

Are you looking for the best WordPress architecture theme for your firms’ website? There are so many WordPress themes out there that it becomes difficult to find a theme that would work for an architecture firm. In this article, we have hand-picked some of the best WordPress themes for architecture firms and businesses.

您是否在寻找适合您公司网站的最佳WordPress架构主题? WordPress主题太多了,以至于很难找到适合建筑公司的主题。 在本文中,我们为建筑公司和企业精心挑选了一些最佳的WordPress主题。

Best WordPress themes for architecture
使用WordPress建立您的建筑公司网站 (Building Your Architecture Firm Website with WordPress)

WordPress is a great platform for making a website for architecture business. It is flexible, easy to use, and gives you access to tons of professionally designed templates for your website.

WordPress是制作建筑业务网站的绝佳平台。 它是灵活的,易于使用的,并且使您可以访问大量专业设计的网站模板。

First, you need to make sure that you are using the right platform for site. A self-hosted WordPress.org site gives you the freedom to use all the features of WordPress.

首先,您需要确保使用正确的网站平台。 一个自托管的WordPress.org网站使您可以自由使用WordPress的所有功能。

You will need to sign up for a WordPress hosting account. All websites need hosting. It will be your website’s home on the internet.

您将需要注册一个WordPress托管帐户。 所有网站都需要托管。 这将是您网站的互联网主页。

You will also need a domain name. It will be your website’s address on the internet and what users will type in their browser to reach your site (example, wpbeginner.com).

您还将需要一个域名 。 这将是您网站在Internet上的地址,以及用户将在其浏览器中键入的内容以访问您的网站(例如,wpbeginner.com)。

We recommend using Bluehost. It is one of the largest hosting companies in the world and an official WordPress hosting partner.

我们建议使用Bluehost 。 它是世界上最大的托管公司之一,也是WordPress的官方托管合作伙伴。

Once you have signed up for hosting, you are now ready to install WordPress. Follow the instructions in our complete step by step guide on how to start a WordPress blog, and you will be up and running in no time.

注册托管后,就可以安装WordPress了 。 请按照我们完整的分步指南中有关如何启动WordPress博客的说明进行操作 ,您将很快就可以启动并运行。

After installing WordPress, it is time to choose a WordPress theme. Select a theme from our expert pick below.

安装WordPress之后,是时候选择WordPress主题了。 从下面的专家精选中选择一个主题。

Need help installing the theme? See our beginner’s guide on how to install a WordPress theme.

需要安装主题的帮助吗? 请参阅有关如何安装WordPress主题的初学者指南。

Having said that, let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress themes for architecture. This list contains both paid and free themes and all of them are mobile responsive.

话虽如此,让我们看一下一些关于架构的最佳WordPress主题。 此列表包含付费主题和免费主题,并且所有主题都是移动响应的。

1. Architecto (1. Architecto)


Architecto is a modern WordPress theme designed specifically for architecture firms. It comes with a modular homepage layout, built-in portfolio section, and multiple slider and blog styles.

Architecto是专门为建筑公司设计的现代WordPress主题。 它带有模块化的首页布局,内置的投资组合部分以及多种滑块和博客样式。

It also includes unlimited color variations, custom widgets, social media integration, and more. It ships with a drag and drop page builder and a slider plugin. It comes with an easy to use theme options panel to help you quickly setup your website.

它还包括无限的颜色变化,自定义小部件,社交媒体集成等。 它附带一个拖放页面构建器和一个滑块插件。 它带有易于使用的主题选项面板,可帮助您快速设置网站。

2.科恩 (2. Koehn)


Koehn is a beautifully crafted WordPress theme for architects, architecture firms, and businesses. It uses a large full width slider on the homepage followed by welcome message, projects, team members, and more.

Koehn是为建筑师,建筑公司和企业精心制作的WordPress主题。 它在首页上使用了一个较大的全角滑块,随后是欢迎消息,项目,团队成员等。

The homepage layout is fully widgetized allowing you to drag and drop content widgets to setup your homepage. Koehn includes several custom widgets for social media and content discovery features. It is also fully compatible with popular page builder plugins for WordPress.

