
It’s been a great week for games Made With Unity (MWU), picking up top honors across the board, including:


    Over the past week, three major gaming events took place – The Game Awards, The Golden Plume Awards and PlayStation Experience – each showcasing and celebrating the best games of 2015, and providing a glimpse of what to expect in the coming year. At all three events, one common theme stuck out – Unity was the engine behind the vast majority of winners, nominees and participants.

    在过去的一周中,举行了三项主要的游戏活动- 游戏奖金羽奖PlayStation体验 -分别展示和庆祝2015年最佳游戏,并简要介绍了来年的期望。 在所有三项赛事中,一个共同的主题突出了–团结是绝大多数获奖者,提名者和参与者的引擎。

    At The Game Awards – which crowns industry winners across 22 categories and honors the best video games in the world – games MWU were nominated for eight awards, representing half of all eligible categories for our games (i.e. not eSports gamer categories, etc.). Four of those eight MWU nominees went on to take the top prize for categories including Best Mobile Game (Lara Croft Go by Square Enix Montreal), Best Art Direction (Ori and The Blind Forest by Moon Studios), Best Narrative (Sam Barlow for Her Story), and Best Performance (Viva Seifert for Her Story).

    “游戏大奖” (Games Awards )上, 该游戏获得22个类别的行业冠军,并荣the全球最佳视频游戏奖。游戏MWU被提名8个奖项,占我们游戏所有合格类别的一半(即非电子竞技游戏玩家类别)。 这八个MWU提名的四个继续承担类别,包括最佳手机游戏(最高奖劳拉转到Square Enix公司蒙特利尔 ),最佳艺术指导( 奥里与迷失森林Moon工作室 ),最佳故事片( 萨姆·巴洛她剧情 )和最佳表演( 维瓦·塞弗特的 故事 )。

    Earlier that week, at the prestigious Golden Plume Awards – also known as the “Oscars” of China’s Gaming Industry – games made with Unity dominated the mobile award categories, and accounted for 50% of the total number of winners. In all, 21 games made with Unity won awards across a range of mobile gaming categories, including ‘Most Favored Mobile Game’, ‘Most Favored Online Mobile Game’, ‘Best Original Mobile Game’, ‘Best Oversea Mobile Game’ and ‘The Most Eye-catching Mobile Game’.

    上周早些时候,在享有盛誉的金羽奖 ( Golden Plume Awards)上 ,也就是中国游戏业的“奥斯卡奖”,由Unity制作的游戏在移动奖类别中占据了主导地位, 占获奖者总数的50% 。 用Unity制作的21款游戏总共获得了一系列移动游戏类别的奖项,包括“最受欢迎的手机游戏”,“最受欢迎的在线手机游戏”,“最佳原创手机游戏”,“最佳海外手机游戏”和“最抢眼的手机游戏”。

    To cap off last week, Sony held their two day PlayStation Experience (PSX) conference, showcasing the latest games on PS4, Vita and Playstation VR. The event featured more playable games on the expo floor than ever before – 141 in all – and over 30% of these games were made with Unity, making Unity the largest single engine represented at the event. Check out the full list of games MWU at PSX on madewith.unity.com.

    为了上周结束,索尼举行了为期两天的PlayStation Experience(PSX)会议,展示了PS4,Vita和Playstation VR的最新游戏。 此次活动在世博会楼层展示了比以往更多的可玩游戏,共有141种,其中超过30%的游戏是使用Unity制作的,这使Unity成为了本次活动中最大的单个引擎。 退房的游戏MWU在PSX名单madewith.unity.com

    PSX also showcased dozens of new demos for PlayStation VR, half of which were also made using Unity. Titles like Job Simulator – a hilarious “Office Space”-like VR experience – and 100ft Robot Golf were fan favorites at the event and gave attendees a snapshot of what is possible with VR. These are just a few examples of the great VR content coming in 2016 that was made possible by Unity. In fact, an estimated 70% of all VR content to date has been created using Unity. If you’re interested in learning more about VR and how to get involved, make sure to check out Unity’s Vision Virtual and Augmented Reality Summit, held February 10-11 in LA.

    PSX还展示了PlayStation VR的数十个新演示,其中一半也是使用Unity制作的。 诸如Job Simulator (一种有趣的“办公室空间”般的VR体验)和100ft Robot Golf之类的标题在活动中是粉丝的最爱,为与会者提供了VR可能带来的快照。 这些只是Unity于2016年推出的出色VR内容的几个例子。 实际上,迄今为止,估计所有VR内容中有70%是使用Unity创建的。 如果您想了解有关VR以及如何参与其中的更多信息,请务必查看2月10日至11日在洛杉矶举行的Unity 愿景虚拟与增强现实峰会

    Congratulations to all the award winners, nominees and new games! So many amazing games are created on Unity everyday, and we are thrilled that many had the opportunity to be recognized this past week. Our community is our biggest asset, and we couldn’t be happier to support all these great studios and developers.

    恭喜所有获奖者,提名和新游戏! 每天在Unity上创建如此多的出色游戏,令我们激动的是,上周有许多游戏获得了认可。 我们的社区是我们最大的财富,我们乐于支持所有这些出色的工作室和开发人员。

    Interested in sharing a game that you’re making with Unity? Get started by using your Unity account to create a profile on madewith.unity.com. Once you’re set up, we’d love to hear more about your game and how you made it. Just click “Create a Story” from the profile management page and tell us all about it. We’ve even got some writing guidelines to help you get started!

    有兴趣分享您使用Unity制作的游戏吗? 开始使用您的Unity帐户在madewith.unity.com上创建个人资料。 设置完成后,我们很乐意听到有关您的游戏及其制作方式的更多信息。 只需在个人资料管理页面中单击“创建故事”,然后将其告诉我们即可。 我们甚至提供了一些写作指南 ,可帮助您入门!

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/12/09/mwu-awards/





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