和 h_v 的 叉乘是 (𝑢, 𝑣, 1, 1)
points = torch.cross(k, l, dim=-1) # 叉乘
s = points[..., :2] / points[..., -1:]
# 3. add low pass filter # Eq. 11
# when a point (2D Gaussian) viewed from a far distance or from a slended angle
# the 2D Gaussian will falls between pixels and no fragment is used to rasterize the Gaussian
# so we should add a low pass filter to handle such aliasing.
dist3d = (s * s).sum(dim=-1)
filtersze = np.sqrt(2) / 2
dist2d = (1/filtersze)**2 * (torch.cat([x,y], dim=-1) - center[None,:,:2]).norm(dim=-1)**2
# min of dist2 is equal to max of Gaussian exp(-0.5 * dist2)
dist2 = torch.min(dist3d, dist2d)
# dist2 = dist3d
depth_acc = (homogeneous(s) * T[None,..., -1]).sum(dim=-1)
# 4. accumulate 2D gaussians through alpha blending # Eq.12
image, depthmap = alpha_blending_with_gaussians(dist2, colors, opacities, depth_acc, H, W)
return image, depthmap, center, radii, dist2