

1.1 节点代码主体

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "lego_loam");

    ROS_INFO("\033[1;32m---->\033[0m Feature Association Started.");

    FeatureAssociation FA;//调用构造函数进行初始化

    ros::Rate rate(200);
    while (ros::ok()) {

        FA.runFeatureAssociation(); //200hz调用主体函数


    return 0;

1.2 FeatureAssociation构造函数




    imuTopic = "/imu/data"(sensor_msgs::Imu),数据处理函数imuHandler




1.3 runFeatureAssociation()主体函数

void runFeatureAssociation()是特征提取和配准的主体。

  1. 如果有新数据进来则执行,否则不执行任何操作;
  2. 将点云数据进行坐标变换,进行插补等工作;
  3. 进行光滑性计算,并保存结果;
  4. 标记阻塞点(阻塞点:点云中可能出现的互相遮挡的点);
  5. 特征抽取,然后分别保存cornerPointsSharp等队列中去;
  6. 发布cornerPointsSharp等4种类型的点云数据;
  7. 预测位姿;
  8. 更新变换;
  9. 积分总变换
  10. 发布里程计信息及上一次点云信息;
  void runFeatureAssociation() {

        // 获得了三个点云主题的msg,且时间上一致,将标志位置0,继续接下来的处理
        if (newSegmentedCloud && newSegmentedCloudInfo && newOutlierCloud &&
            std::abs(timeNewSegmentedCloudInfo - timeNewSegmentedCloud) < 0.05 &&
            std::abs(timeNewOutlierCloud - timeNewSegmentedCloud) < 0.05) {

            newSegmentedCloud = false;
            newSegmentedCloudInfo = false;
            newOutlierCloud = false;
        } else {
        	1. Feature Extraction
        // 点云形状调整

        // 计算曲率,并保存结果

        // 标记瑕点,loam中:1.平行scan的点(可能看不见);2.会被遮挡的点

        // 特征提取
        // 点云分类,然后分别保存到cornerPointsSharp等队列
        // 这一步中减少了点云数量,使计算量减少

        // 发布cornerPointsSharp等4种类型的点云数据
        publishCloud(); // cloud for visualization

		2. Feature Association
        if (!systemInitedLM) {





        publishCloudsLast(); // cloud to mapOptimization

2. 回调函数

2.1 laserCloudHandler

订阅 "/segmented_cloud"的回调函数
作用: laserCloudHandler修改点云数据的时间戳,将点云数据从ROS定义的格式转化到pcl的格式。
pcl::fromROSMsg(*laserCloudMsg, *segmentedCloud);

   主题"/segmented_cloud"的回调函数,接收到的是经过imageProjection.cpp处理后的点云:主要是被分割点和经过降采样的地面点,其 intensity 记录了该点在深度图上的索引位置
   由点云 segmentedCloud 接收
       cloudHeader 记录消息的header
       timeScanCur 记录header中的时间
       标志位 newSegmentedCloud 置为true
    void laserCloudHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &laserCloudMsg) {

        cloudHeader = laserCloudMsg->header;

        timeScanCur = cloudHeader.stamp.toSec();
        timeNewSegmentedCloud = timeScanCur;

        pcl::fromROSMsg(*laserCloudMsg, *segmentedCloud);

        newSegmentedCloud = true;

2.2 laserCloudInfoHandler

订阅 "/segmented_cloud_info"的触发回调函数laserCloudInfoHandler
newSegmentedCloudInfo = true;

       timeNewSegmentedCloudInfo 记录时间
       标志位  newSegmentedCloudInfo置true
       segInfo 记录分割信息
    void laserCloudInfoHandler(const cloud_msgs::cloud_infoConstPtr &msgIn) {
        timeNewSegmentedCloudInfo = msgIn->header.stamp.toSec();
        segInfo = *msgIn;
        newSegmentedCloudInfo = true;

2.3 outlierCloudHandler

订阅 "/outlier_cloud"的回调函数
pcl::fromROSMsg(*msgIn, *outlierCloud);
newOutlierCloud = true;

 /* 主题"/outlier_cloud"的回调函数,
       outlierCloud 记录传回的点云
       同时 timeNewOutlierCloud 记录header的时间
       标志位 newOutlierCloud 置为1
    void outlierCloudHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &msgIn) {

        timeNewOutlierCloud = msgIn->header.stamp.toSec();

        pcl::fromROSMsg(*msgIn, *outlierCloud);

        newOutlierCloud = true;

2.4 imuHandler


  1. 通过接收到的imuIn里面的四元数得到roll,pitch,yaw三个角;
  2. 对加速度进行坐标变换,进行加速度坐标交换时将重力加速度去除,然后再进行 x x x z z z, y y y x x x, z z z y y y的变换。
  3. 将欧拉角,加速度,速度保存到循环队列中;
  4. 对速度,角速度,加速度进行积分,得到位移,角度和速度(AccumulateIMUShiftAndRotation());
    void imuHandler(const sensor_msgs::Imu::ConstPtr& imuIn)
        double roll, pitch, yaw;
        tf::Quaternion orientation;
        tf::quaternionMsgToTF(imuIn->orientation, orientation);
        tf::Matrix3x3(orientation).getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);

        // 加速度去除重力影响,同时坐标轴进行变换
        float accX = imuIn->linear_acceleration.y - sin(roll) * cos(pitch) * 9.81;
        float accY = imuIn->linear_acceleration.z - cos(roll) * cos(pitch) * 9.81;
        float accZ = imuIn->linear_acceleration.x + sin(pitch) * 9.81;

        imuPointerLast = (imuPointerLast + 1) % imuQueLength;

        imuTime[imuPointerLast] = imuIn->header.stamp.toSec();

        imuRoll[imuPointerLast] = roll;
        imuPitch[imuPointerLast] = pitch;
        imuYaw[imuPointerLast] = yaw;

        imuAccX[imuPointerLast] = accX;
        imuAccY[imuPointerLast] = accY;
        imuAccZ[imuPointerLast] = accZ;

        imuAngularVeloX[imuPointerLast] = imuIn->angular_velocity.x;
        imuAngularVeloY[imuPointerLast] = imuIn->angular_velocity.y;
        imuAngularVeloZ[imuPointerLast] = imuIn->angular_velocity.z;



3.1 adjustDistortion

void adjustDistortion()将点云数据进行坐标变换,进行插补等工作。


point.x = segmentedCloud->points[i].y;
point.y = segmentedCloud->points[i].z;
point.z = segmentedCloud->points[i].x;


// -atan2(p.x,p.z)==>-atan2(y,x)
// ori表示的是偏航角yaw,因为前面有负号,ori=[-M_PI,M_PI)
// 因为segInfo.orientationDiff表示的范围是(PI,3PI),在2PI附近
// 下面过程的主要作用是调整ori大小,满足start<ori<end
float ori = -atan2(point.x, point.z);


  • 没有转过一半,但是start-ori>M_PI/2
  • 没有转过一半,但是ori-start>3/2*M_PI,说明ori太大,不合理(正常情况在前半圈的话,ori-start范围[0,M_PI]
  • 转过一半,end-ori>3/2*PI,ori太小
  • 转过一半,ori-end>M_PI/2,太大


  • 不能通过插补进行优化:imu数据比激光数据早,但是没有更后面的数据(打个比方,激光在9点时出现,imu现在只有8点的)
    这种情况下while循环是以imuPointerFront == imuPointerLast结束的:
// while循环内进行时间轴对齐
while (imuPointerFront != imuPointerLast) {
    if (timeScanCur + pointTime < imuTime[imuPointerFront]) {
     imuPointerFront = (imuPointerFront + 1) % imuQueLength;

  • 可以通过插补来进行数据的优化:
    进行插补时,当前timeScanCur + pointTime < imuTime[imuPointerFront]
    而且imuPointerFront是最早一个时间大于timeScanCur + pointTime的imu数据指针。
imuRollCur = imuRoll[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront + imuRoll[imuPointerBack] * ratioBack;
imuPitchCur = imuPitch[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront + imuPitch[imuPointerBack] * ratioBack;
if (imuYaw[imuPointerFront] - imuYaw[imuPointerBack] > M_PI) {
     imuYawCur = imuYaw[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront + (imuYaw[imuPointerBack] + 2 * M_PI) * ratioBack;
} else if (imuYaw[imuPointerFront] - imuYaw[imuPointerBack] < -M_PI) {
     imuYawCur = imuYaw[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront + (imuYaw[imuPointerBack] - 2 * M_PI) * ratioBack;
} else {
     imuYawCur = imuYaw[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront + imuYaw[imuPointerBack] * ratioBack;


imuRollCur = imuRoll[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront + imuRoll[imuPointerBack] * ratioBack;
imuPitchCur = imuPitch[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront + imuPitch[imuPointerBack] * ratioBack;
if (imuYaw[imuPointerFront] - imuYaw[imuPointerBack] > M_PI) {
     imuYawCur = imuYaw[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront + (imuYaw[imuPointerBack] + 2 * M_PI) * ratioBack;
} else if (imuYaw[imuPointerFront] - imuYaw[imuPointerBack] < -M_PI) {
     imuYawCur = imuYaw[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront + (imuYaw[imuPointerBack] - 2 * M_PI) * ratioBack;
} else {
     imuYawCur = imuYaw[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront + imuYaw[imuPointerBack] * ratioBack;



                if (i == 0) {
                    // 此处更新过的角度值主要用在updateImuRollPitchYawStartSinCos()中,
                    // 更新每个角的正余弦值
                    imuRollStart = imuRollCur;
                    imuPitchStart = imuPitchCur;
                    imuYawStart = imuYawCur;

                    imuVeloXStart = imuVeloXCur;
                    imuVeloYStart = imuVeloYCur;
                    imuVeloZStart = imuVeloZCur;

