unity dots_宣布DOTS的Unity和Havok物理

Unity与Havok合作,构建基于DOTS技术的下一代物理系统,提供Unity Physics和Havok Physics两种解决方案。Unity Physics是默认物理系统,适用于基本需求,而Havok Physics则针对复杂物理需求,提供高性能支持。两者皆与DOTS框架兼容,允许无缝切换或同时使用。

unity dots

During our GDC Keynote, we announced our partnership with Havok to build a next-generation physics system for Unity. Today, we want to give you more details on what we’ve been collaborating on.

GDC主题演讲中 ,我们宣布了与Havok的合作伙伴关系,以为Unity构建下一代物理系统。 今天,我们想为您提供有关我们正在进行的合作的更多详细信息。

更新: Havok Physics现在可以在Unity软件包管理器中作为预览软件包使用。 了解有关集成以及如何开始的更多信息(Update: Havok Physics is now available as a Preview package in the Unity Package Manager. Learn more about the integration and how to get started.)

当世界碰撞 (When Worlds Collide)

When we first set out to build our Data-Oriented Technology Stack (DOTS), we wanted to empower creators to build rich, interactive, and dynamic worlds. To achieve this, we needed a high performance, data-oriented physics system. Through our collaboration with Havok, we were able to develop a brand new physics engine built on the DOTS technology. This allows us to create physics simulations that are scalable, deliver exceptional performance, and are compatible with modern networking needs.

当我们首次着手构建面向数据的技术栈(DOTS)时 ,我们希望使创作者能够构建丰富,交互式和动态的世界。 为此,我们需要一个高性能的,面向数据的物理系统。 通过与Havok的合作,我们能够开发出一种基于DOTS技术的全新物理引擎。 这使我们能够创建可扩展的物理模拟,提供卓越的性能,并与现代网络需求兼容。

The new solution consists of two offerings: Unity Physics and Havok Physics. Unity and Havok Physics both interface with the DOTS framework, which means that although they serve different production needs, it is possible for a project to seamlessly transition from one solution to the other or use them both simultaneously for different use cases. Both solutions benefit from the same powerful, accessible tools and workflows Unity users have come to rely on for their real-time interactive content.

新解决方案包括两种产品:Unity Physics和Havok Physics。 Unity和Havok Physics都与DOTS框架进行交互,这意味着尽管它们满足不同的生产需求,但是一个项目可以从一种解决方案无缝过渡到另一种解决方案,或者可以将它们同时用于不同的用例。 两种解决方案都受益于相同的功能强大,可访问的工具和工作流程,Unity用户已经依赖于它们的实时交互式内容。

The DOTS framework allows us to build a single data protocol for physics. This means you can author your content and game code once and it works with either Unity Physics or Havok Physics. See the below diagram for an architectural overview of how the two physics systems are integrated with DOTS.

DOTS框架使我们能够为物理学建立一个单一的数据协议。 这意味着您只需编写一次内容和游戏代码,即可与Unity Physics或Havok Physics一起使用。 有关两个物理系统如何与DOTS集成的体系结构概述,请参见下图。

统一物理学 (Unity Physics)

The Unity Physics integration represents the default physics system in Unity for DOTS-based projects and is currently in Preview release form. It is backed by our own DOTS physics solver and written using the C# DOTS framework. By using a stateless design and not leveraging caching, we are able to simplify the complexity of Unity Physics, empowering people to easily tweak, modify, and learn as we evolve the system. Our goal is to give the power back to you as creators and let you easily extend the system to meet your production needs.

Unity Physics集成代表Unity中基于DOTS的项目中的默认物理系统,当前处于Preview版本形式。 它由我们自己的DOTS物理求解器支持,并使用C#DOTS框架编写。 通过使用无状态设计而不利用缓存,我们能够简化Unity Physics的复杂性,使人们能够在我们开发系统时轻松地进行调整,修改和学习。 我们的目标是将创造者的权力还给您,让您轻松扩展系统以满足生产需求。

The Unity Physics system offers the following:

Unity Physics系统提供以下功能:

    Unity Physics is available right now via the Unity Package Manager and is compatible with the latest 2019.1 Beta release.

    Unity Physics现在可通过Unity软件包管理器获得,并且与最新的2019.1 Beta版本兼容。

    Havok物理 (Havok Physics)

    The Havok Physics integration represents a high-end solution for customers that have more complex physics needs. The solution is backed by the industry-leading Havok physics engine that powers over half the top titles of this console generation and brings a wealth of performance and stability enhancements for complex physics simulation needs. It uses the same C# DOTS framework as Unity Physics but is backed by the closed source, proprietary Havok Physics engine in native C++.

    Havok Physics集成为有更复杂物理需求的客户提供了高端解决方案。 该解决方案得到业界领先的Havok物理引擎的支持,该引擎为该控制台一代的顶级游戏提供了一半以上的支持,并为复杂的物理模拟需求带来了性能和稳定性方面的增强。 它使用与Unity Physics相同的C#DOTS框架,但由本机C ++中的封闭源,专有的Havok Physics引擎提供支持。

    The Havok Physics system will offer the following:


      The Havok Physics package will be available later this summer.

      Havok Physics软件包将在今年夏天晚些时候提供。

      下一步是什么? (What’s Next?)

      Our vision for the future of physics in Unity is to provide a complete physics solution that supports new workflows for creating, editing, and debugging physics simulations. We see this partnership as the next step in empowering you as creators to build these rich, interactive, and dynamic worlds. If you’d like to join in on the discussion, head over to the Unity Forums and let us know what you think. We’re always eager to understand our customers needs so feel free to share problems, insights, requirements, and any feedback you have about our new physics systems!

      我们对Unity物理未来的愿景是提供一个完整的物理解决方案,以支持用于创建,编辑和调试物理模拟的新工作流程。 我们认为这种伙伴关系是使您作为创作者能够构建这些丰富,互动和动态世界的下一步。 如果您想参加讨论,请前往Unity论坛 ,让我们知道您的想法。 我们一直渴望了解客户的需求,因此随时分享问题,见解,要求以及您对我们的新物理系统的任何反馈!

      翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/03/19/announcing-unity-and-havok-physics-for-dots/

      unity dots





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