罗技Harmony One遥控器评论

A little over three years ago I finally solved my Universal Remote control problems with a Logitech Harmony 880. To this day, I still recommend it all the time. It's a great balance of functionality and a good price (as low as US$129).

大约三年前,我终于用Logitech Harmony 880解决了通用遥控器的问题。 直到今天,我仍然一直推荐它。 它在功能和价格(低至129美元)之间取得了很好的平衡。

"Why is the TV full? WHO is watching America's Next Top Model?"


However, the one Achille's Heel of the 880 was it's battery life (it gets weird memory) and the battery contacts. Sometimes it just doesn't touch the contacts in its cradle right, and I'll wake up the next day with a dead battery and a confused wife.

但是,880的一个致命弱点是它的电池寿命(它具有怪异的内存)和电池触点。 有时它只是没有碰到其通讯座中的触点,第二天,我会因为电池没电和妻子困惑而醒来。

"So, the TV goes on Input 3 but the Receiver is on Input 7? But what controls the volume? Why is the TV muted?"


Universal Remotes are all about the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) or SAF (Spouse Acceptance Factor). Whatever hell you've got yourself into in the setting up of your TV and "Media Area," you need to dig yourself out with a decent remote.

通用遥控器与WAF(妻子接受因子)或SAF(配偶接受因子)有关。 无论您在设置电视和“媒体区域”时遇到什么麻烦,都需要使用一个像样的遥控器来挖掘自己。

"How do I turn this thing on? YOU set it up! It says 'PC Load Letter'?"


My 880 solved these problems and was the only remote The Wife didn't despise. She was starting to get a little torqued with the battery life, so (gadget-using adsense-spender that I am) I've just replaced it this evening with the Logitech Harmony One.

我的880解决了这些问题,并且是唯一不偏爱的妻子。 她的电池寿命开始有点紧张,所以(我是用小工具使用adsense-spender的人)今天晚上我刚刚用Logitech Harmony One代替了它。

"Screw this, I'm using the TV in the spare room!"


I love the 880. It had a few problems, that I detailed in my review, but for the most part it was bangin'.  The software then was 4.3 and now it's on 7.4.3 and it runs in Vista x64, so you gotta give Logitech credit for not shutting me out based on my OS of choice.

我喜欢880。我在评论中详细介绍了它的一些问题,但在大多数情况下,它是bangin'。 当时的软件是4.3,现在是7.4.3,可以在Vista x64上运行,因此您必须给Logitech赞誉,不要因为我选择的操作系统而将我拒之门外。

"Where is the remote?"


My first concern was "How am I going to move my settings over?" I had this thing TRICKED out. It works. You configure the Logitech Remotes using a Wizard over USB. The remote shows up as a "Human Interface Device" to Vista, and I didn't have to install drivers for the new one.  It just used a generic driver, which was comforting. Works on Win2k, XP, Vista, and OS X.

我首先关心的是“我该如何移走设置?” 我把这个东西骗了。 有用。 您可以通过USB向导使用Logitech Remotes进行配置。 遥控器显示为Vista的“人机接口设备”,我不必为新设备安装驱动程序。 它只是使用了一个通用的驱动程序,令人很舒服。 在Win2k,XP,Vista和OS X上均可使用。

"Seriously, did you open the remote with a screwdriver?"


As soon as I logged into the software with my original remote's online login I noticed a button that said "Upgrade Remote." Sweet. It gave me the choice to keep this login and move my old settings to the new remote, minus some custom buttons I had done, OR start from scratch with a new login. I upgraded and the remote just worked. Everything as I had it, with brighter screen and upgraded graphics.

使用原始遥控器的在线登录名登录软件后,我注意到一个按钮,上面显示“ Upgrade Remote”。 甜。 它使我可以选择保留该登录名,并将旧设置移至新的遥控器,减去我已经做过的一些自定义按钮,或者从头开始创建新的登录名。 我升级了,遥控器就可以了。 一切如我所愿,具有更明亮的屏幕和升级的图形。

"I just want to watch TV. Come on!"


The software that you use to configure the device from your desktop is Activity-based, which makes non-technical spouses happy. You click "Watch TV" and "Play Xbox" and the remote figures it out. Here's the most important thing to grok about this remote. It does NOT use macros or record series of button presses. It's a smart state machine and knows what state each device is in and what codes to change states. This basic fact makes this remote SO much easier than the dance of IR codes I've programmed in the past.

您用于从桌面配置设备的软件是基于活动的,这使非技术配偶感到满意。 您单击“观看电视”和“播放Xbox”,然后遥控器会找出来。 关于此遥控器,这是最重要的事情。 它不使用宏或记录一系列按钮按下。 它是一个智能状态机,知道每个设备处于什么状态以及更改状态的代码。 这个基本事实使此远程SO比我过去编写的IR代码的操作容易得多。

"Where is the 'Denzel' button?"