                    imuShiftXStart = imuShiftXCur;
                    imuShiftYStart = imuShiftYCur;
                    imuShiftZStart = imuShiftZCur;

                    if (timeScanCur + pointTime > imuTime[imuPointerFront]) {
                        // 该条件内imu数据比激光数据早,但是没有更后面的数据
                        imuAngularRotationXCur = imuAngularRotationX[imuPointerFront];
                        imuAngularRotationYCur = imuAngularRotationY[imuPointerFront];
                        imuAngularRotationZCur = imuAngularRotationZ[imuPointerFront];
                    } else {
                        int imuPointerBack = (imuPointerFront + imuQueLength - 1) % imuQueLength;
                        float ratioFront = (timeScanCur + pointTime - imuTime[imuPointerBack])
                                           / (imuTime[imuPointerFront] - imuTime[imuPointerBack]);
                        float ratioBack = (imuTime[imuPointerFront] - timeScanCur - pointTime)
                                          / (imuTime[imuPointerFront] - imuTime[imuPointerBack]);
                        imuAngularRotationXCur = imuAngularRotationX[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront +
                                                 imuAngularRotationX[imuPointerBack] * ratioBack;
                        imuAngularRotationYCur = imuAngularRotationY[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront +
                                                 imuAngularRotationY[imuPointerBack] * ratioBack;
                        imuAngularRotationZCur = imuAngularRotationZ[imuPointerFront] * ratioFront +
                                                 imuAngularRotationZ[imuPointerBack] * ratioBack;
                    // 在imu数据充足的情况下可以进行插补
                    imuAngularFromStartX = imuAngularRotationXCur - imuAngularRotationXLast;
                    imuAngularFromStartY = imuAngularRotationYCur - imuAngularRotationYLast;
                    imuAngularFromStartZ = imuAngularRotationZCur - imuAngularRotationZLast;

                    imuAngularRotationXLast = imuAngularRotationXCur;
                    imuAngularRotationYLast = imuAngularRotationYCur;
                    imuAngularRotationZLast = imuAngularRotationZCur;

                    // 这里更新的是i=0时刻的rpy角,后面将速度坐标投影过来会用到i=0时刻的值
                else {

3.2 calculateSmoothness

void calculateSmoothness()用于计算光滑性,这里的计算没有完全按照LOAM论文中的公式进行。
此处的公式计算中没有除以总点数 i i i r r r[ i i i] .

    // 计算光滑性,这里的计算没有完全按照公式进行,
    // 缺少除以总点数i和r[i]
    void calculateSmoothness()
        int cloudSize = segmentedCloud->points.size();
        for (int i = 5; i < cloudSize - 5; i++) {

            float diffRange = segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i-5] + segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i-4]
                            + segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i-3] + segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i-2]
                            + segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i-1] - segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i] * 10
                            + segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i+1] + segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i+2]
                            + segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i+3] + segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i+4]
                            + segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i+5];            

            cloudCurvature[i] = diffRange*diffRange;

            // 在markOccludedPoints()函数中对该参数进行重新修改
            cloudNeighborPicked[i] = 0;
			// 在extractFeatures()函数中会对标签进行修改,
			// 初始化为0,surfPointsFlat标记为-1,surfPointsLessFlatScan为不大于0的标签
			// cornerPointsSharp标记为2,cornerPointsLessSharp标记为1
            cloudLabel[i] = 0;

            cloudSmoothness[i].value = cloudCurvature[i];
            cloudSmoothness[i].ind = i;

3.3 markOccludedPoints

void markOccludedPoints()作用是将被遮挡物体的择取特征点的标志位置为1(不选为特征点),防止由于遮挡导致在被遮挡的平面上选出角特征点。

 void markOccludedPoints() {
        int cloudSize = segmentedCloud->points.size();

        for (int i = 5; i < cloudSize - 6; ++i) {

            float depth1 = segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i];
            float depth2 = segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i + 1];
            int columnDiff = std::abs(int(segInfo.segmentedCloudColInd[i + 1] - segInfo.segmentedCloudColInd[i]));

            if (columnDiff < 10) {

                // 选择距离较远的那些点,并将他们标记为1
                if (depth1 - depth2 > 0.3) {
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i - 5] = 1;
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i - 4] = 1;
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i - 3] = 1;
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i - 2] = 1;
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i - 1] = 1;
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i] = 1;
                } else if (depth2 - depth1 > 0.3) {
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i + 1] = 1;
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i + 2] = 1;
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i + 3] = 1;
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i + 4] = 1;
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i + 5] = 1;
                    cloudNeighborPicked[i + 6] = 1;

            float diff1 = std::abs(float(segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i - 1] - segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i]));
            float diff2 = std::abs(float(segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i + 1] - segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i]));

            // 选择距离变化较大的点,并将他们标记为1
            if (diff1 > 0.02 * segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i] && diff2 > 0.02 * segInfo.segmentedCloudRange[i])
                cloudNeighborPicked[i] = 1;

3.4 extractFeatures

void extractFeatures()进行特征抽取,然后分别保存到cornerPointsSharp等队列中去。

void extractFeatures(){

    for (int i = 0; i < N_SCAN; i++) {


        for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {

            // sp和ep的含义是什么???startPointer,endPointer?
            int sp = (segInfo.startRingIndex[i] * (6 - j)    + segInfo.endRingIndex[i] * j) / 6;
            int ep = (segInfo.startRingIndex[i] * (5 - j)    + segInfo.endRingIndex[i] * (j + 1)) / 6 - 1;

            if (sp >= ep)

            // 按照cloudSmoothness.value从小到大排序
            std::sort(cloudSmoothness.begin()+sp, cloudSmoothness.begin()+ep, by_value());

            int largestPickedNum = 0;
            for (int k = ep; k >= sp; k--) {
                // 每次ind的值就是等于k??? 有什么意义?
                // 因为上面对cloudSmoothness进行了一次从小到大排序,所以ind不一定等于k了
                int ind = cloudSmoothness[k].ind;
                if (cloudNeighborPicked[ind] == 0 &&
                    cloudCurvature[ind] > edgeThreshold &&
                    segInfo.segmentedCloudGroundFlag[ind] == false) {
                    if (largestPickedNum <= 2) {
                        // 论文中nFe=2,cloudSmoothness已经按照从小到大的顺序排列,
                        // 所以这边只要选择最后两个放进队列即可
                        // cornerPointsSharp标记为2
                        cloudLabel[ind] = 2;
                    } else if (largestPickedNum <= 20) {
						// 塞20个点到cornerPointsLessSharp中去
						// cornerPointsLessSharp标记为1
                        cloudLabel[ind] = 1;
                    } else {

                    cloudNeighborPicked[ind] = 1;
                    for (int l = 1; l <= 5; l++) {
                        // 从ind+l开始后面5个点,每个点index之间的差值,
                        // 确保columnDiff<=10,然后标记为我们需要的点
                        int columnDiff = std::abs(int(segInfo.segmentedCloudColInd[ind + l] - segInfo.segmentedCloudColInd[ind + l - 1]));
                        if (columnDiff > 10)
                        cloudNeighborPicked[ind + l] = 1;
                    for (int l = -1; l >= -5; l--) {
						// 从ind+l开始前面五个点,计算差值然后标记
                        int columnDiff = std::abs(int(segInfo.segmentedCloudColInd[ind + l] - segInfo.segmentedCloudColInd[ind + l + 1]));
                        if (columnDiff > 10)
                        cloudNeighborPicked[ind + l] = 1;

            int smallestPickedNum = 0;
            for (int k = sp; k <= ep; k++) {
                int ind = cloudSmoothness[k].ind;
                // 平面点只从地面点中进行选择???为什么要这样做???
                if (cloudNeighborPicked[ind] == 0 &&
                    cloudCurvature[ind] < surfThreshold &&
                    segInfo.segmentedCloudGroundFlag[ind] == true) {

                    cloudLabel[ind] = -1;

                    // 论文中nFp=4,将4个最平的平面点放入队列中
                    if (smallestPickedNum >= 4) {

                    cloudNeighborPicked[ind] = 1;
                    for (int l = 1; l <= 5; l++) {
                        // 从前面往后判断是否是需要的邻接点,是的话就进行标记
                        int columnDiff = std::abs(int(segInfo.segmentedCloudColInd[ind + l] - segInfo.segmentedCloudColInd[ind + l - 1]));
                        if (columnDiff > 10)

                        cloudNeighborPicked[ind + l] = 1;
                    for (int l = -1; l >= -5; l--) {
                        // 从后往前开始标记
                        int columnDiff = std::abs(int(segInfo.segmentedCloudColInd[ind + l] - segInfo.segmentedCloudColInd[ind + l + 1]));
                        if (columnDiff > 10)

                        cloudNeighborPicked[ind + l] = 1;

            for (int k = sp; k <= ep; k++) {
                if (cloudLabel[k] <= 0) {

        // surfPointsLessFlatScan中有过多的点云,如果点云太多,计算量太大
        // 进行下采样,可以大大减少计算量

        *surfPointsLessFlat += *surfPointsLessFlatScanDS;


4.1 findCorrespondingCornerFeature


    void findCorrespondingCornerFeatures(int iterCount) {

        int cornerPointsSharpNum = cornerPointsSharp->points.size();

        for (int i = 0; i < cornerPointsSharpNum; i++) {

            TransformToStart(&cornerPointsSharp->points[i], &pointSel);

            if (iterCount % 5 == 0) {

                kdtreeCornerLast->nearestKSearch(pointSel, 1, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis);
                int closestPointInd = -1, minPointInd2 = -1;
                // sq:平方,距离的平方值
                // 如果nearestKSearch找到的1(k=1)个邻近点满足条件
                if (pointSearchSqDis[0] < nearestFeatureSearchSqDist) {
                    closestPointInd = pointSearchInd[0];
                    // point.intensity 保存的是什么值? 第几次scan?
                    // thisPoint.intensity = (float)rowIdn + (float)columnIdn / 10000.0;
                    // fullInfoCloud->points[index].intensity = range;
                    // 在imageProjection.cpp文件中有上述两行代码,两种类型的值,应该存的是上面一个
                    int closestPointScan = int(laserCloudCornerLast->points[closestPointInd].intensity);

