unity3d 即时_Unity Visual Search简介:即时3D搜索,发现和原型制作

unity3d 即时

We’re committed to helping you find the perfect assets for your projects. The Asset Store team has been working on some powerful new integrations with Resonai to make it easier than ever to help you find, discover, and preview the exact 3D assets you need for all of your Unity projects right from the Unity Editor.

我们致力于帮助您找到适合您项目的最佳资产。 Asset Store团队一直在与Resonai进行一些强大的新集成,以使其比以往更加轻松地帮助您直接从Unity Editor中找到,发现和预览所有Unity项目所需的确切3D资产。

更快地查找3D资产 (Find 3D assets faster)

Finding the right assets for your upcoming project should be fast and easy. Whether you’re building a realistic 3D fantasy game or a sci-fi low poly first-person shooter, we know it can be a challenge to find the right assets with a style and theme that match your project.

为即将进行的项目找到合适的资产应该很容易。 无论您是要构建逼真的3D幻想游戏还是科幻低聚第一人称射击游戏,我们都知道,找到具有与您的项目相匹配的样式和主题的合适资产可能是一个挑战。

Unity Visual Search:在Unity Editor中发现和预览3D内容 (Unity Visual Search: Discover and preview 3D content in the Unity Editor)

We’re excited to partner with Resonai on the launch of Unity Visual Search, an AI-powered visual search engine for 3D content that allows developers to quickly find, access, and preview 3D assets.

我们很高兴与Resonai合作推出Unity Visual Search,这是一款由AI驱动的3D内容可视化搜索引擎,使开发人员可以快速查找,访问和预览3D资产。

Powered by machine understanding, the vast library of over a million 3D models and packages on the Unity Asset Store is now searchable and accessible in seconds, making it simple to find similar 3D assets and preview all models directly in the editor before you purchase them. And you can add and preview as many objects as you want, so you can make even more thoughtful choices on what packages to buy.

在机器理解的支持下,Unity Asset Store上拥有超过一百万个3D模型和程序包的庞大库现在可在几秒钟内进行搜索和访问,从而使您可以轻松地找到相似的3D资源并在购买前直接在编辑器中预览所有模型。 而且,您可以根据需要添加和预览任意数量的对象,因此可以对要购买的软件包进行更周到的选择。

To get started, simply install the Unity Visual Search plugin, available as a free download on the Unity Asset Store online. Once it’s installed, you can search through the entire collection of over a million 3D assets on the Unity Asset Store while in the Unity Editor and preview them directly in your project.

首先,只需安装Unity Visual Search插件,该插件可从Unity Asset Store在线免费下载。 安装完成后,您可以在Unity资产存储中在Unity编辑器中搜索超过一百万个3D资产的整个集合,并直接在项目中预览它们。

Download Unity Visual Search


依文字搜寻 (Search by text)

Of course, you can search using a simple text query: Just type in the name of the asset you’re looking for, like “car.”



通过3D结构搜索 (Search by 3D structure)

Or try searching by visually similar shapes: Drag 3D assets (including ones you’ve built as a 3D sketch) from your existing project to the search field to find similar objects.



In conjunction with ProBuilder, you now have a powerful toolkit to find assets on the Asset Store that match your projects needs. Simply block out 3D content you want using ProBuilding and use Unity Visual Search to instantly find models on the Asset Store that visually look similar to the content you’re looking for.

现在,与ProBuilder结合使用,您将拥有一个功能强大的工具包,可以在资产商店中查找符合您项目需求的资产。 只需使用ProBuilding屏蔽所需的3D内容,然后使用Unity Visual Search即可在Asset Store上立即找到外观与所需内容相似的模型。


Looking for something more specific? Advanced filters help you filter results by price, the number of polygons, and the number of materials.

寻找更具体的东西? 高级过滤器可帮助您按价格,多边形数量和材料数量过滤结果。

You can also browse and discover similar 3D objects from any individual result, just by clicking “Similar Shapes.” Pro tip: You can do this from any result, even from text searches, saving you even more time.

您还可以通过单击“相似形状”来浏览和发现任何单独结果中的相似3D对象。 专家提示:您可以从任何结果(甚至是文本搜索)中执行此操作,从而节省了更多时间。

With Unity Visual Search, you can find the content you need, super fast. And once you’ve found what you’re looking for, you can click “Show in Store” to buy the package from the Unity Asset Store without leaving Unity Editor.

使用Unity Visual Search,您可以超快速找到所需的内容。 找到所需的内容后,您可以单击“在商店中显示”以从Unity Asset Store购买软件包,而无需离开Unity Editor。

Again, to get started, just download Unity Visual Search plugin below and start prototyping your next 3D project.

同样,要开始使用,只需下载下面的Unity Visual Search插件并开始制作下一个3D项目的原型。

Download Unity Visual Search


下一步是什么? (What’s Next?)

Stay tuned! We’re working on other exciting things to improve your Asset Store experience, including some fantastic new content and tools partnerships in the coming months.

敬请关注! 我们正在努力进行其他令人兴奋的事情,以改善您的Asset Store体验,包括在接下来的几个月中一些出色的新内容和工具合作伙伴关系。

So be sure to try out Unity Visual Search and let us know what you think!

因此,请务必尝试使用Unity Visual Search,让我们知道您的想法!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/10/12/introducing-unity-visual-search-instant-3d-search-discovery-and-prototyping/

unity3d 即时





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