You should be sure to use the "discrete" commands, meaning a separate IR code for ON and OFF rather than a Toggle, when possible. That way there's less state that can get out of whack. I was not able to do that complete because the Sharp Aquos doesn't have Discreet IR codes for the Input Menu, but if you get out of sync (perhaps someone walks in front of the remote while it's working) you just click HELP and it walks you through a wizard to get its state back. "Is the TV on? Is the Xbox on? etc..."

您应该确保使用“离散”命令,这意味着在可能的情况下使用单独的IR代码进行ON和OFF而不是Toggle。 这样,可以摆脱重创的状态就更少了。 我无法完成此操作,因为Sharp Aquos的输入菜单没有谨慎的IR代码,但是如果您不同步(也许有人在工作时走在遥控器前),则只需单击“帮助”即可引导您完成向导以恢复其状态。 “电视开着吗?Xbox开着吗?等等……”

There's a great site for Harmony Icons at http://www.iconharmony.com/. It includes hundreds of networks and channels, including many, many international channels so you're not left out if you're not in the US. I setup all the favorites on 4 pages:

http://www.iconharmony.com/上有一个关于Harmony Icons好网站。 它包含数百个网络和频道,包括许多国际频道,因此,如果您不在美国,就不会被排除在外。 我在4页上设置了所有收藏夹:


It's really incredibly simple to get the remote setup the way you want it. It'll handle 15 devices (I have 4) although your activities my not be device related. They might be "Listen to Radio" or "Watch CD." They can be configurable to you can create your own "Listen to XM Radio" or "Launch Media Center" if you like.

以您想要的方式进行远程设置确实非常简单。 尽管您的活动与设备无关,但它将处理15个设备(我有4个)。 它们可能是“收听广播”或“观看CD”。 它们可以配置,您可以根据需要创建自己的“收听XM Radio”或“启动媒体中心”。

"How much did that thing cost? Don't even tell me."


Why did I upgrade? There's a number of new features in this remote, other than the fact that it's been completely redesigned.

为什么要升级? 除了完全重新设计之外,此遥控器还有许多新功能。

  • Way better battery contacts. It's tight and unambiguous when it's on the charger.

    更好的电池接触方式。 放在充电器上时,它紧紧且清晰。
  • Completely new ergonomics. It feels a lot better.

    全新的人体工程学。 感觉好多了。
  • New button lay out. Buttons make more sense, they are organized in zones. Just look at the side-by-side. The 880 LOOKED cool but FELT weird. Can you find the volume controls on the remote on the right?

    新按钮布局。 按钮更具意义,它们按区域进行组织。 只是并排看。 880看起来很酷,但感觉很奇怪。 您可以在右侧的遥控器上找到音量控件吗?
  • Touch screen. Everyone tried to press the pictures on the 880, but it's not a touch screen! Instead, you press the tiny side buttons next to the picture. Meh. The Harmony One is touch screen for the big stuff.

    触摸屏。 每个人都试图按880上的图片,但这不是触摸屏! 相反,您可以按下图片旁边的微小侧面按钮。 嗯Harmony One是大物件的触摸屏。

I'm thrilled with the new remote.


"What have you done?! Where did this remote come from. Where's the other one? You keep changing stuff!"


The wife is happy too. I can tell.

妻子也很幸福。 我可以告诉。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/logitech-harmony-one-remote-control-review

Logitech罗技Harmony Remote 通用媒体遥控器最新应用软件。家电给人最大的简便莫过于遥控器的发明,以致于普及到所有家电产品,用用户躺着不动就可以操控所有电器,这就是科学为懒人服务的真实体现,虽然有待机浪费电的争论,但是对于很多人来说已经成为一种生活方式。 然而问题解决后总是有新的的问题出现——遥控器太多已经让很多人开始烦恼。通常一个家庭客厅茶几上最少有三个遥控器:电视机、DVD机、空调,如果家庭经济情况更好,往往还要多上一些例如音响、昂贵的风扇灯具遥控器等等。且不说是否方便,仅仅是占去茶几上很大的位置就不够好看,而且这样又不适合懒人的方式了。而罗技最新的Harmony 360多功能遥控器就可以解决这个问题。这是罗技为Xbox360量身定做的一款遥控器,也可以遥控其他家电。该遥控器支持罗技专利的Smart State技术,通过一键就可以遥控操作Xbox 360游戏机和其它附属功能,可以让Xbox 360用户在观看电影、欣赏音乐、观看高清晰度电视和其它各种家庭娱乐功能之间转换。罗技Harmony 360遥控器在制造过程当中预置了多种预编程功能,该遥控器除了支持对Xbox360的遥控以外,还可以支持全球3千多家厂商的10万种电子产品。它的设置是通过网络进行的,也就是必须安装Harmony 360的应用软件。罗技网站上有很多机器型号的编码,只需要设置完毕后下载到遥控器上即可。如果是网站上没有的,也可以根据提示自动匹配最相近的按键组




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