                    // 主要功能是找到2个scan之内的最近点,并将找到的最近点及其序号保存
                    // 之前扫描的保存到minPointSqDis2,之后的保存到minPointSqDis2
                    float pointSqDis, minPointSqDis2 = nearestFeatureSearchSqDist;
                    for (int j = closestPointInd + 1; j < cornerPointsSharpNum; j++) {
                        // int类型的值加上2.5? 为什么不直接加上2?
                        // 四舍五入
                        if (int(laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].intensity) > closestPointScan + 2.5) {

                        pointSqDis = (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) *
                                     (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) +
                                     (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) *
                                     (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) +
                                     (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z) *
                                     (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z);

                        if (int(laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].intensity) > closestPointScan) {
                            if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis2) {
                                minPointSqDis2 = pointSqDis;
                                minPointInd2 = j;
                    // 往前找
                    for (int j = closestPointInd - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                        if (int(laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].intensity) < closestPointScan - 2.5) {

                        pointSqDis = (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) *
                                     (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) +
                                     (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) *
                                     (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) +
                                     (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z) *
                                     (laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z);

                        if (int(laserCloudCornerLast->points[j].intensity) < closestPointScan) {
                            if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis2) {
                                minPointSqDis2 = pointSqDis;
                                minPointInd2 = j;

                pointSearchCornerInd1[i] = closestPointInd;
                pointSearchCornerInd2[i] = minPointInd2;

            if (pointSearchCornerInd2[i] >= 0) {

                tripod1 = laserCloudCornerLast->points[pointSearchCornerInd1[i]];
                tripod2 = laserCloudCornerLast->points[pointSearchCornerInd2[i]];

                float x0 = pointSel.x;
                float y0 = pointSel.y;
                float z0 = pointSel.z;
                float x1 = tripod1.x;
                float y1 = tripod1.y;
                float z1 = tripod1.z;
                float x2 = tripod2.x;
                float y2 = tripod2.y;
                float z2 = tripod2.z;

                float m11 = ((x0 - x1) * (y0 - y2) - (x0 - x2) * (y0 - y1));
                float m22 = ((x0 - x1) * (z0 - z2) - (x0 - x2) * (z0 - z1));
                float m33 = ((y0 - y1) * (z0 - z2) - (y0 - y2) * (z0 - z1));

                // 这边是在求[(x0-x1),(y0-y1),(z0-z1)]与[(x0-x2),(y0-y2),(z0-z2)]叉乘得到的向量的模长
                // 这个模长是由0.2*V1[0]和点[x0,y0,z0]构成的平行四边形的面积
                // 因为[(x0-x1),(y0-y1),(z0-z1)]x[(x0-x2),(y0-y2),(z0-z2)]=[XXX,YYY,ZZZ],
                // [XXX,YYY,ZZZ]=[(y0-y1)(z0-z2)-(y0-y2)(z0-z1),-(x0-x1)(z0-z2)+(x0-x2)(z0-z1),(x0-x1)(y0-y2)-(x0-x2)(y0-y1)]
                float a012 = sqrt(m11 * m11 + m22 * m22 + m33 * m33);

                // 也就是平行四边形一条底的长度
                float l12 = sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2) + (z1 - z2) * (z1 - z2));

                // 求叉乘结果[la',lb',lc']=[(x1-x2),(y1-y2),(z1-z2)]x[XXX,YYY,ZZZ]
                // [la,lb,lc]=[la',lb',lc']/a012/l12
                // LLL=[la,lb,lc]是0.2*V1[0]这条高上的单位法向量。||LLL||=1;
                float la = ((y1 - y2) * m11 + (z1 - z2) * m22) / a012 / l12;

                float lb = -((x1 - x2) * m11 - (z1 - z2) * m33) / a012 / l12;

                float lc = -((x1 - x2) * m22 + (y1 - y2) * m33) / a012 / l12;

                // 计算点pointSel到直线的距离
                // 这里需要特别说明的是ld2代表的是点pointSel到过点[cx,cy,cz]的方向向量直线的距离
                float ld2 = a012 / l12;

                // 如果在最理想的状态的话,ld2应该为0,表示点在直线上
                // 最理想状态s=1;
                float s = 1;
                if (iterCount >= 5) {
                    s = 1 - 1.8 * fabs(ld2);

                // coeff代表系数的意思
                // coff用于保存距离的方向向量
                if (s > 0.1 && ld2 != 0) {
                    coeff.x = s * la;
                    coeff.y = s * lb;
                    coeff.z = s * lc;
                    coeff.intensity = s * ld2;


4.2 findCorrespondingSurfFeatures


  void findCorrespondingSurfFeatures(int iterCount) {

        int surfPointsFlatNum = surfPointsFlat->points.size();

        for (int i = 0; i < surfPointsFlatNum; i++) {

            TransformToStart(&surfPointsFlat->points[i], &pointSel);

            if (iterCount % 5 == 0) {

                // k点最近邻搜索,这里k=1
                kdtreeSurfLast->nearestKSearch(pointSel, 1, pointSearchInd, pointSearchSqDis);
                int closestPointInd = -1, minPointInd2 = -1, minPointInd3 = -1;

                // sq:平方,距离的平方值
                // 如果nearestKSearch找到的1(k=1)个邻近点满足条件
                if (pointSearchSqDis[0] < nearestFeatureSearchSqDist) {
                    closestPointInd = pointSearchInd[0];
                    // point.intensity 保存的是什么值? 第几次scan?
                    // thisPoint.intensity = (float)rowIdn + (float)columnIdn / 10000.0;
                    // fullInfoCloud->points[index].intensity = range;
                    // 在imageProjection.cpp文件中有上述两行代码,两种类型的值,应该存的是上面一个
                    int closestPointScan = int(laserCloudSurfLast->points[closestPointInd].intensity);

                    // 主要功能是找到2个scan之内的最近点,并将找到的最近点及其序号保存
                    // 之前扫描的保存到minPointSqDis2,之后的保存到minPointSqDis2
                    float pointSqDis, minPointSqDis2 = nearestFeatureSearchSqDist, minPointSqDis3 = nearestFeatureSearchSqDist;
                    for (int j = closestPointInd + 1; j < surfPointsFlatNum; j++) {
                        // int类型的值加上2.5? 为什么不直接加上2?
                        // 四舍五入
                        if (int(laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].intensity) > closestPointScan + 2.5) {

                        pointSqDis = (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) *
                                     (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) +
                                     (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) *
                                     (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) +
                                     (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z) *
                                     (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z);

                        if (int(laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].intensity) <= closestPointScan) {
                            if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis2) {
                                minPointSqDis2 = pointSqDis;
                                minPointInd2 = j;
                        } else {
                            if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis3) {
                                minPointSqDis3 = pointSqDis;
                                minPointInd3 = j;
                    // 往前找
                    for (int j = closestPointInd - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                        if (int(laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].intensity) < closestPointScan - 2.5) {

                        pointSqDis = (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) *
                                     (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].x - pointSel.x) +
                                     (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) *
                                     (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].y - pointSel.y) +
                                     (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z) *
                                     (laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].z - pointSel.z);

                        if (int(laserCloudSurfLast->points[j].intensity) >= closestPointScan) {
                            if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis2) {
                                minPointSqDis2 = pointSqDis;
                                minPointInd2 = j;
                        } else {
                            if (pointSqDis < minPointSqDis3) {
                                minPointSqDis3 = pointSqDis;
                                minPointInd3 = j;

                pointSearchSurfInd1[i] = closestPointInd;
                pointSearchSurfInd2[i] = minPointInd2;
                pointSearchSurfInd3[i] = minPointInd3;

            // 前后都能找到对应的最近点在给定范围之内
            // 那么就开始计算距离
            // [pa,pb,pc]是tripod1,tripod2,tripod3这3个点构成的一个平面的方向量,
            // ps是模长,它是三角形面积的2倍
            if (pointSearchSurfInd2[i] >= 0 && pointSearchSurfInd3[i] >= 0) {

                tripod1 = laserCloudSurfLast->points[pointSearchSurfInd1[i]];
                tripod2 = laserCloudSurfLast->points[pointSearchSurfInd2[i]];
                tripod3 = laserCloudSurfLast->points[pointSearchSurfInd3[i]];

                float pa = (tripod2.y - tripod1.y) * (tripod3.z - tripod1.z)
                           - (tripod3.y - tripod1.y) * (tripod2.z - tripod1.z);
                float pb = (tripod2.z - tripod1.z) * (tripod3.x - tripod1.x)
                           - (tripod3.z - tripod1.z) * (tripod2.x - tripod1.x);
                float pc = (tripod2.x - tripod1.x) * (tripod3.y - tripod1.y)
                           - (tripod3.x - tripod1.x) * (tripod2.y - tripod1.y);
                float pd = -(pa * tripod1.x + pb * tripod1.y + pc * tripod1.z);

                float ps = sqrt(pa * pa + pb * pb + pc * pc);

                pa /= ps;
                pb /= ps;
                pc /= ps;
                pd /= ps;

