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原创 Lowest cost with low-power CPLD

The AGM CPLD devices contain an industrial state-of-the art two-dimensional row- and column-based architecture to implement custom logic. Column and row interconnects of varies speeds provide signal interconnects between logic blocks (LBs) and IOs.

2024-01-02 17:09:49 899 1

原创 Actel---ProASIC®3 Flash Family FPGAs with Optional Soft ARM® Support

ProASIC3, the third-generation family of Actel FlashFPGAs, offers performance, density, and features beyondthose of the ProASICPLUS® family. Nonvolatile Flashtechnology gives ProASIC3 devices the advantage ofbeing a secure, low-power, single-chip solut

2023-12-28 22:18:14 657

原创 TMC4671---Dedicated Motion Controller for 2-/3-Phase PMSM

The Field Oriented Control was independently developed by K. Hasse, TU Darmstadt, 1968, and by Felix Blaschke, TU Braunschweig, 1973. The FOC is a current regulation scheme for electro motors that takesthe orientation of the magnetic field and the positio

2023-12-25 21:21:54 948


The TMC6200 is a MOSFET gate driver for three phase PMSM and BLDC motors. Ideally suited for applications in the range of 12V to 48V, it supports motor power ratings from 1 Watt to 1kW. It complements with TRINAMICs TMC467x & TMC867x families of three phas

2023-12-25 17:07:09 988

原创 AG16KDDF256 User Manual

AGM AG16KDDF256 是由 AGM FPGA AG16K 与 DDR-SDRAM 叠封集成的芯片,具有 AG16K FPGA的可编程功能,提供更多可编程 IO,同时内部连接大容量 DDR-SDRAM。

2023-12-23 17:35:12 1238

原创 DSC2803X,DSP Pin2Pin with Ti Parts

 电器  医疗、保健与健身 楼宇自动化  电机驱动器 电动汽车、混合动力电动汽车(EV/HEV)动力传动  电力传送 工厂自动化  电信基础设施 电网基础设施

2023-12-22 17:55:00 487

原创 Watchdogs

OverviewDebug modeFeaturessoftware.WDOGCLKOperation。

2023-12-22 14:57:20 931

原创 Comparator (CMP)

The general purpose comparators, CMP0 and CMP1, can work either standalone or together with the timers.It could be used to wake up the MCU from low-power mode by an analog signal, provide a trigger source when an analog signal is in a certain condition,

2023-12-22 10:51:58 424

原创 三相无刷电机 SOC

⚫ 有感 3 相 BLDC 控制器/无感无刷 BLDC 控制器⚫ 可编程电流限制⚫ 可编程温度保护,需要外置 NTC 电路⚫ 马达锁定保护⚫ 正反转马达控制⚫ 可编程 PWM 以及电压控制转速⚫ 工作电压 4-15V⚫ 最大驱动电流 1.8A

2023-12-20 16:49:53 822

原创 Digital-to-analog converter (DAC)

The Digital-to-analog converter converts 10-bit digital data to a voltage on the external pins. The output voltage can be optionally buffered for higher drive capability. The two DACs can work independently or concurrently.DAC main features(1) Two DAC co

2023-12-20 08:57:25 510

原创 Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

3×12-bit, 1.0 MSPS A/D converters are embedded and each ADC has up to 17 multiplexed channels allowing it measure signals from sixteen external and one internal sources,and 3 MSPS in triple interleaved modeA/D conversion of the various channels can be per

2023-12-20 08:50:45 876

原创 Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART)

The UART is an AMBA slave module that connects to the Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB). The UART (UART0 - UART4) are used to translate data between parallel and serial interfaces, provides a flexible full duplex data exchange using asynchronous transfer. It

2023-12-19 16:20:49 843

原创 MCU Pin2Pin w STM32, FPGA Pin2Pin w Altera

核心Features:内置2K CPLD逻辑单元,可当纯CPLD用,2K Luts;如当纯MCU用,就跟ST完全 Pin to Pin;性价比高;工业级温度范围;300M主频(实测);外设跟封装无关,即便是48Pin或者32Pin,也可以通过CPLD配置。这是目前为止同类厂商(含外资厂商)不具备的。

2023-12-19 11:17:29 1581

原创 3D多点触摸 TPE-920 3D Matrix Neo

FSR (Force Sensing Resistor) sensors change their resistance propoƌƟ onally to the force, or pressure, applied to them. It is possible to arrange the FSR sensors in a grid, or array, made up of rows and columns and this arrangement can be used to calcula

2023-12-18 18:33:38 1372

原创 TPE-800 PadZ SERIES Integration Guide

This guide covers Tangio’s TPE-800 standard 3D Single-Touch Resistive PadZ sensors. These sensors simultaneously report single-touch "X-Y" position and variable force "Z", be that a human finger, passive stylus or machine interface. Using proven 4-wire t

