
Unity keeps growing in every respect; not least our user community. The Unity Forums get more and more users and we welcome them all!

团结在各个方面不断发展; 尤其是我们的用户社区。 Unity论坛吸引了越来越多的用户,我们欢迎他们所有人!

Some of our users have expressed concern that the higher volume of posts will make the forums less valuable. Specifically, they are concerned about the growing stream of new users who are thirsty for basic Unity knowledge and ask basic questions that have maybe been asked and answered many times before.

我们的一些用户表示担心,大量的帖子会使论坛的价值降低。 具体来说,他们担心新用户的涌现,他们渴望获得Unity的基本知识,并提出以前可能已经问过很多遍并回答过的基本问题。

We understand the concern, and we want to support a more efficient way of asking questions and getting answers. This is why we have launched UnityAnswers.

我们了解问题所在,并希望支持提出问题和获得答案的更有效方法。 这就是我们启动UnityAnswers的原因


UnityAnswers is our new community site for asking questions and getting answers about Unity. To quote the UnityAnswers FAQ:

UnityAnswers是我们的新社区网站,用于询问有关Unity的问题并获得答案。 引用UnityAnswers常见问题解答

UnityAnswers is a place for asking questions and finding answers – all about Unity! UnityAnswers co-exist with the Unity Forums, but they have different functions:

UnityAnswers是一个提出问题和寻找答案的地方–所有有关Unity的信息! UnityAnswers与Unity论坛共存,但是它们具有不同的功能:

  • UnityAnswers is a place for questions that can be answered! Avoid asking questions here that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion.

    UnityAnswers是一个可以回答问题的地方! 避免在这里提出主观,争论或需要扩展讨论的问题。

  • Unity Forums is a place for discussions, opinions, showing off your work, getting feedback, and general community chatter.

    Unity论坛是一个讨论 ,发表意见,炫耀您的作品,获得反馈以及与社区进行广泛讨论的地方

Why is UnityAnswers better than the forums for getting answers to questions?


Because we’ve seen it work on Stack Overflow.

因为我们已经看到它可以在Stack Overflow上运行

It allows for people to vote on answers, making the best ones float to the top. You can vote up good questions and helpful answers so they float to the top, while off-topic questions and less helpful answers are listed lower. No more golden tips buried on page 5 of a thread! The person who asks a question can also mark a specific answer as the accepted answer.

它使人们可以对答案进行投票,从而使最佳答案浮于顶部。 您可以投票选出好的问题和有用的答案,使它们浮于顶部,而题外的问题和较无帮助的答案则列在下方。 线程的第5页上没有更多的黄金秘诀! 提出问题的人也可以将特定答案标记为接受的答案。

It’s easier to find existing questions and answers. The search function is actually good. A great feature is that when you want to post a new question, you will be shown a list of possibly related existing questions as soon as you start typing your question title. Maybe the question has already been asked before and you can just go see that one. If an existing question is the same as you were having, be sure to vote it up! If it has an answer that is also helpful to you, vote that answer up as well.

查找现有问题和答案更加容易。 搜索功能实际上很好。 一个很棒的功能是,当您要发布新问题时,一旦您开始键入问题标题,系统就会为您显示可能存在的相关问题的列表。 也许以前已经问过这个问题,您可以去看看那个问题。 如果现有问题与您的存在相同,请务必将其投票! 如果答案也对您有帮助,也请对该答案进行投票。

People who are more trusted by the community get more power! Besides making the best questions and answers float up, the voting system also grants reputation points to you whenever other people vote up your questions or answers. Reputation you can interpret as “how much does the community trust you”. The more reputation points you get, the more things you are allowed to do. (See the FAQ for details.) At the high end of this reputation spectrum there is little difference between users with high reputation and moderators. That is very much intentional. We don’t run UnityAnswers. The community does.

社区更信任的人会获得更大的力量! 除了使最佳的问题和答案浮出水面之外,每当其他人对您的问题或答案投反对票时,投票系统还会为您授予声望点。 您可以将声誉解释为“社区对您的信任程度”。 您获得的声望点越多,就可以做的事越多。 (有关详细信息,请参见FAQ 。)在此信誉范围的高端,信誉较高的用户和主持人之间几乎没有区别。 这是非常故意的。 我们不运行UnityAnswers。 社区确实如此。

What does this mean for the Unity Forums?


The Unity Forums will co-exist with UnityAnswers. The forums are great for discussions and chat, so we’ll keep them all. Some of the forums will be completely unaffected, such as Announcements, Collaboration, Gossip, and Showcase.

Unity论坛将与UnityAnswers共存。 这些论坛非常适合讨论和聊天,因此我们将其全部保留。 有些论坛将完全不受影响,例如AnnouncementsCollaborationGossipShowcase

However, for some of the forums, we hope that the use pattern will change. The forums Unity Support, Scripting, UnityGUI, Multiplayer Networking, iPhone Development, ShaderLab, and External Tools are primarily about questions and answers, so we hope that a large chunk of the volume in those will move to UnityAnswers instead.

但是,对于某些论坛,我们希望使用方式会有所改变。 论坛Unity SupportScriptingUnityGUIMultiplayer NetworkingiPhone DevelopmentShaderLabExternal Tools主要是关于问题和答案的,所以我们希望其中的很大一部分将转移到UnityAnswers上。

Here’s what you can do to help:


Use UnityAnswers! If you have questions, ask them there instead of on the forums. If you don’t have questions, you can still help the community by browsing UnityAnswers regularly and see if there are any questions you can answer (which will also earn you reputation).

使用UnityAnswers! 如果您有问题,请在此处而不是在论坛上提问。 如果您没有疑问,您仍然可以通过定期浏览UnityAnswers并查看是否有任何可以回答的问题来帮助社区(这也将为您赢得声誉)。

Direct others to UnityAnswers! If you see a question in the forum and you know the answer, rather than answering the question directly in the forum, try to answer it at UnityAnswers and link to there.

引导其他人到UnityAnswers! 如果您在论坛中看到问题并且知道答案,而不是直接在论坛中回答问题,请尝试在UnityAnswers进行回答并链接到那里。

    We know this is a bit more work short-term, but think of the long-term benefits! Your answer will be much easier to find at UnityAnswers than in the forums. It won’t be buried and never found again after a few months.

    我们知道这是短期工作,但要想长期利益! 在UnityAnswers上找到您的答案比在论坛中更容易找到。 几个月后,它将不会被掩埋,再也找不到。

    UnityAnswers is still very new and we’re in the process of getting properly used to it, but we already like it quite a bit and we hope you will too! To login, you can use any OpenID provider, or use your forum account. On the login page, just click on the Unity logo.

    UnityAnswers仍然很新,我们正在适当地使用它,但是我们已经很喜欢它了,希望您也能! 要登录,您可以使用任何OpenID提供程序,也可以使用您的论坛帐户。 在登录页面上 ,只需单击Unity徽标。

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2009/11/16/new-unityanswers-community-site/

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