                // 距离没有取绝对值
                // 两个向量的点乘,分母除以ps中已经除掉了,
                // 加pd原因:pointSel与tripod1构成的线段需要相减
                float pd2 = pa * pointSel.x + pb * pointSel.y + pc * pointSel.z + pd;

                float s = 1;
                if (iterCount >= 5) {
                    // /加上影响因子
                    s = 1 - 1.8 * fabs(pd2) / sqrt(sqrt(pointSel.x * pointSel.x
                                                        + pointSel.y * pointSel.y + pointSel.z * pointSel.z));

                if (s > 0.1 && pd2 != 0) {
                    // [x,y,z]是整个平面的单位法量
                    // intensity是平面外一点到该平面的距离
                    coeff.x = s * pa;
                    coeff.y = s * pb;
                    coeff.z = s * pc;
                    coeff.intensity = s * pd2;

                    // 未经变换的点放入laserCloudOri队列,距离,法向量值放入coeffSel

4.3 calculateTransformationSurf


 bool calculateTransformationSurf(int iterCount) {

        int pointSelNum = laserCloudOri->points.size();

        cv::Mat matA(pointSelNum, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matAt(3, pointSelNum, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matAtA(3, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matB(pointSelNum, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matAtB(3, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matX(3, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));

        float srx = sin(transformCur[0]);
        float crx = cos(transformCur[0]);
        float sry = sin(transformCur[1]);
        float cry = cos(transformCur[1]);
        float srz = sin(transformCur[2]);
        float crz = cos(transformCur[2]);
        float tx = transformCur[3];
        float ty = transformCur[4];
        float tz = transformCur[5];

        float a1 = crx * sry * srz;
        float a2 = crx * crz * sry;
        float a3 = srx * sry;
        float a4 = tx * a1 - ty * a2 - tz * a3;
        float a5 = srx * srz;
        float a6 = crz * srx;
        float a7 = ty * a6 - tz * crx - tx * a5;
        float a8 = crx * cry * srz;
        float a9 = crx * cry * crz;
        float a10 = cry * srx;
        float a11 = tz * a10 + ty * a9 - tx * a8;

        float b1 = -crz * sry - cry * srx * srz;
        float b2 = cry * crz * srx - sry * srz;
        float b5 = cry * crz - srx * sry * srz;
        float b6 = cry * srz + crz * srx * sry;

        float c1 = -b6;
        float c2 = b5;
        float c3 = tx * b6 - ty * b5;
        float c4 = -crx * crz;
        float c5 = crx * srz;
        float c6 = ty * c5 + tx * -c4;
        float c7 = b2;
        float c8 = -b1;
        float c9 = tx * -b2 - ty * -b1;

        // 构建雅可比矩阵,求解
        for (int i = 0; i < pointSelNum; i++) {

            pointOri = laserCloudOri->points[i];
            coeff = coeffSel->points[i];

            float arx = (-a1 * pointOri.x + a2 * pointOri.y + a3 * pointOri.z + a4) * coeff.x
                        + (a5 * pointOri.x - a6 * pointOri.y + crx * pointOri.z + a7) * coeff.y
                        + (a8 * pointOri.x - a9 * pointOri.y - a10 * pointOri.z + a11) * coeff.z;

            float arz = (c1 * pointOri.x + c2 * pointOri.y + c3) * coeff.x
                        + (c4 * pointOri.x - c5 * pointOri.y + c6) * coeff.y
                        + (c7 * pointOri.x + c8 * pointOri.y + c9) * coeff.z;

            float aty = -b6 * coeff.x + c4 * coeff.y + b2 * coeff.z;

            float d2 = coeff.intensity;

  <float>(i, 0) = arx;
  <float>(i, 1) = arz;
  <float>(i, 2) = aty;
  <float>(i, 0) = -0.05 * d2;

        cv::transpose(matA, matAt);
        matAtA = matAt * matA;
        matAtB = matAt * matB;
        cv::solve(matAtA, matAtB, matX, cv::DECOMP_QR);

        if (iterCount == 0) {
            cv::Mat matE(1, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matV(3, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matV2(3, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));

            cv::eigen(matAtA, matE, matV);

            isDegenerate = false;
            float eignThre[3] = {10, 10, 10};
            for (int i = 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (<float>(0, i) < eignThre[i]) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
              <float>(i, j) = 0;
                    isDegenerate = true;
                } else {
            matP = matV.inv() * matV2;

        if (isDegenerate) {
            cv::Mat matX2(3, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            matX = matP * matX2;

        transformCur[0] +=<float>(0, 0);
        transformCur[2] +=<float>(1, 0);
        transformCur[4] +=<float>(2, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            if (isnan(transformCur[i]))
                transformCur[i] = 0;

        float deltaR = sqrt(
                pow(rad2deg(<float>(0, 0)), 2) +
                pow(rad2deg(<float>(1, 0)), 2));
        float deltaT = sqrt(
                pow(<float>(2, 0) * 100, 2));

        if (deltaR < 0.1 && deltaT < 0.1) {
            return false;
        return true;

4.4 calculateTransformationCorner


 bool calculateTransformationCorner(int iterCount) {

        int pointSelNum = laserCloudOri->points.size();

        cv::Mat matA(pointSelNum, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matAt(3, pointSelNum, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matAtA(3, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matB(pointSelNum, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matAtB(3, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matX(3, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));

        // 以下为开始计算A,A=[J的偏导],J的偏导的计算公式是什么?
        float srx = sin(transformCur[0]);
        float crx = cos(transformCur[0]);
        float sry = sin(transformCur[1]);
        float cry = cos(transformCur[1]);
        float srz = sin(transformCur[2]);
        float crz = cos(transformCur[2]);
        float tx = transformCur[3];
        float ty = transformCur[4];
        float tz = transformCur[5];

        float b1 = -crz * sry - cry * srx * srz;
        float b2 = cry * crz * srx - sry * srz;
        float b3 = crx * cry;
        float b4 = tx * -b1 + ty * -b2 + tz * b3;
        float b5 = cry * crz - srx * sry * srz;
        float b6 = cry * srz + crz * srx * sry;
        float b7 = crx * sry;
        float b8 = tz * b7 - ty * b6 - tx * b5;

        float c5 = crx * srz;

        for (int i = 0; i < pointSelNum; i++) {

            pointOri = laserCloudOri->points[i];
            coeff = coeffSel->points[i];

            float ary = (b1 * pointOri.x + b2 * pointOri.y - b3 * pointOri.z + b4) * coeff.x
                        + (b5 * pointOri.x + b6 * pointOri.y - b7 * pointOri.z + b8) * coeff.z;

            float atx = -b5 * coeff.x + c5 * coeff.y + b1 * coeff.z;

            float atz = b7 * coeff.x - srx * coeff.y - b3 * coeff.z;

            float d2 = coeff.intensity;

            // A=[J的偏导]; B=[权重系数*(点到直线的距离)] 求解公式: AX=B
            // 为了让左边满秩,同乘At-> At*A*X = At*B
  <float>(i, 0) = ary;
  <float>(i, 1) = atx;
  <float>(i, 2) = atz;
  <float>(i, 0) = -0.05 * d2;

        // transpose函数求得matA的转置matAt
        cv::transpose(matA, matAt);
        matAtA = matAt * matA;
        matAtB = matAt * matB;
        // 通过QR分解的方法,求解方程AtA*X=AtB,得到X
        cv::solve(matAtA, matAtB, matX, cv::DECOMP_QR);

        if (iterCount == 0) {
            cv::Mat matE(1, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matV(3, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matV2(3, 3, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));

            // 计算At*A的特征值和特征向量
            // 特征值存放在matE,特征向量matV
            cv::eigen(matAtA, matE, matV);

            // 退化的具体表现是指什么?
            isDegenerate = false;
            float eignThre[3] = {10, 10, 10};
            for (int i = 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (<float>(0, i) < eignThre[i]) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
              <float>(i, j) = 0;
                    // 存在比10小的特征值则出现退化
                    isDegenerate = true;
                } else {
            matP = matV.inv() * matV2;

        if (isDegenerate) {
            cv::Mat matX2(3, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            matX = matP * matX2;

        transformCur[1] +=<float>(0, 0);
        transformCur[3] +=<float>(1, 0);
        transformCur[5] +=<float>(2, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            if (isnan(transformCur[i]))
                transformCur[i] = 0;

        float deltaR = sqrt(
                pow(rad2deg(<float>(0, 0)), 2));
        float deltaT = sqrt(
                pow(<float>(1, 0) * 100, 2) +
                pow(<float>(2, 0) * 100, 2));

        if (deltaR < 0.1 && deltaT < 0.1) {
            return false;
        return true;

