

Japanese animation studio Graphinica, Inc., creators of innovative TV and cinema animation productions, set out to discover whether it’s possible to produce theater-quality anime using real-time rendering. We collaborated with the studio to develop a proof of concept, then shared the results at Unite Tokyo.

创新的电视和电影动画制作的日本动画工作室Graphinica,Inc.着手发现是否有可能使用实时渲染来制作剧院级动画。 我们与工作室合作开发了概念验证,然后在Unite Tokyo分享了结果。

Graphinica, Inc. has been producing 2D and 3D animation projects for more than a decade, handling most of the production in-house. This September, the studio released the animated film HELLO WORLD to theaters across Japan.

Graphinica,Inc. 十多年来一直从事2D和3D动画项目的制作,并在内部处理大部分制作工作。 今年9月,该工作室 在日本 各大 影院 上映了动画片 HELLO WORLD

The majority of the film was made using traditional pre-rendering techniques, although the studio also used Unity tools to create backgrounds for scenes where the main character dives into a virtual space. This enabled the animation team to iterate faster, according to Nao Hirasawa, Graphinica’s managing director. “The speedy trial-and-error enabled by real-time rendering software is indispensable for meeting increasing consumer demand for high-quality films delivered in a timely fashion.” 

影片 的大部分内容 都是使用传统的预渲染技术制作的,尽管制片厂还使用Unity工具为主要角色跳入虚拟空间的场景创建背景。 Graphinica董事总经理Nao Hirasawa表示,这使动画团队可以更快地进行迭代。 “实时渲染软件支持的快速试错对于满足消费者对及时交付高质量电影的日益增长的需求是必不可少的。”

Even before the film was released, the team wondered whether they could use Unity’s real-time tools for more challenging scenes involving extremely complicated rigs, cinema-quality high meshes, and precisely controlled shadows, while still achieving the same theatrical quality.


Nao Hirasawa at Unite Tokyo.


To make it work, Graphinica teamed up with Unity Technologies engineers. The teams planned a proof of concept exercise to reproduce scenes from HELLO WORLD – but this time, with real-time rendering using animation production tools currently in development. 

为了使它可行,Graphinica与Unity Technologies工程师合作。 这些团队计划进行概念验证演习,以重现 HELLO WORLD的 场景, 但这一次,使用当前正在开发的动画制作工具进行实时渲染。

This project mainly involved implementing two technologies: real-time ray tracing and shadow effect technology, specialized for limited animation. The latter technology, Raytraced Hard Shadow, made it possible for Graphinica to produce the same level of high-quality, highly accurate, pre-rendered anime-style shadow effects in real-time.

该项目主要涉及实施两项技术:实时光线跟踪和阴影效果技术,专门用于有限的动画。 后一种技术 Raytraced Hard Shadow 使Graphinica能够实时产生相同水平的高质量,高精度,预渲染的动漫风格阴影效果。

Technology for outputting complex high-mesh data from digital content creation (DCC) tools for real-time replay in Unity also played an important role. The VertexCache feature added to MeshSync, a live link for connecting to DCC tools, helped create a workflow for importing animations with complex rigs directly from DCC tools into Unity.

从数字内容创建(DCC)工具输出复杂的高网格数据以在Unity中进行实时重放的技术也发挥了重要作用。 添加到 MeshSync中 的VertexCache功能 是用于连接DCC工具的实时链接,它有助于创建工作流,以将具有复杂装备的动画直接从DCC工具导入Unity。

Watch the demo Graphinica presented at Unite Tokyo to learn how they used Unity to recreate scenes at theatre quality.

观看 在Unite Tokyo上 展示的 Graphinica演示,以了解他们如何使用Unity来以剧院级质量再现场景。

“Unity holds a lot of potential for improving the production process by smoothing out coordination between creators and engineers,” said Hirasawa.


日本动漫风格的实时解决方案 (Real-time solutions for the Japanese anime style)

Hiroki Omae, Regional Director of Unity in Japan, said: “This is just the first step by Unity towards creating tech for Japanese anime, and we’ll definitely continue developing these tools.” 

日本Unity区域总监Hiroki Omae表示:“这只是Unity致力于为日本动漫开发技术的第一步,我们一定会继续开发这些工具。”

Take a look at the session from this year’s Unite Tokyo Keynote, where Graphinica walked through the experiment, the solution, and the before-and-afters.

看看今年的Unite Tokyo 主题演讲 中的会议 ,Graphinica在其中进行了实验,解决方案以及前后过程。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/11/26/highlights-from-unite-tokyo-2019-achieving-theater-quality-anime-with-unity/






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