<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Posix SITL environment launch script -->
<!-- launchs PX4 SITL and spawns vehicle -->
<!-- vehicle pose -->
<arg name="x" default="0"/>
<arg name="y" default="0"/>
<arg name="z" default="0"/>
<arg name="R" default="0"/>
<arg name="P" default="0"/>
<arg name="Y" default="0"/>
<!-- vehcile model and config -->
<arg name="est" default="ekf2"/>
<arg name="vehicle" default="plane"/>
<arg name="ID" default="1"/>
<env name="PX4_SIM_MODEL" value="$(arg vehicle)" />
<env name="PX4_ESTIMATOR" value="$(arg est)" />
<arg name="mavlink_udp_port" default="14560"/>
<arg name="mavlink_tcp_port" default="4560"/>
<!-- PX4 configs -->
<arg name="interactive" default="true"/>
<!-- generate sdf vehicle model -->
<arg name="cmd" default="xmlstarlet ed -d '//plugin[@name="mavlink_interface"]/mavlink_tcp_port' -s '//plugin[@name="mavlink_interface"]' -t elem -n mavlink_tcp_port -v $(arg mavlink_tcp_port) $(find px4)/Tools/sitl_gazebo/models/$(arg vehicle)/$(arg vehicle).sdf"/>
<param command="$(arg cmd)" name="model_description"/>
<!-- PX4 SITL -->
<arg unless="$(arg interactive)" name="px4_command_arg1" value=""/>
<arg if="$(arg interactive)" name="px4_command_arg1" value="-d"/>
<node name="sitl_$(arg ID)" pkg="px4" type="px4" output="screen" args="$(find px4)/build/px4_sitl_default/etc -s etc/init.d-posix/rcS -i $(arg ID) -w sitl_$(arg vehicle)_$(arg ID) $(arg px4_command_arg1)">
<!-- spawn vehicle -->
<node name="$(arg vehicle)_$(arg ID)_spawn" output="screen" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" args="-sdf -param model_description -model $(arg vehicle)_$(arg ID) -x $(arg x) -y $(arg y) -z $(arg z) -R $(arg R) -P $(arg P) -Y $(arg Y)"/>
sudo apt install xmlstarlet
xmlstarlet -h
xmlstarlet ed -h
用的最多的是xmlstarlet ed,就是编辑功能,它可以删除、修改、添加xml文件里的元素(element)、属性(attribute)的名字和值。
比如以上'//plugin[@name="mavlink_interface"]' 就是一个xpath,表示xml文件中所有name属性是“mavlink_interface"的plugin元素。这里它是先把mavlink_interface的plugin里的mavlink_tcp_port删掉,再加一个改了端口值的mavlink_tcp_port。这样其实也没必要,可以用xmlstarlet -u功能直接修改mavlink_tcp_port的值。不过xmlstarlet -u好像是比较新的xmlstarlet版本才支持。
<sdf version='1.6'>
<model name='iris_usb_camera_down'>
<!--the camera is changed from depth camera model in PX4-->
<model name="usb_cam_uavros">
<pose>0.08 0 -0.01 0 1.5708 0</pose>
<link name="link">
<pose>0.01 0.025 0.025 0 0 0</pose>
<visual name="visual">
<pose>0 0 0 0 1.57 0</pose>
<collision name='collision'>
<size>0.06 0.06 0.06</size>
<sensor name="depth_camera" type="depth">
<plugin filename="libgazebo_ros_openni_kinect.so" name="camera_controller">
<robotNamespace></robotNamespace> <!--add by spx, default is the robot model name-->
<cameraName>usb_cam</cameraName> <!--camera-->
<imageTopicName>image_raw</imageTopicName> <!--rgb/image_raw-->
<cameraInfoTopicName>camera_info</cameraInfoTopicName> <!--rgb/camera_info-->
<joint name="iris_camera_joint" type="fixed">
<xyz>0 0 1</xyz>
<!--the rest is iris model-->
<link name='base_link'>
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
注意下载后还要根据实际调整ros package以及model的位置和路径。替换world和其他不需要的节点。
<!-- Posix SITL environment launch script -->
<!-- launchs PX4 SITL and spawns vehicle -->
<!-- vehicle pose -->
<arg name="x" default="0"/>
<arg name="y" default="0"/>
<arg name="z" default="0"/>
<arg name="R" default="0"/>
<arg name="P" default="0"/>
<arg name="Y" default="0"/>
<!-- vehcile model and config -->
<arg name="est" default="ekf2"/>
<arg name="vehicle" default="iris"/>
<arg name="sdf" default="$(find uavros_gazebo)/models/iris_usb_camera_down/iris_usb_camera_down.sdf"/> <!--spx add-->
<arg name="ID" default="1"/>
<env name="PX4_SIM_MODEL" value="$(arg vehicle)" />
<env name="PX4_ESTIMATOR" value="$(arg est)" />
<arg name="mavlink_udp_port" default="14560"/> <!-- no use here-->
<arg name="mavlink_tcp_port" default="4560"/>
<arg name="camNamespace" default=""/> <!--by spx-->
<!-- PX4 configs -->
<arg name="interactive" default="true"/>
<!-- generate sdf vehicle model -->
<arg name="cmd" default="xmlstarlet ed -d '//plugin[@name="mavlink_interface"]/mavlink_tcp_port' -s '//plugin[@name="mavlink_interface"]' -t elem -n mavlink_tcp_port -v $(arg mavlink_tcp_port) -u '//plugin[@name="camera_controller"]/robotNamespace' -v '$(arg camNamespace)' $(arg sdf)"/><!--camera added by spx-->
<param command="$(arg cmd)" name="model_description"/>
<!-- PX4 SITL -->
<arg unless="$(arg interactive)" name="px4_command_arg1" value=""/>
<arg if="$(arg interactive)" name="px4_command_arg1" value="-d"/>
<node name="sitl_$(arg ID)" pkg="px4" type="px4" output="screen" args="$(find px4)/build/px4_sitl_default/etc -s etc/init.d-posix/rcS -i $(arg ID) -w sitl_$(arg vehicle)_$(arg ID) $(arg px4_command_arg1)">
<!-- spawn vehicle -->
<node name="$(arg vehicle)_$(arg ID)_spawn" output="screen" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" args="-sdf -param model_description -model $(arg vehicle)_$(arg ID) -x $(arg x) -y $(arg y) -z $(arg z) -R $(arg R) -P $(arg P) -Y $(arg Y)"/>