4.5 calculateTransformation

 bool calculateTransformation(int iterCount) {

        int pointSelNum = laserCloudOri->points.size();

        cv::Mat matA(pointSelNum, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matAt(6, pointSelNum, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matAtA(6, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matB(pointSelNum, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matAtB(6, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
        cv::Mat matX(6, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));

        float srx = sin(transformCur[0]);
        float crx = cos(transformCur[0]);
        float sry = sin(transformCur[1]);
        float cry = cos(transformCur[1]);
        float srz = sin(transformCur[2]);
        float crz = cos(transformCur[2]);
        float tx = transformCur[3];
        float ty = transformCur[4];
        float tz = transformCur[5];

        float a1 = crx * sry * srz;
        float a2 = crx * crz * sry;
        float a3 = srx * sry;
        float a4 = tx * a1 - ty * a2 - tz * a3;
        float a5 = srx * srz;
        float a6 = crz * srx;
        float a7 = ty * a6 - tz * crx - tx * a5;
        float a8 = crx * cry * srz;
        float a9 = crx * cry * crz;
        float a10 = cry * srx;
        float a11 = tz * a10 + ty * a9 - tx * a8;

        float b1 = -crz * sry - cry * srx * srz;
        float b2 = cry * crz * srx - sry * srz;
        float b3 = crx * cry;
        float b4 = tx * -b1 + ty * -b2 + tz * b3;
        float b5 = cry * crz - srx * sry * srz;
        float b6 = cry * srz + crz * srx * sry;
        float b7 = crx * sry;
        float b8 = tz * b7 - ty * b6 - tx * b5;

        float c1 = -b6;
        float c2 = b5;
        float c3 = tx * b6 - ty * b5;
        float c4 = -crx * crz;
        float c5 = crx * srz;
        float c6 = ty * c5 + tx * -c4;
        float c7 = b2;
        float c8 = -b1;
        float c9 = tx * -b2 - ty * -b1;

        for (int i = 0; i < pointSelNum; i++) {

            pointOri = laserCloudOri->points[i];
            coeff = coeffSel->points[i];

            float arx = (-a1 * pointOri.x + a2 * pointOri.y + a3 * pointOri.z + a4) * coeff.x
                        + (a5 * pointOri.x - a6 * pointOri.y + crx * pointOri.z + a7) * coeff.y
                        + (a8 * pointOri.x - a9 * pointOri.y - a10 * pointOri.z + a11) * coeff.z;

            float ary = (b1 * pointOri.x + b2 * pointOri.y - b3 * pointOri.z + b4) * coeff.x
                        + (b5 * pointOri.x + b6 * pointOri.y - b7 * pointOri.z + b8) * coeff.z;

            float arz = (c1 * pointOri.x + c2 * pointOri.y + c3) * coeff.x
                        + (c4 * pointOri.x - c5 * pointOri.y + c6) * coeff.y
                        + (c7 * pointOri.x + c8 * pointOri.y + c9) * coeff.z;

            float atx = -b5 * coeff.x + c5 * coeff.y + b1 * coeff.z;

            float aty = -b6 * coeff.x + c4 * coeff.y + b2 * coeff.z;

            float atz = b7 * coeff.x - srx * coeff.y - b3 * coeff.z;

            float d2 = coeff.intensity;

  <float>(i, 0) = arx;
  <float>(i, 1) = ary;
  <float>(i, 2) = arz;
  <float>(i, 3) = atx;
  <float>(i, 4) = aty;
  <float>(i, 5) = atz;
  <float>(i, 0) = -0.05 * d2;

        cv::transpose(matA, matAt);
        matAtA = matAt * matA;
        matAtB = matAt * matB;
        cv::solve(matAtA, matAtB, matX, cv::DECOMP_QR);

        if (iterCount == 0) {
            cv::Mat matE(1, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matV(6, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            cv::Mat matV2(6, 6, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));

            cv::eigen(matAtA, matE, matV);

            isDegenerate = false;
            float eignThre[6] = {10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10};
            for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (<float>(0, i) < eignThre[i]) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
              <float>(i, j) = 0;
                    isDegenerate = true;
                } else {
            matP = matV.inv() * matV2;

        if (isDegenerate) {
            cv::Mat matX2(6, 1, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
            matX = matP * matX2;

        transformCur[0] +=<float>(0, 0);
        transformCur[1] +=<float>(1, 0);
        transformCur[2] +=<float>(2, 0);
        transformCur[3] +=<float>(3, 0);
        transformCur[4] +=<float>(4, 0);
        transformCur[5] +=<float>(5, 0);

        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            if (isnan(transformCur[i]))
                transformCur[i] = 0;

        // 计算旋转的模长
        float deltaR = sqrt(
                pow(rad2deg(<float>(0, 0)), 2) +
                pow(rad2deg(<float>(1, 0)), 2) +
                pow(rad2deg(<float>(2, 0)), 2));
        // 计算平移的模长
        float deltaT = sqrt(
                pow(<float>(3, 0) * 100, 2) +
                pow(<float>(4, 0) * 100, 2) +
                pow(<float>(5, 0) * 100, 2));

        if (deltaR < 0.1 && deltaT < 0.1) {
            return false;
        return true;

4.6 updateInitialGuess


    void updateInitialGuess(){

        imuPitchLast = imuPitchCur;
        imuYawLast = imuYawCur;
        imuRollLast = imuRollCur;

        imuShiftFromStartX = imuShiftFromStartXCur;
        imuShiftFromStartY = imuShiftFromStartYCur;
        imuShiftFromStartZ = imuShiftFromStartZCur;

        imuVeloFromStartX = imuVeloFromStartXCur;
        imuVeloFromStartY = imuVeloFromStartYCur;
        imuVeloFromStartZ = imuVeloFromStartZCur;

        // 关于下面负号的说明:
        // transformCur是在Cur坐标系下的 p_start=R*p_cur+t
        // R和t是在Cur坐标系下的
        // 而imuAngularFromStart是在start坐标系下的,所以需要加负号
        if (imuAngularFromStartX != 0 || imuAngularFromStartY != 0 || imuAngularFromStartZ != 0){
            transformCur[0] = - imuAngularFromStartY;
            transformCur[1] = - imuAngularFromStartZ;
            transformCur[2] = - imuAngularFromStartX;

        // 速度乘以时间,当前变换中的位移
        if (imuVeloFromStartX != 0 || imuVeloFromStartY != 0 || imuVeloFromStartZ != 0){
            transformCur[3] -= imuVeloFromStartX * scanPeriod;
            transformCur[4] -= imuVeloFromStartY * scanPeriod;
            transformCur[5] -= imuVeloFromStartZ * scanPeriod;

4.7 updateTransformation

void updateTransformation()中主要是两个部分,一个是找特征平面,通过面之间的对应关系计算出变换矩阵。

void updateTransformation(){
    if (laserCloudCornerLastNum < 10 || laserCloudSurfLastNum < 100)

    for (int iterCount1 = 0; iterCount1 < 25; iterCount1++) {

        // 找到对应的特征平面
        // 然后计算协方差矩阵,保存在coeffSel队列中
        // laserCloudOri中保存的是对应于coeffSel的未转换到开始时刻的原始点云数据

        if (laserCloudOri->points.size() < 10)
        // 通过面特征的匹配,计算变换矩阵
        if (calculateTransformationSurf(iterCount1) == false)

    for (int iterCount2 = 0; iterCount2 < 25; iterCount2++) {


        // 找到对应的特征边/角点
        // 寻找边特征的方法和寻找平面特征的很类似,过程可以参照寻找平面特征的注释

        if (laserCloudOri->points.size() < 10)
        // 通过角/边特征的匹配,计算变换矩阵
        if (calculateTransformationCorner(iterCount2) == false)

4.8 integrateTransformation


void integrateTransformation()计算了旋转角的累积变化量。
再通过PluginIMURotation(rx, ry, rz, imuPitchStart, imuYawStart, imuRollStart, imuPitchLast, imuYawLast, imuRollLast, rx, ry, rz);插入imu旋转,更新姿态。

// 旋转角的累计变化量
    void integrateTransformation() {
        float rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz;
        // AccumulateRotation作用
        // 将计算的两帧之间的位姿“累加”起来,获得相对于第一帧的旋转矩阵
        // transformSum是IMU的累计变化量,0、1、2分别是pitch、yaw、roll,transformCur是当前的IMU数据,
        // AccumulateRotation是为了使局部坐标转换为全局坐标
        // transformSum + (-transformCur) =(rx,ry,rz)
        AccumulateRotation(transformSum[0], transformSum[1], transformSum[2],
                           -transformCur[0], -transformCur[1], -transformCur[2], rx, ry, rz);

        // 进行平移分量的更新
        float x1 = cos(rz) * (transformCur[3] - imuShiftFromStartX)
                   - sin(rz) * (transformCur[4] - imuShiftFromStartY);
        float y1 = sin(rz) * (transformCur[3] - imuShiftFromStartX)
                   + cos(rz) * (transformCur[4] - imuShiftFromStartY);
        float z1 = transformCur[5] - imuShiftFromStartZ;

        float x2 = x1;
        float y2 = cos(rx) * y1 - sin(rx) * z1;
        float z2 = sin(rx) * y1 + cos(rx) * z1;

        tx = transformSum[3] - (cos(ry) * x2 + sin(ry) * z2);
        ty = transformSum[4] - y2;
        tz = transformSum[5] - (-sin(ry) * x2 + cos(ry) * z2);

        // 与accumulateRotatio联合起来更新transformSum的rotation部分的工作
        // 可视为transformToEnd的下部分的逆过程
        PluginIMURotation(rx, ry, rz, imuPitchStart, imuYawStart, imuRollStart,
                          imuPitchLast, imuYawLast, imuRollLast, rx, ry, rz);

        transformSum[0] = rx;
        transformSum[1] = ry;
        transformSum[2] = rz;
        transformSum[3] = tx;
        transformSum[4] = ty;
        transformSum[5] = tz;

4.9 publishOdometry


 // 主题"/laser_odom_to_init"发布里程计信息
    //     msg.header.stamp 存储时间戳
    //     msg.header.frame_id = "/camera_init";
    //     msg.child_frame_id = "/laser_odom";
    //     msg.pose.pose.orientation 存储姿态的四元数
    //     msg.pose.pose.position 存储位置

    void publishOdometry() {
        geometry_msgs::Quaternion geoQuat = tf::createQuaternionMsgFromRollPitchYaw(transformSum[2], -transformSum[0],

        // rx,ry,rz转化为四元数发布
        laserOdometry.header.stamp = cloudHeader.stamp;
        laserOdometry.pose.pose.orientation.x = -geoQuat.y;
        laserOdometry.pose.pose.orientation.y = -geoQuat.z;
        laserOdometry.pose.pose.orientation.z = geoQuat.x;
        laserOdometry.pose.pose.orientation.w = geoQuat.w;
        laserOdometry.pose.pose.position.x = transformSum[3];
        laserOdometry.pose.pose.position.y = transformSum[4];
        laserOdometry.pose.pose.position.z = transformSum[5];

