

Thoughts about design. Part I of this series summarized the current and future issues facing mixed reality and its adoption in the mainstream. In this second part of this series we explore the design challenges facing developers with the new and promising mixed reality medium.

关于设计的想法。 本系列的第一部分概述了混合现实及其在主流中所面临的当前和未来问题。 在本系列的第二部分中,我们将探讨开发人员如何使用新的且前景广阔的混合现实媒体面临的设计挑战。

Transition phase. We can all agree that in the near future physical screens will begin to disappear and be replaced with displays that blend into the environment (some descriptions here, here and here).  Whether it happens in 5 years as we predict, or in 10 years as Mark Zuckerberg thinks, the next vector driving the digital world will be augmented reality glasses.  With that being said, we recognize that there will be a transition period both technologically and socially, and for social reasons we need to design this next phase so that users and non-users can coexist.

过渡阶段。 我们都可以同意,在不久的将来,物理屏幕将开始消失,并被融合到环境中的显示器取代( 此处此处此处的 一些说明 )。 无论它是在5年内如我们所预期的那样发生,还是 在Mark Zuckerberg认为的10年内发生 ,驱动数字世界的下一个向量将是增强现实眼镜。 话虽如此,我们认识到在技术和社会上都会有一个过渡期,出于社会原因,我们需要设计下一个阶段,以便用户和非用户可以共存。

The social awkwardness of wearing MR glasses will most likely force the initial uses to be in the home, the workplace or a location where all users are required to wear the glasses (such as theme parks, museums, stadiums, planes…etc.). The form factor will be a key tool to mitigate the awkwardness and drive the speed of adoption since the glasses will need to be as stylish and thin as possible in order for users to accept them into their daily routine.  In the short term, we hypothesize that the first models will complement smartphones, mostly in order to decentralize the computational burden, improve autonomy, and to minimize the impact of change on the user.  As an example, a smartphone can act as a trackpad for glasses in a workplace situation, and then revert back to a smartphone when no longer needed or when the batteries in the glasses die.

戴着MR眼镜的社交尴尬很可能会迫使最初的用途是在家庭,工作场所或要求所有用户佩戴眼镜的位置(例如主题公园,博物馆,体育场,飞机等)。 尺寸将是减轻笨拙度并提高采用速度的关键工具,因为眼镜需要尽可能的时尚和纤薄,以便用户将其纳入日常工作。 在短期内,我们假设首批型号将对智能手机进行补充,主要是为了分散计算负担,提高自主性并最大程度地减少更改对用户的影响。 例如,智能手机可以在工作场所用作眼镜的触控板,然后在不再需要或眼镜中的电池耗尽时恢复为智能手机。

We need to think ‘Human centric’. What does the user really need? This seems like an obvious question to ask, however, the current state of MR development has a large number of MR demos whose sole purpose seems to be presenting floating objects with little actual value to the user.  Let’s be honest, no one wants to live in the dystopian future that we were warned about so brilliantly by Keiichi Matsuda in his short film “Hyperreality”.  And while MR apps need to become more relevant for the user, mixed reality doesn’t need a ‘killer app’.  For comparison, just think of the internet where there is no single killer app, but rather the internet itself is the killer app.  And just like the internet, it will be a multitude of everyday uses that will render MR devices indispensable.

我们需要考虑“以人为本”。 用户真正需要什么? 这似乎是一个显而易见的问题,但是,MR开发的当前状态有大量的MR演示,其唯一目的似乎是向用户提供几乎没有实际价值的浮动对象。 老实说,没有人愿意生活在反乌托邦的未来, 松田庆一 在他的短片 《超现实主义》中 如此出色地警告了我们 。 虽然MR应用程序需要与用户变得更加相关,但是混合现实并不需要“杀手级应用程序”。 为了进行比较,只需考虑互联网上没有哪个杀手级应用程序,而是互联网本身就是杀手级应用程序。 就像互联网一样,它将使MR设备成为必不可少的日常用途。

Nowadays, making a useful mixed reality application is clearly a challenge because of the form factor and limitations of current technology. But in the not so distant future, user hands will be free, the glasses will know what the user is looking at, what object they are touching, how it is being handled and what the user wants to do with it. So our group is looking into the design considerations that will be relevant beyond this point, when all this becomes established.

