Mecanim Control

Mecanim Control

Your ultimate solution for Mecanim based games!

Mecanim Control is a coding tool made that allow for a wider variety of common methods used by the Animation component with Mecanim (Humanoid/Generic) animations. It allows you to not only dynamically load any animation clip during runtime, but also tap into several methods currently missing in this magnificent system.

Mecanim Control is a sub-tool of Universal Fighting Engine. It's source code is available entirely free in the Source versions of UFE.


You can use MecanimControl much like you would use the animation component.
To play a simple animation use MecanimControl.Play
To cross-fade between animations use MecanimControl.CrossFade -or- one of the MecanimControl.Play alternatives.
To change how animations wrap (Loop, Once, PingPong) change the WrapMode of the respective AnimationClip in their import settings, or useMecanimControl.SetWrapMode to change it at runtime.
AnimationData can be used to modify the clip, playback speed, and direct control over blending.

MecanimControl also supports enumerators so you can loop through all AnimationData like this:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class AnimationControlDemo : MonoBehaviour {
	private MecanimControl mecanimControl;
	void Start () {
		mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	void OnGUI(){
		foreach(AnimationData animationData in mecanimControl.animations){
			if (GUILayout.Button(animationData.clipName)){
				mecanimControl.Play(animationData, mirror);

Public Variables


Default Animation
AnimationData defaultAnimation;
By default, if no order is given, the animator will play the animation stored in this AnimationData. If you don't assign an animation, Mecanim Control will instantiate the first animation listed on animations.

void Start () {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	mecanimControl.defaultAnimationData.speed = .5f;

AnimationData[] animations;

AnimationClip clip - The AnimationClip file.
string clipName - Animation name.
float speed - Animation speed.
float transitionDuration - Blending Duration.
WrapMode wrapMode - The animation's default WrapMode. bool applyRootMotion - If this and Override Root Motion is toggled this animation will toggle the Animator's Root Motion

This array contain all the AnimationData stored by either the UI or by using AddClip. Its then used to emulate a state machine under the Animator Controller.

void Start () {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	foreach(AnimationData animationData in mecanimControl.animations) {
		animationData.speed = .5f;

Debug Mode
bool debugMode;
Toggles a GUI box containing all the information about the current clip playing as well as its blending weight.

void Start () {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	mecanimControl.debugMode = true;

Always Play
bool alwaysPlay;
If an animation is set to WrapMode.Once and alwaysPlay is toggled on, after the clip ends it will immediately play the default animation.

void Start () {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	mecanimControl.alwaysPlay = true;

Override Root Motion
bool overrideRootMotion;
If both applyRootMotion (under the animation element) and this variable is true, this animation will toggle the Animator's Root Motion.

void Start () {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	mecanimControl.overrideRootMotion = true;
	mecanimControl.animationData[0].applyRootMotion = true;

Default Transition Duration
float defaultTransitionDuration;
If an animation has its blending speed set to 0, it will use this value instead.

void Start () {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	mecanimControl.defaultTransitionDuration = .2f;

Default Wrap Mode
float defaultWrapMode;
If an animation has its wrapmode set to default, it will use this value instead.

void Start () {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	mecanimControl.defaultWrapMode = WrapMode.Once;

Public Functions


void AddClip(AnimationClip clip, string name);
void AddClip(AnimationClip clip, string name, float speed, WrapMode wrapMode);

clip - The AnimationClip file.
name - Animation name.
speed - Animation speed.
wrapMode - The animation's default WrapMode.

Description: Adds a clip to animations with the name newName.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
	public AnimationClip walkClip;
	void Start () {
		mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
		mecanimControl.AddClip(walkClip, "walk");

void CrossFade(string clipName, float blendingTime);
void CrossFade(string clipName, float blendingTime, float normalizedTime, bool mirror);
void CrossFade(AnimationData animationData, float blendingTime, float normalizedTime, bool mirror);

clipName - Animation name.
animationData - The correspondent animation data.
blendingTime - The blending duration between the 2 animations.
normalizedTime - The timeline's position of the animation to be played (0-1)
mirror - Should the animation be mirrored?

Description: Fades the animation with name clipName in over a period of blendingTime seconds as it fades other animations out.
You can also set normalizedTime to set where, in its timeline, you want the animation to start (0-1) as well as toggle mirror.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
	public AnimationClip walkClip;
	void Start () {
		mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
		mecanimControl.CrossFade("walk", .2f);

AnimationData GetAnimationData(AnimationClip clip);
AnimationData GetAnimationData(string clipName);

clip - Animation clip.
clipName - Clip name.

Description: Returns the AnimationData related to that animation name or clip.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
	public AnimationClip walkClip;
	void Start () {
		mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
		mecanimControl.AddClip(walkClip, "walk");
		Debug("Animation Name:"+ mecanimControl.GetAnimationData(walkClip).clipName);

AnimationData GetCurrentAnimationData();

Description: Get the AnimationData currently running.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
	public AnimationClip walkClip;
	void Start () {
		mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
		Debug("Animation Name:"+ mecanimControl.GetCurrentAnimationData().clipName);

string GetCurrentClipName();

Description: Get the name of the current running clip.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
	void Start () {
		mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
		Debug("Animation Name:"+ mecanimControl.GetCurrentClipName());

float GetCurrentClipPosition();

Description: Get the normalized time of the current running clip. (0-1)

void CheckProgress() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	Debug("Animation Progress (%):"+ mecanimControl.GetCurrentClipPosition() * 100);

int GetCurrentClipPlayCount();

Description: Get the number of times the current clip has played. Only works if the animation's WrapMode is set to either WrapMode.Loop orWrapMode.PingPong

void CheckProgress() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	Debug("Times Played:"+ mecanimControl.GetCurrentClipPlayCount());

bool GetMirror();

Description: Get the current mirror state of the emulated runtime animator.

void FaceLeft () {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	if (!mecanimControl.GetMirror()) mecanimControl.setMirror(true);

float GetSpeed();
float GetSpeed(AnimationClip clip);
float GetSpeed(string clipName);

clip - Animation clip.
clipName - Clip name.