        // laserOdometryTrans 是用于tf广播
        laserOdometryTrans.stamp_ = cloudHeader.stamp;
        laserOdometryTrans.setRotation(tf::Quaternion(-geoQuat.y, -geoQuat.z, geoQuat.x, geoQuat.w));
        laserOdometryTrans.setOrigin(tf::Vector3(transformSum[3], transformSum[4], transformSum[5]));


5.1 initializationValue


5.2 updateImuRollPitchYawStartSinCos

 // 更新初始时刻i=0时刻的rpy角的正余弦值
    void updateImuRollPitchYawStartSinCos() {
        cosImuRollStart = cos(imuRollStart);
        cosImuPitchStart = cos(imuPitchStart);
        cosImuYawStart = cos(imuYawStart);
        sinImuRollStart = sin(imuRollStart);
        sinImuPitchStart = sin(imuPitchStart);
        sinImuYawStart = sin(imuYawStart);

5.3 ShiftToStartIMU

 void ShiftToStartIMU(float pointTime) {
        // 下面三个量表示的是世界坐标系下,从start到cur的坐标的漂移
        imuShiftFromStartXCur = imuShiftXCur - imuShiftXStart - imuVeloXStart * pointTime;
        imuShiftFromStartYCur = imuShiftYCur - imuShiftYStart - imuVeloYStart * pointTime;
        imuShiftFromStartZCur = imuShiftZCur - imuShiftZStart - imuVeloZStart * pointTime;

        // 从世界坐标系变换到start坐标系
        float x1 = cosImuYawStart * imuShiftFromStartXCur - sinImuYawStart * imuShiftFromStartZCur;
        float y1 = imuShiftFromStartYCur;
        float z1 = sinImuYawStart * imuShiftFromStartXCur + cosImuYawStart * imuShiftFromStartZCur;

        float x2 = x1;
        float y2 = cosImuPitchStart * y1 + sinImuPitchStart * z1;
        float z2 = -sinImuPitchStart * y1 + cosImuPitchStart * z1;

        imuShiftFromStartXCur = cosImuRollStart * x2 + sinImuRollStart * y2;
        imuShiftFromStartYCur = -sinImuRollStart * x2 + cosImuRollStart * y2;
        imuShiftFromStartZCur = z2;

5.4 VeloToStartIMU

 void VeloToStartIMU() {
        // imuVeloXStart,imuVeloYStart,imuVeloZStart是点云索引i=0时刻的速度
        // 此处计算的是相对于初始时刻i=0时的相对速度
        // 这个相对速度在世界坐标系下
        imuVeloFromStartXCur = imuVeloXCur - imuVeloXStart;
        imuVeloFromStartYCur = imuVeloYCur - imuVeloYStart;
        imuVeloFromStartZCur = imuVeloZCur - imuVeloZStart;

        // !!!下面从世界坐标系转换到start坐标系,roll,pitch,yaw要取负值
        // 首先绕y轴进行旋转
        //    |cosry   0   sinry|
        // Ry=|0       1       0|
        //    |-sinry  0   cosry|
        float x1 = cosImuYawStart * imuVeloFromStartXCur - sinImuYawStart * imuVeloFromStartZCur;
        float y1 = imuVeloFromStartYCur;
        float z1 = sinImuYawStart * imuVeloFromStartXCur + cosImuYawStart * imuVeloFromStartZCur;

        // 绕当前x轴旋转(-pitch)的角度
        //    |1     0        0|
        // Rx=|0   cosrx -sinrx|
        //    |0   sinrx  cosrx|
        float x2 = x1;
        float y2 = cosImuPitchStart * y1 + sinImuPitchStart * z1;
        float z2 = -sinImuPitchStart * y1 + cosImuPitchStart * z1;

        // 绕当前z轴旋转(-roll)的角度
        //     |cosrz  -sinrz  0|
        //  Rz=|sinrz  cosrz   0|
        //     |0       0      1|
        imuVeloFromStartXCur = cosImuRollStart * x2 + sinImuRollStart * y2;
        imuVeloFromStartYCur = -sinImuRollStart * x2 + cosImuRollStart * y2;
        imuVeloFromStartZCur = z2;

5.5 TransformToStartIMU

// 该函数的功能是把点云坐标变换到初始imu时刻
    void TransformToStartIMU(PointType *p) {
        // 因为在adjustDistortion函数中有对xyz的坐标进行交换的过程
        // 交换的过程是x=原来的y,y=原来的z,z=原来的x
        // 所以下面其实是绕Z轴(原先的x轴)旋转,对应的是roll角
        //     |cosrz  -sinrz  0|
        //  Rz=|sinrz  cosrz   0|
        //     |0       0      1|
        // [x1,y1,z1]^T=Rz*[x,y,z]
        // 因为在imuHandler中进行过坐标变换,
        // 所以下面的roll其实已经对应于新坐标系中(X-Y-Z)的yaw
        float x1 = cos(imuRollCur) * p->x - sin(imuRollCur) * p->y;
        float y1 = sin(imuRollCur) * p->x + cos(imuRollCur) * p->y;
        float z1 = p->z;

        // 绕X轴(原先的y轴)旋转
        // [x2,y2,z2]^T=Rx*[x1,y1,z1]
        //    |1     0        0|
        // Rx=|0   cosrx -sinrx|
        //    |0   sinrx  cosrx|
        float x2 = x1;
        float y2 = cos(imuPitchCur) * y1 - sin(imuPitchCur) * z1;
        float z2 = sin(imuPitchCur) * y1 + cos(imuPitchCur) * z1;

        // 最后再绕Y轴(原先的Z轴)旋转
        //    |cosry   0   sinry|
        // Ry=|0       1       0|
        //    |-sinry  0   cosry|
        float x3 = cos(imuYawCur) * x2 + sin(imuYawCur) * z2;
        float y3 = y2;
        float z3 = -sin(imuYawCur) * x2 + cos(imuYawCur) * z2;

        // 下面部分的代码功能是从imu坐标的原点变换到i=0时imu的初始时刻(从世界坐标系变换到start坐标系)
        // 变换方式和函数VeloToStartIMU()中的类似
        // 变换顺序:Cur-->世界坐标系-->Start,这两次变换中,
        // 前一次是正变换,角度为正,后一次是逆变换,角度应该为负
        // 可以参考:
        float x4 = cosImuYawStart * x3 - sinImuYawStart * z3;
        float y4 = y3;
        float z4 = sinImuYawStart * x3 + cosImuYawStart * z3;

        float x5 = x4;
        float y5 = cosImuPitchStart * y4 + sinImuPitchStart * z4;
        float z5 = -sinImuPitchStart * y4 + cosImuPitchStart * z4;

        // 绕z轴(原先的x轴)变换角度到初始imu时刻,另外需要加上imu的位移漂移
        // 后面加上的 imuShiftFromStart.. 表示从start时刻到cur时刻的漂移,
        // (imuShiftFromStart.. 在start坐标系下)
        p->x = cosImuRollStart * x5 + sinImuRollStart * y5 + imuShiftFromStartXCur;
        p->y = -sinImuRollStart * x5 + cosImuRollStart * y5 + imuShiftFromStartYCur;
        p->z = z5 + imuShiftFromStartZCur;

5.6 AccumulateIMUShiftAndRotation

 void AccumulateIMUShiftAndRotation() {
        float roll = imuRoll[imuPointerLast];
        float pitch = imuPitch[imuPointerLast];
        float yaw = imuYaw[imuPointerLast];
        float accX = imuAccX[imuPointerLast];
        float accY = imuAccY[imuPointerLast];
        float accZ = imuAccZ[imuPointerLast];

        // 先绕Z轴(原x轴)旋转,下方坐标系示意imuHandler()中加速度的坐标轴交换
        //  z->Y
        //  ^
        //  |    ^ y->X
        //  |   /
        //  |  /
        //  | /
        //  -----> x->Z
        //     |cosrz  -sinrz  0|
        //  Rz=|sinrz  cosrz   0|
        //     |0       0      1|
        // [x1,y1,z1]^T=Rz*[accX,accY,accZ]
        // 因为在imuHandler中进行过坐标变换,
        // 所以下面的roll其实已经对应于新坐标系中(X-Y-Z)的yaw
        float x1 = cos(roll) * accX - sin(roll) * accY;
        float y1 = sin(roll) * accX + cos(roll) * accY;
        float z1 = accZ;

        // 绕X轴(原y轴)旋转
        // [x2,y2,z2]^T=Rx*[x1,y1,z1]
        //    |1     0        0|
        // Rx=|0   cosrx -sinrx|
        //    |0   sinrx  cosrx|
        float x2 = x1;
        float y2 = cos(pitch) * y1 - sin(pitch) * z1;
        float z2 = sin(pitch) * y1 + cos(pitch) * z1;

        // 最后再绕Y轴(原z轴)旋转
        //    |cosry   0   sinry|
        // Ry=|0       1       0|
        //    |-sinry  0   cosry|
        accX = cos(yaw) * x2 + sin(yaw) * z2;
        accY = y2;
        accZ = -sin(yaw) * x2 + cos(yaw) * z2;