如今,由于形式因素和当前技术的局限性,使有用的混合现实应用程序显然是一项挑战。 但是在不久的将来,用户的双手将解放,眼镜将知道用户在看什么,他们在触摸什么物体,如何处理它以及用户想要如何使用它。 因此,当所有这些都确定之后,我们的小组正在研究与该点相关的设计注意事项。

Observing and understanding the user will allow us to develop proactive scenarios that will trigger on the user’s intention in order to facilitate their life, preferably without changing their habits. Physical tech, like eye tracking, will play a big role in understanding the user’s intent, but design will be even more important in minimizing complexity and avoiding disconnecting people from the real world. Smartphones are already disconnecting people from the real world and distracting them to the point of becoming dangerous, imagine what mixed reality might do if not properly designed.  It will be crucial for safety and usability that everyone can experience their own mixed reality while remaining connected to the tangible world around them.

观察和理解用户将使我们能够开发出主动情景,这些情景会触发用户的意图,以便利他们的生活,最好不要改变他们的习惯。 诸如眼动追踪之类的物理技术将在理解用户的意图中扮演重要角色,但是设计在最小化复杂性和避免人们与现实世界脱离联系方面将更加重要。 智能手机已经使人们脱离了现实世界,分散了他们的注意力,使他们变得 危险起来 ,想象一下如果设计不当,混合现实可能会做什么。 每个人都可以体验自己的混合现实,同时保持与周围有形世界的连接,对于安全性和可用性至关重要。

We also need to think “Object centric”. Although there are multiple ways of imagining MR, we should focus primarily on the awakening of matter, meaning that objects in our surroundings augment themselves to communicate with us.

我们还需要考虑“以对象为中心”。 尽管有多种想象MR的方法,但我们应主要关注物质的觉醒,这意味着周围环境中的物体会增强自身与我们的交流。

We are not Tom Cruise! Staying upright and making big gestures is the opposite of our everyday interaction habits. The mouse-keyboard combo has yet to be replaced because it is the most efficient way to execute a maximum number of actions with minimum movement in a seated position. The question becomes how do we interact with digital matter if input devices such as keyboard, mouse, and gamepad disappear? The “World as a device” approach not only creates an entry point to contextual services, but also transforms each object into an interactive controller. Physical objects will inherit the attributes, interactions and behaviors of a virtual replica, a 3D asset that we call a smart object.

我们不是汤姆·克鲁斯! 保持直立并做出大手势是我们日常互动习惯的反面。 鼠标键盘组合尚未被替换,因为它是在坐姿中以最小的移动执行最大数量的动作的最有效方法。 问题变成了如果键盘,鼠标和游戏手柄等输入设备消失了,我们如何与数字事物互动? “作为设备的世界”方法不仅创建上下文服务的入口点,而且还将每个对象转换为交互式控制器。 物理对象将继承虚拟副本(我们称为智能对象的3D资产)的属性,交互作用和行为。

For example, a simple business card could give both direct access to an application like LinkedIn and be a user interface that avoids the user having to take out their smartphone or use a computer.



Concept video of a business card contextual application.


By being user and object centric, we could accomplish what David Smith tells us makes the traditional mouse & keyboard so successful: intention amplification – where small movements and gestures result in large, significant actions.  This magnifies our efforts and lowers fatigue allowing us to focus on the objects themselves rather than the movements we use to manipulate them.  By centering design around a user’s intent and using intelligent objects that respond to that intent by modifying themselves, our thought process is not limited by physical laws, but rather will allow us to achieve a new freedom.  Plus we don’t “pollute” reality with noisy floating gizmos or unnecessary UI.

通过以用户和对象为中心,我们可以完成 David Smith告诉我们的 使传统鼠标和键盘如此成功的事情: 意图放大 -微小的移动和手势会导致大型的重要动作。 这加大了我们的努力,减轻了疲劳,使我们能够专注于物体本身,而不是用于操纵物体的运动。 通过围绕用户的意图进行设计为中心,并使用通过修改自身来响应该意图的智能对象,我们的思维过程将不受物理定律的限制,而将使我们获得新的自由。 另外,我们不会通过嘈杂的浮动小控件或不必要的UI来“污染”现实。

The world as a playground.  With these principles of interaction it will be very easy to gamify our environment.  For example, to gamify any particular object, it will be sufficient to modify the 3D object within Unity, which would then propagate the game behaviors to the real world object. Imagine gamifying the world on both a smaller personal scale and on a larger more public scale; something we refer to as micro and macro interactions respectively:

世界就像一个游乐场。 遵循这些交互原则,将我们的环境进行游戏化将非常容易。 例如,要游戏化任何特定对象,在Unity中修改3D对象就足够了,然后将游戏行为传播到现实世界中的对象。 想象一下,以较小的个人规模和较大的公共规模来游戏世界; 我们分别将其称为微观和宏观相互作用:

For micro-interactions:


  • Instead of using a pen on the back of a cereal box to trace the path of a character through a labyrinth, we could use the box itself and have the user pitch and yaw the box to create movement.