主页布局已完全进行窗口小部件化,允许您拖放内容窗口小部件以设置主页。 Koehn包括一些用于社交媒体和内容发现功能的自定义小部件。 它也与流行的WordPress页面构建器插件完全兼容。

3.环境 (3. Ambiance)


Ambiance is a modern WordPress theme for architecture and interior design websites. It includes built-in sections to easily add services, portfolio, team members, and testimonials.

氛围是用于建筑和室内设计网站的现代WordPress主题。 它包括内置部分,可轻松添加服务, 产品组合 ,团队成员和推荐。

The homepage layout is made up of different sections that you can drag and drop. Other features include, flat icons, unlimited colors, homepage slider, custom social media widgets, and more.

主页布局由不同的部分组成,您可以拖放这些部分。 其他功能包括平面图标,无限颜色,主页滑块,自定义社交媒体小部件等。

4.模块 (4. Modules)


Modules is a modern sophisticated WordPress theme suitable for any kind of business. It is designed to be multipurpose and ships with multiple ready-made websites that you can install with 1-click.

模块是适用于任何类型业务的现代复杂WordPress主题。 它被设计为多功能的,并附带了多个现成的网站,您可以通过一键安装。

Modules allows you to easily create your own layouts by simply adding modules to a page. It has modules for your portfolio, testimonials, team, slider, and more. Each built-in layout is beautifully designed with elegant typography and gorgeous display of images.

通过模块,您只需将模块添加到页面即可轻松创建自己的布局。 它具有适合您的作品集, 推荐书 ,团队,滑块等的模块。 每个内置布局均经过精心设计,并带有优雅的版式和华丽的图像显示。

5.北 (5. North)


Need to showcase your projects more prominently? Check out North. This beautiful WordPress theme is designed to be used for photography or portfolio websites. The homepage layout prominently displays your latest work.

需要更突出地展示您的项目吗? 看看北。 这个美丽的WordPress主题设计用于摄影或投资组合网站 。 主页布局突出显示您的最新作品。

Attention to detail is even more noticeable on the single project pages where users can see more details. It is quite simple to use and comes with a getting started page to walk you through the setup.

在单个项目页面上,对细节的关注甚至更加明显,用户可以在其中看到更多细节。 它使用起来非常简单,并附带一个入门页面,可引导您完成设置。

6.巨石 (6. Megalith)


Megalith is a multipurpose WordPress theme suitable for construction and architecture websites. It has a modern homepage layout with large full width slider at top followed by a welcome message, services, and other sections.

Megalith是适用于建筑和建筑网站的多功能WordPress主题。 它具有现代的首页布局,顶部有较大的全角滑块,其后是欢迎消息,服务和其他部分。

It uses smooth transition and parallax effects on the homepage. It also ships with a drag and drop page builder and a slider plugin, which allows you to create your own page layouts if you need.

它在首页上使用平滑过渡和视差效果。 它还附带一个拖放页面构建器和一个滑块插件 ,该插件可让您根据需要创建自己的页面布局。

7.多莫斯 (7. Domus)


Domus is a flexible WordPress theme suitable for architecture, construction, and engineering businesses. It comes with an easy to use admin panel that helps you setup your website. It also includes sections to add your projects, team members, and photo galleries.

Domus是一种灵活的WordPress主题,适用于建筑,建筑和工程业务。 它带有易于使用的管理面板,可帮助您设置网站。 它还包括添加项目,团队成员和照片画廊的部分。

Domus is a WooCommerce ready theme and includes beautiful shop templates as well. Other features included are custom fonts, custom social media widgets, multiple homepage styles, page builder, and slider plugins.

Domus是支持WooCommerce的主题,并且还包括漂亮的商店模板。 包括的其他功能包括自定义字体,自定义社交媒体小部件,多种主页样式,页面构建器和滑块插件。

8.建筑 (8. Architekt)


Architekt is a purposefully designed WordPress theme for architecture and interior design businesses. It ships with multiple page layouts and a drag and drop page builder. It includes portfolio, events, testimonials, and photo galleries.

Architekt是专门为建筑和室内设计企业设计的WordPress主题。 它附带多个页面布局和一个拖放页面构建器。 它包括作品集,活动,推荐书和照相馆。

It comes with a beautiful admin panel allowing you to edit different theme modules. Among other features, you will find social media widgets, mega menu, unlimited colors, 1-click demo content, and more.

