unity 2018_Unity开发人员日2018巡回演出

unity 2018

The Unity Developer Day conference series is returning – now to more cities than ever before! Join Unity evangelists and industry developers across nine cities in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Chile and the UK for a full day of expert-level presentations, case studies by local studios, showcases of projects made with Unity, networking lunches, and more.

Unity开发人员日会议系列即将回来–现在比以往任何时候都更多的城市! 与遍布美国,加拿大,墨西哥,哥伦比亚,智利和英国9个城市的Unity宣传人员和行业开发人员一起,参加一整天的专家级演讲,当地工作室的案例研究,展示Unity所进行的项目,网络午餐和更多。

Register now to attend, apply to be a speaker, or showcase your game:


Entering its third year, Unity Developer Day has brought together hundreds of Unity creators of all backgrounds to promote the exchange of stories and skills that support the creation of successful Unity games and interactive media. We’ve had an amazing time with our community at past Developer Day events and can’t wait to have you join us again this year!

进入第三年以来,Unity开发人员日聚集了数百名来自不同背景的Unity创作者,以促进故事和技能的交流,以支持成功的Unity游戏和交互式媒体的创建。 在过去的开发人员日活动中,我们与社区度过了一段愉快的时光,迫不及待希望您今年再次加入我们!

Each event in the series has two special conference tracks — one with Unity staff and another highlighting local developers. In the Unity speaker track, you can learn about the latest Unity features along with how you can implement them into your projects. Here’s a peek at some upcoming talks for our early 2018 events:

该系列中的每个事件都有两个特殊的会议轨道-一个由Unity员工负责,另一个由本地开发人员担任重点。 在Unity演讲者专栏中,您可以了解最新的Unity功能以及如何在项目中实现这些功能。 这是我们2018年初活动即将举行的一些演讲的速览:

Our Local Developer Track shares the amazing work of regional studios using Unity. Talks in this track span several disciplines within game and media development — past events have featured local studio presentations on game design, cinematics, programming, artist tools, AR/VR/XR, business development, and more. Come see event talks in English and Spanish from our previous Developer Day events on the Unity LatAm Youtube channel — like this keynote presentation from our wonderful UDD Mexico 2017 keynote speaker, David Edery of Spry Fox!

我们的本地开发者足迹分享了使用Unity的区域工作室的出色工作。 该专题的讨论涉及游戏和媒体开发的多个学科-过去的活动以本地工作室的演讲为特色,包括游戏设计,电影,编程,美工工具,AR / VR / XR,业务开发等。 快来看看我们以前在Unity LatAm Youtube频道上的开发人员日活动中的英语和西班牙语活动讲座,例如来自我们出色的UDD Mexico 2017主旨发言人Spry Fox的David Edery的主旨演讲!


At select Developer Day events, you’ll also be able to attend talks and meet experts from Unity partners like Microsoft. Plus, get to know our wonderful recruiting team and interview for local and global positions at Unity during the events!
在特定的开发人员日活动中,您还可以参加讲座并与来自Microsoft等Unity合作伙伴的专家见面。 此外,在活动期间,认识我们优秀的招聘团队,并对Unity的本地和全球职位进行面试!

We’re so excited to welcome you all to this year’s tour — especially if you’d like to present a talk, game, or project! Our call for speakers and showcase presenters are open for all events, so click here to learn more and apply.

我们非常高兴地欢迎大家参加今年的巡回演出-特别是如果您想发表演讲,游戏或项目! 我们的所有活动都邀请演讲者和展示主持人参加,因此请单击此处了解更多信息并申请。

It’s been incredible to hear the response from Developer Day attendees from our previous tours. From implementing new tools you learned about to discovering amazing new games, many of you have shared such wonderful updates about your experiences last year. If you’re joining us for the 2018 tour, come chat with us on Twitter using #UnityDeveloperDay!

听到我们以前的游览中来自开发人员日与会者的反馈,真是令人难以置信。 从实施所学的新工具到发现令人惊叹的新游戏,去年许多人都分享了有关您的体验的精彩更新。 如果您要加入我们参加2018年巡回演出,请使用#UnityDeveloperDay在Twitter上与我们聊天!

Whether you want to attend or participate, be sure to follow the Unity Evangelists page on Unity Connect for the latest updates about the tour. Hope to see you there!

无论您是要参加还是参加,请务必遵循Unity Connect上的Unity福音派页面,以获取有关此次旅行的最新更新。 希望在那里见到你!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/04/10/unity-developer-day-2018-tour/

unity 2018





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