        // 进行位移,速度,角度量的累加
        int imuPointerBack = (imuPointerLast + imuQueLength - 1) % imuQueLength;
        double timeDiff = imuTime[imuPointerLast] - imuTime[imuPointerBack];
        if (timeDiff < scanPeriod) {

            imuShiftX[imuPointerLast] =
                    imuShiftX[imuPointerBack] + imuVeloX[imuPointerBack] * timeDiff + accX * timeDiff * timeDiff / 2;
            imuShiftY[imuPointerLast] =
                    imuShiftY[imuPointerBack] + imuVeloY[imuPointerBack] * timeDiff + accY * timeDiff * timeDiff / 2;
            imuShiftZ[imuPointerLast] =
                    imuShiftZ[imuPointerBack] + imuVeloZ[imuPointerBack] * timeDiff + accZ * timeDiff * timeDiff / 2;

            imuVeloX[imuPointerLast] = imuVeloX[imuPointerBack] + accX * timeDiff;
            imuVeloY[imuPointerLast] = imuVeloY[imuPointerBack] + accY * timeDiff;
            imuVeloZ[imuPointerLast] = imuVeloZ[imuPointerBack] + accZ * timeDiff;

            imuAngularRotationX[imuPointerLast] =
                    imuAngularRotationX[imuPointerBack] + imuAngularVeloX[imuPointerBack] * timeDiff;
            imuAngularRotationY[imuPointerLast] =
                    imuAngularRotationY[imuPointerBack] + imuAngularVeloY[imuPointerBack] * timeDiff;
            imuAngularRotationZ[imuPointerLast] =
                    imuAngularRotationZ[imuPointerBack] + imuAngularVeloZ[imuPointerBack] * timeDiff;

5.7 publishCloud

void publishCloud() {// cloud for visualization
        sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudOutMsg;

        if (pubCornerPointsSharp.getNumSubscribers() != 0) {
            pcl::toROSMsg(*cornerPointsSharp, laserCloudOutMsg);
            laserCloudOutMsg.header.stamp = cloudHeader.stamp;
            laserCloudOutMsg.header.frame_id = "/camera";

        if (pubCornerPointsLessSharp.getNumSubscribers() != 0) {
            pcl::toROSMsg(*cornerPointsLessSharp, laserCloudOutMsg);
            laserCloudOutMsg.header.stamp = cloudHeader.stamp;
            laserCloudOutMsg.header.frame_id = "/camera";

        if (pubSurfPointsFlat.getNumSubscribers() != 0) {
            pcl::toROSMsg(*surfPointsFlat, laserCloudOutMsg);
            laserCloudOutMsg.header.stamp = cloudHeader.stamp;
            laserCloudOutMsg.header.frame_id = "/camera";

        if (pubSurfPointsLessFlat.getNumSubscribers() != 0) {
            pcl::toROSMsg(*surfPointsLessFlat, laserCloudOutMsg);
            laserCloudOutMsg.header.stamp = cloudHeader.stamp;
            laserCloudOutMsg.header.frame_id = "/camera";

5.8 TransformToStart

 // intensity代表的是:整数部分ring序号,小数部分是当前点在这一圈中所花的时间
    // 关于intensity, 参考 adjustDistortion() 函数中的定义
    // s代表的其实是一个比例,s的计算方法应该如下:
    // s=(pi->intensity - int(pi->intensity))/SCAN_PERIOD
    // ===> SCAN_PERIOD=0.1(雷达频率为10hz)
    // 以上理解感谢github用户StefanGlaser
    void TransformToStart(PointType const *const pi, PointType *const po) {
        float s = 10 * (pi->intensity - int(pi->intensity));

        float rx = s * transformCur[0];
        float ry = s * transformCur[1];
        float rz = s * transformCur[2];
        float tx = s * transformCur[3];
        float ty = s * transformCur[4];
        float tz = s * transformCur[5];

        float x1 = cos(rz) * (pi->x - tx) + sin(rz) * (pi->y - ty);
        float y1 = -sin(rz) * (pi->x - tx) + cos(rz) * (pi->y - ty);
        float z1 = (pi->z - tz);

        float x2 = x1;
        float y2 = cos(rx) * y1 + sin(rx) * z1;
        float z2 = -sin(rx) * y1 + cos(rx) * z1;

        po->x = cos(ry) * x2 - sin(ry) * z2;
        po->y = y2;
        po->z = sin(ry) * x2 + cos(ry) * z2;
        po->intensity = pi->intensity;

5.9 TransformToEnd

 // 先转到start,再从start旋转到end
    void TransformToEnd(PointType const *const pi, PointType *const po) {
        // 关于s, 参看上面  TransformToStart() 的注释
        float s = 10 * (pi->intensity - int(pi->intensity));

        float rx = s * transformCur[0];
        float ry = s * transformCur[1];
        float rz = s * transformCur[2];
        float tx = s * transformCur[3];
        float ty = s * transformCur[4];
        float tz = s * transformCur[5];

        float x1 = cos(rz) * (pi->x - tx) + sin(rz) * (pi->y - ty);
        float y1 = -sin(rz) * (pi->x - tx) + cos(rz) * (pi->y - ty);
        float z1 = (pi->z - tz);

        float x2 = x1;
        float y2 = cos(rx) * y1 + sin(rx) * z1;
        float z2 = -sin(rx) * y1 + cos(rx) * z1;

        float x3 = cos(ry) * x2 - sin(ry) * z2;
        float y3 = y2;
        float z3 = sin(ry) * x2 + cos(ry) * z2;

        rx = transformCur[0];
        ry = transformCur[1];
        rz = transformCur[2];
        tx = transformCur[3];
        ty = transformCur[4];
        tz = transformCur[5];

        float x4 = cos(ry) * x3 + sin(ry) * z3;
        float y4 = y3;
        float z4 = -sin(ry) * x3 + cos(ry) * z3;

        float x5 = x4;
        float y5 = cos(rx) * y4 - sin(rx) * z4;
        float z5 = sin(rx) * y4 + cos(rx) * z4;

        float x6 = cos(rz) * x5 - sin(rz) * y5 + tx;
        float y6 = sin(rz) * x5 + cos(rz) * y5 + ty;
        float z6 = z5 + tz;

        float x7 = cosImuRollStart * (x6 - imuShiftFromStartX)
                   - sinImuRollStart * (y6 - imuShiftFromStartY);
        float y7 = sinImuRollStart * (x6 - imuShiftFromStartX)
                   + cosImuRollStart * (y6 - imuShiftFromStartY);
        float z7 = z6 - imuShiftFromStartZ;

        float x8 = x7;
        float y8 = cosImuPitchStart * y7 - sinImuPitchStart * z7;
        float z8 = sinImuPitchStart * y7 + cosImuPitchStart * z7;

        float x9 = cosImuYawStart * x8 + sinImuYawStart * z8;
        float y9 = y8;
        float z9 = -sinImuYawStart * x8 + cosImuYawStart * z8;

        float x10 = cos(imuYawLast) * x9 - sin(imuYawLast) * z9;
        float y10 = y9;
        float z10 = sin(imuYawLast) * x9 + cos(imuYawLast) * z9;

        float x11 = x10;
        float y11 = cos(imuPitchLast) * y10 + sin(imuPitchLast) * z10;
        float z11 = -sin(imuPitchLast) * y10 + cos(imuPitchLast) * z10;

        po->x = cos(imuRollLast) * x11 + sin(imuRollLast) * y11;
        po->y = -sin(imuRollLast) * x11 + cos(imuRollLast) * y11;
        po->z = z11;
        po->intensity = int(pi->intensity);

5.10 PluginIMURotation

 // (rx, ry, rz, imuPitchStart, imuYawStart, imuRollStart,
    //  imuPitchLast, imuYawLast, imuRollLast, rx, ry, rz)
    void PluginIMURotation(float bcx, float bcy, float bcz, float blx, float bly, float blz,
                           float alx, float aly, float alz, float &acx, float &acy, float &acz) {
        // 参考:
        //                    -imuStart     imuEnd     0
        // transformSum.rot= R          * R        * R
        //                    YXZ           ZXY        k+1
        // bcx,bcy,bcz (rx, ry, rz)构成了 R_(k+1)^(0)
        // blx,bly,blz(imuPitchStart, imuYawStart, imuRollStart) 构成了 R_(YXZ)^(-imuStart)
        // alx,aly,alz(imuPitchLast, imuYawLast, imuRollLast)构成了 R_(ZXY)^(imuEnd)
        float sbcx = sin(bcx);
        float cbcx = cos(bcx);
        float sbcy = sin(bcy);
        float cbcy = cos(bcy);
        float sbcz = sin(bcz);
        float cbcz = cos(bcz);

        float sblx = sin(blx);
        float cblx = cos(blx);
        float sbly = sin(bly);
        float cbly = cos(bly);
        float sblz = sin(blz);
        float cblz = cos(blz);

        float salx = sin(alx);
        float calx = cos(alx);
        float saly = sin(aly);
        float caly = cos(aly);
        float salz = sin(alz);
        float calz = cos(alz);

        float srx = -sbcx * (salx * sblx + calx * caly * cblx * cbly + calx * cblx * saly * sbly)
                    - cbcx * cbcz * (calx * saly * (cbly * sblz - cblz * sblx * sbly)
                                     - calx * caly * (sbly * sblz + cbly * cblz * sblx) + cblx * cblz * salx)
                    - cbcx * sbcz * (calx * caly * (cblz * sbly - cbly * sblx * sblz)
                                     - calx * saly * (cbly * cblz + sblx * sbly * sblz) + cblx * salx * sblz);
        acx = -asin(srx);

        float srycrx = (cbcy * sbcz - cbcz * sbcx * sbcy) * (calx * saly * (cbly * sblz - cblz * sblx * sbly)
                                                             - calx * caly * (sbly * sblz + cbly * cblz * sblx) +
                                                             cblx * cblz * salx)
                       - (cbcy * cbcz + sbcx * sbcy * sbcz) * (calx * caly * (cblz * sbly - cbly * sblx * sblz)
                                                               - calx * saly * (cbly * cblz + sblx * sbly * sblz) +
                                                               cblx * salx * sblz)
                       + cbcx * sbcy * (salx * sblx + calx * caly * cblx * cbly + calx * cblx * saly * sbly);
        float crycrx = (cbcz * sbcy - cbcy * sbcx * sbcz) * (calx * caly * (cblz * sbly - cbly * sblx * sblz)
                                                             - calx * saly * (cbly * cblz + sblx * sbly * sblz) +
                                                             cblx * salx * sblz)
                       - (sbcy * sbcz + cbcy * cbcz * sbcx) * (calx * saly * (cbly * sblz - cblz * sblx * sbly)
                                                               - calx * caly * (sbly * sblz + cbly * cblz * sblx) +
                                                               cblx * cblz * salx)
                       + cbcx * cbcy * (salx * sblx + calx * caly * cblx * cbly + calx * cblx * saly * sbly);
        acy = atan2(srycrx / cos(acx), crycrx / cos(acx));