它带有一个漂亮的管理面板,可让您编辑不同的主题模块。 在其他功能中,您将找到社交媒体小部件,大型菜单,无限的颜色,一键式演示内容等。

9. Atmosphere Pro (9. Atmosphere Pro)

Atmosphere Pro

Atmosphere is a multipurpose WordPress theme with a spacious layout. Built on top of the rock solid foundation of the Genesis framework, this WooCommerce ready theme is perfect to build your architecture website.

Atmosphere是具有宽敞布局的多用途WordPress主题。 建立在Genesis框架的坚实基础之上,此WooCommerce就绪主题非常适合构建您的建筑网站。

It includes a widgetized homepage layout and an easy to use theme options panel. It also includes customizable header with custom logo support.

它包括一个小部件化的首页布局和一个易于使用的主题选项面板。 它还包括带有自定义徽标支持的可自定义标题。

10.婴儿床 (10. Cribs)


Cribs is a beautifully designed WordPress theme for interior design and architecture websites. It comes with a powerful drag and drop page builder plugin and several ready to use layouts.

婴儿床是设计精美的WordPress主题,适用于室内设计和建筑网站。 它带有一个功能强大的拖放页面构建器插件以及几个可立即使用的布局。

It includes 1-click demo installer, custom widgets for social media, unlimited colors, custom Google Maps and more.

它包括一键式演示安装程序,用于社交媒体的自定义窗口小部件,无限颜色,自定义Google Maps等。

11.在场 (11. Presence)


Presence is a powerful and highly flexible WordPress theme suitable for all kind of business websites. It ships with 10 ready to use demos that you can install with a click.

Presence是一个功能强大且高度灵活的WordPress主题,适用于各种商业网站。 它附带了10个随时可用的演示,您可以单击安装。

It also includes beautiful portfolio, post, and page layouts. It is WooCommerce ready and works with all popular page builder plugins.

它还包括精美的作品集,帖子和页面布局。 WooCommerce已准备就绪,可与所有流行的页面构建器插件一起使用。

12.波坦察 (12. Potenza)


Potenza is a one page WordPress theme suitable for an architecture firm. It ships with a fully widgetized homepage layout, where you just need to drag and drop content widgets to setup your website.

Potenza是适用于建筑公司的单页WordPress主题 。 它附带了完全窗口化的首页布局,您只需要拖放内容窗口小部件即可设置您的网站。

It includes custom background, images, animations, and parallax modules which will make your website truly stand out from the crowd.


13.万宝龙 (13. Montblanc)


MontBlanc is a multipurpose WordPress theme that is suitable for architecture and architects. Designed to be flexible, it includes lots of customization options, multiple layouts choices, and several homepage styles.

万宝龙是一个多用途的WordPress主题,适用于建筑和建筑师。 设计灵活,它包括许多自定义选项,多种布局选择和几种主页样式。

It can also be used as a one page theme. Inside you will find portfolio section, photo galleries, and built-in sliders with several display options to beautifully display your projects.

它也可以用作一页主题。 在内部,您可以找到作品集部分,照片库和带有多个显示选项的内置滑块,以精美地显示您的项目。

14. Hellomouse (14. Hellomouse)


Hellomouse is a WordPress portfolio theme with minimalist approach to style. It is designed to leave a strong first impression with your portfolio items displayed immediately after a welcome message.

Hellomouse是一个WordPress组合主题,其风格极简。 它的设计旨在在您收到欢迎消息后立即显示您的投资组合项目,从而给您留下深刻的第一印象。

It includes beautiful templates for pages, posts, photo galleries, and more. Inside you will also find multiple social media and content discovery widgets. All theme options can be easily setup using the live theme customizer.

它包括用于页面,帖子, 照片画廊等的漂亮模板。 在内部,您还将找到多个社交媒体和内容发现小部件。 可以使用实时主题定制器轻松设置所有主题选项。

15. Besty (15. Besty)


Besty is a free WordPress theme designed for architecture, design, and photography websites. It uses a four column layout for the blog page and a full screen header image on the homepage.

Besty是一个免费的WordPress主题,专为建筑,设计和摄影网站设计。 它对博客页面使用四列布局,并在主页上使用全屏标题图像。

It features a static sidebar on the left with your site’s logo, navigation menus, and social media buttons.