2023-12-18 13:01:10 412

原创 fuZion Overview

fuZion采用cyprescapsense技术,将近距离电容传感技术与电容传感技术结合FSR技术无缝集成在一个传感器中。系统使用CY8CKIT-042开发工具包和PSoC 4 44-TQFP MCU,188.235 kHz时的电容和FSR值采样。专用的电容脚是必要的,因为capsense的操作需要专用引脚。橙色LED亮起以指示Capsense值,第一个LED在距离给定传感器约10毫米时点亮,最后一个大约在接触点点亮。有三个独立的传感器,每个传感器都可以连续测量Capsense和FSR值。

2023-12-18 11:47:54 945

原创 Faulhaber 2.5代运动控制系统 25mNm/13W


2023-12-16 16:14:56 461

原创 FAULHABER 运动控制器及运动控制系统

支持CANopen或者EtherCAT通讯,冯哈勃第三代运动控制器。We create motion.

2023-12-16 12:56:10 489

原创 Cyclic redundancy check calculation unit (CRC)

1 IntroductionThe CRC (cyclic redundancy check) calculation unit is used to get a CRC code from 8-, 16- or 32-bit data word and a generator polynomial.Among other applications, CRC-based techniques are used to verify data transmission or storage integrit

2023-12-15 17:54:50 978

原创 About the ARM PrimeCell GPIO

The PrimeCell GPIO is an Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA)compliant System-on-Chip (SoC) peripheral that is developed, tested, and licensed byARM.The PrimeCell GPIO is an AMBA slave module that connects to the AdvancedPeripheral Bus (APB)

2023-12-15 11:22:42 1078

原创 I2C-Master core introduction

I2C is a two-wire, bi-directional serial bus that provides a simple and efficient method ofdata exchange between devices. It is most suitable for applications requiring occasionalcommunication over a short distance between many devices. The I2C standard

2023-12-15 10:07:21 894

原创 Design book of spi controller with flash

The FlashSpi module is an spi master controller that can be configured through AHB bus. It is suitable for wifi chips based on AHB bus architecture like S902, and is used to read and write off-chip flash chips such as S25FL116K of Spansion, W25Q20CL of W

2023-12-14 09:13:13 883

原创 什么是DMAC?

About the DMACThe DMAC is an Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) compliant System-on-Chip (SoC) peripheral that is developed, tested, and licensed by ARM Limited.The DMAC is an AMBA AHB module, and connects to the AdvancedHigh-performance B

2023-12-13 15:47:42 1047 1


The Inventra™ MCAN2 is a stand-alone controller for the CAN Controller Area Network used in the automotive industry and in a number of other industrial environments. It provides an interface between a microprocessor and a CAN bus which carries out all th

2023-12-12 21:34:49 958

原创 AG16K MCU ARM Cortex M3

其中,Input文件为Keil生成的mcu程序文件,输出为合成后的存储格式Bin文件,Program address 为上方表格中“程序运行 RAM 地址(4bytes)”,即 Keil 中设置的程序运行地址。其中 MCU 程序的地址,根据 mcu.ip 中设置的 FLASH_BIAS 进行设置。AG16K MCU 的 FPGA 工程中,需调用 alta_mcu_m3 的硬核 IP,包含在 alta_sim.v 的库文。Quartus II。//MCU 程序在 FLASH 中存放的首地址。

2023-12-12 14:31:23 1211

原创 一些AG10K FPGA 调试的建议-Douglas

为了保证 PLL 相移的稳定,我们需要在 PLL 启动后做个延时的复位,设计中可以参考下面 Verilog 代码,这里需要 PLL 的 areset 或 pfdena 引出,通过复位信号控制。如果使用 USB-Blaster 通过 AS 接口在线烧写配置用 SPI FLASH,由于 AG10K 的 DCLK、nCSO、ASDO 管脚并未输出三态,因此需分别串接 1KΩ 电阻,使得 USB-Blaster 驱动能力高过这些管脚的输出能力,且 DCLK 时钟降低频率,即可实现正常烧写和配置。

2023-12-11 12:02:55 1360

原创 无刷直流电机的有感和无感的区别


2023-12-11 10:52:41 994


FORCE FORCE FSR ink Adhesive

2023-12-10 16:28:40 751

原创 AG1KLPQ48 User Manual

Mode 选择Compatible,点 next, 生成一个以 led 命名的 Quartus II 项目,以及空的设计文件(qpf,v,sdc 等)。Quartus II 里编译成功后,编辑 DesignName.asf 文件(Supra 的设置文件,类似 Quartus II qsf文件,格式可参考 qsf 文件),Bin 文件为两种,led_master.bin,led .bin。用 Quartus II 打开 led.qpf 项目文件,修改设计文件 v,或添加其它所需设计源文件。

