
For years, I’ve been working on a challenging question: what if you could create your game without worrying about building complex animation graphs? What if all that time setting up nested state machines, manually creating those transitions points, and matching poses could be spent instead on the art itself?

多年来,我一直在研究一个具有挑战性的问题:如果您可以创建游戏而又不必担心构建复杂的动画图怎么办? 如果所有这些时间都需要设置嵌套状态机,手动创建这些过渡点以及匹配姿势,该怎么办呢?

We set out to create a radically different animation system — one that provides motion synthesis that wouldn’t need to rely on any of these superimposed structures like graphs or blend trees. This technology could remove manual labor and free up animators to focus on what they love: creating beautiful artwork.

我们着手创建一种截然不同的动画系统,该系统提供了不需要依赖任何这些叠加结构(例如图形或混合树)的运动合成的动画系统。 这项技术可以消除体力劳动,使动画师可以专注于自己喜欢的东西:创作精美的艺术品。

At the Unite Berlin 2018 keynote this week, we announced Kinematica — a brand-new experimental package coming to Unity later this year, developed by Unity Labs.

在本周的Unite Berlin 2018主题演讲中,我们宣布了Kinematica —一种由Unity Labs开发的全新实验套件,将于今年晚些时候投放到Unity。

Unlike traditional systems, Kinematica retains everything in a single library, and it decides — automatically and in real-time — how to combine tiny fragments from that library into a sequence that matches the controller input, the environmental context, and any gameplay requests.


Animation quality was a key pillar when designing this system, so we never alter the original animations or quality of the input data that you as an animator provide. And remember, you still get to decide (based on your own game design) what the animations of your characters are. You even have the power to tweak how the animations interact with the environment.

动画质量是设计此系统时的关键Struts,因此我们绝不会更改您作为动画师提供的原始动画或输入数据的质量。 记住,您仍然可以根据自己的游戏设计来决定角色的动画。 您甚至可以调整动画与环境的交互方式。


It’s crucial for systems like this to be able to scale. So, to push and ‘stress test’ the technology, we decided to try it with mocap data — usually the largest and most unstructured animation data you could use. We rented out a mocap studio, hired a stuntman specializing in parkour, and let him run around the gym for a few hours. This resulted in 70,000 poses and over 45 minutes of animation data — and Kinematica successfully created smooth, dynamic animations using this data.
像这样的系统能够扩展至关重要。 因此,为了推动和“压力测试”该技术,我们决定尝试使用mocap数据(通常是您可以使用的最大和最无结构的动画数据)进行尝试。 我们租了一个Mocap工作室,雇了一个专门研究跑酷的特技演员,让他在健身房里跑了几个小时。 这样就产生了70,000个姿势和超过45分钟的动画数据,而Kinematica使用该数据成功创建了平滑,动态的动画。

The benefits of this system include a higher-quality, polished look; versatility because numerous variations can be determined from the same data set; and of course, not having to manually map out any animation graphs — meaning you can iterate faster and focus on your art.

该系统的好处包括更高质量的抛光外观; 通用性强,因为可以从同一数据集中确定许多变化; 当然,不必手动绘制任何动画图,这意味着您可以更快地进行迭代并专注于艺术作品。

Stay tuned this summer for more updates on when you can give Kinematica a try yourself!


See more from Unity Labs.

Unity Labs中了解更多信息。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/06/20/announcing-kinematica-animation-meets-machine-learning/





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