16.平衡 (16. Balance)


Balance is a modern and flexible WordPress theme for business websites. It features a sticky navigation menu at the top and a full width slider on the homepage.

平衡是用于商业网站的现代且灵活的WordPress主题。 它在顶部具有粘性导航菜单,在主页上具有全角滑块。

It includes 6 color schemes, unlimited customization options, and multiple blog layouts. Among social features, it has a full width Instagram section and a social profiles widget. Balance is WooCommerce ready and supports all popular page builder plugins.

它包括6种配色方案,无限的自定义选项以及多个博客布局。 在社交功能中,它具有全幅Instagram部分和一个社交个人资料小部件。 Balance已准备好WooCommerce,并支持所有流行的页面构建器插件。

17.镜头盖 (17. Lenscap)


Lenscap is an eCommerce ready WordPress theme suitable for any kind of website including architecture, design, and construction. It features an elegant layout with gorgeous typography. Its homepage includes a highly customizable featured content carousel.

Lenscap是适用于电子商务的WordPress主题,适用于任何类型的网站,包括建筑,设计和建筑。 它具有优雅的布局和华丽的版式。 它的主页包括一个高度可定制的特色内容轮播。

Lenscap also comes with engaging lightbox popup display for your photos. It includes multiple color schemes, and you can also create your own. It is quick and easy to setup with a handy setup guide that walks you through the whole process.

Lenscap还为您的照片配备了引人入胜的灯箱弹出显示。 它包括多种配色方案,您也可以创建自己的配色方案。 借助方便的设置指南,可以快速,轻松地进行设置,该指南将引导您完成整个过程。

18.绿色墨水 (18. Green Ink)

Green Ink

Green Ink is a free WordPress theme for businesses and startups. It comes with page builder integration, slider, portfolio, and full WooCommerce support.

绿色墨水是面向企业和初创企业的免费WordPress主题。 它带有页面构建器集成,滑块,产品组合以及完整的WooCommerce支持。

In also includes flexible customization options, unlimited color choices, custom widgets, multiple sidebars and page templates. All theme options can be easily set up using live theme customizer.

还包括灵活的自定义选项,无限的颜色选择,自定义小部件,多个侧边栏和页面模板。 可以使用实时主题定制器轻松设置所有主题选项。

19.真北 (19. True North)

True North

True North is another ideal choice for a WordPress architecture theme. This WordPress portfolio theme comes with a unique layout featuring your best work at the top. It comes with a powerful portfolio content type with beautiful templates to showcase your projects.

True North是WordPress架构主题的另一个理想选择。 此WordPress产品组合主题带有独特的布局,在顶部展示了您的最佳作品。 它带有功能强大的投资组合内容类型,带有漂亮的模板来展示您的项目。

Theme setup is easy with a custom options panel, custom widgets for Instagram, Twitter, and more.


20.丽亚 (20. Rhea)


Rhea is a free WordPress theme suitable for architecture and business websites. It can also be used as a single page WordPress theme. It features a full screen header with prominent call to action buttons.

Rhea是适用于建筑和商业网站的免费WordPress主题。 它也可以用作单页WordPress主题。 它具有全屏标题和醒目的号召性用语按钮。

It has parallax background support, portfolio content type, WooCommerce and supports WPML for multilingual websites.


21.超 (21. Ultra)


Ultra is a highly flexible WordPress multipurpose theme. It includes 8 ready made websites with demo content that can be installed with 1-click. You can then just replace the content and images with your own.

Ultra是高度灵活的WordPress多功能主题。 它包括8个现成的网站,这些网站带有演示内容,可通过单击一下安装。 然后,您可以只用自己的内容和图像替换。

You can also edit pages with the integrated page builder. It has built-in portfolio, services, team members, and events sections. Among other features, it includes animated counters, progress bars, slider, timeline, and WooCommerce support.

您也可以使用集成页面构建器来编辑页面。 它具有内置的作品集,服务,团队成员和事件部分。 除其他功能外,它还包括动画计数器,进度条,滑块,时间轴和WooCommerce支持。

22. Infinity Pro (22. Infinity Pro)

Infinity Pro

Infinity Pro is a stylish WordPress theme suitable for any kind of business. It is built on Genesis framework and features large header image with prominent call to action. It has a transparent menu on the top, which becomes sticky when users scroll.

