unity update_了解Unity Update#3:第一阶段和实验室测试

unity update

Here at Unity, since last August we’ve been pushing ahead with our plan to create a totally new learning area on the site, and as a larger concept – a new focus on the web for people young and old who are new to game development, and want to get started. Naturally we want to serve our existing users too, and as this new area develops, we hope there will be something for everyone to inspire fresh ideas, and ultimately, awesome games and interactive content.

自去年八月以来,我们在Unity的计划一直在推进,目的是在网站上创建一个全新的学习区域,并作为一个更大的概念–将新的重点放在面向游戏开发新手的年轻人和网络上,并希望开始使用。 当然,我们也想为我们的现有用户提供服务,随着这一新领域的发展,我们希望每个人都能有所作为,激发新的想法,并最终激发出很棒的游戏和互动内容。

If you’ve missed the previous updates on this project, I recommend you read up on where we’ve come from so far in these previous blog posts –








At this stage, we’re still on target to launch the first iteration of the project in late March, and you’ll see a lot of beginner content arrive around then. We’ll also be bringing this content to GDC to chat to anyone who wants to stop by the Unity booth and talk about game development.

在此阶段,我们仍有望在3月下旬启动该项目的第一个迭代,然后您会看到大量初学者内容。 我们还将把这些内容带到GDC,以便与任何想在Unity展位前停下来并谈论游戏开发的人聊天。

阶段期望什么。 一世 (What to expect in Phase. I)

As stated previously, we don’t want to wait until everything is recorded to get you started using this new learning area, so we plan to ship phase one with a lot of the basics of game development in Unity available for beginners to get started. Then over time we’ll be adding more content, covering more topics, and making good on our promise of democratizing game development, by giving you as much knowledge on the topic as we possibly can. In the first phase we plan to ship –

如前所述,我们不想等到所有内容都记录下来后就可以开始使用这个新的学习领域,因此我们计划在第一阶段发布Unity中的许多游戏开发基础知识,供初学者入门。 然后,随着时间的流逝,我们将通过为您提供尽可能多的主题知识,来增加更多的内容,涵盖更多的主题,并兑现我们实现游戏开发民主化的承诺。 在第一阶段,我们计划发货–

    最新的是什么? (What’s the latest?)

    抢实验室! (Grab the Lab!)

    At the time of writing, we have our first tutorial environment ready to ship – The Robot Lab, with all manner of crazy props from a giant robot arm, to a sci fi battering ram! This has taken time as we are producing the level to the highest standards of detail, to try and inspire you to experiment, learn and have fun with these assets. We’ll be using this environment to deliver the bulk of the learning content that you’ll see in phase one, aside from the larger level project ‘Stealth’.

    在撰写本文时,我们已经准备好交付第一个教程环境–机器人实验室,从疯狂的机器人手臂到科幻的撞锤,各种疯狂的道具! 这是我们花费时间的过程,因为我们正在按照最高的细节标准来制作关卡,以尝试激发您进行实验,学习并从中获得乐趣。 除了较大的项目“隐身”(Stealth)之外,我们将使用这种环境来交付您将在第一阶段中看到的大量学习内容。

    To make sure this environment is up to your standards, today we’re pushing this project to the Asset Store to let you get your hands on it, and let you start experimenting with the props we’ve created. As a former tutor I know how valuable it can be to have cool assets to inspire your students so I wanted to get this content out to you as soon as we were happy with it.

    为了确保此环境符合您的标准,今天我们将这个项目推到资产商店,让您可以亲身体验,并开始尝试使用我们创建的道具。 作为一名前导师,我知道拥有很酷的资产来激发您的学生的价值是多么宝贵,所以我希望在我们对它感到满意后立即向您提供这些内容。

    We’d also like feedback on any bugs you find so please write a comment on this post or email me directly on will [at] unity3d dot com during this testing period. We’ll be adding more scripts, a few collision meshes and more sound effects but for now our only known bug is a lightmapping issue when opening on mac. So what are you waiting for? grab the project now and have a play with the lab!

    我们也希望就您发现的任何错误提供反馈,因此,在此测试期间,请在此文章上发表评论,或直接通过unity3d dot com向我发送电子邮件。 我们将添加更多的脚本,一些碰撞网格物体和更多的声音效果,但是目前,我们唯一已知的错误是在Mac上打开时的一个贴图问题。 那你还在等什么? 立即获取项目并与实验室一起玩!

    教程内容 (Tutorial Content)

    In terms of video tutorial content, we have our Beginner Editor, Physics and Scripting Lessons produced and on our staging site which is also currently mid-production. The Stealth game is our first larger ‘Project’ (as opposed to Lesson or Assignment, our smaller pieces of content), and is currently being pieced together by the team, ready to be recorded as video steps in the coming weeks. The game level is designed to teach you how to put together a game level in Unity, comprising a metal gear solid style ‘sneak em up’ with security cameras, guards, keycards and a battle bus! This project will help you learn about Character animation for player and enemies, Raycasting, Collision, Game logic and various other tips and tricks! We’ll have more to show of this soon, but for now here’s a sneaky peek at our main character.

    在视频教程内容方面,我们制作了“初学者编辑器”,“物理和脚本课程”,并在我们的登台站点(目前也处于中间制作)中。 隐形游戏是我们的第一个较大的“项目”(与“课程”或“作业”相反,是我们的较小内容),目前正由团队进行拼凑,准备在接下来的几周内记录为视频步骤。 游戏关卡旨在教您如何在Unity中组合游戏关卡,包括带有安全摄像头,警卫,钥匙卡和战车的金属齿轮实心“潜入”游戏! 该项目将帮助您了解玩家和敌人的角色动画,光线投射,碰撞,游戏逻辑以及其他各种技巧。 我们将很快对此进行更多展示,但现在这里是对我们主要角色的一个偷偷摸摸的窥探。

    We are also continuing to prototype other ways of teaching game development with Unity, and we’ll have more news on a piece of new tech we’re developing with schools in mind, towards Q2 of this year.


    For now, if you are a teacher at any level, we’d like to hear from you, and get your feedback on how we can better support you – drop me a line on will [at] unity3d dot com and we’ll add you to our database of tutors we’re compiling.

    现在,如果您是任何级别的老师,我们都希望收到您的来信,并获得您对我们如何更好地支持您的反馈–在unity3d dot com上给我留言,我们将添加您进入我们正在编译的导师数据库。

    翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/02/11/learn-unity-update-3-phase-1-and-lab-testing/

    unity update





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