
The Universal GameDev Challenge was announced at GDC, and during Unity’s keynote at Unite LA on October 23, we revealed the grand prize winner: Andreas Halter with Swiss development team, Gbanga. Their entry, “Voltron: Cubes of Olkarion,” is a puzzle game set in the Voltron universe, which leverages elements of the show to build complex game pieces for strategic combat.

Universal GameDev Challenge在GDC上宣布,在10月23日Unity在Unite LA的主题演讲中,我们揭晓了大奖得主:瑞士开发团队Gbanga的Andreas Halter。 他们的作品“ Voltron:Olkarion的立方体”是在Voltron宇宙中设置的一款益智游戏,它利用表演的元素来构建用于战略战斗的复杂游戏作品。

Everything from the artwork, audio, overall game scope and prototype execution resonated with all our challenge play testers. It’s quick and easy to understand the importance of each game piece and how to best plan your battle strategy for multiplayer action. As the grand prize winner, Gbanga is taking home $150,000 in cash prize money, and will also be signed on with the team at Universal for a 1-year consulting agreement to add their creative voice for various Universal game initiatives. In this article, I’ll share how each team, regardless of size, was able to deliver six viable prototypes that delighted and inspired some of the largest IP holders in the world, proving that massive budgets, veteran studios, and Hollywood networking aren’t required to make games universal.

我们的所有挑战游戏测试人员都从作品,音频,整体游戏范围和原型执行等所有方面引起了共鸣。 快速轻松地了解每个游戏的重要性以及如何为多人游戏最佳规划战斗策略。 作为大奖获得者,Gbanga将获得15万美元的现金奖金,还将与环球影业团队签约,签订为期1年的咨询协议,以为各种环球影音游戏计划增添创意。 在本文中,我将分享每个团队(无论规模大小)如何提供六个可行的原型,这些原型使世界上一些最大的IP持有者感到高兴并受到启发,证明庞大的预算,资深的制片厂和好莱坞的网络都没有。必须使游戏普及。

Voltron: Cubes of Olkarion prototype submitted to the Universal GameDev Challenge by Andreas Halter of Gbanga.

Voltron:Olkarion的多维数据集原型由Gbanga的Andreas Halter提交给Universal GameDev Challenge。

他们怎么到这里的? (How did they get here?)

Over 400 entries from over 60 countries were submitted over the course of 90 days. From these entries, six finalists were selected to go on to our VIP Mentorship Summit at Universal Studios, where game industry leaders provided expert guidance on game development best practices from Universal, Unity, Intel and Microsoft.  The team at Universal invited the finalists to a series of roundtable discussions with their legal, marketing, and brand development teams. Each finalist received guidance on their individual submissions and exclusive insights on how Universal approaches game development for their massive library of iconic brands.

在90天内,来自60多个国家/地区的400多个参赛作品被提交。 从这些参赛作品中,入围了六名决赛选手,参加了我们在环球影城举行的VIP辅导峰会,游戏行业的领袖们就Universal,Unity,英特尔和微软的游戏开发最佳实践提供了专家指导。 环球影业的团队邀请决赛入围者与他们的法律,营销和品牌开发团队进行了一系列圆桌讨论。 每位决赛入围者都获得了有关其个人意见书的指南,以及有关Universal如何为其庞大的标志性品牌库进行游戏开发的独家见解。

Six teams from all over the world attend the VIP Mentorship Summit at Universal Studios, Los Angeles.


Unity’s own evangelist Mike Geig was also on hand to walk through the Entity Component System, highlighting the clear performance gains it provides for real-time rendered projects. Dan Miller, another Unity evangelist, also provided project review support on site with further walkthroughs of Unity’s more complex features.  As key supporters of the contest, Intel presented the benefits of the Intel Game Dev Program, which provides tools for success for PC game developers. Learn more about the Intel Game Dev Program, and how it can help you Get Ready, Get Noticed, and Get Big.

Unity自己的传播者Mike Geig还将现场介绍Entity Component System,重点介绍了它为实时渲染项目提供的明显性能提升。 Unity的另一位传道者Dan Miller还通过Unity的更复杂功能的进一步演练,在现场提供了项目审查支持。 作为比赛的主要支持者,英特尔展示了英特尔游戏开发计划的好处,该计划为PC游戏开发人员提供了成功的工具。 了解有关英特尔游戏开发计划的更多信息 ,以及它如何帮助您准备就绪,引起注意并获得成功。

Finally, Microsoft Mixer’s program manager, Mike Blouin, did a live demo showing how to leverage the live streaming technology, which is a core component of all the entries. .

最后,Microsoft Mixer的项目经理Mike Blouin进行了现场演示,展示了如何利用实时流技术,该技术是所有条目的核心组件。 。

Unity Evangelist Mike Geig presents the Entity Component System at the VIP Mentorship Summit at Universal Studios, Los Angeles.

Unity传播者Mike Geig在洛杉矶环球影城的VIP导师峰会上介绍了实体组件系统。

The goal of the summit was to give all six teams unfettered access to the core of game development technology, resources and more. Each one was able to learn and grow as developers, and their takeaways helped them build prototypes that exceeded our expectations.