Infinity Pro是一个时尚的WordPress主题,适用于任何类型的业务。 它基于Genesis框架构建,并具有大型标头图片和醒目的号召性用语。 它的顶部有一个透明菜单,当用户滚动时会变得很粘。

It has a widgetized homepage layout and comes with an easy theme options panel. It is easy and quick to set up using live theme customizer.

它具有微件化的首页布局,并带有一个简单的主题选项面板。 使用实时主题定制器可以轻松快捷地进行设置。

23.靛蓝 (23. Indigo)


Indigo is a stunningly beautiful and modern WordPress theme suitable for architecture, design, construction, and other businesses. It uses a modular approach to design and comes with built in modules to just drag and drop to build your own page layouts.

Indigo是一款非常漂亮且现代的WordPress主题,适用于建筑,设计,建筑和其他业务。 它使用模块化方法进行设计,并带有内置模块,只需拖放即可构建自己的页面布局。

It also includes multiple ready made websites that you can install and replace with your own images and content. Among other features, it offers WooCommerce support, Google fonts, icon fonts, slider, portfolio content type and more.

它还包括多个现成的网站,您可以安装它们并用自己的图像和内容替换。 除其他功能外,它还提供WooCommerce支持, Google字体 ,图标字体,滑块,组合内容类型等。

24. Creativo (24. Creativo)


Creativo is a powerful and beautifully designed multi-purpose WordPress theme perfect to build an architecture website. It includes ready made websites with 1-click demo content installer. It has multiple color schemes, layout styles, unlimited customizations and multiple header styles.

Creativo是一个功能强大且设计精美的多功能WordPress主题,非常适合构建建筑网站。 它包括带有一键式演示内容安装程序的现成网站。 它具有多种配色方案,布局样式,无限制的自定义和多种标题样式。

It ships with drag and drop page builder and two premium slider plugins. All theme options are easily setup using the powerful options panel.

它附带拖放页面构建器和两个高级滑块插件。 使用强大的选项面板,可以轻松设置所有主题选项。

25.单色 (25. Monochrome)


Looking for a minimalist modern WordPress architecture theme? Check out Monochrome. This beautifully designed theme is built on top of Genesis framework. It offers a distraction free layout with beautiful typography and a spacious layout.

寻找简约的现代WordPress建筑主题吗? 查看单色。 设计精美的主题基于Genesis框架。 它提供了无干扰的布局,并具有漂亮的字体和宽敞的布局。

It includes a widgetized home page, customizable header, live theme customizer support, and a theme options panel.


26.流星 (26. Meteor)


Meteor is a stylish WordPress theme suitable for architecture firms and portfolio websites. It includes grid, carousel, masonry, and blocks portfolio templates, allowing you to beautifully display your best work. It also allows you to choose different layouts for each single project in your portfolio.

流星是一种时尚的WordPress主题,适用于建筑公司和投资组合网站。 它包括网格,旋转木马,砖石和块状组合模板,使您可以精美地展示自己的最佳作品。 它还允许您为项目组合中的每个项目选择不同的布局。

It includes sections to add portfolio projects, services, and photo galleries. You can also choose from 4 layout styles for your posts.

它包括添加投资组合项目,服务和照相馆的部分。 您还可以从4种布局样式中进行选择。

27.高端 (27. Highend)


Highend is a powerful WordPress theme to create any kind of website. It includes a drag and drop page builder and comes with 16+ demo templates that you can use as a starting point.

Highend是创建任何类型网站的强大WordPress主题。 它包括一个拖放页面构建器,并带有16个以上的演示模板,您可以以此为起点。

It also includes beautiful templates for your portfolio, photo galleries, blog, and landing pages. It ships with premium slider plugin and full WooCommerce support.

它还包括用于您的作品集,图片库,博客和登录页面的漂亮模板。 它附带了高级滑块插件和完整的WooCommerce支持。

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress themes for your architecture website. You may also want to see our ultimate WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合您的体系结构网站的最佳WordPress主题。 您可能还希望查看针对初学者的终极WordPress SEO指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-wordpress-themes-for-architecture/






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