Description: Get the speed value set for animationClip/clipName.
no parameters - Get the speed the animator is running based on the current running animation.

void SlowDown() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	if (mecanimControl.GetSpeed() > 1) mecanimControl.SetSpeed(1);

bool IsPlaying(string clipName);
bool IsPlaying(AnimationClip clip);
bool IsPlaying(AnimationData animationData);

Description: Returns true if clipNameclip or animationData is playing.

void Example() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	if (mecanimControl.IsPlaying("walk")) Debug.Log("Walk is playing");

void Pause();

Description: Pauses the animator component.

void Example() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();

void Play();
void Play(string clipName);
void Play(AnimationClip clip);
void Play(AnimationData animationData);
void Play(string clipName, bool mirror);
void Play(AnimationClip clip, bool mirror);
void Play(AnimationData animationData, bool mirror);
void Play(string clipName, float blendingTime, float normalizedTime, bool mirror);
void Play(AnimationClip clip, float blendingTime, float normalizedTime, bool mirror);

clip - Animation clip.
clipName - Animation name.
animationData - The correspondent animation data.
blendingTime - The blending duration between the 2 animations.
normalizedTime - The timeline's position of the animation to be played (0-1)
mirror - Should the animation be mirrored?

Description: Plays animation. Play can be used in several ways, including blending. If no blending is set, Play will try using the default blending value. If blending is set to -1, the animation will be played abruptly without any blending.

If the animation is not set to be looping and alwaysPlay is toggled off it will be stopped after playing.

If no parameters are used, Play can be used as a follow up to Pause. It restores the speed of the Animator to the current animation speed value.

Normalized Time lets you start the animation from a predefined position in the animation timeline (0-1).

void Example() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
void Example() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	mecanimControl.Play("walk", .2f, 0, true);

void RemoveClip(string clipName);
void RemoveClip(AnimationClip clip);

Description: Removes the AnimationData from animations related to clipName/clip.

void RemoveAnimation(string animation) {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();

void RestoreSpeed();

Description: Restores the speed of the animator component to the original value from the current animation being played.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
	private MecanimControl mecanimControl;
	void SlowMo(string animation) {
		Invoke("Restore", 2);
	void Restore() {

void Rewind();

Description: Inverts the speed of the animator component.

void Example() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();

void SetCurrentClipPosition(float normalizedTime);
void SetCurrentClipPosition(float normalizedTime, bool pause);

Description: Set the position in the timeline of the current playing clip (0-1). If pause is toggled on, the animation will be paused afterwards.

void Example() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	mecanimControl.SetCurrentClipPosition(.3f, true);

void SetDefaultClip(AnimationClip clip, string name, float speed, WrapMode wrapMode);

Description: Sets the defaultclip through code (instead of the UI).

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour {
	private MecanimControl mecanimControl;
	private AnimationClip idle;
	void Start() {
		mecanimControl.SetDefaultClip(idle,"Idle", 1, WrapMode.Loop);

void SetMirror(bool mirror);
void SetMirror(bool mirror, float blendingTime);
void SetMirror(bool mirror, float blendingTime, bool forceMirror);

Description: When toggled on, every animation will be played with the mirror tag toggled on.

void FaceLeft () {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	if (!mecanimControl.GetMirror()) mecanimControl.setMirror(true);

void SetSpeed(float speed);
void SetSpeed(string clipName, float speed);
void SetSpeed(AnimationClip clip, float speed);

Description: Change the speed value of the Animator component or AnimationData based on clipName/clip.
If no parameters are used, SetSpeed will change the global speed from the Animator component.

void SlowDown() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	if (mecanimControl.GetSpeed() > 1) mecanimControl.SetSpeed(1);

void SetWrapMode(WrapMode wrapMode);
void SetWrapMode(AnimationData animationData, WrapMode wrapMode);
void SetWrapMode(AnimationClip clip, WrapMode wrapMode);
void SetWrapMode(string clipName, WrapMode wrapMode);

Description: Sets the Wrap Mode of an AnimationData based on clipName/clip.
If no parameters are used, SetWrapMode will change defaultWrapMode.

void ClampCurrentClip() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();
	mecanimControl.SetWrapMode(mecanimControl.GetCurrentAnimationData, WrapMode.Clamp);

void Stop();

Description: Stops any animation from playing and starts playing the default animation.

void PlayDefaultAnimation() {
	mecanimControl = gameObject.GetComponent<MecanimControl>();

Public Events


void AnimEvent(AnimationData animationData);

Description: Fires when an animation begins.

void OnAnimationBegin(AnimationData animData) {
	if (animData.clipName == "walk") Debug.Log("character is walking");

void AnimEvent(AnimationData animationData);

Description: Fires when an animation ends.

void OnAnimationEnd(AnimationData animData) {
	if (animData.clipName == "walk") Debug.Log("character has stopped walking");

void AnimEvent(AnimationData animationData);

Description: Fires when an animation loops. This is only triggered if the animation WrapMode is set to either WrapMode.Loop orWrapMode.PingPong

void OnAnimationLoop(AnimationData animData) {
	if (animData.clipName == "walk") 
		Debug.Log("walking animation has looped "+ animData.timesPlayed + " times.");





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