  • Playing board games can be transformed by adding interactions to both the board and cards.


For macro-interactions:


  • Imagine an Escape Room where tipping a specific book in the library triggers the opening of a dimensional portal in the middle of the room.


  • Or touching water from a real life fountain to regain life points during life-size role-playing games.


Illusion and disillusion. Contrary to appearance, augmented reality is far from being a new technology. The literature and research on the subject are rather dense. However, the revival of virtual reality has given a boost to technological innovations that will soon allow us to fill the gaps in augmented reality and produce advanced mixed reality solutions that ultimately make alternative realities indistinguishable from the real world.

幻觉和幻灭 。 与外观相反,增强现实远非一项新技术。 关于该主题 的 文献和研究 相当密集。 但是,虚拟现实的复兴促进了技术创新,这些技术很快将使我们能够填补增强现实中的空白,并产生先进的混合现实解决方案,最终使替代现实与现实世界难以区分。

Unfortunately, at the moment, this is far from being the case. There is a gap between what people perceive through the many demo videos posted on social media and the reality once the phone is in their hands. The gap is even more pronounced for the current generation of AR glasses. Users are often underwhelmed by the technology given their high expectations.  To bridge the gap and have a feeling of presence (presence of the object) there remains work on at least the following:

不幸的是,目前,事实并非如此。 一旦人们掌握了手机,人们通过社交媒体上发布的许多演示视频所获得的感知与现实之间就存在差距。 对于当前的AR眼镜而言,差距更加明显。 鉴于他们的期望很高,因此用户经常不满意该技术。 为了弥合差距并有一种存在感(物体的存在),至少需要进行以下工作:

  • First, there is a need to eliminate even the smallest latency so that users feel that they are truly in the moment (which should be resolved by coupling high speed cameras, sensors and an AI dedicated chip).

    首先,即使是最小的等待时间,也有必要消除,以使用户感觉到他们确实在眼前(应通过耦合 高速相机传感器AI专用芯片 来解决 )。

  • Secondly, we need to find a way to handle lighting and occlusion vis see through displays.


Indeed, current AR glasses are based on an additive light system since the technology cannot remove light, which renders black as transparent and displays ghostly content in full light. As an example, consider the videos above which were edited in order to create the realistic vision; below is an honest rendering of screenshots from the videos if we were to use the technology available at the moment.

的确,当前的AR眼镜基于增光系统,因为该技术无法消除光线,该光线呈现黑色为透明状态,并在全光下显示虚幻的内容。 例如,考虑上面的视频,这些视频经过编辑以创建逼真的视觉效果; 如果我们要使用当前可用的技术,则下面是诚实的视频截图截图。

Business card video screenshot showing the transparency issue on dark areas.


Screenshot from the cereal box game that shows some ghostly content from a see through device perspective.


It is evident that this problem must be solved as it is a necessary condition for the adoption of glasses and to ensure that the use cases are in phase with the desires and collective imaginations of users. In the meantime, we develop our hypotheses and scenarios for a future where these technical constraints have been solved.

显然,必须解决此问题,因为这是采用眼镜并确保用例与用户的需求和集体想象保持一致的必要条件。 同时,我们为解决这些技术限制的未来发展了假设和方案。

Being a tool rather than an end product leaves us the freedom to think holistically rather than limit ourselves to a particular technology as would a manufacturer, or to a particular market segment as would a startup. We therefore plan to regularly post short videos such as those in this article, in order to illustrate use cases that demonstrate a UX design vision.

作为工具而不是最终产品,使我们可以自由地进行整体思考,而不是像制造商那样将自己局限于特定的技术,或者像创业公司那样将自己局限于特定的市场领域。 因此,我们计划定期发布一些简短的视频(例如本文中的视频),以说明展示UX设计愿景的用例。

Stay tuned! In part III we will outline our vision on technologies that could provide the foundations for solutions to future issues facing mixed reality and its adoption in the mainstream, and some inspirational development we are researching for future MR creators.

敬请关注! 在第三部分中,我们将概述我们对技术的看法,这些技术可以为解决混合现实及其在主流中的应用所面临的未来问题提供解决方案的基础,以及我们正在为未来的MR创作者研究的一些启发性的发展。

Update: Part III has been published and can be found here.


Article contributors: Dioselin Gonzalez, Lead Principal Engineer; Colin Alleyne, Senior Technical Writer; and Sylvio Drouin, VP – Unity Labs.

文章撰稿人:Dioselin Gonzalez,首席首席工程师; Colin Alleyne,高级技术作家; 和Unity Labs副总裁Sylvio Drouin。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/09/21/looking-to-the-future-of-mixed-reality-part-ii/


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