unity2018.2.4_Unity 2018.2 Beta:新增功能


The recently launched Unity 2018.1 marks the start of a new cycle that will enhance Unity’s core technology. It is built upon the early stages of two innovations: the Scriptable Render Pipeline and the Entity Component System. Together, they make it easier for creators to deliver beautiful graphics while unlocking the performance of modern hardware to make richer experiences possible.

最近启动的Unity 2018.1标志着新周期的开始,它将增强Unity的核心技术。 它建立在两项创新的早期阶段:可脚本化的渲染管道和实体组件系统。 在一起,它们使创作者可以更轻松地交付精美的图形,同时释放现代硬件的性能,从而提供更丰富的体验。

The beta for 2018.2 is now available and continues the 2018 cycle with a range of improvements across all of these new systems. We’re also adding several brand new features.

为2018.2测试版 现已上市,延续了2018周期,范围在所有这些新系统的改进。 我们还添加了一些全新的功能。

Some of them are in preview. Try them out by downloading the beta!

其中一些处于预览状态。 通过 下载测试版来 试用它们

纹理Mipmap流 (Texture Mipmap Streaming)

The Texture Mipmap Streaming system gives you control over which mipmap levels are actually loaded into memory. Normally Unity will load all the mipmap levels that are stored on the disk, but with this system, you can take direct control of which mipmap levels are loaded.

Texture Mipmap Streaming系统使您可以控制将哪些Mipmap级别实际加载到内存中。 通常,Unity会加载磁盘上存储的所有mipmap级别,但是使用此系统,您可以直接控制要加载的mipmap级别。

Typically a system like this is used to reduce the total amount of memory required for textures by only loading the mipmaps needed to render the current camera position in a scene. It trades a small amount of CPU cost for potentially large GPU memory savings.

通常,像这样的系统用于通过仅加载渲染场景中当前相机位置所需的mipmap来减少纹理所需的内存总量。 它以少量的CPU成本来换取可能节省的GPU内存。

Learn more here


软件包管理器更新 (Package Manager updates)

We improved the Package Manager in a number of areas, including the UI and status of package label, the ability to dock the window and easy access to both documentation and the list of changes.


You can see more of the latest developments and join the discussion on the Package Manager forum.  

您可以查看更多最新动态,并在Package Manager 论坛 上加入讨论 。

粒子系统改进 (Particle System improvements)

Unity now allows up to eight texture coordinates to be used on meshes and passed to shaders. Particle Systems will also now convert their colors into linear space, when appropriate, before uploading them to the GPU.

现在,Unity允许在网格上使用多达八个纹理坐标并将其传递给着色器。 现在,在将它们上载到GPU之前,适当时,Particle Systems现在还将将其颜色转换为线性空间。

We’ve added two new modes to the Shape module, in order to emit from a Sprite or SpriteRenderer component.  Finally, Unity 2018.2 introduces some new scripting APIs, for baking the geometry of a Particle System into a Mesh. Starting with Unity 2018.2, the tail of the Trail Renderer will now retract smoothly, as opposed to vertices vanishing abruptly.

为了向Sprite或SpriteRenderer组件发射,我们在Shape模块中添加了两个新模式。 最后,Unity 2018.2引入了一些新的脚本API,用于将粒子系统的几何图形烘焙到网格中。 从Unity 2018.2开始, Trail Renderer 的尾部 现在将平滑缩回,而不是顶点突然消失。

See the full list of all the improvements here.


相机物理特性 (Camera Physical Properties)

In 2018.2 beta, we added a real-world physical camera model that can drive a standard Unity Camera object. This allows you to have a familiar interface offering cinematographers a ‘real camera’ experience.

在2018.2 beta中,我们添加了可以驱动标准Unity Camera对象的真实物理相机模型。 这使您可以使用熟悉的界面,为摄影师提供“真实的相机”体验。

Learn more about how it works here


高DPI监控器支持 (High DPI Monitor Support)

If you are an owner of a 4K monitor, you can now enjoy High-DPI scaling support on both Linux and Windows in the Unity Editor.

如果您是4K显示器的所有者,现在可以在Unity Editor中享受Linux和Windows上的High-DPI缩放支持。

动画作业 C#API (Animation Jobs C# API)

In Unity 2018.2, we are improving the AnimationPlayables by allowing our users to write their own C# Playables that can interact directly with the animation data. This allows integration of user made IK solvers, procedural animation or even custom mixers into the current animation system.

在Unity 2018.2中,我们通过允许用户编写可以直接与动画数据进行交互的C#可玩对象来改进AnimationPlayables。 这允许将用户制作的IK解算器,过程动画甚至自定义混合器集成到当前动画系统中。

Learn how to get started here


其他改进 (Other improvements)

We also added support for managed code debugging on iOS and Android for IL2CPP, added support for serializing MinMaxCurve and MinMaxGradient in scripts, and added Vulkan support in the Unity Editor on Windows and Linux.

我们还添加了对IL2CPP的iOS和Android上托管代码调试的支持,添加了对脚本中的MinMaxCurve和MinMaxGradient进行序列化的支持,并在Windows和Linux上的Unity Editor中添加了Vulkan支持。

Check the release notes for the full list of new features, improvements and fixes. We’ll be happy to hear your feedback on the new features on our forum!

查看 发行说明 以获取新功能,改进和修复的完整列表。 我们很高兴 在论坛 上听到您对新功能的反馈 !

如何尽早使用新功能 (How to get early access to the new features)

You can get access to all of above now simply by downloading our open beta. Joining our open beta will not only give you access to all the new features, you’ll also help us find bugs ensuring the highest quality software.

现在,您只需 下载我们的公开测试版 即可访问上述所有内容 。 加入我们的公开测试版不仅可以让您访问所有新功能,还可以帮助我们找到可以确保最高质量软件的错误。

As a starting point, have a look at this guide to being an effective beta tester to get an overview. If you would like to receive occasional emails with beta news, updates, tips and tricks, please sign up below.

首先,请查看本 指南, 了解 如何成为有效的Beta测试人员 。 如果您希望偶尔收到包含Beta版新闻,更新,提示和技巧的电子邮件,请在下面注册。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/05/07/unity-2018-2-beta-whats-new/






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