峰会的目标是使所有六个团队不受限制地访问游戏开发技术,资源和更多内容的核心。 每个人都能够作为开发人员学习和成长,他们的收获帮助他们构建了超出我们期望的原型。


最终对决 (The final showdown)

Six finalists — from a one-man-shop in Australia to a twelve-person independent studio in Switzerland — submitted playable prototypes that exceeded all expectations. Each prototype was unique, both in creative design and gameplay mechanics. Each prototype also took a fresh new look at the IP that the finalist chose, expanding the characters, worlds, and even universes of each iconic franchise.

从澳大利亚的一个单人商店到瑞士的一个十二人独立工作室,六名决赛选手提交了超出所有预期的可玩原型。 每个原型在创意设计和游戏机制上都是独一无二的。 每个原型还对决赛入围者选择的IP进行了全新的设计,从而扩展了每个标志性系列产品的角色,世界甚至宇宙。

Here is a look at the prototypes submitted:



    These prototypes represent the creativity and innovation that Unity developers are known for, and highlight the diverse backgrounds and skills from each team. Every prototype offered a different experience, and each had its own strengths and weaknesses.
    这些原型代表着Unity开发人员闻名的创造力和创新,并突出了每个团队的不同背景和技能。 每个原型都提供不同的体验,并且每个都有自己的优点和缺点。

    From the gorgeously rendered time anomalies in “Back to the  Future IV,” to the adorable animated aesthetics of “Turok: Escape from Lost Valley,” the Unity development skills of each team truly shines. The strategic complexity of “Voltron Cubes of Olkarion” and frenetic action of “Battlestar Galactica Deception” and “Turok: Legacy of Stone” also showcase a breadth of knowledge for gameplay design.

    从《回到未来IV》中华丽渲染的时间异常,到可爱的动画美学(《 Turok:从迷失的山谷逃脱》),每个团队的Unity开发技能都真正发挥了作用。 “ Olkarion的Voltron立方体”的战略复杂性和“ Battlestar Galactica欺骗”和“ Turok:石头的遗产”的疯狂动作也展现了游戏设计的广博知识。

    Every single entry highlighted the team’s passion for the brands.


    “Backpack to the Future” and “Back to the Future IV: Time Anomalies” teams spend some time with Bob Gale, Oscar-nominated screenwriter-producer-director, best known as co-creator, co-writer and co-producer of the Back to the Future films.

    “通往未来的背包”和“回到未来IV:时间异常”团队与奥斯卡提名的编剧兼制片人兼导演鲍勃·盖尔(Bob Gale)一起度过了一段时间。回到未来电影。

    接下来是什么? (What comes next?)

    As Gbanga moves on to their consulting role at Universal, each team has built up valuable experience that will last them a lifetime. Developing for world-famous brands doesn’t always require massive studios and staggering marketing budget. What Universal proved, is that they are excited to see passionate fans build creative, fun experiences for beloved franchises.

    随着Gbanga担任环球公司的咨询职务,每个团队都积累了宝贵的经验,这将使他们终身受益。 为举世闻名的品牌进行开发并不总是需要庞大的工作室和庞大的营销预算。 环球汽车公司证明了,他们为看到热情的球迷为心爱的特许经营创造创造性,有趣的体验而感到兴奋。

    “Backpack to the Future” Lead Designer Mick Heijkens with Concept Artist Hans Krill.

    “未来的背包”首席设计师Mick Heijkens与概念艺术家Hans Krill合作。

    Whether it’s turning the DeLorean into a backpack, having Turok reborn to build his skills, unknowingly playing as a Cylon sleeper agent, defending the Castle of Lions with the help of Olkarion, or something else no one has thought of yet, your amazing game ideas are just waiting to be discovered by the people behind this contest, who want to help all games become Universal.


    If you would like to reach out to the Universal Games team, contact them directly through this page:


    Learn More


    了解有关我们合作伙伴资源的更多信息,以帮助您促进游戏开发 (Learn more about our partners’ resources to help boost your game development)

    Connect with the Intel® Game Dev program to bring your game’s best experience to the biggest worldwide gaming audience. Optimize your game performance on Intel® architecture with free software tools, and reach your customers confidently with Intel promotional and sales programs.

    英特尔®游戏开发计划联系 ,将您的游戏最佳体验带给全球最大的游戏受众。 使用免费软件工具优化您在英特尔®架构上的游戏性能,并通过英特尔促销和销售计划自信地吸引您的客户。

    Microsoft Mixer is the only next-gen streaming service that offers viewers real-time influence and participation in live game streams. Streamers and viewers can connect like never before, engaging together to create a whole new streaming experience.

    Microsoft Mixer是唯一向观众提供实时影响并参与实时游戏流的下一代流服务。 流媒体和观众可以前所未有的连接,共同创造全新的流媒体体验。

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/11/16/making-games-universal-how-small-teams-won-big/

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