        float srzcrx = sbcx * (cblx * cbly * (calz * saly - caly * salx * salz)
                               - cblx * sbly * (caly * calz + salx * saly * salz) + calx * salz * sblx)
                       - cbcx * cbcz * ((caly * calz + salx * saly * salz) * (cbly * sblz - cblz * sblx * sbly)
                                        + (calz * saly - caly * salx * salz) * (sbly * sblz + cbly * cblz * sblx)
                                        - calx * cblx * cblz * salz) +
                       cbcx * sbcz * ((caly * calz + salx * saly * salz) * (cbly * cblz
                                                                            + sblx * sbly * sblz) +
                                      (calz * saly - caly * salx * salz) * (cblz * sbly - cbly * sblx * sblz)
                                      + calx * cblx * salz * sblz);
        float crzcrx = sbcx * (cblx * sbly * (caly * salz - calz * salx * saly)
                               - cblx * cbly * (saly * salz + caly * calz * salx) + calx * calz * sblx)
                       + cbcx * cbcz * ((saly * salz + caly * calz * salx) * (sbly * sblz + cbly * cblz * sblx)
                                        + (caly * salz - calz * salx * saly) * (cbly * sblz - cblz * sblx * sbly)
                                        + calx * calz * cblx * cblz) -
                       cbcx * sbcz * ((saly * salz + caly * calz * salx) * (cblz * sbly
                                                                            - cbly * sblx * sblz) +
                                      (caly * salz - calz * salx * saly) * (cbly * cblz + sblx * sbly * sblz)
                                      - calx * calz * cblx * sblz);
        acz = atan2(srzcrx / cos(acx), crzcrx / cos(acx));

5.11 AccumulateRotation

// 参考:
    // 0--->(cx,cy,cz)--->(lx,ly,lz)
    // 从0时刻到(cx,cy,cz),然后在(cx,cy,cz)的基础上又旋转(lx,ly,lz)
    // 求最后总的位姿结果是什么?
    // R*p_cur = R_c*R_l*p_cur  ==> R=R_c* R_l
    //     |cly*clz+sly*slx*slz  clz*sly*slx-cly*slz  clx*sly|
    // R_l=|    clx*slz                 clx*clz          -slx|
    //     |cly*slx*slz-clz*sly  cly*clz*slx+sly*slz  cly*clx|
    // R_c=...
    // -srx=(ccx*scy,-scx,cly*clx)*(clx*slz,clx*clz,-slx)
    // ...
    // 然后根据R再来求(ox,oy,oz)
    void AccumulateRotation(float cx, float cy, float cz, float lx, float ly, float lz,
                            float &ox, float &oy, float &oz) {
        float srx = cos(lx) * cos(cx) * sin(ly) * sin(cz) - cos(cx) * cos(cz) * sin(lx) - cos(lx) * cos(ly) * sin(cx);
        ox = -asin(srx);

        float srycrx =
                sin(lx) * (cos(cy) * sin(cz) - cos(cz) * sin(cx) * sin(cy)) + cos(lx) * sin(ly) * (cos(cy) * cos(cz)
                                                                                                   + sin(cx) * sin(cy) *
                                                                                                     sin(cz)) +
                cos(lx) * cos(ly) * cos(cx) * sin(cy);
        float crycrx = cos(lx) * cos(ly) * cos(cx) * cos(cy) - cos(lx) * sin(ly) * (cos(cz) * sin(cy)
                                                                                    - cos(cy) * sin(cx) * sin(cz)) -
                       sin(lx) * (sin(cy) * sin(cz) + cos(cy) * cos(cz) * sin(cx));
        oy = atan2(srycrx / cos(ox), crycrx / cos(ox));

        float srzcrx =
                sin(cx) * (cos(lz) * sin(ly) - cos(ly) * sin(lx) * sin(lz)) + cos(cx) * sin(cz) * (cos(ly) * cos(lz)
                                                                                                   + sin(lx) * sin(ly) *
                                                                                                     sin(lz)) +
                cos(lx) * cos(cx) * cos(cz) * sin(lz);
        float crzcrx = cos(lx) * cos(lz) * cos(cx) * cos(cz) - cos(cx) * sin(cz) * (cos(ly) * sin(lz)
                                                                                    - cos(lz) * sin(lx) * sin(ly)) -
                       sin(cx) * (sin(ly) * sin(lz) + cos(ly) * cos(lz) * sin(lx));
        oz = atan2(srzcrx / cos(ox), crzcrx / cos(ox));

5.12 checkSystemInitialization

    void checkSystemInitialization() {

        // 交换cornerPointsLessSharp和laserCloudCornerLast
        pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudTemp = cornerPointsLessSharp;
        cornerPointsLessSharp = laserCloudCornerLast;
        laserCloudCornerLast = laserCloudTemp;

        // 交换surfPointsLessFlat和laserCloudSurfLast
        laserCloudTemp = surfPointsLessFlat;
        surfPointsLessFlat = laserCloudSurfLast;
        laserCloudSurfLast = laserCloudTemp;


        laserCloudCornerLastNum = laserCloudCornerLast->points.size();
        laserCloudSurfLastNum = laserCloudSurfLast->points.size();

        sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudCornerLast2;
        pcl::toROSMsg(*laserCloudCornerLast, laserCloudCornerLast2);
        laserCloudCornerLast2.header.stamp = cloudHeader.stamp;
        laserCloudCornerLast2.header.frame_id = "/camera";

        sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudSurfLast2;
        pcl::toROSMsg(*laserCloudSurfLast, laserCloudSurfLast2);
        laserCloudSurfLast2.header.stamp = cloudHeader.stamp;
        laserCloudSurfLast2.header.frame_id = "/camera";

        transformSum[0] += imuPitchStart;
        transformSum[2] += imuRollStart;

        systemInitedLM = true;

5.13 adjustOutlierCloud

 void adjustOutlierCloud() {
        PointType point;
        int cloudSize = outlierCloud->points.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < cloudSize; ++i) {
            point.x = outlierCloud->points[i].y;
            point.y = outlierCloud->points[i].z;
            point.z = outlierCloud->points[i].x;
            point.intensity = outlierCloud->points[i].intensity;
            outlierCloud->points[i] = point;

5.14 publishCloudsLast

// 1. 更新起始PRY值的正余弦值
    // 2. 将每个Less角点、Less平面点转化到该帧末尾的实际位置
    // 3. 为进入下一帧,更新相关的"上一帧点云"为当前点云
    //     laserCloudCornerLast        上一帧 Less角点
    //     laserCloudSurfLast          上一帧 Less平面点
    //     laserCloudCornerLastNum     上一帧 Less角点 数量
    //     laserCloudSurfLastNum       上一帧 Less平面点 点数量
    //     kdtreeCornerLast            上一帧 Less角点的KD树
    //     kdtreeSurfLast              上一帧 Less平面点的KD树
    // 4. 每处理 skipFrameNum 帧,发布消息
    //     主题"/outlier_cloud_last" 发布消息 outlierCloud
    //     主题"/laser_cloud_corner_last" 发布消息 laserCloudCornerLast
    //     主题"/laser_cloud_surf_last" 发布消息 laserCloudSurfLast
    void publishCloudsLast() {// cloud to mapOptimization


        int cornerPointsLessSharpNum = cornerPointsLessSharp->points.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < cornerPointsLessSharpNum; i++) {
            // TransformToEnd的作用是将k+1时刻的less特征点转移至k+1时刻的sweep的结束位置处的雷达坐标系下
            TransformToEnd(&cornerPointsLessSharp->points[i], &cornerPointsLessSharp->points[i]);

        int surfPointsLessFlatNum = surfPointsLessFlat->points.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < surfPointsLessFlatNum; i++) {
            TransformToEnd(&surfPointsLessFlat->points[i], &surfPointsLessFlat->points[i]);

        pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr laserCloudTemp = cornerPointsLessSharp;
        cornerPointsLessSharp = laserCloudCornerLast;
        laserCloudCornerLast = laserCloudTemp;

        laserCloudTemp = surfPointsLessFlat;
        surfPointsLessFlat = laserCloudSurfLast;
        laserCloudSurfLast = laserCloudTemp;

        laserCloudCornerLastNum = laserCloudCornerLast->points.size();
        laserCloudSurfLastNum = laserCloudSurfLast->points.size();

        if (laserCloudCornerLastNum > 10 && laserCloudSurfLastNum > 100) {


        if (frameCount >= skipFrameNum + 1) {

            frameCount = 0;

            // 调整坐标系,x=y,y=z,z=x
            sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 outlierCloudLast2;
            pcl::toROSMsg(*outlierCloud, outlierCloudLast2);
            outlierCloudLast2.header.stamp = cloudHeader.stamp;
            outlierCloudLast2.header.frame_id = "/camera";

            sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudCornerLast2;
            pcl::toROSMsg(*laserCloudCornerLast, laserCloudCornerLast2);
            laserCloudCornerLast2.header.stamp = cloudHeader.stamp;
            laserCloudCornerLast2.header.frame_id = "/camera";

            sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 laserCloudSurfLast2;
            pcl::toROSMsg(*laserCloudSurfLast, laserCloudSurfLast2);
            laserCloudSurfLast2.header.stamp = cloudHeader.stamp;
            laserCloudSurfLast2.header.frame_id = "/camera";
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