2023-12-10 15:50:34 862

原创 Low Cost and High Performance FPGA with ARM and SDRAM inside

打开 Quartus 项目,通过 Tools-Tcl Scripts 运行 af_prepare.tcl 脚本文件,会把 ve 的内容导入到 EP4CE10 对应的管脚分配,并继续执行编译过程,在项目目录中生成 Simulation目录以及综合后的 vo 等文件。选择 Quartus II 项目目录,Device选 AG10KSDE176,并选择编辑好的 ve 文件后,点击 Run。点击 Finish,进入编译过程,在 Console 界面可查看编译信息,成功后显示下面信息,并生成配置烧写文件。

2023-12-10 15:34:19 1073

原创 AGM CPLD 应用指南

Supra 共有 3 种开发 Mode:Native 选项(AGM 自有 EDA 综合工具),Synplicity 选项(第三方综合工具,例如 Synplify,Mentor 等),Compatible 选项(兼容 Altera Quartus II 的综合工具)。在设计中加入后,转换好的项目中,alta_ufms 需要在 Quartus II 中设为 Design Partition,如下图,然后进行正常编译。文档中的 Supra 主要基于 Quartus II 综合的设计流程,其它工具设计流程类似。

2023-12-08 17:56:43 1051

原创 AGM离线下载器使用说明


2023-12-08 17:35:03 506

原创 AHB 与 DMA


2023-12-06 22:19:44 1003

原创 SoC with CPLD and MCU ?

产品支持 LQFP-48,LQFP-64,LQFP-100 ,QFN-32等不同封装。同时,还有诸多CPLD及FPGA器件跟Altera p2p兼容,开发人员无需修改Layout,直接换上对应器件。AG32 MCU 产品支持多种接口外设,具备与业界主流产品的兼容性,并内置额外的2K FPGA 可编程逻辑。内置2K的CPLD,如果当纯MCU用就跟STM32系列完全 Pin to Pin;3 x 12位,最多3M SPS ADC(17个通道),2个DAC;内部FPGA 2K逻辑核心;1个双通道2 x比较器;

2023-12-04 14:35:25 533

原创 3D multi-touch FSR application

3D multi-touch Hardware and Software design

2023-02-19 15:52:01 115

原创 AGRV2K---member of instant-on, non-volatile CPLD family

AGRV2K CPLD是低成本的CPLD。该瞬时接通、非易失性 CPLD 系列面向通用和低密度逻辑。逻辑密度为采用LQFP-100(AGRV2K100)和LQFP-64(AGRV2K64)封装的2K逻辑元件。内置联合测试行动小组 (JTAG) 边界扫描测试 (BST) 电路与 IEEE Std. 1149.1-1990 的投诉。可编程压摆率、驱动强度、总线保持、可编程上拉电阻、漏极开路输出、施密特触发器和可编程输入延迟。提供可编程的快速传播延迟和时钟至输出时间。提供每个器件的 PLL、时钟倍增和相移。

2022-11-02 17:00:15 234

原创 Pin to Pin compatible with ST103 MCU and with CPLD Luts inside.

The AGM32 family of 32-bit microcontrollers is designed to offer new degrees of freedom and rich compatible peripherals, and compatible pin and features to MCU users. AG32F103 product series offers supreme quality, stability, and exceptional pricing value.

2022-07-12 18:34:56 220

原创 国产芯片厂商推出STM32兼容MCU产品

基于单(多)核技术的STM32兼容MCU产品近日,总部位于杭州的AGM Micro发布了兼容STM32 的MCU产品系列,推出具有低延迟高灵活性的功能模块MCU产品系列。AGM 的FPGA兼容产品系列已常年持续地服务于FPGA长尾商业模式的近千个AGM客户。AGM32产品系列对32位MCU的广大客户群提供国产替代和新智能应用市场的开拓。此次AGM Micro发布的产品系列包括AG103/107/205/303/407,与现有STM32产品功能和管脚完全兼容。AGM的32位MC

2021-11-30 08:51:38 512

原创 AGM FPGA Series

AG1KFPGA family device - AG1K is ultra-low cost and power with as low as 50uA standby current typical in ultra small size in QFN-48 (6x6mm), WLCSP or BGA package. The device has 1K LUTs and maximum 40 user IOs, provides 68Kbits embedded block RAM and .

2021-07-07 11:32:58 802

原创 Low cost&Low Power CPLD Series

AG256AG256 CPLDs is the low cost CPLDs. This instant-on, non-volatile CPLD family targets general-purpose and low-density logic. The logic density is 256 Logic Elements with LQFP-100 package.Low-Cost and low-power CPLDInstant-on, non-volatile standard.

2021-07-07 11:12:33 202



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